"Where are you going?" Derek asks his wife as he enters the trailer to see her packing.

"I'm leaving you. Divorce papers are signed and on the table." Addison says simply. She picks up her bag and moves to get passed him. "I'll get the rest of my stuff tomorrow."

Derek doesn't stop her. He doesn't say anything as she leaves. A year ago, hell even a few months ago, this would have made her upset. But she was going home to Meredith and nothing made her happier. She speeds the whole way and when she arrives at her girlfriend's house she practically runs inside.

"HONEY I'M HOME!" She calls. George looks at her like he is terrified. "What? George where's Mer?"

"Uh...in here Addison." Meredith calls from the living room. Addison enters, slightly worried by the odd behaviour. When she gets inside the room her jaw drops.

"Derek?" She gasps. "H….how….wh….why?"

"I'm here to see Meredith." Derek says calmly. "Why are YOU here?" Addison looks at Meredith and then back at Derek before settling her eyes on Meredith.

"Im here to see Meredith too." She whispers.

"Meredith is a bit busy tonight." Derek says suggestively as he reaches for the hits his hand away quickly.

"Yeah I am busy tonight. With Addie." She snaps. "So you can walk your sorry ass out of her so I can have hot sex with my girlfriend."

"What!?" Derek exclaims turning to look at his soon-to-be-exwife.

"I'm sorry Derek. Meredith and I are together." Addison says. "We've been together since prom."

"You are an adulterous bitch." He says pointing a Addison. "And you are a whore." He says pointing at Meredith before storming out. Meredith and Addison look at each other before breaking down into laughter.

A week later Meredith wakes up to an empty bed and a sick Addison. The redhead had been throwing up for the past few days. Meredith enters the bathroom and holds Addison's hair and rubs her back.

"Are you late?" Meredith asks her once she's finished.

"No its only 3 am I don't have to be to work until 6." Addison says as she finishes rinsing her mouth out.

"No Addie I mean your period. Are you late?" Meredith asks again. Addison thinks before she gasps.

"No. No I can't be…" She insists.

"Addie there's a test in cupboard. Take it." She says before exiting the room. Five minutes go by and Meredith sits on the bed patiently waiting for Addison to come back out. Finally she does and she's crying.

"It….was negative." She sobs. "I didn't want Derek's baby but I do want A baby and I….I just."

"Oh Addie come here." Meredith sooths pulling Addison to her. "We'll have a baby someday I promise okay?"

"Mer….I aborted Mark's baby in New York." Addison admits.

"It's okay honey." Meredith says rubbing Addie's back again. "I understand why you would have done that."

"Derek doesn't know." Addison says softly.

"I won't tell him. Come on babe let's get some sleep."

"Okay Mer. I love you."

"I love you too Adds. Don't worry someday we'll have a family."

A/N OH MY GOSH. I'm sorry it's been so long. Shout out to my Name twin (Addisonfanga) for the advice. Thanks lovely! I promise I'll do better!