Hijack week *throws confetti* Hooray! This ship sure has grown on me~
Anyways, here's the first chapter! 'Cuddling', I made it Pre-movie, since I couldn't be bothered to add Toothless :/
Jack sat on a tree branch, legs dangling over the side as he looked up at the clouds, a faint smile on his lips as he watched the snowflakes float down from the grey sky. It was one of those days where the snow would fall silently, gently coming down and creating a white blanket that hung across the island. It was a day just for the snow, and that's how Jack liked it.
The spirit sat in the trees until the sun began to rise up from the ocean, casting faint rays of light onto the untouched snow before the people of Berk woke up, slowly emerging from their house to see the snow that hadn't been they the night before. Jack watch as the adults went to their daily rituals and the children run out, covered from head to toe with fur coats and boots and other warm clothing as they ran to touch the pure white snow.
Jack waited for another hour, searching the faces from his stop on the tree, being able to see most of the village from the tall hill the tree sat on but found himself unable to see the person he was looking for. With his staff in hand, the spirit stood up and jumped into the sky, floating on the wind and he flew over the village, the person he so desperately wanted to see was nowhere in sight.
With a frustrated sigh, Jack turned and did one more lap around the village before heading towards the tallest hill in the village, heading towards the chief's house and landed silently onto the roof. Frost swirled around his feet as the winter spirit walked towards the closed window and grinned, grasping the icy metal handle before yanking it open.
"Hiccup!" Jack shouted and he leaned in through the window, making snow fall into the room as he hung, upside-down, from the window. Jack's grin disappeared slowly as he looked around the dark bedroom, all torches and candles cold as his pale eyes fell onto the bundle on Hiccup's bed. Blinking, Jack slowly moved out from the window, letting it close softly before he crept towards his bed, his eyes quickly wandering around the room with interest. Hiccup had never let him in his room before, and it surprised him to see dozens of drawings, sketches and plans where pinned to the wall.
When he reached the bed, Jack crouched down, his head tilting to the side and he reached up with his free hand and laid it on where Jack assumed Hiccup's shoulder was "Hic?"
The blanket shifted before it was slowly pulled away, a head of messy and damp auburn hair stuck to pale skin appeared as Hiccup peeked out from under his blanket, smiling weakly "Hey Jack" his voice was quiet and hoarse.
Jack winched slightly "Jeez Hiccup you looks awful"
The Viking glared before going into a coughing fit, his body giving a tremble as he coughed uncontrollably before burying his face into his pillow "Why are you here?"
"I'm here because you promise you would hang out with me today, I made it snow last night and you don't even bother to show up to see it!"
Hiccup glared at him "That's because I'm sick, ice-for-brains, I can barely walk in a straight line let alone go out in the snow"
Jack pouted, drumming his fingers on the side of Hiccup's bed as he sighed, looking downcast "So…I guess this so my fault?"
After stifling after painful coughing fit, Hiccup sniffed "What makes you say that?"
"Well I make it cold" Jack muttered, looking around the room once again as he sat down next to Hiccup's bed side, his legs crossed as his staff laid at his side "So I'm sort of the reason you're sick…right?"
Hiccup paused for a moment before nodding "Yeah" he muttered "I guess so"
Jack's eyes fell to the floor "Sorry"
Hiccup smiled softly before pulling his hand out from under his blanket to cup Jack's cheek, only for the spirit to jump at the contact "Jeez Hic, you're boiling"
Hiccup coughed, pulling his hand back to his chest and shifted in his bed "M'sorry"
Jack frowned, eyeing Hiccup for a moment a lay a gentle hand on the boy's forehead "You're really burning up"
Hiccup just nodded, looking at his hands as he blushed as Jack's fingers brushed the damp strands of hair from his forehead, his cooling fingers stroking it slowly. Hiccup let his eyes closed, leaning into Jack's touch, a faint smile on his lips. Jack stared at him for a moment, unsure of himself before a minute before he sighed loudly and stood up, withdrawing his hand from Hiccup's forehead as he pulled away the thin blanket from the boy's body before he slipped in next to him, slender arms hugging Hiccup as Jack pulled him close.
Hiccup froze at the sudden action; he and Jack hadn't even held hands or anything and yet the spirit was in his room with him, alone, in his bed, cuddling him. On a normal day Hiccup would be a nervous wreck, but thanks to the cold, Hiccup was more than happy to welcome in the cold that was jack; his sighed in content before burying his face into Jack's cloak, the frost biting at his skin lightly and fought the overpowering heat that was radiated off his fragile body. Jack laid their stiffly, unsure of what to do next before slowly relaxing until his arms were draped over the other's waist as his chin was resting against auburn hair.
They laid there, Hiccup curled up into Jack, his face buried in the spirit's chest as they sat in silence, the only sound Jack could hear was the faint sounds of Hiccup's breathing. Jack was sure Hiccup was asleep as the Viking laid limp next to him, not at all bothered about being stuck by Hiccup's side until he woke up until Hiccup turned his head upwards, his red face now just a bit pink as he smiled up at Jack with gratitude in his smile "Thanks Jack"
Jack smiled as Hiccup returned the Jack's chest, his hands holding onto the fabric of Jack's tunic as he yawned "You can go if you like, you know"
"And what? Leave you alone? No way" Jack muttered, tilting his head downwards slightly so his lips pressed against Hiccup's forehead "I'm fine here"
Hiccup soon fell asleep, cuddled against Jack as he breathed in and out softly; Jack smiled, letting his eyes closed as he listened to the sound. He could get use to this.
Well that was cheesy, hope no one's lactose-intolerant…
I'm trying to do Hijack week, since things are starting to get less hectic, but that doesn't mean I'll put 110% into every word, so..yeah…sorry this suck :P
Happy Hijack week everybody (and happy early Christmas too ^^ )