Chibs held his cell phone up to his ear as he leaned against the wall his knees feeling so weak. He was running on only a few hours of sleep and he was slowly beginning to run out of steam.

He walked past Filthy Phil whom was still standing guard outside Molly's hospital room, as he made his way over to a wide window looking out over the night sky and the hospital's parking lot.

He was still so on edge from Sheriff Roosevelt's visit to Molly early this afternoon.

It angered him to know that the sheriff was questioning Molly about this all, but he knew it was necessary.

He was just thankful that Molly had done so wonderfully. She'd played the role of a victim of mugging perfectly.

He hoped that Roosevelt would buy it and move on.

Chibs let out a shallow breath as the voice on the other line spoke. "How is she?"

"Fragile...I aint goin to lie to ya Jack she nearly fell apart last night. She's been restin most of the day. A friend of ours brought us up some hamburgers fer dinner. I got her to eat a bit...she's jus got no appetite though. She's in a lot of pain...she wanted to allow the miscarriage to happen naturally though so there isn't much the doctors can do to help her. They've given her some morphine through her IV to help her rest at least." Chibs admitted his heart aching to admit just how delicate Molly really was.

A voice in his head told him that Molly's brother would never forgive him for what had happened.

After all he'd promised the man that he'd take care of Molly. He'd sworn to Jack that nothing would ever hurt his little sister; especially Brian Parker.

At the end of the day Chibs had failed to keep that promise.

Chibs knew that the guilt of letting Molly's brother would eat him alive if he allowed it.

To be honest Chibs had found himself actually beginning to feel quite close to Jack Dupuis.

He had developed a strong respect for the way Jack was always looking out for Molly and Mason; always trying so hard to keep them safe.

It was clear that Jack loved his sisters so dearly. Jack would do anything for Molly and Candace.

The love Jack had for his family was more than enough for Chibs to see the man as a friend.

Chibs truly hadn't been looking forward to making this phone call. He knew though that Molly's family would never forgive him if he withheld all that had happened from them.

There really was no possible way to keep the truth from the Dupuis family. They'd known about Molly's pregnancy so it was only fair for them to know the truth about how that unborn child had been taken from them.

Chibs knew that Molly didn't have it in her to make this phone call. It would kill her to speak to her family, to tell them all that had happened. so Chibs was taking on the task for her.

He wasn't shocked to hear clear rage in Jack's voice as the man spoke. "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch. I should have killed him the day I found Molly beaten to a bloody pulp. I should have killed Brian for what he did to her...she's my baby sister for Christ's sake. It's supposed to be my job to protect her. I always swore to my dad that I'd look out for my sisters."

The man paused for a moment taking a deep ragged breath before he spoke again his voice cracking. "I should have stepped in a long time ago Chibs. I saw the way Brian treated Molly; controlling her, making her feel like shit, and just making her feel guilty for every mistake he made. Like it was her damn fault that he was such an ass. I should have done the right thing and beat the shit out of that bastard a long time ago. I should have protected Molly when I had the chance. I know it would have pissed her off...she was under Brian's spell for so long. I could have saved her and my nephew from so much pain though."

Chibs let out a heavy sigh not surprised to hear Jack falling apart. Chibs knew that Molly wouldn't want her brother to beat himself up over this.

She was always saying that Jack was too hard on himself. He took himself so seriously. He took on far too much and always tortured himself with guilt when things fell to pieces.

Jack had to grow up so fast when Micheal Dupuis killed himself. Jack had to grow up and be the man of the house when he was still only a child.

The task of being a man had turned an easy going little boy into an overworked adult who always seemed to be under some sort of stress rather it be from work or from dealing with Gloria Dupuis.

Chibs spoke up hoping that he could ease the man's rage. "Don't ya worry bout a thing. We've already got things set in motion to take care of this. Parker won't be a problem."

Chibs felt his stomach begin to churn as these words left his mouth. He prayed that letting Jack in on this was the right decision.

After all Jack had seen right through Chibs when he'd met him. The man knew that SAMCRO wasn't innocent. He knew just what his sister's fiance really was.

Chibs was still so thankful that Jack had been willing to put his reservations aside in favor of Molly's and Mason's happiness.

Chibs knew that Jack Dupuis had accepted him when common sense should have told him to hate him. He was forever thankful for the way Jack had welcomed him into the family.

Chibs could only hope that Jack understood that he had to let the MC take care of this and keep his mouth shut about it all. Jack had to understand that this was no longer a problem fit for the police. The police wouldn't allow Brian to suffer they way he should.

If anything Brian's money and ties would allow him to get off far too easy. He'd more than likely walk away with a slap on the wrist if the police were to be involved.

In this world if you had enough money you could get away with just about anything.

Chibs knew that for men like him justice had to be taken in ones own hands. He planned on giving his Molly and his Mason the justice they deserved.

He heard Jack let out a shallow series of breaths as he spoke his rage being replaced by concern. "Molly had to take care of Morris didn't she? I mean she had no choice but to shoot him?"

" was the only choice she had." Chibs agreed an icy chill running down his spine as he remembered finding Molly on the floor with that gun in her hands staring at Marcus Morris' corpse with a look of shock and horror on her face.

It was something Chibs had never once wanted in a million years. He had never wanted his sweet lass to know what it was like to kill a man.

He'd never wanted her to be forced to live with that burden.

Though it had been self defense Chibs knew that the fact that Molly had killed a man would haunt her for the rest of her life.

He leaned back against the window the cool glass sending a chill through his body as he spoke. "I'm goin to get her through this Jack. Her and Mason are goin to find a way to move past this. It might take a while but I'm not goin anywhere. I love the both of them with all my heart."

"I know Filip. Thank you for being there for them...I know my mom hasn't given you a fair shot. She's wrong though...You love my sister and my nephew. I know you make Molly happy. You've been good to her. You're a great guy." Jack remarked his voice still so broken.

Chibs let out a soft sigh knowing that he'd wanted so badly to hear these things from Molly's family. He'd never pictured Jack and he having this conversation like this though.

Chibs had thought that they'd have this talk at Molly and his wedding. He had hoped that Jack would come to Molly and he at the reception. That Molly would be able to hear Jack's complete acceptance.

Chibs knew it would have meant the world for Molly to have this moment with him.

It killed him to know that a moment like this was taking place at such a shitty time.

Chibs felt bile rise in the back of his throat at the thought of Gloria Dupuis.

The woman had hated him before he could only imagine how much she'd despise him now. He had the feeling Gloria would find a way to turn all that had happened on him.

Chibs wouldn't be shocked if Gloria blamed him for this. After all the woman had told Molly that he was nothing but trouble. She'd told Molly that he would be her downfall.

She shoved this thought far into the back of his mind as he spoke. "Can ya talk to yer family fer me...tell em all that's happened. I don't think Molly can handle makin the call."

"Yeah of course. I'll handle shit on this end. Just do one thing for me Filip. Make Brian Parker suffer for ever punch he threw my sister's way." Jack replied his voice picking up some rage once again.

"Aye I will. Ya can count on it. My brothers and I are goin ta take of this. That prick is goin to get all that he deserves." Chibs replied doing all he could to keep a lid on his rage as he tried to reassure Jack.

He was doing all he could to keep his rage in check until it came time to face Brian Parker. He felt that it was necessary to keep his anger in until he could take it all out on the bastard.

It felt as though it wouldn't be appropriate to let any of the anger and sorrow he felt out before facing the man. He almost felt like letting the emotions out before Brian was able to experience the brutal force of it all would be a waste. He wanted Brian to feel the full intensity of everything he felt.

Chibs wanted Brian to know Molly and his heartbreak. He wanted Brian Parker to know the pain Molly had felt all those years. He wanted the man to know the pain of that poor baby Molly had lost.

Chibs knew it might damn him to hell but he wanted Brian to suffer.

Chibs tried his best to convince himself that this action wouldn't damn him. After all he'd probably done enough things in his life to already be damned.

And at the end of the day Chibs wanted to believe that any god worth believing in would understand a person's need to protect their family.

He knew that surely God couldn't damn him for only trying to do what had to be done. God wouldn't see him as playing judge and jury would he?

Wasn't God a vengeful God? An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

Chibs knew that at the end of the day when killing Brian Parker was all over and done with he could pray to god for forgiveness just as he always prayed for forgiveness almost every night; though he hadn't been to confession in over a decade he was still a Catholic in his core.

Chibs knew however that if he were to lose Molly to Brian's cruelty knowing that he fully well could have stopped it then he would never forgive himself.

He would rather be forced to pray for forgiveness than live with the pain of regret for the rest of his days.

He shoved his cell into his jeans pocket saying nothing to Filthy Phil as he reentered Molly's hospital room.

The morphine Molly was receiving through a pump connected to her IV had allowed Molly some rest at least.

Molly slept comfortably her face looking relaxed and seemingly at peace.

He was pleased to find that though the room was still a bit gloomy and well hospitalish, at least the room was filled with the smell of flowers from all the bouquets that had been delivered. The room seemed a little brighter thanks to all the flowers, stuffed animals, and little get well cards.

He walked over to the window seal where all the gifts were spread out. He stared down at a get well card from sitting beside a bouquet of white roses both from Lyla. It was a bright little card with an umbrella standing underneath a rain cloud on the front of it. The words hope you get out from under the weather soon where printed in bright blue letters above the picture.

The card had put a smile on Molly's face and the little smile had meant the world to Chibs. The smile was a sign that she was feeling a little better. It was a step towards recovery.

The nurses had thankfully allowed Molly to change out of her hospital gown and into a nightgown this afternoon after she'd had a shower.

Molly was relieved to be nice and clean even though it'd meant using crappy hospital soap and shampoo and conditioner. Her hair felt frizzy and her skin felt a tiny bit dry but she was clean at least.

She was happy to put on one of the nightgowns Chibs had brought her; an oversized blue long-sleeved flannel gown. The nightgown was frumpy but so comfortable.

Chibs was so relieved to see that Molly no longer dressed in that horrible white hospital gown. The hospital gown had made her look so washed out; the white hospital gown against white bedsheets, pillows, and blankets. It had all made her look so pale that she was almost ghostly.

The blue nightgown had seemingly brought some color back to Molly's face making her look so much healthier.

Chibs sat on the chair beside Molly's bed his hand reaching out to envelope her limp one.

The touch woke Molly her eyes fluttering open as she slowly turned to face him. He spoke up doing his best to put a smile on his face despite the fact that he was still reeling from his conversation with Jack. "Hey there gorgeous."

She spoke her voice drowsy and a little slurred. "I feel all floaty."

He chuckled as he turned in the chair and reached out with his free hand smoothing back her hair. "Aye. Is that a bad thing?"

Molly laughed her voice cracking a little as she tried to focus though her drugged haze. "No. No it's actually pretty nice."

She paused for a moment her brow furrowing as she tilted her head to the side. "You look nice. You should wear your hair like that more often."

Chibs grinned at this comment knowing for a fact that his hair looked kind of crappy at the moment. His hair needed to be washed and he needed a decent brush and some pomade. His hair looked greasy and frizzed right now.

He pulled her hand up to his lips pressing a kiss to it as he responded trying not to laugh at her drugged observations. "Aye. Nice to see they gave ya the good stuff a thaisce."

She gave him a soft smile her eyes looking a little hazed over. "What? You look handsome. You always look handsome."

She paused reaching up with her free hand touching the overgrown stubble along his cheek. "You need to shave though. You're all prickly."

He leaned into her hand chuckling at her observation. "Aye won't be able to shave till tomorrow. Gemma's goin to come sit with ya while I drop by the house and pack myself and Mason a suitcase. I shoulda done it this mornin, but I had my hands full with Mason and yer bags...Plus I wanted ta get up to ya as soon as possible."

Molly pulled her hands away from him as she scooted over in the bed ignoring the shot of pain through her waist and pelvis. She opened her arms her voice still a little groggy as she spoke. "Lie with me."

Chibs wasted no time crawling into the narrow hospital bed beside her his arms gently encircling her waist. He rested his head on the pillow beside hers his body relaxing instantly.

She curled up against him his lips pressing to her temple as she spoke. "You called my brother?"

"Aye I did...I explained everything ta him, reassured him that I'm goin to take care of this fer ya." Chibs replied his lips pressing against her temple a last time as he spoke.

"How'd he handle it?" Molly asked knowing that Jack's reaction couldn't have been a calm one. Her brother was and had always been so overprotective of her.

The knowledge of anything happening to her would absolutely kill her brother, Molly knew that.

Chibs ran a hand through her hair doing his best to reassure her as he spoke up. "He was upset...worried sick bout ya and Mason. He knows I'm takin care of the both of ya though, knows yer my loves. I promised him we'd see him soon as this is all sorted out. He's goin to take care of tellin the rest of yer family. Promised he'd talk to yer ma fer us."

Molly nodded her head alleviated to know that she wouldn't be left with the task of talking to her family about all that had happened to her.

She hated the idea of admitting her pain to those she loved the most. She knew her family loved her so much, they worried about her being out here so far away.

She knew it would hurt her family so much to know that the man they hated more than anything had got to her. They would blame themselves for not being able to protect her.

She knew the loss of her baby would hurt them as well. Everyone but her mother had been so excited about the fact that their family was expanding through Molly and Chibs. They were grateful that Molly was finding some peace after enduring Brian's abuse.

The promise of a precious little baby was always such an exhilarating gleeful event for any family.

The loss would hurt and Molly wasn't ready to take on that pain.

She reached up running her hand along Chibs' cheek tracing the scar and the lines along his skin. "Have you checked in on Mason?"

Chibs gave her a soft smile as he thought back to the short conversation he'd had with Tara and Mason. "Aye he's havin a great time a thiasce. Tara got Abel and him sat down and they're makin ya some get well cards outta colored paper and craft stuff. Ya know how much Mason loves doin stuff like that. They ordered pizzas fer dinner. Tara got Abel and Mason somethin called Macaroni and Cheese pizza."

Molly smiled thankful to know that her little boy was having a nice time. She couldn't help but to crinkle her nose at the mention of the pizza though. "I happy to know he's having a calm night. That sounds disgusting though...Mac and Cheese on a pizza."

"Ah it could be pretty good ya know. Jus throw some hot sauce on it and It might be pretty tasty." Chibs remarked chuckling at the look of disgust on Molly's face at the mention of the strange pizza.

"And you wonder why you have indigestion." Molly remarked laughing at his insistence over the wonders of hot sauce.

Chibs had begun to eat a lot of hot sauce on his food when he had first come to the states. It was his way of sort of facing trial by fire when it came to adjusting to more seasoned American foods, but his stomach never did take it well. Now that he was getting older he suffered from heartburn more often than not.

They laid in silence for a moment before Chibs spoke again hoping that his statement didn't upset Molly. "Mason's worried ya won't be home in time fer Thanksgiving though."

Molly let out a soft sigh knowing that Mason had reasons to worry. Thanksgiving was next week. If this entire situation with Brian Parker wasn't taken care of by then than there was a distinct possibility that she might miss her first Thanksgiving at Gemma's house.

Chibs frowned spotting the flash of worry in Molly's eyes. He was quick to press his lips to hers as he reassured her. "If yer not ready to go home by then we'll jus have Thanksgivin up here, jus the three of us."

Molly let out a soft laugh trying to shake of her worries as she spoke up. "Oh hospital turkey and dressing...yum."

Chibs shook his head letting out a laugh. "Aye. We'll get Gemma to bring us up some plates of food in that case. Don't worry lass we'll have a good holiday no matter what."

Molly nodded her head hoping that he was right about that.

She was excited for her first Thanksgiving in Charming. She wanted it to be a happy memory surrounded by the people she loved. She didn't want to remember that she'd been in the hospital hooked up to an IV and a morphine pump in fear of her life and safety.

Though she'd always been in the hospital for less than twenty four hours she was already more than ready to go home. Though she'd been working in hospitals for a while now working in a hospital was a world away from actually being a patient in one.

She knew though that the hospital was the safest place for her right now. While Brian Parker still lived Molly knew she needed to stay somewhere where one could keep track of who came into contact with her. The hospital was a secure place. Though Molly hated being in the hospital she felt safe here.

Both Chibs and she began to drift off to sleep their bodies finally finding some peace after an intense day.

They were unfortunately both pulled from relaxation all too soon as Chibs' cell began to ring. Chibs let out a huff reluctantly pulling away from Molly as he fished his cell from his kutte pocket.

He let out a huff irritated that he was being pulled out of his relaxed state. "Hello."

"It's time brother. We have Parker." Tig replied quick to jump into business.

"Aye where?" Chibs replied his irritation disappearing as the need for revenge came to the forefront of his mind.

"Out at the second warehouse. We got him here. We got everything ya wanted. He's ready for you." Tig assured Chibs knowing that the warehouse was the perfect place for this to take place.

It was just a warehouse they kept for excess loads of firearms. The main warehouse held most of their stock, but the club found that having more than one warehouse was bentifetical. The Sons owned several buildings around the outskirts of town.

The small warehouse was a good investment. It was located well outside of city limits. It looked inconspicuous; just like an old wood barn that so happened to have a lock on it's entrance.

The warehouse was the perfect environment for what had to take place with Brian Parker.

Chibs took a deep breath preparing himself for what he was about to do. "Aye I'll be there in a minute."

He closed his flip phone shoving it back into the chest pocket of his kutte as he turned his eyes back to Molly.

She reached out placing a hand over his as she spoke struggling to place her thoughts. "It' it time? I mean you...they found him?"

"We found him." Chibs responded as she let her squeeze his hand.

Chibs bent his head down pulling her hand up to press a kiss to it as he tried to soothe her. "I'm goin to take care of this lass."

Molly nodded her head her mind going a mile a minute. She struggled to push back her anxieties as she spoke up needing the reassurance. "Be careful...Please Filip. I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you."

"Aye I know lass. Nothins goin to happen to me. I promise. I'm goin to fix this then I'm comin back to ya. We're goin to start our lives again love. I love ya Molly." He assured her pressing multiple kisses to her hand.

"I love you too." She replied doing everything she could to resist begging him to stay here with her.

She knew this had to be done. As much as she feared Chibs' safety she knew that he had to go out there and do this.

The only way Brian Parker would ever leave her alone is if he was dead. Chibs was going to make sure that happened.

Brian Parker sat on a stiff wooden chair in the dim warehouse bright lights from two nearby lamps shining down on him all too bright.

His arms were pulled behind him handcuffs on his wrists. His legs were zip tied down to the chair legs. There was duck tape over his mouth. His wide terrified eyes shifted around the room.

He was quickly beginning to realize just how dire his situation really was.

He'd already demanded to know just where Marcus Morris was more than a few times, but the two angry bikers who'd met him in that motel room weren't responding.

After Brian had been punched the second time by Happy, Tig had finally placed duck tape over Brian's mouth.

Tig moved about the warehouse a cigarette hanging from his lips as they waited for Chibs' arrival.

Tig knew that he wasn't exactly welcoming of Molly when she'd first come into SAMCRO's inner fold.

For the most part this had simply been out of jealousy. After all Tig had put a lot of work into trying to charm his way into Molly's pants. It had been a little insulting to Tig when she'd declined his offers. He'd taken it personally; it was a hit to his pride.

The hit had only been a little harder when Molly had gone on and chosen Chibs as a partner.

It had stung Tig and he'd taken it out by being wary of Molly.

It had become clear though to Tig that Molly and her child meant the world to Chibs.

Tig had realized that he had to put aside his wounded pride and learn to accept Molly's place in SAMCRO.

Tig saw helping Chibs through this entire process of getting his vengeance on the man who'd caused such harm to his old lady, as a way to make up for his previous judgments about Molly and Chibs' relationship.

Tig had to admit he'd begun to be fond of Molly and her boy and see them as part of SAMCRO's family. Mason was clearly an inquisitive energetic young boy. Tig had begun to grow just as fond of the child as he was of the two young Teller boys.

Happy found himself sitting in a near by chair his dark eyes locked on Brian Parker. Happy felt nothing but complete disgust for the frightened man.

Happy's own father Felix Lowman had been a lot like Brian Parker; cruel to his wife, abusive to those around him.

In Brian Happy saw his father. Happy was brought back to what it felt like to be a child seeing his mother Anna endure her husbands anger.

It was partially why Happy was so dedicated to his mother as an adult. He'd grown up seeing his beloved mother endure such pain from the man who was supposed to protect her.

When he was a child he'd promised himself that one day when he was big and strong he would make sure that no one ever hurt Anna Lowman again. And he'd kept that promise once he'd reached adulthood.

Felix Lowman was long dead but Happy still remembered the pain. Felix had been killed by a gunshot in a drunken brawl when Happy was about ten. Happy wouldn't lie he'd felt nothing but relief when his father had died.

Happy's painful childhood had made it easy for him to feel sympathy for Molly when Chibs had first revealed just how dangerous Brian Parker was.

This sympathy had only grown when Happy had realized Molly had a young son who'd witnessed this abuse.

Happy had been delighted to welcome Molly and Mason into this world even though he hadn't really expressed this joy on the outside.

He had a lot of admiration and respect for Molly. Because of his own background he knew just what horrible things a battered woman could experience.

It had meant more to Happy than he'd ever let on, that Molly had come to him to draw those two special tattoos up for her. Her trust in him had meant a great deal to Happy.

Happy had just as much love for Mason. He liked that the child had taken an interest in the inner workings of the garage.

Happy liked talking to Mason about the motorcycles around the garage and showing the boy how the bikes worked.

He was impressed that Mason was so attentive to everything he was shown. The boy asked questions and seemed to learn a great deal from what was shown to him.

Because of these things Happy was willing to go above and beyond to help Chibs protect both Molly and Mason. They were family and Happy wanted to help protect family.

Brain turned his wide eyes off towards the entrance to the warehouse as Chibs opened the door letting himself in.

Brain began to talk though he obviously struggled to speak against the tape placed over his mouth. He watched frightened as he recognized Chibs and fully realized just what was going to happen to him.

Chibs spoke as he gave both Tig and happy a tight hug. "Thank ya brothers."

Happy took his seat back ready to watch the show as Tig stood nearby his hand resting on his gun ready to act if Brian dared to step out of line.

Chibs glared down at Brain his eyes growing dark. "I warned ya to stay outta Charming."

He roughly ripped the tape from Brian's mouth tossing it aside. Brian spoke up his voice frantic. "You can't just do this to me. I have people in New Orleans who will notice I'm missing. I'm an important man. People will notice if I just disappear."

"I'll do whatever I want to ya, ya prick." Chibs spat back as he turned to the table Tig and Happy had sat up beside him.

It contained any tools Chibs might need to carry out Brian's torture; knives, several wrenches, and salt of course, a tape player, and a gun to finish the job.

Chibs spoke as he took in all that he had to work with. "So what was the plan? Ya come here and snatch up my old lady...or ya send yer friend to do the dirty work really? What'd ya plan to do with her? Ya knew she wasn't goin to jus go with ya. Ya had to know I wasn't jus gonna let her come get our boy and go anywhere with ya."

"He isn't your boy. He's my son you white trash asshole." Brian blurted out gaining a bit of courage.

Chibs rewarded Brian's courage with a series of swift punches to the face.

He glared down at Brian as the man spit out a mix of drool and blood the punches knocking his tooth loose. "That boy aint ever goin to be yers again. He's afraid of ya. Did ya know that? He thinks yer a monster fer hurtin his ma. Mason calls me daddy. I'm adoptin him as soon as I'm able. He'll be a Telford. Now answer my question. What was yer plan?"

Brain glared up at him as he took in Chibs' statement, the blood still pouring from his mouth. "I was goin to try to talk some damn sense into her. Let her know just how much I love her. She's my wife. I want my family back home with me. Where they belong."

"Ya don't love her. If ya did love her ya woulda never placed a finger tip on her to begin with. Ya don't treat the woman ya love like garbage. Molly and Mason are where they belong." Chibs replied taking everything he needed out of the pockets of his kutte.

He took a deep breath as he stared down at the two things he'd brought along with him; two copies of the ultrasound of Molly's and his precious poor love, and the tape of those doppler results; the baby's heartbeat.

"Where is my wife?" Brian spat out his eyes narrowing at Chibs as he struggled to see just what Chibs had placed out on the table.

Chibs punched Brian once again unable to stop himself. The fact that the bastard was still referring to Molly as his wife infuriated him.

Chibs let himself go punching Brian as hard as he could the biker rings he wore causing the punches to dig into Brian's skin and cut. "She's not yer wife. Get it through yer head. She divorced ya. She hates ya. Ya did nothin but hurt her. Ya left her broken."

Brian let out a cry of pain as Chibs finally pulled away. Chibs would have been perfectly happy to continue barraging the man with hits. He knew though that there was still much to do. He had to spread this pain out.

"Where's Marcus? How'd you even find out he'd taken Molly?" Brian dared to ask as he tried to focus through the pain in his beaten face.

Brian's right eye was beginning to swell from the punches Chibs had thrown his way.

"Molly killed Marcus. After he killed our baby...beat it right outta Molly." Chibs replied his eyes growing dark and his voice cracking as he explained.

Brian stared up at him his stomach rolling. He spoke up expressing his disbelief. "She wasn't pregnant. You're lying."

Chibs picked up the ultrasound copies shoving them in Brian's face. "This was our baby. Our sweet wee love. We were goin to name it Isla if it was a girl and Molly wanted to name it after me if it was a boy. She was due in June...June eighteenth. Now she's lying up there in a hospital bed misscarryin that baby. All she's done is cry since it happened. It's yer fault. Ya killed our baby."

"I didn't do anything. I didn't know. I didn't know anything about the baby." Brian cried out as he stared at the ultrasound, his voice growing panicked.

Chibs glared down at him his eyes filled with hatred. He slammed the ultrasound pictures back down on the table moving into the next part of his plans.

Chibs placed the doppler tape into the tape player he'd requested the sound of his baby's strong heart flling the room.

Chibs tightened his jaw at the sound. This was not what he'd pictured for the first time he played that tape out loud.

He ignored his brother's faces not wanting them to see his pain.

He ran his hand along the various weapons Happy had supplied for this. Chibs put on a pair of white latex gloves as he prepared for what was to come.

He picked up a hawk-bill dagger as he turned to face Brian. Brian widened his eyes as he stared down at the knife the blade shining against the light.

Chibs placed the knife against the collar of Brian's navy blue shirt causing the man to visibly swallow a lump in his throat. Chibs moved the knife downwards slicing the shirt wide open.

He pressed the knife against Brian's waist right above his top left rib. "I've seen the pictures of Molly ya know? The pictures yer maid took. Cora was her name righ? The maid? She was Molly's only real friend in that house. She was the one who firs found out what ya were doin to Molly. Saw the bruises? She talked Molly into takin photos of everything ya did to her. Molly showed me those pictures. I think ya hit her once here didn't ya? Probably hit her there more than once...I know when ya found out she was plannin on leavin ya ya kicked her here. Mason saw that didn't he? Cried out Don't hurt mommy."

He pushed the knife against Brian's skin slicing into it as Brian let out a cry of pain.

Chibs continued to talk as he gave Brian an identical wound on the other side of his waist. "Where'd ya hit Molly the first time? Do you remember? She does. Ya slapped her on the face didn't ya? All cause she was upset that ya weren't spendin the day at the park with Mason. She was mad that ya wanted to go to work and ya reacted by hittin her."

Chibs said nothing as he continued to cut into Brian's skin. He cut every place where Molly had been beaten and bruised.

Chibs had long ago memorized all those bruises on Molly's body. The photo evidence of that abuse had wormed it's way into Chibs' mind and haunted him.

Brian's cries of pain and screams only urged Chibs on as he cut and sliced.

He placed the bloody knife back down on the table. He picked up the salt shaker filling his hand with a heaping handful of salt making sure that Brian could see just what he was doing.

Brian began to beg his voice weak from all the screaming he'd done. "Please no. Please don't."

Chibs ignored his pleas as he rubbed the salt into Brian's wounds causing the man to let out a primal scream the salt causing the cuts to burn and sting.

Chibs waited until Brian's screams had silenced before he spoke again. "Why'd ya hurt her huh? Ya were supposed to love Molly, protect her. All you did for the past six years was hurt her and break every ounce of self worth she ever had."

Chibs turned back to he table picking up the gun that had been provided for this. He put the gun to Brian's head the man whimpering as Chibs spoke. "Tell me you're sorry. Tell me you're sorry for everything ya've done...that yer a piece of shite."

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." Brian replied sobbing hysterically as Chibs dug the gun against his head.

And with that Chibs pulled the trigger.; ending it for Molly.

Chibs stood in the chigger woods staring down at the massive hole Tig and Happy had helped him dig into the damp earth.

The Chigger Woods were called the chigger woods because of the pesky little bugs that wondered around in the messy overgrowth of the forest. The chigger bug could dig into your skin and bite. It really was a painful process.

The only way to kill the bugs and thus get rid of the welt like bites was to simply bathe your body with thick antisceptic soap.

The woods were a blessing to the Sons. It was a huge expanse of land perfect for getting rid of anything you didn't want to be found.

No one wanted to wonder the thick forest in risk of being bitten by bugs or attacked by wildlife.

No one wanted to buy the land and fix it up. It was too massive; too messy.

It was the perfect dumping ground.

It began to sprinkle as Tig and Happy tossed Brian's lifeless body down into the hole. Chibs glared down at the Brian's corpse the anger he felt still coursing through him.

Despite all the rage Chibs had allowed himself to enact out on the man he was still left with a feeling of emptiness and fury.

No Chibs hadn't expected his revenge to alleviate all that rage. He knew revenge didn't cure heartache. The emptiness would remain despite the cause of that pain disappearing.

The pain would haunt him. Chibs knew it would haunt him forever.

Brian had taken something so precious from Chibs. Chibs knew he just had to remember that so much more could have been taken.

He had to find a way to move past this pain. He'd promised Molly that once this was over they'd move on with their lives.

He had to move on in order to give his Molly and his sweet Mason some happiness.

The only way to move on was to let go. How was he going to be expected to help Molly let go of the past if he couldn't even force himself to do so.

He was pulled from his thoughts as Tig handed him a shovel giving him a quick pat on the back as he spoke. "Ready to fill this in brother?"

"Aye. I'm ready." Chibs replied as she shoveled the first bit of dirt over Brian Parker; over the past.

It was time to move on with his life. Molly, Mason, and he were going to move on.

They were going to move on from Brian Parker. Chibs would make sure of that.

To be Continued...

So this is the final chapter of this story. I will be writing a sequel though. The story will be titled Now That We're Here. The sequel will be about Molly, Mason, and Chibs moving on from the mess and fallback from what has happened with Brian Parker and trying to navigate their way through life as a family. It's going to be fluffy filled with plenty of family drama as well as the drama being stirred up around them from SAMCRO.

I hope all of you will join me in the sequel and continue to give me your wonderful feedback.