Jack walked out into the snow,
kicking at it and puffing out snowflakes. He was just so smooth. Who even says stuff like that. Poor Elsa must be so weirded out by him. He kicked the snow once more. "Ouch!" Came a noise from below. Jack looked around, alarmed. "Over hereeee!" Jack finally looked down and gasped, although he didn't know why because he's seen multiple strange things for the last day. Standing in front of him was a miniature snowman that reached up to his knees. "A talking snowman okay..."
"My name is Olaf!" Said the snowman joyfully.
"Nice to meet you?"
"It is nice! Have you met Elsa yet?"
"Elsa..? Is she that girl in the ice castle? I kinda met her I guess"
"She made me," Olaf said in so much awe that made Jack chuckle to himself. "Isn't she so pretty?"
"Uhm, yeah I mean, I guess so..." Said jack turning bright red.
Olaf sighed and lolled around like a lovesick rag-doll. Jack huffed and rolled his eyes, tugging at tufts of his silvery hair.
Elsa circled around the room frantically; either the loneliness was making her insane, or her childhood fantasies were coming back in a full-on hallucination. But he really had hugged her... She could still feel the warmth that radiated off of him, despite him being Jack Frost...
She walked over to the window and examined the snow which intruded on everyone's summer. A wave of guilt washed over her, I should've concealed it better, she thought.
"Yes my dear child you really should have, you don't do anything but cause trouble, don't you? Poor, poor Elsa..."
Elsa turned around, terrified. A man with gray sullen skin and sleepy dark eyes stared up at her; he was wearing a black cloak of shadows that tumbled off onto the ground and seemed to cascade and pull at her, making her dizzy and bring cold memories into her brain.
All of a sudden Elsa's surrounding were transformed into a scene where she was sound asleep in her bed at the palace where she used to live with her parents and Anna, her sister.
She saw Anna sneak into her room and try to wake her up at dawn. Elsa had tossed and turned, hoping Anna would leave her alone to sleep. Anna had leaned over her and whispered softly in her ear, "Do you want to build a snow man?" That did the trick. Elsa threw the covers off her legs and hurried into her fluffy slippers and into the gigantic abandoned ballroom of their home as Anna fumbled along behind her. Anna watched, her bright emerald eyes beckoning Elsa to do her talent. Elsa giggled and brought her hands up, covering the smooth marble floors with a thin layer of ice, she shot snow flakes up around them and brought them together making a small and round snowman. She created ice slides and all around her Anna was running and jumping all over the place. Elsa shot ice from under her feet and created a slide made of sleet from under Anna; she they both giggled with excitement and Anna squealed as the slide elevated. Then the cheerfulness on her face was replaced with utter terror as her feet stumbled and she lost control of herself. Elsa yelped and quickly shot out her hand; desperately trying anything to save her younger sister from the drop to the floor. The ice protruded out from her hand and hit her sister's head as she toppled onto the marble ground. Tears streamed down Elsa's cheeks as she ran to pick her sister off the ground. "Anna? Anna! Please wake up, Anna!" But just like Elsa remembered, there was no reply. She saw herself yelling her parent's names out, and them bursting through the large, gray doors with shock on their faces.
Suddenly the scene shifted and Elsa was sitting alone in her icy room, banned from interaction. There had been a knocking on her door; for what she didn't know. She had run to the door in hopes of her parents return from their long journey. But instead there stood a guard. "What is it? Is everything alright?" Elsa had exclaimed. No one ever came to speak to her, her parents had forbid it. Because she was dangerous. Because she had the power to cause harm. "I'm so sorry to have to tell you this, Elsa, but unfortunately, their highnesses have passed" he had said, his voice reeking of pity. Elsa remembered shedding tears at the time, but tears were also streaming down her face now. Her surrounding were once again in the present. She was back in her ice bedroom, the one she had built using her powers. The mysterious man in the shadow cloak was standing before her, an eery smile creeping up his worn out and hollow cheekbones. Elsa automatically knew that he was the one who had brought those terrible memories back to her. Those memories she tried pushing back to the inner recesses of her brain, so deeply buried she could've sworn they didn't exist anymore. The tears streamed down her face and dripped onto the floor where they froze. "Why would you show me that?" Elsa questioned as her shoulders shook.
"My dear, dear child. I'm just here to show you who you truly are. Who you are meant to be. You think you can 'conceal' this power you have?" He chuckled, his voice bellowing and vibrating around the ice. "Please, your power will never be concealed, it will only hurt everyone, only bring you despair and guilt, join me, I can make everything better..." He glanced over at Elsa, "Oh you poor thing, you don't need to look so glum, I'm just showing you that nothing good will come out of staying here, but me? I'm good, yes, I will... Help you."
Elsa started backing up, but the man inched forward. She bumped into the wall, yet he still came towards her. He lashed at her and grabbed her wrist. She squirmed in objection. She slowly brought up her free hand and flicked her wrist out at him causing ice to shoot out at him. He screamed in frustration as ice stabbed his abdomen. Dark fog tumbled off him thicker and faster, until it reached Elsa and enveloped her in darkness. She screamed at the top of her lungs in hope of someone hearing her. The shadows crept down her throat and seemed to swallow her whole. She thought she heard a male's voice that seemed vaguely familiar, but it could've been the lack of air causing her to imagine things. "Pitch Black" it said, then everything really did go pitch black for Elsa.