Disclaimer: I do not own either Once Upon a Time or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I am just playing with the characters

Co-Writer: MayhemPrincess

Also from chapter 3 on ward this is being RPed on Tumblr so if anyone is interested send me an ask(Tumblr) or PM(here)

Timeline: Post Cricket Game and 9 years post Chosen.


Looking around Regina studied the store she had just entered to stop for some much needed items for her new apartment given she had left Storybrooke a couple of days ago. When she had gotten to New York, she got a penthouse condo but some of the furniture that was in the condo was not what she wanted so she had gone out looking for a new couch and a new refrigerator. Shaking her head, Regina looked around to find a little boy around the age of four maybe five that had tears streaming down his cheeks. Gulping because this little boy just reminded her of her own son, Regina thought back to the last time she saw Henry which was only from her car's mirror.

Regina watched as Henry believed his birth mother about Archie's death. Even though she had no real reason to kill the cricket, she pulled away from the curb and drove to city hall. Poofing from the car into the sheriff station Regina lay two envelopes on the Sheriff's desk, one for Ms. Swan asking her to please give Henry her letter and telling the Sheriff that she was leaving town and for her to take care of her son. But also warning the Savior that magic can tamper with evidence after all Rumple, she and her mother knew how to shape shift. In her letter to Henry, she was apologizing for breaking his trust so much that he couldn't give her the benefit of the doubt, especially with the fact that if she had killed Archie, which she didn't, it would lose her him. It was giving him her new number and telling him she will love him till forever and always, even if he didn't love her anymore.

Coming out of her thoughts, Regina walked up to the boy as she kneeled down to his level asking, "Are you lost?"

The little boy looked up at her with mid to dark eyes that shined in tears as he answered, "I can't find my mama. She was wight hewe just a little bit ago." With a sniff he asked, "Will you help me find my mama, Pwetty Lady?"

Regina smiled at the boy already a little charmed by the name he called her. Standing up, she offered him her hand before leading him towards one of the registers to have them call for the boy's mother.

About halfway to the registers, a woman with chocolate colored hair turned the corner. The woman looked panicked and frantic as she called out, "Jace!" Regina watched as the woman moved quickly towards her and the boy.

Jace looked up at his mama's voice, "Mama!" Letting go of Regina's hand he ran at his mama. The woman scooped him up and held him with ease. Regina noticed that the woman's shirt was pulled taunt over her arms as the muscles flex from holding the boy. Regina hadn't expected the flash of desire from seeing the woman's defined muscles flex but there it was. Clearing her throat she turned to leave, when little Jace spoke up, "Mama you haves to meet someone."

The woman chuckled as a husky question was heard, "Do I?"

"Yup." With that the boy called out, "Pwetty lady!"

Regina turned back looking at matching dimpled grins as she replied, "yes?"

Jace giggled, "Pwetty Lady, this is my mama. Mama, this is Pwetty Lady."

With a snicker, the woman spoke in a husky low voice, "I wouldn't say pretty, more like Gorgeous." Offering her hand the woman introduced herself, "I'm Faith Lehane and this handsome ladies man in training is Jace."

Regina took Faith's hand to introduce herself but was stop short by Faith bringing the hand to her lips. Regina chuckled, "Suave, Ms. Lehane. My name is Regina Mills."

Faith grinned dimples and all as she replied, "Well I have to set an example for my boy here."

"Teaching him the ways to charm a lady hmm?"

"Of course, I can't trust his uncles to do it. Lord knows both are incredibly awkward with the fairer sex." Just then Faith's phone rang, looking down Faith noticed the number as Connor's, "Apologizes, It's one of my brothers."

Regina chuckled at the comment half wondering about the boy's father before replying, "It's fine. I'm just glad I could help." With that Regina finished heading to the registers to pay for the bed and fridge as well as shipping and instillation, when Faith had turned her back to take the call.

Jace watched Regina walk away while listening to his mama talk to his uncle. Faith voice soothing to the boy as he listened, "Junior, I found him. Go find Fang, we are good to go."

Faith turned back to offer to take the woman to dinner or at least get her number. Looking around, she watched as the sharply dressed beautiful woman step out into the eve. Faith shook her head thinking when did she, start feeling a pull towards a woman that would obviously want a relationship rather than a good time. She knew the last thing she needed was a relationship what with Angel and Connor to look after alongside her girls and the school that she was Headmistress too. But on top of that she knew most people can't stand to be in a relationship with a woman that had a son, what's more is that JD came first.

Still watching the woman she noticed something off with the person following her, Faith turned to Connor handing him JD saying, "Hold him, I need to check something." With that she was out the door.

Angel walked up saying, "Faith, where are you going?"

Both men follow as Faith left the store, the three had already paid when JD disappeared so their stuff was up front.

Faith had moved with as much speed as she could to try and catch up to the woman that had quite honestly sparked her interest but not to get her number as she would have original done but because the man following Regina had less than savory intentions.

Regina was walking passed an alley when she was pulled in by a man. The man grabbed her and pulled her into the alley. It was in this moment that Regina wished more than anything that she had her magic. But there wasn't anything she could do, right now but physically fight back.

Turning to the man, Regina found herself looking into a disfigured face of the man, "Oh my God!"

Faith rushed into the alley upon hearing the cry from Regina. Faith weaved between the two figures by slamming her hand into the vampire's chest. Regina was knocked aside by the man whose ring cut into her cheek. Regina watched as the woman she met in the store not only held her own but was beating the man that had to be two times Faith's size. Just then two men entered the alley with little Jace. Regina heard Faith call out, "Junior, Stake." Watching as the younger of the two tossed a sharp wooden plank to Faith. Keeping her eyes on the stake, Regina watched as it disappeared into the man's heart and just as Faith pulled it back out the man disintegrated right before her eyes. Alarmed Regina exclaimed, "What was that?"

Faith turned to the woman in slight apprehension, "Would you believe me if I said it was a trick of light?" Regina glared at Faith, and well Faith had to admit that the look on the woman's face sure was doing something to her; she really was a bit of a masochist because really that look should not be affecting her like it was.

Regina replied, "No, I would not believe you if you said that."

Before the woman could rip into her, Faith noticed Jace wiggle his way out of Connor's hold. The little boy walked over to Regina and prompted her to pick him up by raising his arms. Regina looked down before scooping the boy up. Not expecting the next thing that happened being that the boy lightly touched her cheek. The boy spoke, "Pwetty Lady, yous is hurt." Turning to look at his mama he added, "Mama kisses boo-boo better?"

Regina felt her heart rate pick up at the thought of the other woman doing such a thing. Faith on the other hand had to fight not to bite her hand given she so wanted to do what her son suggested and not just for the cut but for the pain that lurked in the woman's eyes. She internally rolled her eyes at herself thinking, 'when did I become such a sap.' Out loud Faith spoke, "Hey JD, why don't you do that for me, buddy."

Regina felt the little boy kiss her cheek near the cut. There was a pain in her chest as she momentarily thought of Henry who used to do the same thing when he was younger. Smiling down at the boy in her arms Regina spoke, "thank you, dear."

Faith smiled before suggesting, "Maybe we should have this conversation in private and not out here in the dark." Faith shrugged sheepishly when Regina did glare at her again but Faith offered the woman her arm seemed to help soften the glare. Faith couldn't help but think this conversation could very well scare the woman away and she really didn't want that.

It had been a couple of days since the alley fiasco and Faith was back in her office at the Dormer School for Troubled Girls. In the past 9 years since the great awakening, the Scoobies, the Fang Gang, Giles and herself had worked together to open as many schools to teach the newly awoken Slayer how to use their powers and blend into society so that they don't draw the attention of people that would exploit them or experiment on them. Faith's branch of the schools dedicated to lost loved ones was where the girls that just couldn't mesh well in the other schools came. It was for girls that had backgrounds similar to her own as well as girls that had potential that the others couldn't see because of walls or masks taught to the girls to wear at early ages.

Faith tried like hell to focus on the school's budget but she couldn't stop her mind going back to the woman she met. God who was this woman to mess with her head like this, Faith didn't even know much about the woman except that JD adored her, the woman was gorgeous and a complete unknown.

There was a knock at her door, without looking up Faith called out, "Enter." The school was ward-ed against ill intent and honestly no creature of the night could enter because Willow approved of each school into her magical protection network. The door opened and the sound of heels on her hardwood floor had Faith's head come up. None of the girls or staff wore heels because of what they have to teach and learn made heels a hindrance. The only people that would enter her office in heels were B and Little D, one who she hasn't talked to in 4+ years before JD's birth while the other only called to avoid picking a side. But Faith knew Giles would have given her the heads up if either Summers' woman showed up in her school. So looking up to see the beautiful Regina Mills shocked Faith from her chair.

Regina had gone to the address that had been on the business card that Faith left with her after internally panicking and freaking about this world no longer being a world without magic. She had run into a young red head when looking for Faith's office. Regina hadn't expected the other woman to be Headmistress of the school but she found that she didn't mind the idea.

Faith cleared her throat, "Ms. Mills, what brings you here?"

Regina raised her eyebrow at the formality given how the other woman had interacted with her upon first meeting, "I would much like to speak with you."

Faith gestured to the couch in her office before offering, "Would you like anything to drink?"

"I'm fine."

Faith muttered, "That's an understatement." Upon hearing Regina chuckle, Faith realized the woman had heard her comment.

The two sat in silence for what seemed like hours when it was only moments. Faith worried that Regina was coming to tell her that she just couldn't handle everything she learned. When Regina broke the silence with, "I would like to learn to defend myself," that was not what Faith was expect.

It was Regina's third visit to the school but her second training day. The two had decided to meet two times a week for full days where in the morning they would run Regina through physical training then after lunch the two would retire into Faith's office with some of the older books so that Regina could get better information than what she had found in that sorry excuse for a magic shop. The shop reminding her too much of Rumple's shop back in Storybrooke, while Regina liked learning and reading from the tombs, she found that she liked the physical workout just as much. Though that may be more because of Faith having a habit of correcting her stance physically, she hadn't felt this instant draw with a person ever. Sure Regina had found the Savior attractive but there had been instances that dealt with Henry and that fight. With Daniel it had to be secret, so Regina never got to have the easy repertoire that she seemed to find with Faith.

Regina was met with Violet 'Vi' McGregor the Deputy Headmistress of the school, "Hi, Ms. Mills. Faith's back in the main training area with some of the girls. Two of them got into it, and well Faith really is the best at breaking stuff up."

Regina nodded as she followed the red-headed woman back. They got there in time to hear Faith's voice carry out of the room, "What were you thinking?!"

Upon entering they found Faith standing in a tight tank top and sweat pants in-betweens two girls that had their heads down. The girls looked ashamed and downtrodden at the reprisal.

"Sorry Ms. Lehane." Both girls spoke in unison.

Faith looked at them before speaking softly, "The reason I'm disappointed is because you girls were sent here because no one seems to see the potential in each and every one of you like I do. I know what each and every one of you have been through." Looking at them all she continued, "Why do you think the best slayers come from here? Any one try to tell you differently is lying. Giles himself has said that 45% of the best slayers come from me, 25% from Buffy Summers, 15% from Robin Wood, and 10% from Willow Rosenberg and Alexander Harris."

Faith placed her hand on each shoulder of the girls, "You know why? Because I don't give up on you girls like others have done in the past. What's more is that I teach each and every one of you how to defend yourself even if it means fighting dirty. I want each of you to live way past me. So for me to come in here to find you fighting over a BOY of all things is… something I would have expected from Buffy's girls not mine. I understand that your last schools and houses let you get away with a lot because they didn't know how to deal with you but make no mistake, I won't." With that Faith dismissed them and turned to find Regina and Vi in the doorway, "Vi make sure the girls that were fighting get proper disciplinary assignments please."

Vi nodded before leading the girls out of the training room. Each of the girls nodded or said hello as they passed Regina. Every one of the girls had seen the woman that was working one on one with their headmistress.

Faith closed her eyes as the slayers trickled out of the room. Regina watching the other woman noticed the slight sag in shoulders. Speaking up, "We can skip the physical aspect today if you would wish too."

Faith felt a slight smirk cross her lips as she replied, "And miss the chance to have my hands on you, never."

Regina chuckled given it had been quite awhile since anyone kept up with witty banter with her that was all in good fun rather than harsh slings of insults. "Hmm, is that why you agreed to condition me?"

Faith stalked closer until she was toe to toe with Regina. Bringing her hand to stroke Regina's cheek, Faith locked eyes replying, "No, but it is quite the bonus for me."

Regina gave a sharp inhale that broke the moment. The two shifted apart as Faith ran her through the warm ups.

Over the next week Regina picked up more time to spend with Faith, she even set about working on the school's budget when one afternoon Regina heard Faith's side of the conversation about it.

Faith sighed, "Giles, I will work it out." She paused, "I'll find someone to figure out the budget if I have too." Regina glanced over and watched as Faith ran her hand through her hair before saying, "I will call you in a couple of days about this Giles." Another pause, "Right, bye."

Faith dropped her head into her hands before turning to her guest, "I'm sorry. I-I'm not the best with balancing the budget but Giles lets me stay on as Headmistress because I churn out the highest survival rate for Slayers. Plus I know the others don't want to deal with my girls."

Regina listened before offering, "I was Mayor up until a couple of months ago in my hometown, maybe I could look over your budget."

"You don't hav-"

"I want to."

So here she was outside Faith's quarters with her fist raised to knock. Just then the door opened suddenly, there standing before her was the younger of the two men from the alleyway. Regina cleared her throat, "I'm here to talk with Faith about the budget."

A voice called out from farther in, "Connor, let her in." Being allowed in by Connor when it was obvious to Regina that the young man didn't want too was all because of the other man.

Angel introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Angel Lehane." Gesturing to Connor, "that's Connor."

"Regina Mills"

Angel gave a semi predatorily grin as he spoke, "Now Ms. Mills, I'm speaking as a brother here. You see I was in the alley that night I saw how my sister and nephew became quite taken with you."

Connor cut in with a snide voice, "If you hurt Faith, I will make sure they never find the body."

Regina turned to the younger man with a glare reminiscent of her 'Evil Queen' days, "I would be very car-"

JD ran into the room, "Pwetty Lady! Come, Mama's in the playwoom." The little boy grabbed her hand and pulled her further into the house with Connor glaring after them and Angel just shaking his head thinking 'this woman may just be what Faith needs'. The playroom as Regina quickly learned was in fact an in-home training room. She saw many child elements in the room. Looking around, Regina found Faith hanging from a bar upside down. She felt her mouth go dry as when Faith stop to hang for a second the woman's shirt fell to expose her sports bra and much defined abs. Regina bit her lip to stop the sound that wanted to pass at the exposed form when she noticed a scar on Faith's stomach.

Faith open's her eyes to see an obviously aroused woman standing next to her son. Seeing Regina standing there caused Faith to pull herself up then flip off the bar. "Hey."

Regina swallowed the desire and arouse as she replied, "Hello dear, done for now?" Letting go of JD's hand Regina opened the folder to give her something besides Faith to look at, "So I have some possible work ups for your budget here if you would like to go over them."

On a Friday night, Faith, Regina and JD were gathered around the television in Regina's condo. Laid out in front of the three was a large array of Disney movies. Regina was somewhat praying that they didn't watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

JD picked up Snow White before turning to Regina, "Pwease, Mama doesn't lets me watch this and I's wants too."

Faith sighed, "Jacey you know why I don't." At Regina's raised eyebrow, "It shows a bad image of women being damsels in distress whereas Mulan doesn't or the Lion King that is just good fun. Not to mention that Charming comes off as a bit of a pervert kissing a comatose woman he doesn't actually know."

Regina was internally laughing like crazy at the idea that the Shepard boy being considered a pervert. "Well I don't mind mocking it if you want to."

Faith chuckled, "Okay, JD put it in." The four year old cheered as he put the movie into the player. Throughout the movie Faith and Regina did a quiet commentary that caused JD to be more focused on the two women than the movie. The little boy lost interest about a third into the movie and found his mama and his pretty lady's comments far more entertaining.

Regina muttered, "I will always find you, disgusting."

Faith tilted her head before commenting, "You know Disney really dropped the ball with the Queen."


"Well yeah, the character could have been ten times more complex than the 2D villain on screen."

Regina blinked, "Go on."

Faith shrugged, "I mean vanity is one thing but that type of varicosity to go after someone like that, there has to be some serious baggage and betrayal and looks don't cover that."

Regina hummed in agreement. Very close to the end of the movie, Faith made a passing comment of, "You know the Grimm's story had the Queen's death much worse than just falling off a cliff."

Regina felt torn because yes she did want to know how this world dealt with her but from Faith's comment it sounded much worse than she would expect. "How did the Queen die in the Grimm's tale?"

Faith looked over noticing the stricken look on Regina's face but not knowing the reason answered low enough for JD not to hear, "She was made to dance to death in iron shoes on hot coals… and I'm getting that I should stop talking." Faith chuckled nervously not fully understanding the look of pure horror on the other woman's face but knowing she should stop talking.

Regina cleared her throat before speaking, "Well that is… how about another movie." The rest of the time was spent unconsciously cuddling of the three as they watched two more movies.

"It's late, Faith. Stay." Regina spoke softly, "Leaving now would be dangerous."

Faith sighed, "Alright, I just didn't want to be a bother." With that they lay JD down in the guest room before sharing a night cap and Faith asked, "Knowing that you were formerly a Mayor I have to ask, do you or did you have kids because you are amazing with JD."

Regina took a deep breath before answering, "I do. I have an 11 year old son. But he found out he was adopted and well our relationship got complicated."

"How so?"

"He went to find his birth mother, she because the town sheriff, and I was accused of murder even though I was being framed."

Faith pulled Regina into a hug and it wasn't until the woman was in her arms before Faith started to think it wasn't her brightest idea, yes the woman needed to be comforted but Faith knew her attraction to Regina was getting stronger daily. Regina on the other hand fought not to completely melt into the hold, while resting her forehead on Faith's shoulder. Both fought not to push it farther because really they both have been burned by relationships in the past, Faith with Wood not wanting her to keep JD and Regina with Daniel's death.

It was the middle of the week after the Disney night that found Faith and Regina in a compromising embrace, when Giles walked in.

Faith and Regina had been moving through some of the simpler Tai chi moves, that had Faith pressed lightly against Regina's back. The two didn't notice that the girls had been spying and apparently placing bets on when the two would finally kiss.

One of the moves forced Regina to turn and face Faith, looking up into the other woman's face caused her breath to catch as she found Faith's face peaceful and eyes closed. The slight noise caused Faith to open her eyes looking into the eyes before her. Faith felt herself draw forward as Regina leaned in as well. Moments before their lips touched there was someone clearing their throat from the doorway.

Both women sharply turned their heads to find Giles standing there with JD in his arms. JD giggled calling out, "Mama, Gwampy's here."

Faith cleared her throat and stepped smoothly away from Regina as she answered her son, "I see that Bub." Looking to Giles asking, "What can I do for you Giles?"

Regina remembered the older gentleman pulling Faith aside to talk but now he was walking with her, as both Faith and JD were glancing back warily as the two Lehanes lead the way to Faith's office.

Giles spoke softly so that only the woman beside him could hear, "I received a call from Connor about a woman getting closer than the young man would like with his sister and nephew. Then I received a well balanced budget for the school here, which I know Faith couldn't have done because past budget sheets she sent me still had some mistakes but this one was thorough and without mistakes. Next another call this time from Violet telling about how happy she is that Faith is getting another chance at love."

Regina tensed, "I do not know what her brother or Ms. McGregor think is happening but Fai-"

Giles chuckled, "Ms Mills was it?" at her nod he continued, "I want Faith happy. What I saw was Faith finally letting herself open up to another person after how her last relationship ended."

"What do you mean?"

"Did Faith tell you about Jace's father?"

Regina looked forward to see the light mocha skinned boy wave happily to her and Giles. She swallowed before replying, "She mentioned that they aren't together because of different opinions on something."

Giles pulled his glasses off to clean them before telling her, "Robin didn't want to bring a child into this world after he was orphaned by his mother being killed in the line of duty…"

Faith voice caused both to jump as she added, "Wood lost his mother because she was a Slayer in a time when they only came one at a time. That argument while understandable was not enough for me to get rid of or give up my boy. I had told Wood that now would be different because I wouldn't be in the field as much but he didn't want it."

Regina looked shocked, "Who wouldn't want Jace?"

Faith sighed, "Wood never met him." Looking towards Giles she added, "And if I had my way he never will."

Giles dipped his head in understanding, "Faith, he will never learn about Jace from me."

Regina watched how the two seemed to mirror one another's stance. She could see how the two seemed to share a close though not as close as they would like relationship. Regina could also see the parental like pride in the man's eyes when he looked upon Faith.

Over the course of the next couple of days, Giles silently observed Faith with Ms Mills seeing what has Vi so excited and after the conversation about Robin he could see that Ms Mills was just as taken with JD as everyone that knew him his entire life.

Giles sat quietly in the kitchen of the Lehane's quarters watching as Ms Mills was showing Faith how to make homemade dough for an Apple Pie. He made sure that he had his book in hand as he watched as Faith goes to dip her finger into the apple filling.

Regina brought the spoon down to tap away Faith's hand only to find her hand and spoon all encased by Faith's hand. The radio was playing an upbeat song that she didn't quite know. Regina felt herself twirled. The hand without the wooden spoon came up to stop her from crashing into Faith but ended up landing over Faith's heart. Looking up, Regina saw a challenge in dark eyes as if daring her to dance with her.

Faith felt Regina relax in the hold Faith twisted the spoon out of Regina's hand before leading the woman in an impromptu dance. Faith had taken a liking to Sara Bareilles that when the artists newest song came on Faith couldn't help but sing along quietly, "Nothing's gonna hurt you the way the words do.." Faith could understand the irony this song had for her because for the longest time she would keep most of her thoughts in. "Everybody's been there; everybody's been stared down by the enemy…"

Regina closed her eyes and allowed herself to be led through the dance as she listened both to the words in the song as well as Faith's voice as she sang along to it.

JD and Giles watched the two women seem to fall into their own world. JD giggled because his Pretty Lady and his Mama moved as if they have always done so. While Giles noticed the way both women seemed to accept each other even without knowing everything about one another. He could see how Ms Mills seemed just as broken as his 'daughter'. So maybe they could fix one another.

Giles came out of his thoughts in time to hear Faith ask, which only if you knew her could you hear the slight nerves in the question, Ms Mills, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Regina looked into Faith's eyes seeing some nerves but an honest desire for the date, "That depends, what would this date include?"

JD answered before his mama could, "ZOO!"

Faith chuckled as Regina's hand let go of Faith's to come up and stroke at the exposed dimple, "If you don't mind having JD there then the Zoo maybe a movie."

"I would never mind him being there."

Faith teased, "Oh I see, going on this date with me so that you can get a 'date' with my boy huh?"

Regina's eyes glinted with mischief as she replied, "Of course." She then moved the hand that had been resting over Faith heart up behind the other woman's neck. Not caring about the small audience that they had, Regina gave a slight tug forward. Their lips met in that first kiss before Regina pulled back answering, "Yes, I would love to go on a date with you."

Today marked it being a month since Regina had left Storybrooke, which also happens to be Faith and hers first date.

That morning Regina had spent a good hour and a half picking out an outfit that was comfortable but looked good, only to have her coat get soaked from being splashed in the penguin exhibit what ended up worse was that when they were in the bird house, she got bird poop on her shoulder. So here she was wearing a shirt that said "Zoo York" basically swimming in Faith's leather jacket all while the other woman walked around in a hoodie that had the Boston Red Soxs on it.

Regina grumbled, "I look ridiculous." There was a slight humor to this even with her coat and blouse in the plastic bag Faith was carrying.

Faith glanced sideways, "Actually you look adorable."

Regina huffed before laughing, "You would say that."

Faith grinned dimples full out as she turned to the other woman, "Hey now even JD agrees with me," looking up at her son on her shoulders asking, "Right buddy?"

JD gave an identical dimpled smile as his mama as he replied, "Wight!"

Regina shakes her head at the two but before she could say anything a voice she hadn't heard in a month spoke from her left, "Mom?"

Turning towards the voice, Regina saw Henry standing next to Rumple, "Henry?"