Chili: EPIC CUPCAKE TIME! I'm Chili! This is Ash, but right now hes Ashura mc cool!
Ash: *has cool shades on* YOU KNOW!
Chili: And today, we're gonna show you how to make crazy cupcakes! *short pause* Called Pikachu Sparkle... (yay!) its about to get magical... *gets out a jar of rainbow juice* Got my magnamum rainbow juice here, about to change the friendship game! Whatcha know about sugar comas?!
Ash: Uhhhh yeah...
Chili: Just got back from Cress' place, and stole five bags of sugar... now we're gonna use it! *pouring the sugar in a bowl* More sugar... more sugar... MORE SUGAR! *looks crosseyed*
Ash: Uh Chili... thats a lot of sugar...
Chili: Now the flour! This ain't your mother's medicine! *blending them together*
Ash: *peeking from the sidelines*
Chili: Now we add the rainbow juice (yay!) smart! *pours it in* Now to toast these *****es, got my home monkey Pansear here about to get hotter than a rainbow! I KNOW!
Pansear: *uses flamethrower on the cupcakes, baking them* / Ash: *gets a wing boner*
Chili: All these cupcakes look like blank flanks, time to decorate!
Ash: About to get all sonic rainboom on these *****es!
Chili: Flowers, rainbows, friendships! *studdering* (yay!) BEAUTIFUL!
Ash: Pile on the frosting, add more frosting, SO... MUCH... FROSTING! Gonna need another winter wrap up by the time this is done!
Chili: You're sitting at home crying like a little *****, while I'm here with these awesome trainers, what now hater?! *has rainbow frosting in his eye* Next time, we eat Cress!
*fade out, but cutes to Cress looking in on them*
Cress: *country accent* I Beg your pardon?