Okay, sorry for the late update. This chapter is slightly longer than the others (Most of them anyways)

Also, sorry about the sucky previous chapter. I was in a real rush when I wrote that.

Now, on with the chapter!


"What's the real story?" Touma repeated. When Mikoto didn't reply, he sighed and ran a hand though his hair.

"I can tell, you know. You should tell other people so they can help you." He said.

Mikoto glanced frantically around for the others. Yoru had offered to walk Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu to the exit of the park and she had made Gunha tag along. Accelerator had left some time earlier to get some coffee. He should be back soon, but for now, she was on her own.

Mikoto nervously fiddled with the hem of her shirt. She couldn't tell him the truth, as that would lead to Touma getting involved. However, she wasn't very good at telling lies either. She decided to play innocent, at least until the others got back.

"What are you talking about?" Mikoto asked.

Touma sighed again and he reached towards her. He grasped her shoulder and shook her lightly.

Mikoto tensed. The last few days of fighting and being chased had taken its toll on her, and she felt a sudden panic on how she didn't know who she could trust anymore.

Touma, oblivious to Mikoto's discomfort, placed his other hand on her shoulder as well. He tightened his grip and all the panic Mikoto had managed to control until now broke loose.

Instincts took over and she lashed out at him, her fist sizzling with electricity. Touma was caught by surprise. He grabbed her fist with his right hand, dispelling the electricity.

Mikoto's mind flew back to the first day she had faced a Black Jack member. How her electricity had no effect whatsoever. How the guy had pinned her against the shop walls, hands around her throat and the panic she had felt then.

She wrenched her fist out of Touma's grip and tried to get back but Touma was a moment quicker. "Hey, calm down!"

He grabbed her wrists in his left hand and tried to hold her down. Mikoto raised her leg but Touma knocked it aside with his own before she could land a blow. The momentum made him trip and they toppled over.

Touma released Mikoto's wrists to block his fall. He planted his hands on either side of Mikoto's head, who had landed underneath him.

Suddenly, Mikoto felt the suffocating feeling of being trapped and she lashed out again. Touma grasped her wrist and tried to pin her down again when a sudden rough grip on his collar jerked him off her.

Mikoto lay on her side, slightly winded. She felt a hand on her shoulder and for a moment, she stiffened, but she relaxed when she noticed how familiar the hand felt. A moment later, a familiar looking crutch was placed next to her head and a hand was stiffly slipped under her arms, helping her sit up. Unconsciously, she leaned back onto the person, her back now against his knee.

"Thanks." She managed to choke out, and Accelerator curtly nodded. He turned to Touma, who was now stirring on the floor where he had thrown him, a couple of feet from them.

Touma dragged himself onto his arms and he glared at Accelerator. "Whats' your problem?" He asked.

Accelerator shrug. He picked up his coffee and drank another mouthful. He was still in his crouched position, due to the fact that Mikoto was still leaned against his knee. He knew he could easily shake her off, but it was an alien feeling that kept him rooted to the spot. Instead, he returned Touma's glare with a sadistic grin of his own.

Touma got to his feet. Accelerator knew that if he decided to attack him now, he would be at an disadvantage. Instead, he leaned into Mikoto's ear. "Stay still." He whispered. Mikoto nodded.

Accelerator wrapped his arms around Mikoto's slightly shivering form, slipping his arm once again under her arms. He slid his other arm underneath her knees, lifting her off the ground. He grabbed his crutch and straightened himself. His half full coffee can caught his eye and he crouched back down, releasing Mikoto's legs to pick up the can. He drank the rest of its contents before picking Mikoto up again.

He turned to look at Touma form the corner of his eye. With Mikoto in his grasp, he knew Touma wouldn't attack him rashly. Just enough to buy time until Gunha and Yoru got back. Accelerator could see them faintly across the park, walking towards them.

Touma stared between Mikoto and Accelerator. Accelerator hadn't lashed at the contact and Mikoto didn't look scared at all. In fact, she looked pretty relaxed. She looked comfortable in Accelerator's arms even though she had fought against Touma's slight touch.

Touma remembered the last time he had seen the two together. How they looked like they loathed each other and wished to rip the life out of the other. He wondered what had happened to change their relationship, then decided he didn't like it. He didn't like the fact that Mikoto had told Accelerator whatever her problem was while she left him in the dark.

Touma was wrenched out of his thoughts when two other figures joined Accelerator. One was Sougita Gunha, and the other was a girl who Touma remembered to have introduced herself as Yoru.

Yoru glanced between the two glaring males and shook her head. "What's going on?" She asked.

Accelerator suddenly seemed to remember that he was still carrying Mikoto and he quickly lowered her to the ground where Yoru offered her shoulder as support. Mikoto gratefully leaned onto it, still breathing heavily. When was the last time she had panicked like that?

"I want to hear the real story." Touma said. "I can tell you were lying about the cousin thing."

Accelerator sneered at him. "That's what he's been going on about. He even tried to force the information out of third."

"What?" Yoru gasped, then turned and shot Touma an accusing glare.

"I didn't!" Touma defended himself. "I just grasped her shoulder."

"You have guts to harass girls in a park." Gunha said. Even in this state, being able to fit the word 'guts' into a sentence like that slightly amused Mikoto.

"I wasn't-"

Yoru snorted. "Yeah. Grabbing onto a girl's shoulder even though she clearly wanted you to stop is definitely not sexual harassment."

Accelerator glanced at the girl. "How did you-"

There was a faint hiss and Oracion slithered out from under a bush. Yoru reached out a hand and the snake wrapped is body around it.

"Oracion told me." She said, and Accelerator didn't press the matter.

Mikoto leaned towards Yoru's ear. "Can we just leave?" She asked, her tone slightly pleading.

Accelerator stiffened. Academy city's third level Five, Misaka Mikoto, the Railgun, was not supposed to sound weak and vulnerable. The thought itself sounded wrong.

Yoru nodded at her comforting, then shot the other level Fives a glance. They both seemed to have heard, because they nodded.

"Take her back first." Accelerator instructed. "We can walk back." Gunha nodded.

Yoru adjusted Mikoto's arm around her shoulder and closed her eyes. The two girls began sinking into their own shadow and Touma jumped. "What?"

Gunha grinned. "It's called Shadow leap."

"It's Shadow jump." Accelerator said without looking at him.

Gunha frowned, then nodded. "Oh yeah!" He said, and Accelerator sighed.

Yoru smiled. "Well, bye!" She and Mikoto collapsed into their own shadow.

Touma shot forward. "Wait!" He gasped, but Accelerator and Gunha stepped in front of him.

"Move!" He growled. "Since when were you guys friends anyways?"

Accelerator glared at the level zero. "Since when do you care?"

"I'm her friend." Touma stared in frustration at the spot where Mikoto and Yoru had disappeared.

"So are we." Gunha said, sounding surprisingly serious.

Something slithered up Accelerator's arm. Accelerator looked down and met Oracion's red gaze. Yoru must have left him. No, Yoru would never leave behind the friend she was risking everything to help. There must be a reason.

The snake turned to face Touma and the boy suddenly stopped moving. A moment later, he collapsed.

Accelerator looked at the snake in time to see his eyes stop spinning. "Hypnosis, a perfect power for a snake." Accelerator smirked.

Oracion looked at him and his eyes began swirling again. Accelerator felt like the world around him was spinning, and the setting changed.

He was now standing in a grassland, a boy standing next to him.

The boy turned towards him and grinned. With his white hair, pale skin and red eyes, Accelerator was reminded of Oracion.

"I just cast an illusion on him." The boy said. "He'll wake up later thinking that the teleporting girl knocked him out for insulting Mikoto."

Yes, this was Oracion. Before Accelerator could say anything, the illusion dispersed and Accelerator was back in the park, feeling slightly dizzy. Gunha was still crouched next to Touma. Close to no time had at all.

Accelerator quickly told Gunha about the illusion and they carried him to a bench.

When Accelerator and Gunha got back, the first sound they heard was the one of running water. Yoru had managed to get Mikoto to take a shower.

Yoru bounced over to them and Accelerator soundly passed her Oracion. The snake wrapped his body around Yoru's shoulders and neck, then moved his head to rest it on Yoru's.

"Accel-chan. Do you have something Mikoto can change into?" Yoru asked once they were all settled on the couch.

Accelerator stared at the girl, then sighed. He disappeared into one of the side rooms and came back with a black sweatshirt and a pair of back trousers. Since Accelerator was pretty thin himself, they would probably fit Mikoto pretty well. Yoru took the clothes and entered the bathroom. Soon, she came back and moved to fix the bed.

A few minutes later, Mikoto came out wearing Accelerator's clothes, hair still damp from the shower. Yoru gestured towards the bed and Mikoto sat down onto it. For once, neither Accelerator nor Gunha complained.

The characters seem pretty OOC to me, especially Mikoto, so tell me what you think.

Now, the pairing have been decided!

Mikoto x Accelerator! XP (I ship them so hard!)

I'm still not sure about the Gunha x Yoru(OC) pairing, so give me your opinions!

Ideas are welcome.

Next time~