Nico stared. The raging waters reminded him of a certain green-eyed teen. Tears prickled behind his eyes, but he stopped them before they could flow freely; finally, he knew what he wanted to do- had to do. Next to him, a familiar voice asked quietly.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Nico? There's nothing I can guarantee but loss of most, if not all, memories. This is a very serious matter."

The fifteen-year-old continued staring, but his time, at his father straight in the eye, despite the height difference.

"Yes, father. I have made up my mind."

The expression and nod of Hades seemed distant, sorrowful, even,

"I cannot do anything for you, son. You have decided this from your own free will," he put a hand on the demigod's shoulder. "Take care, Nico."

With that he disappeared, leaving behind on the reminiscence of fading black smoke in front of the pale demigod. The Lethe river water sounded tempting, like music to his ears. Nico took a deep breath.

I need another story, something to get off my chest

He took a step forward

'Till all my sleeves are stained red from all the secrets that I've said.

Another step.

Tell me what you want to hear, something that will light those ears.

At the edge of the bank.

A hushed whisper over the raging waves.

"So I'm gonna give all my secrets away."

He fell.