A/N: Okay here it is, The Epilogue, or as the muse calls it - well, that would be spoilerish. Thanks to all of those who have gone on this journey with me. I can't express what all of your reviews mean to me. At least, not in words. Maybe in interpretive dance.

Disclaimer: I - Anne Nonymous - in no way shape or form own Once Upon a Time, or any of its characters. They're owned by Ed Kitsis, Adam Horowitz, and the ABC Network. I simply play make believe.

Games Played in the Dark

Rumplestilskin and Belle decline the invitation to celebrate the town's newest true loves at Granny's diner. The request was made by Snow White, resident queen of the do gooders, hero extrordinare, and preacher of second chances. As beloved as she is, many in the crowd frowned at the idea of the dark one joining the festivities, especially since they had nearly lost their esteemed Pirate Captain due to what appeared to be Rumple's machinations. Since their objections didn't venture any further than looking as though they had collectively inhaled a noxious substance, Rumple figured that he was somewhat forgiven seeing that all's well that ends well. Their Pirate survived and was revealed to be their Saviour's true love. So joyous were the townspeople that they were willing to tolerate his presence.

Rather than endure that drama, he opted to go home, and Belle accompanied him, even though her presence they would have welcomed at the party. Instead, she chose to go home with him, have a quiet dinner and go to bed. Were he a better man, he would have encouraged her to spend time with her friends. But he wasn't and he revelled in the idea that she chose him.

They drove home, ate by candlelight before retiring for the evening, her head on his chest, her silky chestnut hair draped over his torso as he lay awake listening to the melody of her dreaming breath. He rather enjoyed these quiet moments with his love, ignoring the ever present tick tock in the back of his mind, counting down the precious days of peace he had left to share with Belle. If everyone knew what was on the horizon, the darkness about to eclipse the sun, the malevolence that was slowly, steadily creeping in, muscles taut and tensed, dark eyes that were fixed on their town, they wouldn't be so quick to celebrate these little victories.

Or maybe they would, maybe they were right to take joy where they can before the darkness struck. He wasn't entirely certain of it anymore.

There was one more trial, one more powerful villain to face before the war begins. He was contemplating a dream he had, one that haunted him for so long, taunting him for the choices he made, lives he ripped apart when he felt it. A darkness so powerful and so thick slammed into the room, startling the dark one. Rumple for a second wondered why the walls were still standing. As gently but as quickly as he could, he edged himself from under Belle, hoping she would remain in slumber. As is the case for much of his life, he was disappointed.

"Where are you going Rumple?" she murmured sleepily.

"Just going to get a glass of water," he lied. "Go back to sleep dear."

She yawned her assent and burrowed herself into his pillow, an adorable action he was too anxious to appreciate at that moment. He eased himself as quietly as he could, quashing the temptation to just poof himself out.

Rumple crept down the stairs to the first floor, through the kitchen, and down to the basement. He took a deep breath, calming his thundering heartbeat as much as he could, taking a seat on a nearby stool. When he felt composed enough to trust his voice, he called out to the darkness.

"It's rude enough to enter into a man's home without invitation," Rumple said, willing his fingers not to shake, and his good leg not to jump as he donned his Dark One persona. "The least you can do is to show yourself."

At his words, the darkness seemed to become heavier, more dense, shadows gathering from the corners and appearing only at his periphery. Rumple knew better than to turn his sights toward this so called shadow. It was a game it played, and giving into its whims only encouraged it.

"I was made to understand that my invitation was an open one," a thick, murky voice spoke from within Rumple's mind. "Was I mistaken?"

"Of course not my old friend," Rumple replied calmly, a corner of his lips turning upwards in amusement. "I was merely suggesting that you speak to me rather than lurking in my basement."

"Lurking has such malevolent connotations," the voice chuckled, sounding like rusty gates creaking open. "Is that what you expect of me? Nefarious doings?"

"I see you've taken my advice in regards to your brother," Rumple spoke, ignoring the shadows words in favour of moving the conversation along. "If you recall, I did counsel patience to you. I knew that a hero in dire straights in need of a dream to give them the answers they seek would draw Morpheus from his hiding place. Especially if the hero just happens to be the Saviour."

"Yes, your recommendations were quite helpful," the shadow acceded. "And as per our agreement, your continued assistance will afford you and your son my protection and my favour once I've claimed this world and all the worlds for my own."

"Speaking of our deal," Rumple spoke up, his tongue darting out to whet his lips. "I would like to make an amendment if I may. Especially since I could prove invaluable."

"Go on." the shadow grunted impatiently.

"I'd like to extend the protection you so graciously offered to my grandson and my love, Belle," Rumple proposed. "And in turn, I will assist you in whatever capacity you require."

"As I promised protection for you and your family, I shall grant my protection to your grandson as well," the shadow agreed. "Although seeing that this Belle woman is not a member of your family by blood or marriage, her safekeeping will not be a part of the deal you made with me."

"And if we were to wed?" asked Rumple.

"Then she will have my protection as well," promised the shadow. "Anyone else in this town you would like to save? What of your grandson's mother?"

"Emma?" Rumple scoffed. "She rejected my son, she is not considered family. Do what you will with her and the other residents of this infernal backwater. String them up and make them dance for all I care, as long as Belle, Bae, and Henry are safe."

"And they shall be," the shadow promised. "So long as you keep your end of the deal."

"I don't break deals Phobetor." replied Rumplestiltskin stonily.

"Good," the shadow sounded pleased. "Then tell me, do I have anything to worry about in Storybrooke? An opponent that I should be wary of?"

"If I may remind you, you're a god," said Rumple. "Who on earth would be able to stand in your way?"

"What of the Saviour?" asked Phobetor. "Has she discovered her true power?"

"Well, she did find her true love," Rumple shrugged. "It turned out to be Captain Hook of all people. But as far as I can see, her magic is still quite unpredictable and unstable - easy to defeat. She should pose no problem."

"And why was it that when I attempted to see into the building that Hook was taken to when he was injured, my vision was muddled," the shadow pressed.

"There was an interference of magic. Powerful magic."

"Perhaps she put up a shield." proposed Rumple nonchalantly.

"It was a rather powerful shield to have impeded the vision of a god." Phobetor retorted, and the room was suddenly flooded with tension.

"She was rather emotional at the time," Rumple placidly reported. "She believed that her true love was dying, and that he was in danger from George. It's likely she wasn't even aware that she was doing it."

"Nevertheless, I don't like the potential for power that she possesses," said Phoebetor imperiously. "There's just too much light magic within her for me not to worry."

"I'll take care of it," offered Rumple. "No need to fret."

"I'm not fretting," chortled Phoebetor smugly. "I was thinking that I'd leave it up to her to take care of. After she wreaks her destruction, I'll deal with whomever is left alive. Quite a clever strategy isn't it?"

"She is coming?" asked Rumple, his eyebrows rising and his pulse beginning to quicken before he got control of it. "I wasn't aware that there are more allies I should be aware of."

"Oh, did I forget to mention her?" Chuckled the shadow before a sudden series of flashes exploded before Rumple's eyes, each containing a fearsome woman who wielded her magic powerfully and mercilessly. There was a cold countenance to her that was familiar to Rumple, and when the last of the vision showed itself to him, and he saw the face of the evil that was soon to invade Storybrooke, he felt his blood run cold.

"No need to fret," the shadow mocked him. "She is, after all, useful to us. We'll let her play awhile. When she is done decimating this little town and its band of heroes, it should be easy as waving a hand to take over this town and its inhabitants, take the magic here for my own and begin to claim worlds for my own, creating a never-ending nightmare. It will be breathtaking in its brutality, gorgeous in its cruelty, and all in my favour will bask in its exquisite terror. There will be no one to stop me - not my mother, or morpheus, or any of the other gods. I will be the supreme being, I will claim my beloved and not even her true love will be able to free her from my grasp again."

"I suppose that's one way to woo a woman." muttered Rumple.

"I do prefer a more dramatic demonstration of my affections," admitted Phoebetor with a sinister laugh. "She will rule at my side as my queen, and our reign will last for all time."

"All hail Phoebetor." murmured Rumple.

"I shall see you in the near future my friend." replied the shadow. Suddenly, the weight of the darkness was sucked out of the room so quickly Rumple almost fell off his stool. He let out a shuddering breath, cursing at himself for ever getting involved with Phobetor. Allying himself with a god seemed to be a prudent decision that now he regrets. Alas, there was no going back now. He had picked a side and was playing a deadly game, the slightest mistake could cost him everything.

Little did he know that on the other side of the basement door, Belle was swallowing back sobs, quietly creeping back towards their room.

The End?