Didn't feel resolved to me so... here you are. I don't own it. Hope you like it.

"Oh poor poor Kyo." Shigure sighed again as one of his young charges, Yuki, walked into the kitchen. It had been a few days since Tohru had fallen on top of Kyo, and the mood in the household had definitely changed. It wasn't as bad as when Tohru had left but the cat spent most of his time up on the roof, or out in the woods probably punching things. Tohru spent her time cleaning things that were already clean. She was still just as cheerful as she had always been but the other two boys noticed that it was just a little more forced.

"Why poor Kyo?" Yuki sat down next to Shigure so that they could see Kyo and Tohru through the window. They still had their sessions nearly ever day, but they never heard her tinkling laughter at the beginning and Kyo wasn't quite as enthusiastic in his praise.

"He had Tohru in his arms. He could've kissed her. And he turned her away. Poor little Tohru. But now he's kicking himself for not and she's wondering what she did to make him not like her. Oh poor poor Kyo." The dog sighed agained melodramatically. Yuki looked out the window at his two friends. He had noticed a change in both of their behaviors but he hadn't thought that it was because of that. Gracefully he rose from his seat. "Yuki? Where are you going?"

"To punch Miss Honda." And he walked out the door.


"Right. That's good. Just make sure to move faster than you think you do. Your advantage is speed. Being faster than your opponent is good Tohru." He gave me more instruction but my mind was still back a few days past. What had happened? I was so sure that he was going to kiss me and then he had pushed me away and walked away without even looking at me. He hadn't met my gaze since then. What had I done? Was he angry with me? How could I fix it? This was driving me insane. Why was I so upset by his rejection? It wasn't as if I was... in love with him.

"Tohru you're not paying any attention." I blinked and saw he had stopped his fist an inch from my temple. He would've hit me if he never hit me. He was so caring even though he hated to admit it. And amazingly protective. He'd finally told me why he'd come over in school that one day and glared at the other boys who had apparently been watching me.

"Sorry." I studied the ground. I couldn't look at him with these thoughts rolling around in my head. Did I... Had I fallen in love with the cat?

"Good morning Miss Honda. Kyo." I was spared by Yuki coming out of the house. He was wearing some shorts and a grey t-shirt. It reminded me of what Kyo always wore but Yuki somehow managed to make it look dressier. I suppose they didn't call him Prince for nothing.

"Good morning Yuki." He met me with a gentle smile but cold eyes. Something was troubling him. He wasn't very good at hiding his emotions from me. I wouldn't bring it up now. Maybe later. Kyo didn't say anything to his rival.

"I was wondering if I could join in your little session here. Maybe spar with Tohru?" His grey eyes were locked onto Kyo's red ones. He stood there rigidly trying to decided, I guess, if it was OK with him for Yuki to fight me. I was grateful; it gave me a moment to collect my thoughts. Kyo. How did I fell about him. I thought he was just my friend like Yuki and Shigure. We were all one big happy family. Oh, mom. I wish you could tell me what love felt like. Being near Kyo felt different then being near anybody else. The air was charged with electricity and I couldn't help but smile. Anything could be turned around and made good as long as he was there with me. If he was mad the whole world turned dark and it got harder for me to smile at everybody. Wherever he touched me my skin tingled and was warm for minutes after his hand was gone. I lived for his smile. I died for his frown. Was this love? Had I fallen in love with Kyo? I had.

"Tohru? What do you think? Hello, space cadet?" I blinked and looked up at Kyo. He wasn't looking at me still. His eyes were boring holes in the air next to my head.

"Sure." And then Kyo was moving over to where he had thrown his shirt to give us room. I looked at Yuki. His eyes were still cold. What was wrong with him? Why did he want to fight me all of a sudden? He'd never shown any interest in mine and Kyo's sessions before.

"I apologize for what I'm about to do Miss Honda."

"What?" And then he was launched punches and kicks at me faster than I could think. Only instincts and muscle memory from my bouts with Kyo saved me from getting knocked back in the first few seconds. Even so, I knew that my getting knocked down was only a matter of time really. Dimly I could hear Kyo yelling at Yuki to take it easy on me, but I couldn't lose my focus. Who knew what Kyo would do if Yuki got me down? But really, it didn't take long. He struck out with his right fist aiming to knock me from the left so I ducked right only to be met with his left knee. With a crack my head was knocked up and backward and felt his fist connect with my cheekbone and then the dusty ground was beneath my head. Wow, that hurt. I was probably bleeding somewhere. I bled a lot.

"Tohru, don't you move. I'll be there in a second." That was Kyo he was growling right about where Yuki had been. So I guess that's what Kyo would do if Yuki got me down. I heard footsteps but my head was still kinda stuffy. Looking up I saw Kyo twisting Yuki's arm painfully behind his back and this his soft, cool voice was drifting down over me.

"I am truly sorry Miss Honda. Please, forgive me." Blinking I looked up and saw his eyes weren't troubled anymore, just pained.

"Of course I forgive you Yuki." Then there was some more growling, most likely from Kyo, and Yuki was gone. I heard the door slide open and Yuki walking inside past a surprised looking Shigure who wasn't moving from the door. This house was never boring, that's for sure.

"Tohru. Tohru, are you hurt? You're bleeding. Does your head hurt alot? Do you want to go inside? I'm so sorry Tohru. I should never have let that stupid rat fight you. I'm so sorry." He was peering down at my anxiously. His red eyes - his demon eyes - were filled with nothing but worry. His hands were nervously flitting over my face and body wanting to know what he should do. He couldn't pick me up or I'd fall because he'd turn into a cat. It was cute really.

"I'm OK Kyo. It's not your fault. I agreed. I'm fine, really I am. You can stop worrying. I'll get up and make us some lunch in a little bit. My head just feels a little foggy." And then he was gone only to reutrn quickly with his discarded shirt. He was using it to wipe my face. Probably where I was bleeding.

"Tohru..." His voice was filled with such pain. Gently I reached up and grabbed his wrist to stop him. His arm jolted at my touch, but I held firm.

"I'm OK Kyo. You can stop worrying. Go on inside. I'll be there in a moment." And I released him fully expecting him to turn his back on me like he had before and go inside.

"I can't leave you like this." And then he was moving from my field of vision and I felt somebody cradling my head gently and suddenly it was resting on something soft and spongy. It smelled like the detergent I bought to wash all our clothes in. Then Kyo was back and looking at me intensely. He didn't know what to do or how to fix me. He'd put his shirt underneath my head for a pillow and then he tentatively grabbed my hand in his putting the other on my forehead where his fingers went into my hair again. Wow, that felt good.

"Tohru I..." His voice broke and he didn't continue. I reached up to cradle his face with my own hand and immediately he leaned into the touch.

"Why did you push me away Kyo?" I startled myself with the question. I wasn't normally one for being confrontational. He blinked at me, obviously startled himself.

"I couldn't do that to you. We can't... You should stay away from me Tohru. I'm cursed. You can't even hug me properly." He looked away from me then and his grip loosened on my hand but I held on even tighter.

"Maybe the curse can be broken Kyo. I... I love you." It was now my turn to look away. What if he didn't love me? What if he didn't even like me like that? It would make the house so awkward. I had ruined our friendship.

"Tohru..." His hand moved around and pulled my face up to look at his again, but there wasn't really time for me to look at him as how his lips were then pressed to mine and my eyes had fluttered closed. He was kissing me. My brain stopped. Everything stopped. I could only kiss him back and when his head went up mine followed. He made a cute, little surprised sound but then was pushed my head back down with his. Guiding me back to his shirt, and his face seperated from mine just enough so that he could look into my eyes.

"Screw it." And then his arms were surrounding me, lifting me slightly off the ground for just a moment. I waited. He waited. He wasn't turning into a cat. What was going- and then his arms were gone and I had a little orange cat on my stomach.

"Wasn't that longer than usual?" Kyo looked down at his little paws as if to make sure that he was, in fact, a cat.

"It was."

"Oh." I shrugged. I didn't know anything about the Sohmas really, or their curse. I reached forward and grabbed the little cat to pull him up onto my chest so that he was closer and hugged him tight. He snuggled up under my chin.


"The curse is breaking."

Yeah... that's it. I feel better about how that one ended. That's just me though. Well, lovelies, you know what to do. Read and review. :)