Disclaimer: Neither Product of teh Final Fantasy Fanchise is mine, if they where FFVII would have a remake on PS3, and FFX-2 as well as FFXIII (1,2 & 3) would not have existed, and the Francise woulnd't be as idiotic as it is turning out to be.

I'm making no money from this, only for amusement, honing my skills and wishing to be rid of my writers block.

Cloud is a little OOC, but It's for a good reason.


Cloud got off his bike, opening the compartment where the First Tsurugi was hidden. Looking up to the crumbling buildings of the lost capital, he shrugged and took the rest of his swords with him: Ascalon and Sidewinder by the small of his back, Merciless and Avenger were furthest from his shoulders; Vendetta went parallel to his spine, and finally Vigilante atop them all.

As an added precaution, he placed an All, Bolt and Cure materias on his left bracelet, and His favorite summon, Knights of the Round on his right. He knew that he was probably over-reacting, but Vincent's words had put him on edge when he had called a few days ago to the Seventh Heaven, saying something about the lost city and some strange sightings.

Now that wasn't at all strange, after all, this was the Lost Capital of the Cetra they were talking about. But his next words had sent a chill of fear down his spine: 'I saw a ghost' Vincent had said 'I'm positive it was Sephiroth'.

Therefore he wasn't taking any chances, not where He was involved. Even if it was merely the shadow of his mentor -his bloody Idol- he had to kill him again, and hope that this time it would be the last time… just like the last time.

'If not…' His mind filled with images of Kadaj and Geostigma, and of all the pain they had caused to the world.

Cloud shook his head to clear it of such somber thoughts. He then took a deep breath and began walking. He hadn't placed a foot anywhere near the Lost Capital since coming to retrieve Denzel and Marlene from Kadaj and his troupe.

If he could have helped it, he wouldn't have come ever again… This place reminded him too much of his worst failure: When Aeris was killed by Sephiroth while she was praying to the planet for help against Meteor.

Damn that man.

He looked up and found himself just under the shadow of the main building, everything as quiet as it ever was.

That was when he saw it.

The ghost.

The image of his most hated enemy walking with purpose behind the building directly to his right. It wasn't clear, however, as if it had been obscured by a smoke screen or a wall of murky water. Instantly he found himself running in that direction, Vigilante on his hand, his eyes alight with fury.

He carelessly ran into the shadows behind the building, only to find the ghost gone and a sphere of light floating where he had last seen it. With extreme caution, Cloud extended his free hand to the white light, expecting everything but what happened:

He disappeared.