Wild Heart

A/N: Sorry for the extremely long delay. On a positive note, I am currently working on writing my own novel. I hope that my talent is good enough to create something people will want to read lol Anyways, here is another chapter!

Setting: This chapter begins immediately after the last chapter in Finnick's quarters. We will then shift to Snow's gardens before ending at a Capitol Ball in the courtyard.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Chapter 10

And they doused your soul in water…

(Finnick POV)

The air is thick and rather tense as it swirls about us. Neither of us really says anything, just simply staring at one another. I am the first to move, though, reaching out to caress the side of her face. She offers me a lopsided grin, sadness and mirth swimming within her stormy eyes. I want nothing more than to pull her inside of myself and protect her from everything that the world seems to love throwing at her.

She wouldn't let me do that, sadly. She's far too independent and stubborn.

Just like her grandfather…

"So, Katniss, what are you going to do?" She snorts derisively as she pulls away from my touch. She chooses instead to take my hand in hers.

"I can't afford to stop, not now. It's rather…agitating to find that we are related. It makes since, though. I was directed to come here to make sure that Prim survived, and that was no mere accident. I am here for a reason, and now that reason has been revealed. Oh fuck…that would make Coin mine and Prim's grandmother!" I chuckle darkly as she screws up her beautiful face in a look of sheer disgust.

"Coin is dangerous, Katniss, very dangerous." She nods knowingly, which sets about a new form of anxiety within me.

"I know. She asked me to help her, sort of. After my chat with Cinna, I realized her goal. She wants me to lead her stupid fucking rebellion. I can't do that, Finnick, I just cannot. It will ruin everything." I sigh.

"You truly are a magnet for trouble, Everdeen. Come 'ere," I say as I open my arms to her. She rolls her eyes, but she settles against me anyway.

I am a very happy man right now.

"Listen," I begin, "we will figure everything out. Coin needs you alive, and Snow needs you dead. They both can't get what they want, so we focus on the lesser of two evils. Coin will prove useful until we depose Snow. After he falls, she is fair game." She nods.

"You know I am going to kill Coriolanus, right?" she asks. I smile sadly.

"Yeah. To be honest, my heart wants it, but my mind doesn't. He has really put me in an awful position, one that I can never forgive him for. However, I have been around him for so long that I can't reconcile actually doing harm to him." I half-expect her to storm out of the room, but she doesn't. She simply looks at me with her usual warm regard.

"Oddly enough, I understand you. I don't want to, but because I kinda like you, I do. This position sucks." I laugh wholeheartedly.

"You kinda like me, huh? I guess I can live with that," I manage between chuckles before leaning in and capturing her lips. She responds, if not a little callously. That's my Fire Girl.

I take her in my arms and lay us down on the soft comforter. I roll us onto our sides so that we can look at one another. If there is one thing about Katniss, it's that she prefers to look in one's eyes. It's the huntress in her, though, Peeta told me once. She is instinctual and deadly, staring down her prey intently to properly assess the situation and assert her dominance.

And I would fall for her.

"Hey," I coax gently as I toy with the strands of her raven hair. She quirks an eyebrow…

"Something's on your mind," she says matter-of-factly. I nod.

"You can trust that I will be right by your side through all of this. I am not going anywhere, Katniss." She smirks knowingly.

"I wouldn't expect anything else from you, Water Boy. I can handle myself in just about any situation." I chuckle deeply.

"Except for getting sponsors. You are gonna need my help with that," I tell her. She snorts before pinching my cheek.

"I love how you won't call me obnoxious directly. I do agree with you, but I also know that we are going to have to find a way for you to help me from the shadows. A jealous Snow is something that I am not sure about, that's for sure. The last time he felt that way, he had his own daughter killed." I look away at that, knowing just how right she is.

That is the last thing that we need.

"Well, we will definitely find a way to work around it. I can imagine, however, that you will have far more willing sponsors that either of us thinks." We both laugh lightly.

"I am not too sure about that. Coriolanus Snow will not take lightly to anyone's interest in my success…" she spits bitterly. I sadly agree.

"Oh well, no use dwelling on it tonight. I am exhausted," I grumble. She giggles at me.

"Okay, Sleeping Beauty. Let's call it a night."

I smirk lazily at her before pulling her close to me. She is a bit stiff at first, but she relaxes after a few moments. I know, however, that she won't be here when I wake up. She aims to protect me at all costs, and she won't risk us getting caught. This is the girl who found and kindly redirected the camera in here before descending down upon me like some dark-haired angel.

It is with that image that I drift off to sleep.


(Peeta's POV)




"Piss off."


My childhood friend finally jumps up, looking for all rights like a murderous psychopath. I can't help but laugh at her disheveled appearance; she was never a morning person. I remember her one punching Gale and shoving him out of her window. Her mom was so pissed at her, but Katniss would not apologize. The poor guy had broken his arm, but the Everdeen stubbornness was in full effect. It finally took us to bribe Prim into convincing Katniss to apologize, albeit with the ire of a ferocious beast.

"What the hell do you want, Mellark?!" she snaps as she drags herself out of bed. I just shake my head at the young woman before me.

"You are coming with me to get prepped. It appears that President Snow requests your presence." Her eyes darken impossibly, frightening me a little.

"This cannot be good," is all she says before throwing on some clean clothes and turning to look at me with a look that has haunted me these last few years.

"I've missed you, Everdeen," I comment offhandedly. She offers a small smile to me, cocking her head to the side a little.

"You have no idea, Peeta. I…yeah. God, I suck at these sort of things," she says somewhat shyly. I snicker at her.

"I wouldn't expect any less from you." She growls at me a bit before striding out the door. I run to catch up.

The trip to her Prep Team's quarters is rather silent, although companionable. The two of us had always had this type of relationship, she the wild heart and me the voice of reason. Words were rarely needed between us because we knew one another well. I longed for that when I was brought here. I loved her, Katniss. She knew it, too, but she remained silent on that fact. She couldn't bear to say something that would hurt me so deeply, so she held it in.

After so much loss in her life, I can't blame her for wanting to protect the last few surviving individuals that she cared about deeply.

"Hey, Peeta?" she starts suddenly, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I reply curiously. She looks at me determinedly.

"Remember our pact from all those years ago?" she asks. I look away from her, cursing the day that I every made that fucked-up pact with her. I had hoped she had forgotten.

"I do," I toss bitterly. She rolls her eyes before reaching down the back of her boot…

What she retrieves causes me to break into a cold sweat.

"Katniss…" I start, but she shushes me while placing the accursed item in my hand and closing my fist around it.

"Keep it. Things have become extremely complicated, and I need to know that should it get out of hand, you will take care of things…of me." I want nothing more than to break the damn thing and throw it out the window.

Sadly, I know that she would throw me out right behind it.

"Do you really think things are that bad, or will even get that bad?" I ask somewhat snarkily. She just looks at me blankly.

"I gave it to you didn't I?" With that, she walks off, content to leave me with my own thoughts.

I sincerely hope that things don't get that bad.


(Snow's POV)

"Miss Everdeen is arriving, sir."

I square my shoulders and prepare for the firestorm that is my oldest granddaughter. It feels far too odd calling her that, considering that I am going to have to destroy her one day. In as way, we really aren't that different from one another, which is probably terrifying in and of itself. Even I have to admit that I am one hell of a force, so I can only imagine the damage that will be caused with two of us. It will not end well, but that is the price of war, is it not?

That is what this is between us, war.

My eyes do widen a bit as she breaks the treeline. I cannot deny that she is truly a magnificent sight to behold, a woman that is sure to be worth more than my beloved Capitol in gold, lust and affections. If it were anyone else, I would have her right beside my beloved Finnick. Katniss, however, would become just that much more dangerous. She would come into contact with too many people that desire my demise just as she does.

"You must be thinking about me, if that scowl says anything of your musings."

"And good morning to you, my dear Katniss."

We simply stare at one another, an empty void of darkness swirling between us. The golden gown cascading around her form makes her seem like a gilded statue, one with a glare sure to level millions. I am just a little proud of her resilience…

Just a little.

I gesture to the small breakfast spread that I had arranged for the two of us. She moves without a word, not even sparing me a glance. I watch as she circles the table for a moment, eyes intent upon the seats and the food. I frown as I noticed her nostrils flaring a bit. When she stops, she looks at me for a moment, puzzled. Something unusual swims within those cold irises of hers, something that troubles me far too deeply…

Fear, but not just for herself. For me, as well.

"Who prepared this meal?" she asks gently, a tone I have never heard from her. My frown deepens.

"My staff," I offer slowly. She snorts derisively before waltzing over to a nearby tree.

I watch curiously as her deft fingers weave through the branches, reaching after something that I cannot see. A small, sad smile graces her features as she halts her movements and begins to coo softly. The sound is like that of tinkling bells, sweet and innocent. I suddenly remember her mother doing the same thing once, but she stopped before I could figure out what she was doing. Now, however, I see.

"Please ask your mommy to forgive me, sweet birdy," she whispers almost painfully to a small jabberjay perched on her index finger.

She walks slowly over to the table then, talking quietly to the small creature as she would a child. I can picture her doing this very thing to young Primrose on their journey here. She hesitates for just a moment as she finally reaches the table, glancing pitifully at the young bird that she carries. Finally making peace with her decision, she sets it down upon the platter nearest her. We both watch as the tiny avian begins to greedily peck at the mass of pastries…

We both watch in horror as it dies instantly.

"I am not accustomed to Capitol food, so I can smell and taste things that you gluttons cannot. Just as I can hear things you cannot. Get down now, Snow!" she yells before lifting her dress and pulling out a bow and arrow.

I do as she says, seeking cover behind the nearest tree trunk. Glancing around, I notice my granddaughter kneeling upon the table, unleashing a steady barrage of arrows. My eyes shift to where I once stood, and glare as I see a bullet hole in the earth. Growling, I roll over behind Everdeen's current perch, reaching under and pulling out my own rifle. I may have missed the poisoning, but I never go anywhere unarmed. It seems that that particular trait transferred, as well.

"Someone really hates you," she gripes. I growl once again.

"Where are they shooting from?" I ask. She points just east of us.

"There, but our assailant isn't human. They move too swiftly among the trees. Where is the nearest exit?" I tilt my head behind us. She sighs.

"I take it we won't be going that way, will we, my dear?" I toss sarcastically. I am shocked to receive a snicker in return.

"We are family, are we not? I trust that, in this moment, you will act accordingly. I want to be the one to kill you, not some goddamn mutt." I quirk an eyebrow.

"You are certain that it is a muttation, then?" I ask quickly. She nods.

"I can hear a tail dragging behind it. Lizard-like, maybe…"

She leaps to the ground, leaning forward immediately to gather the bottom of her gown and wrap it around her waist a few times. She looks back at me to shrug noncommittally before whistling off into the distance. I look at her quizzically as she smiles almost imperceptibly.

"What was that?" I push.

"A call for help. Let's head into the woods. Wait, did you get bigger?" It's my turn to snicker.

"Nothing gets past you, does it?" She shakes her head.

"Not at all."

With that, she breaks into a run towards the west side of the enclosure. I waste no time in following.

The two of us crash through the trees, her directing with me following. If she had a question, she would look at me with frustration written across her face, my reply coming shortly after. Her instincts are amazing, however, so she didn't have too many. Her father taught her well, one of the few things I can thank him for. He took them from me, so I can't offer him much gratitude.

"I heard that," I toss quickly, drawing my gun and letting loose a few rounds. She notches an arrow without a word, following suit easily.

We are rewarded with a hiss and a thud.

Quickly glancing at one another, we step forward cautiously. Peering into the edge of the nearest treeline, we see it. It is a horribly modified version of a creature that I designed some years ago. I narrow my eyes, rage and suspicion filling my being. A hand on my shoulder pulls me from my thoughts.

"We need to move. There are more coming. Are there any barriers in this room?" I nod.

"If we continue trekking west, we will come upon a secret defense I placed in here. This was formerly a coliseum, you know." She rolls her eyes.

"You would seek relaxation in a place where people died," she snarks offhandedly. I simply shrug.

"You would do the same," I comment lightly. Her silence is all the answer that I need.

We make our way towards the barrier silently, killing a few more of our pursuers along the way. Even though she has yet to mention it, I too am curious as to how these monstrosities entered my beloved sanctuary, and who the hell was foolish enough to try and poison us? I honestly want to believe that the frigid bitch known as my wife did this, but this is not her modus operandi. It troubles me more than I am willing to admit that some new threat has slipped past my defenses.

"This is it?" she asks, scanning the area. I nod curtly, gun drawn in anticipation.

"It is. I would appreciate being let in on your little plan now," I state plainly.

"If there is one thing I have found about these creatures, it is that they do not stop until they complete their goal. They want us, they have to come get us." I am not surprised by her rather reckless plan. That is what makes her Katniss…my granddaughter.

The foliage begins to ruffle dangerously, signaling the arrival of our companions. I look over at the wild young woman beside me.

"What else do you have under that gown?" I inquire casually. She quirks an eyebrow.

"That sounds so wrong, old man," she quips before sliding the side up a little higher. I narrow my eyes.

"I will see to it that you are searched going forward, young lady. Right now, however, I require a blade."

She rolls her eyes before sliding her hand swiftly across her thigh. Finding what she wants, she unsheathes a nasty looking weapon, a knife that requires very little effort to kill with. I take the proffered blade, sighing as I do so. I rather hate these situations. I roll up my sleeve…

And I draw a single line down my forearm.

"Get over her," she gripes as she pulls me behind her. Snorting irritably, she snatches the blade and does the same.

"You really cannot let me outdo you, can you?" I ask. She glares at me.

"You don't get to be the hero here. Plus, we might as well drive them absolutely insane if we are going to drive them into bloodlust."

With that, we turn our arms and prepare.

The first group is only three or four of the lizard-like muttations. We drop them easily on our own. The next wave, however, it closer to twelve or thirteen. It becomes a bit of a dance that we do, killing one and sending two into the deadly barrier behind us. The synergy between us is natural, our very blood singing in synchronicity. By the fourth or fifth wave, we are literally stepping on top of bodies, the stream of deadly reptiles never-ending.

"Coriolanus!" she yells out as I slip on a blood-soaked carcass, barely managing to catch me.

It is right at that moment that one of the beasts lunges at her vulnerable back. I instinctually aim, catching it right between the eyes. We stare at one another momentarily before shifting back into battle mode. As another line of muttations come crashing towards us, a whistle resounds throughout the enclosures. A gasp of relief escapes my companion.

"What has you so pleased?"

"Help. Do you trust me? Well, for now, at least?" she asks suddenly. I nod.

"I honestly have no other choice."

"Good," is her reply as she grasps my hand firmly, pulling me headlong into the forest.

We run at breakneck speed, darting haphazardly to and fro. When we reach a familiar clearing, the whistle from earlier echoes around us. It is here that she stops us, returning the charming little sound excitedly. My eyes widen as the trees seem to come alive. I recognize the members of my personal guard from District 11, dragging the monsters up to their demise. I can only stare around me in awe…

And in fear.

If this girl beside me can have this much pull as to assume control of my personal guard, what else could she possibly achieve. While I am glad to not have to resort to some drastic measures, I can't help but feel even stronger about seeing to it that she ends up dead. I may have to arrange for it sooner rather than later. Letting her make it to the Games may not be the greatest idea. People will actually want to see her win…

"Plotting my demise again?" she asks tiredly. It's my turn to snort.

"Need you ask?"

She goes to make a quip, but something changes, her eyes focusing on something. Before I know what's happening, she closes the distance between us, pulling me into an awkward embrace. At first, I am confused, confounded by her seeming shift from loathe to like. However, I soon feel the truth of her actions, and I am completely rendered speechless…

"I won't let anyone kill you but me…old…man…" she whispers in my ear before falling back. I catch her, however, holding her in my arms…

"Katniss. Katniss Everdeen. Katniss Everdeen! Katniss Everdeen…" I call with as much commanding force as I can gather, but she just lays there, still and lifeless. I look down at the crimson stain marring my white suit, the blood of my sworn enemy…and granddaughter.

A similar stain blooms upon the right side of her chest, her life beginning to leave her…

"No. No…no…"

(Finnick's POV)

"No!" I roar, rising up from the cool depths of the pool.

A sudden panic overtakes me, my heart clenching in sheer terror and anguish. I look around frantically, searching for something, anything to calm my raging heart. My mind reels, the intense feeling of something horribly wrong tearing at my senses. I close my eyes, reaching deep inside to try and figure out what it is…

And then it hits me.

I am up and out of the water, rushing through the doors in a furor. I tear through the hallways, letting my instincts guide me. I must look insane, my face a mask of desperate madness. I cannot stop, the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach pushing me forward with increasing speed. I round one final corner before almost slamming into my patron, Coriolanus Snow…

And in his arms, the lifeless body of the only reason that I continue to breathe…


(Coin's POV)

"That's everything!"


A small smile graces my features as I take in the sight of all of the current Tributes and various sponsors mingling. There are a few Capitol elites allowed, but not many. Unlike my husband, I do not like to show off my everlasting rule. This is an opportunity to finally scope out potential…

My eyes immediately begin to search out for the bow-wielding goddess who will be my Mockingjay.

"If you are looking for her, you won't find her," come a cool voice to my left. I roll my eyes before turning to look at her uninterestedly.

"You still live? I thought you flung yourself into the sea," I mutter irritably. The redhead glares at me with increasing hatred.

"Oh I live, but I can't say the same for you beloved pet. Her absence should have become rather permanent a few hours ago." I maintain my blank expression, but I begin to panic.

I quickly press the button on the inside of my coat sleeve.

"To think that Katniss Everdeen would fall to someone like you seems far too ridiculous. Crazed Annie Cresta taking down the District Twelve huntress? That leaves a bitter taste on my tongue," I snap harshly. She smiles brightly.

"You would be wise to believe me, wench. She is dead, and your husband is soon to follow." I really narrow my eyes at her then.

"Snow can rot in Hell," I say blandly. She cackles dangerously.

"You can act like you don't care, but I know you do. His death would leave you vulnerable. I could kill you now, if I wanted, but I won't. I am only here to watch your face fall as you realize your failure."

"What do you want, pest?" I ask. She sneers at me insanely.

"I come to reclaim Finnick. I almost had him, but that bitch managed to survive my mutts. Not this time, though. This time, she died. I won. I really, really won!" I frown.

"When did you send mutts after her? We had no disturbances here…" She practically beams with pride.

"When I tricked your lackey Cinna into sending her on a fool's mission! He honestly thought that I wanted to help your stupid little rebellion! Ha! I took care of him too, sort of. Oh well! Enough of that! I will leave you now, but you might want to go outside. A special announcement is about to be made…"

With that, she disappears, leaving me with my thoughts…and fears. I quickly pick up my intercom, calling out to my personal guard. I am worried as they do not pick up at first, but I let out a sigh of relief as they finally answer. I am not, however, pleased by what they tell me.

"They are not in the gardens, President Coin. There is a sign of a large-scale conflict, however, and there is a large trail of blood leading out of here." I growl dangerously.

"Follow it."

I just close the connection when I hear the sound of the Capitol anthem playing outside.

"No…it can't be…"

I rush onto the balcony, looking in the direction that the crowd seems to be focused on. Fireworks explode across the sky, illuminating the night. My heart slows in terrified anticipation, tears of desperation springing to my eyes. I almost jump out of my skin as I feel a hand in mine. I glance over just in time to see Effie Trinket come to a screeching halt beside me, squeezing my hand for dear life.

"Alma…" she says, and I almost fall to my knees. She catches me, though, holding me against her.

"Effie, what the hell is going on? Where the hell is Katniss? Where is Katniss Everdeen?!" I screech. The colorful woman looks at me fearfully, a look that is most foreign on her. She has never feared me, nor my husband, for that matter…

"We haven't seen her since her meeting with President Snow this morning. She never showed for her interview with Caesar. He is out searching as we speak…" I go to reply, but the horrifying sound of a cannon, grabs both of our attentions.

I scream as the image of Katniss's face lights up the night…


I hope this update makes up for the long absence. A lot happened in this chapter, setting up for events much later in the story. A few things to note about this chapter:

Annie has returned, and this will have a profound effect on Finnick.

Snow still intends to kill Katniss, but this will change things between them a lot.

Prim returns in the next chapter, as will Caesar.

As stated before, Cinna isn't dead. He will return soon, hints appearing next chapter.

I hope you guys like. Review for me, please