redshark141: think maybe you could go into HOO and after that story is finished you could do a prequel. / good idea. I think it's obvious that everyone wants me to continue (everyone that has voted) so I will be doing HOO.

Terrorising The Legion - chapter 40

Theron navigated the corridors of Othrys like the back of his hand, intending to have a much deserved rest before trying to find his father in the Reforming Grounds. The walls were black, and in his opinion so much better than Olympus. His armoured feet clanked on the black marble floor and warned any being of his approach, StormWraith was across his back with his new shield that he had christened Andreías or Valour in the spur of the moment. Theron traversed the dusty corridors with a sense of nostalgia. He remembered the times when Othrys used to be teeming with life, but Kronos had emptied the halls in the war. Only Theron's own army was still somewhere around the grounds.

Theron remembered the original Othrys in Greece had moved to Mount Tamalpais, but the Roman Legion had destroyed the Black Fortress. He knew it would be a long time before the Titans recovered the strength they once had, and Theron would be the beginning of that. He knew Oceanus had pulled his forces back from Poseidon's Palace when Kronos' assault had failed. Eventually he reached the throne room of the Titans. Fourteen thrones were arrayed in a 'V'. Kronos' black obsidian throne was where the two arms of the 'V' met. Golden hour glasses were at the end of the arm rests for him to grip. Rhea's throne was at Kronos' right – Theron's mother wasn't one for violence and her throne was made of emerald, inlaid with gold and Othryian Iron. The throne on Kronos' left was Theron's. Originally the other Titans had protested at him having a throne, but Kronos had argued that since he was the first of the second generation, he deserved a throne. Theron often stood as a representative for his younger cousins and made certain that the council heard any issues. The thrones continued with the ones on Rhea's side being for the Titanesses', and Theron's side for the Titans. Theron held his hand out and a coin made of pure obsidian formed on his palm. On one side was an image of Kronos' scythe and on the other was the front of Othrys. He thought for a moment about who to contact with the Septim, then formed mist in the air and proclaimed loudly, "Arke, show me Othrys on Mount. Tamalpais," He threw the coin in the mist and an image formed.

The Roman Legion were picking through the ruins of the Black Fortress. Theron intended to see if Othrys had been completely destroyed and how long it would take to rebuild. He quickly realised that the Titans would have to regain power by themselves as almost nothing was still standing. "Arke, see if you can listen to what they are saying," Theron ordered and the image zoomed in to beside two figures next to each other, each of them were wearing purple capes befitting a Roman Praetor.

"We did well, Jason." One of them was saying. "You killed Krios with your bare hands - I think that deserves a celebration."

"The Legion did most of it. I just finished him off." Jason said as they picked their way through the corridors. "The gods smile on us, Reyna. We have toppled Saturn's throne and destroyed the Black Fortress." Theron noted he sounded pleased and recognised where they were going.

"I am looking forward to working with you, son of Jupiter," Reyna smiled.

"Likewise," Jason replied as he opened a double door that was falling off its hinges. They walked into the throne room and Theron could see just how much power the Titans were at the moment. Whereas before the Titanomachy power filled the room until it seemed that it would explode, now the thrones themselves were cracked and a cold wind whistled between the thrones.

"Wow," Reyna muttered as she looked around. Even with the thrones in the state they were (though Theron proudly saw that his throne was still in great condition), the throne room looked magnificent. The ceiling was high above and the constellations were engraved by Krios the Titan of Constellations, how they would look without light pollution. The ceiling as high above to that none of the Titans would be able to destroy it in their arguments.

"It's amazing," Jason agreed as he looked around. Theron decided that he would have a little fun. Chaos knows he needed some after the last week. He swiped his hand through the Arke-Message and erupted into fire, reappearing behind the two demigods.

"I'm guessing you like it?" Theron asked as he leaned against the wall, it pained him to be in the ruins of the once great stronghold. The Romans turned, drawing their weapons immediately.

"Who are you?" Reyna asked fiercely.

"I'm not sure I have a Roman aspect," Theron pretended to think for a moment. "Just call me Theron. No one knows who I am, so Jupiter – as you call him – can't blame me for revealing my name."

"That doesn't exactly answer our question." Jason asked as he followed Theron's movements with his gladius.

"I answered it enough," Theron retorted and stepped past them towards the thrones, pausing at Oceanus' to kick it hard enough for more cracks to spread, and then doing the same to Hyperion's. "With luck they might take a bit longer to reform. I could do without them for a few centuries."

"You seem to know a lot about this place." Reyna stated.

"Of course I do," Theron said as he grew to a height of twenty-one feet and stopped in front of Kronos' throne, placing a careful hand on the seat and sending a burst of energy into it to make his father's reforming time shorter. "I should after all, though sometimes I wish I had followed my younger siblings."

"Who are they?" Jason asked as he lowered his Gladius slightly.

"Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Vesta, Juno, and Ceres." Theron grinned and turned to the demigods. "Welcome, children of the gods, to the best throne room."

"You are their older brother?" Reyna asked with wide eyes. "Why are you not in any of the myths?"

"Jupiter was paranoid." Theron shrugged and a rumble of thunder sounded above. "He decided that it was better wiping me out of the stories rather than dealing with the consequences. After all, history was written by the victors." He sounded bitter and the demigods shifted uncomfortably.

"You're a Titan," Reyna said fearfully as she put together the hints Theron had given her.

"What gave it away?" Theron asked sarcastically, he was enjoying this immensely. "Was it my familiarity with our fortress, or my familiar looks to Krios? Who, by the way is likely to hate you forever, Jason Grace."

"I wasn't my fault!" Jason complained. "He was going to launch an attack on The Legion!"

"No, he wasn't," Theron argued as he sat down in his throne. "My uncle's job was just to protect our thrones. Though he managed to protect mine really well, I must thank him for that when next I see him."

"Why did you even come here?" Reyna asked curiously. "The Titans have already been defeated, what business do you have here?"

"I wanted to visit the half-bloods that managed to take down a section of my army and my uncle." Theron said as he leaned forward. "Also to warn you that although you may think you have won, we will come back again for Othrys and be rebuilt from the ashes. Although I have to admit, you did a thorough job. It will take a while for us to bring it back to its former glory." He admitted.

"Jupiter and the gods will stop you before you manage to even start." Jason said as he readied his Gladius.

"Put that toy down before you hurt yourself," Theron growled. "And I have just come from a conversation with the Olympians. Jupiter was fine with letting me live… after some minor arguments and a little of explaining."

"How minor?" Jason asked.

"He will want to blast me with his little bolt when we next talk, but apart from that they went fine." Theron said then looked at them softly. "You have won this war, but remember my warning. Another war will come with the disappearance of one." He then grinned, "That rhymed. Anyway, I must ask that you tell no one of this conversation. I suppose I should honour my brother's wishes and keep myself as much of a secret as possible." He stood up and shrank.

"Why aren't you attacking us?" Jason asked curiously and a smirk appeared on Theron's face.

"I could if you want," He said as StormWraith shimmered into existence on his back.

"No," Reyna said. "We don't want any more fighting for a while."

"There we go," Theron said and StormWraith disappeared. "I have had enough for a few weeks. Don't take offence at what I'm about to do, but I haven't had fun in sixty to seventy years." He grinned and transformed into a Griffin then flew out of the throne room, down the corridors and into open air outside. The Legion was startled by the sudden appearance of a Griffin, but opened fire quickly. Theron just avoided all but one of the arrows and spears as he stopped by Atlas.

"I will get you out of there, little cousin." He promised, "Can't have you complaining for the next few centuries."

"Thank you, Theron," Atlas said as he tried to bow. Theron shook his head and rose a bit to hover above a sword attack by a legionnaire. He then erupted into flames, causing the legionnaire's horsehair plume to quickly catch alight. The legionnaire took off his helmet and threw it on the ground to stop the fire.

"Octavian, what in the name of Pluto are you doing?" Reyna called as she exited Othrys to see the augur standing over his helmet which had a destroyed horsehair plume and a laughing Titan from under his position under the sky.

"That griffin just lit my helmet on fire!" Octavian exclaimed.

"Stop whining," Atlas laughed, "If he so chose all of you could be grease spots at the bottom of my mountain at the moment."

"Shut up, Atlas," Jason said without turning to him. "Now, Octavian, I don't see a griffin anywhere. What are you talking about?"

"The griffin that did this to my helmet!" Octavian gestured to his sooty helmet.

"Did you see a griffin here?" Jason called to the Legion and was met with a chorus of 'yes'. "Then where are the remains of it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Here." Octavian pointed to the scorch marks on the floor.

"Well," Jason turned to Atlas and put his hand on the pommel of his Gladius. "Who was that? He told us in the throne room, but-"

"I won't say anything more than he has already told you. Though I'm surprised he didn't kill you, he usually attacks first and asks later." Atlas replied.

"So you do know him," Reyna said.

"Of course," Atlas smirked. "We used to both be Generals of the army. But what worries me is that he is still here, if we failed in tearing down Olympus then he should be in Tartarus."

"He mentioned talking Jupiter," Jason stated.

"And he wasn't killed that means…"Atlas trailed off then started cursing his cousin in many different languages. "Slimy Traitor, he pulled a Prometheus again."

"He did what?" Jason asked curiously.

"He turned against Saturn, again if he is still alive." Atlas laughed. "When Saturn reforms he is going to be in so much trouble!"

"So, he helped the Olympians in this war?" Reyna asked. "But when we talked to him he warned us that we may have won, but he will revive Othrys and the Titans."

"He has problems." Atlas said. "The Parcae or Fata have forced him to serve them. It is highly likely they told him to save Olympus, and now he is planning on reviving all of the Titans he killed through his actions."

"You know him well," Jason noted. Most of The Legionnaires weren't aware of their conversation, but Octavian was listening for anything he could use.

"He was one of the Titans that trained me," Atlas said as he shifted to get a better grip on the sky. "We used to do everything, from annoying Saturn enough that he ran around Othrys trying to murder us, to trying to find something that could defeat the gods."

"You sound like a little child," Octavian scoffed at the Titan.

"I may be trapped under here, legacy of Apollo, but do not hesitate to think that I will kill you first chance I get." Atlas growled. "Or I could get my cousin to come back here and burn more than your helmet."

Octavian quickly backed away from the now satisfied Titan as Jason and Reyna laughed quietly. "Run, little legacy!" Atlas mocked. "He'll still find you!"

"What is he the Titan of?" Reyna asked.

"Elements, Monsters, Hunting, and Fate." Atlas smiled slightly. "I believe that answers all of your questions."

"Yes," Jason said. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, I'm a Titan. By what Theron said, I'll be out of here in a short time. Then your augur should watch his back." Atlas smirked.

Theron reappeared in the throne room in Tartarus on his throne. He had morphed back into his actual form of a Titan. He thought about how he would try to revive Othrys and the Titans to their former glory. There were twenty-four Titans that Theron had to find, several would be wandering Tartarus whilst others would be reforming somewhere in the Reforming Ground.

"Have you had enough time terrorising The Legion?"

"Holy immortals!" Theron yelled as he fell off his throne in shock. "What in the name of Tartarus are you doing here?" He yelped at the goddess looking at him amusedly.

"I heard there was a Titan intending to revive Othrys and knew only you would try something like that."

"What else am I supposed to do?" Theron asked as he stood up and ran his hand through his dark hair. "It was because of me that we lost both of the wars."

"Your father is going to be furious with you," She warned.

"So there won't be any difference." Theron smiled. "Why are you down here, Styx?"

"Offering you my help," Styx said. "I know where some Titans are."

"What makes you think I need help?" Theron asked as he crossed his arms.

"You are here completely alone, have only managed to terrorise The Legion,and-" Styx counted.

"I get it," Theron said and sat in his throne, "Fine. Where are the Titans you have found?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"You just offered to," Theron said exasperated.

"I don't give away information for free, Titan."

"Well, I don't have anything to give you." Theron sighed. "Please just tell me."


"Okay, I can find them on my own. Thank you for your help," He said sarcastically.

"So you don't want me to help?"

"If you would actually help, I wouldn't mind." Theron scowled. "But since you're not, you can get out of my Fortress."

"I won't offer again," Styx warned.

"Well, maybe father will get his wish and I will stay away from you."

"I will rest in my river and watch as you fail completely." Styx declared before flashing out.

Theron groaned in annoyance as he stared at the spot she had gone from. "I so need her help," he sighed and resigned himself to a long few months alone with only monsters for company until he could find the first Titan.

And the story is finished, Theron is alone in Tartarus with the huge task of reviving the Titans during HOO, whilst avoiding any monsters that are pissed with him.

The next story will bring in much more of Theron/Seth x Styx (Styron?)

I will go straight into HOO. The new story will be up on Sunday and will be called 'The Lost Son - Doors of Death'.

I have started my Percy Jackson Teen Wolf xover so if you could just take a look at it if you are interested in that.