A/N: I do not own Glee or any of the characters. This is a completely AU story: Shelby has been in Rachel's life since birth.

Warnings: Story deals with Polyamorous relationships, Domestic Discipline relationships, femslash, spanking of adults, spanking of minor children, and witchcraft. If any or all offend you, this may not be the story for you. Take my supernatural facts with a grain of salt, it's fiction so just go with it.

Special thanks go out to Phoenix1966 for her contributions to this story. It was fun talking story ideas, and she contributed some amazing ideas of her own. Making them witches was all her, and I LOVE it! So thank you for your awesome ideas, Phoenix!

Day 1: December 14, 2013

Shelby Corcoran ran a very respectable music store in New York City, and gave private, very exclusive, much sought after singing lessons in a special room with incredible acoustics. It was soundproof so the singers were completely sequestered. She had designed it herself. Shelby's award winning stint on the Broadway stage guaranteed the room and her time were always booked.

Famous and non-famous alike came in to peruse the wide selection of sheet music, tickle the ivories of the well placed piano's, and rub shoulders with a Tony winning Broadway star. There was even a small tea and coffee shop that her daughter's two girlfriends ran to help them pay for college.

There was another room in the back that only a handful of people in the entire world knew about. It was clandestine and very unique; much different than the rest of the building it resided in. Entering it one felt transported back to another time when architecture was classic, and strived for class and beauty. Italian marble and intricate carvings along with exquisite mahogany bookshelves lent an air of 17th century, otherworldly elegance to the room.

It held rows of ancient, mysterious books, and all the accoutrements of her trade. Shelby was a witch; as was her mother and grandmother before her. In the witching world she was both admired and feared, and was a much bigger celebrity than she ever had been in Hollywood or Broadway. She had been on the Witches Council for decades, only recently stepping down to concentrate on real life and motherhood. It was an adjustment; she missed the power but she could honestly say she didn't miss the politics. Some of her peers were just, well no other way to say it, witches!

Despite Rachel's insistence that the only future she was interested in was a career on Broadway, Shelby knew that her daughter had been intrigued by the witching world, and the potential power she possessed. She had seen a dangerous glint of ambition in Rachel's soft, doe eyes at the recent investiture ceremony when Shelby had stepped down officially and handed over the seal of power to her successor. Shelby could also tell that Rachel had been spending time perusing the spell room looking at archaic books that contained spells ranging from benevolent to alarmingly evil. She had gone blue in the face warning Rachel about the dangers of the imprudent use of magick since, but Rachel being Rachel had conjured a few spells on her own over the years. It had never worked out well, and had resulted in the young witch having trouble sitting on a very sore bottom, and the unfortunate nickname of Esmeralda from the children of her mother's peers. It pissed Rachel off no end, as witchcraft seemed to be the only thing she didn't excel in. It had sparked her innate stubborn and competitive nature, and Shelby knew her daughter needed guidance before something irreversible happened.

As witchcraft was handed down through the maternal bloodline, and Shelby wanted her daughter to have a normal childhood; she agreed to be the surrogate for a lovely gay couple who wanted a child with the stipulation that she would be a full partner in co-parenting their child. It had worked out wonderfully for all involved, except her daughter was far more spoiled by the Berry men than Shelby would have liked. Still, Rachel was a lovely, affectionate, intelligent, talented child and her mother was incredibly proud of her.

Rachel had graduated high school in Lima, Ohio and moved to New York with her two girlfriends to attend a performing arts college. It was only after accidently sneaking into Rachel's apartment to surprise the hard working girls with a home cooked meal, did Shelby come to realize that the term girlfriends was meant literally. The lovemaking she walked in on that day was still traumatizing to her and Quinn, although evidently Rachel and Santana took it quite in stride. The ethereal blonde still couldn't look her girlfriend's mother in the eye without her porcelain skin staining red, as blood rushed to her face and she looked near to passing out. It was endearing actually, and Shelby found she was becoming maternally protective of the motherless blonde. Shelby admired Santana, the fiery Latina, but wasn't sure what to make of her yet as she was a force of nature all on her own, As was Rachel. The young woman both exasperated and impressed Shelby equally. The one thing she was sure of was both women clearly loved her daughter as she loved them, and Rachel had very good taste in partners. Each of the three brought something unique to the relationship, and they clearly complimented and completed each other.

Shelby hadn't been traumatized to find out Rachel was gay, nor was she overly concerned that Rachel had two girlfriends. She had the absolute certainty of one who had known all her life that the supernatural truly existed and nothing in the world could be taken at face value. It had opened her world to all of its possibilities, and she was not constrained by society's definition of normal or acceptable. No, it was finding her innocent child naked and sweating wrapped in the arms of her lustful girlfriends. Not only was Rachel sexually active, but from Shelby's vantage point had been rather enjoying herself. Seeing her only child close to an orgasm was a shocking ordeal no mother should have to witness. It left unsettling images in her mind she was better off without. It wasn't like she didn't know her daughter was a sexual being, but she could have lived without the visual. It made it harder for her to remain in denial. Shelby guessed she was like any other normal, mortal parent in that regard.

The tall, elegant brunette was exhausted. It was a busy day made even more so when she had sent her daughter's girlfriend home an hour earlier. Santana had a huge exam Monday morning, and Rachel was supposed to come in and take over her shift. Of course Rachel never showed up, and Santana was furious. Shelby just sent her home rather than listen to the college freshman bitch for the rest of her shift. Santana Lopez was her best worker, but when the Latina was as angry as she was today, she really was no help whatsoever. The only reason Shelby wasn't upset too, was that it wasn't Rachel's scheduled shift she had missed. The older brunette didn't tolerate slacking from anyone, let alone her own daughter. If she was paying you wages, you showed up on time, acted professionally, and did the job you were assigned. She knew it was rather a rigid view, but that's how Shelby lived her life. If she demanded that behavior from herself, she expected nothing less from her employees. She was strict, a fact her daughter knew first hand, but she was also compassionate and kind when it was needed. Because there was no double standard, her employees respected and admired her. Loyalty went both ways at the Gilded Owl Music Emporium.

Shelby finished locking up, and headed home to a relaxing bubble bath, and a nice glass of wine.


Rachel rushed down the empty sidewalk to her apartment building still in her thin dance clothes. She pulled her coat close around her, and buried her face in the faux fur lining as the blustery, frigid New York wind blew through her and chilled her to the bone. She was irritated by the never-ending criticism from her hateful dance professor, Cassandra July, and bothered by a nagging feeling she had forgotten something important. Even though it was Saturday, she had gone into school and practiced her dance routine for hours. She wanted to be the best. Being good wasn't good enough. Rachel had enough ambition for half her class, and she wanted approval. She was determined to make Cassandra July admit she was good enough.

A particularly icy blast made her forget her worries, and run the rest of the way home. She stomped her booted feet free of snow, and rubbed her numb hands together as she dumped her keys in the bowl by the door, and hung up her coat in the closet.

"Did you have a good day, princess?" Rachel was confused by the bitter timbre of Santana's caustic remark. As she walked into the living room, she caught a glimpse of Quinn imperceptibly shaking her head in warning. She frowned and was about to snap back a rude comment to Santana about using the hated nickname when she suddenly remembered why she was having that nagging feeling. She was supposed to have relieved Santana at her mother's store hours ago so her girlfriend could study. 'Fuck, this was so not good,' Rachel thought as she shot Santana a look of remorse.

"Oh my gosh, baby, I'm so sorry," she sat down in the chair as far away from Santana as possible, "I just totally forgot, I was doing extra dance practice and totally lost track of time. It's no excuse, and I'm really sorry."

Santana slammed the pre-med Anatomy book shut startling both Rachel and Quinn, "Yes Rachel, I know you're sorry. You're always fucking sorry when you fuck up, but it isn't much help to me now is it?" she glared at the contrite girl. She stood up and started pacing the living room, "I get that you're stressed out, and I get that what you're doing is important to you, but so is my schoolwork!"

"I know, San…."

"Do you? Do you really? Going to school full-time, my study group, working part-time, and us," she swept her arms around the living room to include her two girlfriends and their life together, "takes all my time and energy, and you don't see me forgetting important things like keeping my promises to you!"

Rachel felt two inches tall. Santana was right, she had been very self-absorbed since Cassandra had made her feel inferior and had taken to verbally expressing it in every single class. Speaking now was not in her best interest, nor was meeting her girlfriend's angry gaze so she kept her head down and nodded her agreement.

She saw Santana's wool sock enclosed feet come and stand in front of her, "This is the third time you've blown either Quinn or me off, Rachel. We let the other two times pass because of how stressed out you were about school. I'm sorry, but this time calls for a punishment."

Rachel's sorrowful eyes shot up and saw Santana standing in front of her with both hands on her hips exuding irritation. Christ, she didn't want to be punished tonight.

"You can take your shower, and get your ass to bed immediately. You should feel grateful I'm not taking you over my knee tonight."

Quinn took a deep breath, "San, can I talk to you in the kitchen please. Rachel, would you go take your shower please? Get in your pajamas, and wait in the corner for us?"

Rachel was confused. The three of them had been involved in a domestic discipline relationship since junior year of high school when they were all dating and in Glee Club together. Punishments were outlined for different behavioral infractions, and all three had at one time or another faced discipline from the other two. Once punishment was decided, it was never debated and certainly never overridden by one of the others unless it was clearly unfair. Early bedtime without supper was not an unfair punishment. Rachel didn't understand why Quinn wanted to talk to Santana privately. Sure, Santana was angry but it was a rather mild punishment as far as it went. She hoped Quinn didn't want to make the punishment tougher on her. Standing in the corner and waiting was usually a prelude to a spanking, and she didn't think her forgetful behavior was serious enough to warrant that. Confused, she obeyed and went to take a quick, hot shower and get in the corner as directed.

Santana was equally confused, and followed Quinn into the kitchen. She was seriously pissed off about Rachel blowing her off yet again, but she knew it wasn't on purpose and she knew Rachel was not and could not be vindictive to save her own life. She thought she had been more than fair with her punishment. Sure she had yelled and gotten sarcastic, but hey she always kept it real, and she was mad at her girlfriend. Rachel knew her bark was worse than her bite.

Quinn turned and leaned back against the sink and crossed her arms over her chest, "Thanks, S. I just needed a second."

"I think I was very fair with Rachel's punishment," Santana started defensively.

The blonde held her hands up in surrender and smiled softly, "I agree, babe. I'm very proud of you. I know how upset you are, and this is the third time she has forgotten a promise to us. I think you showed great restraint tonight, more than I would have if she'd have forgotten to show up to cover my shift. I actually am concerned about sending her to bed without supper though…."

Santana quirked an eyebrow, "Why, what gives?"

"That bitch, Cassandra July has really been stressing Rach out. She goes in early to practice her dance moves every day, I bet she practices during her lunch hour, and it's why she's been coming home late every night. Now she's going in on Saturdays too. Haven't you noticed how thin she looks lately? I don't think she's eating like she should, added to the stress, and her work at the music store and she's going to get sick. I just don't want her to go to bed without eating, that's all," she looked at her girlfriend and felt her heart drop. Santana looked stricken.

"God, how did I miss that? I'm studying to be a doctor for Christ's sake so how do I miss that my girlfriend is dancing and starving herself to death?" She spat, angry at herself.

Quinn shook her head and walked forward wrapping Santana in her strong arms, "Babe? You're at a very critical juncture in your schooling. You're studying your ass off, and trying to get into med school. You're at the top of your class, and you're working part-time. Don't be so hard on yourself, ok? To be perfectly honest, S. you're looking awfully skinny yourself lately. We have rules about taking care of ourselves, remember?"

The Latina stepped back away from Quinn and went to speak, but stopped and looked thoughtful, "Wow you're right. I was just going to argue with you, but I can't or I'd be lying. I've been trying to eat right, but when I try to sit down to eat I just get nauseous so I've been scarfing down chips, cookies, and cans of Pepsi. I'm sorry, I'll take better care of myself, and Rachel can go to bed only after she has a decent meal tonight."

Quinn threw herself back into Santana's arms, "Oh I love you so much. Thank you, I was starting to get really worried about you and Rachel both. I think we need to have a reminder conversation with Rachel about eating right and getting enough sleep as well," she leaned down and chastely kissed her girlfriend's pillow soft lips, "but I do think you went a little too soft on our forgetful, little, dancing diva. I think she needs to write some lines on her day off tomorrow, hmmm?"

Santana laughed and kissed Quinn's nose, "You are such a mean girlfriend, but maybe writing lines will help her to remember to keep the promises she makes. I think 500 lines of 'I will not forget to keep the promises I make to my girlfriends' should be a good reminder."

"Well, she's upstairs standing in the corner losing her mind wondering what this little chat of ours was about. So, I'll heat you both up some soup and grilled cheese while you go rescue her from the corner."

"I love you, Quinn."

"I love you too, San."


Rachel woke up and rolled over. She was right in the middle between a slightly drooling Quinn and a softly snoring Santana. She hated having to go to bed early. This always happened; she'd fall asleep before 8 pm and wake up before midnight fully rested and wide awake, forced to watch her girlfriends sleeping peacefully. She growled and kicked at the covers, getting up to use the bathroom. God, she hated early bedtime as a punishment, almost as much as she hated writing lines. She stood in front of the sink and stomped her foot. So she forgot, it was no big deal for crying out loud.

If only her girlfriends could just lighten up once in a while. Everyone was so stressed with their individual courses, work, and making their relationship work in a new city they forgot how to have fun. Rachel quietly shut the bathroom door, and went back to lie in bed. Still pouting, she remembered a spell she had read about in her mother's hidden library. It had stuck with her because she had laughed when she read it and thought how much Quinn and Santana could use the spell. She wished she had read it more carefully, but she thought it was used to restore a childlike innocence to the recipient of the hex. Rachel closed her eyes and started whispering the incantation slowly at first and then gaining in speed. Breaking off mid-chant she giggled to herself. Who was she kidding? Her mother was the talented witch; she was just an Esmeralda. One who couldn't dance for shit either, if you were to believe Cassandra July.


Rachel was lying on her stomach sleeping peacefully when out of the gray area of her brain she heard a tiny voice, "Mommy, I'm hungwy. Wake up, mommy."

Rachel kept her eyes shut and waved her hand in the general direction of the whiny voice she was hearing in her dreams.

A bony finger poked her in her ribs, "Moooooomy, I want bacon and eggs on toast. Please wake up, I'm huuuungwy."

Rachel groaned, "Quinn, I don't want to play mommy and baby this morning. We can play later, I'm tired. So either go back to sleep or go make your own breakfast," she said harsher than she intended, but she had been awake from midnight until nearly 4 am and she was exhausted. She was shocked to hear crying, loud childish sobbing. Quinn was really taking this game too far for this early on a Sunday morning. Opening one eye, she was stunned to see a little girl sitting cross-legged on the bed sobbing into her open hands.

Rachel closed her eyes, and shook her head. She opened one eye again but the little blonde child was still in front of her. She squeezed her eyes closed tightly, painfully and muttered, "No, no, no, no, no it can't be….." but it was. Flopping her head over she looked for the other occupant of the bed, and saw a tiny, caramel skinned cutie lying crossways on the bed, arms askew, still sleeping soundly despite the blonde's caterwauling.

"I must be dreaming, I have to be dreaming, please be dreaming. This is some crazy nightmare," she chanted as she sat up and instinctively tried to hush the crying child, "It's ok, sweetie. I'll make you breakfast, Quinn?" she said questioningly. Not wanting it to be true.

Her heart froze when familiar hazel eyes looked adoringly into hers, "Bacon and eggs on toast, mommy? Please?"

'Oh God, it really is Quinn and Santana,' Rachel thought trying not to freak out, "come on now don't cry, sweetie, we don't want to wake up Santana."

"Ok, mommy," the little girl's tears shut off like a faucet, "she's cwabby in the mowning, isn't she?"

Numbly nodding her agreement, evidently some things never changed since Santana was still crabby in the mornings, Rachel took Quinn into the living room and turned on Saturday morning cartoons. She had to fix this, and she had to fix this fast before her mother found out or she was dead. Capital D-E-A-D if her mother found out she had cast an unsupervised spell. Her mother had threatened to paddle her black and blue if she ever caught her performing another spell without permission. Changing her girlfriends into preschoolers was something Shelby would definitely NOT find amusing, she would be super pissed off.

It was Sunday, that gave her all day to fix this before she would need to ask her mother for help. Santana could not miss her exam on Monday morning, and Quinn was working at the music store on Monday afternoon, and Rachel couldn't miss school, nor could she leave two 5 year olds alone in their apartment.

Rachel suddenly pinched herself really hard, and nearly cried from the pain, 'Nope, this is real. Not a dream, not a nightmare,' she thought to herself as she scurried about the kitchen trying to figure out how to cook bacon and eggs on toast. The thought of the spanking she would get at her mother's hands was nothing compared to the thought of what her girlfriends were going to do to her when they found out what she'd done. She had to fix this and wipe this from her girlfriend's memory before a single soul found out, and she spent the rest of her life eating standing up.


So there is chapter 1. Bonus points to anyone who gets the classic television show reference. Let me know what you think, I'd appreciate any reviews.

I won't be able to post a chapter per day but I will have the 12 days of Christmas all posted before the New Year.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.