AN: Before you feel like I nerfed Alex or made some characters *coughbusdrivercough* over-powered, head over to the forum:


I've explained some of my reasoning there, and it's a lot easier to debate there than it is with reviews and PM's.

I do not own either Prototype or Rosario + Vampire.

Things Can Always Be Worse

See New Places

Of all the places he could hide, Japan was probably the easiest to disappear in.

Crapload of people? Check. Opportunities for work, if he should ever need it? Check. New culture to absorb? Check. All you can eat buffet? Check, check, check.

It was beautiful.

Blackwatch was probably going to be chasing him for a couple of decades, so he decided to start fresh. Well, not completely fresh. But as a teenager? Ideal. Enough time to actually create a semi-legitimate life, spend a few years relaxing and still keep his people skills sharp for when Blackwatch lost interest.

If only his school application had actually gone as planned. He had originally applied to a pretty standard school in Tokyo. Densely populated area, relatively stable, lots of exit points? Oh yes, New York could burn to the ground, for all he cared.

… It kinda did already, but that wasn't the point.

The point was that his application got bounced back. And the next. And the next. And the next. It was incredibly frustrating. He changed identities, even genders occasionally, but he would still be rejected.

Until he suddenly got an acceptance letter to a place called Youkai Acedemy. Which he never did apply to. But hell, if anyone could get out of a trap, he could.

Besides he was curious as to who had enough power to shuffle all that paperwork.

And curiosity was one of the things which he had never lost.

So he found himself on what was perhaps the most ordinary bus this side of the equator. Except that the bus was empty. Or nearly so. After the crowds he had experienced in New York and Tokyo, a single passenger other than himself and a bus driver didn't actually register as anything significant.

Which was why he was moving (well, stalking, if you wanted to get technical) closer to the driver. Eating the student would be incredibly easy once he was terrified out of his freaking mind. Besides, the driver get glancing in the mirror and smirking at him.

He hated smirking people.

So, after a rather empathic shhhhhhhh to the boy, he had started moving forward. He was just behind the partition when he saw they were about to enter a tunnel. Perfect.

When the bus was suddenly enveloped in darkness, he blurred forward and dug his tentacles into the driver. Or, at least, that is what should have happened.

Instead, the driver had caught all seven of them in one hand and used them to wrench him into the seat next to him. Alex was quite sure that the seat hadn't even been there before the tunnel, but he had bigger worries at the moment.

Like why he couldn't move and why this guy suddenly terrified him. Which was all kinds of wrong. He was motion. Running, jumping, fighting, breathing, living. He was never quite still. Dana would always tell him he was twitching underneath his skin when his visits were too long. But now…

Now he couldn't move and he was quite sure if he had a bladder, he'd have pissed himself by now. This was not the way things went when Alex Mercer was involved.

"Please. Take a seat. Oh, nevermind. You already did. Not like you had a choice, right?"

And the bastard wasn't even looking at him.

"I'm going to explain a couple of things to you, okay Alex-san? I can call you Alex-san, yes? Of course I can."

Hell, he wasn't about to argue.

"We know all about you Alex-san. We know about Blacklight. We know about New York. We even know that you're not Alex-san at all. We also know how to end you, if we need to."

Alex had to fight the very human urge to gulp. That wasn't things everyone knew. Hell, he wondered if all the members of Blackwatch command knew. And ending him? What the hell did that mean?

"But someone higher up on the food chain decided you are needed here, so that's not going to happen. As long as you follow the rules."

Alex didn't know whether to be relieved or pissed off. He was being treated like a pet, for fuck's sake.

"Rule number one - no eating the student behind me. He is the only human, but he is to be the thrall of the new vampire."

Vampire? Thrall? What the hell had he gotten into?

"Rule number two – No attacking any of the staff-members. At least, not without a justifiable reason. 'Because I was hungry or angry or bored' does not count as an excuse, Alex-san. Please remember that."

Now that was just confusing. He could kill staff-members of whatever, if he could justify it? Where the hell was he going? Staff-members of what? A school? What kind of school had things like vampires or things like him for that matter?

"Rule three – You have free range of the school-grounds. You may travel anywhere, except where a staff-member has explicitly forbidden students. Those are the three rules. Any questions, Alex-san?"

And suddenly he could talk again. What the fuck was going on here? Some new kind of gas that made his biomass unresponsive?

"… um, yeah. Where the fuck are you taking me?"

"Language, Alex-san."

Why did he suddenly feel so threatened?

"But I'm taking you to Youkai Academy, just like you first thought."

"Okay? So it's a school right? For what exactly? You mentioned vampires before, and apparently I have rights to travel everywhere? That can't be normal in Japan."

"No, it is not, Alex-san. Youkai Academy is a school for various monsters. Creatures like vampires and werewolves, yes. But also creatures like sphinxes, futakuchi-onna, trolls and the like. To say anything further would spoil the surprise."

… That was… kind of terrifying, actually. Monsters were real? Damn.

"So where do I fit in?"

The man's eyes finally glanced at him. Alex so dearly wanted to gouge them out, but that would probably amount to suicide.

"Just another student, I'm afraid. Can't be playing favourites, Alex-san. Oh, yes. I almost forgot. There is a fourth rule-"

"Of course there is."

Okay, not interrupting him again. That glare literally made his skin crawl. Better be nice and polite.

"Please don't interrupt, Alex-san. As I was saying, the fourth rule is that you must follow the school rules. I will admit, you are liable to be given a bit of leeway regarding the rules, but that doesn't mean you're exempt from them."

"Quick question though, bit off topic? How long is this tunnel?"

"As long as it needs to be."

Of course. Cryptic answers were the norm in these situations, weren't they? All he needed was a bald little master or a pointy eared green alien.

Fuck. What if aliens were also real?

"You and your… benefactor, I guess, do know that I need to eat regularly, right?"

"Of course, Alex-san. Arrangements have already been made. You are not the first student who has to feed on humans. You are certainly not the first to have a specific diet."

… well… that was just about that. He had a lot more questions, but the tone of annoyance he heard in the driver's voice certainly wasn't imagined anymore. Best not to take unnecessary chances.

"Ah. I believe we are nearing your new home, Alex-san. Please wake the other student. He seems to have fallen asleep."

Damnit. He just had to choose Japan as his hideout.

Ideal country, my ass.

Tsukune didn't remember falling asleep. But he obviously had, otherwise he wouldn't have been shaken awake by what was probably the world's unfriendliest man. Were his eyes glowing?

"Come on, kid. Grab your stuff. We gotta go."

Well, that was real polite.

But still, Tsukune did what the scary teen asked(?) and grabbed his bags. He was still struggling to get the biggest one out of the overhead compartment, when he heard the other guy sigh. He was then shoved firmly towards the door. When he finally stopped stumbling, he saw the hooded teen heft the bag as if it weighed nothing.

But you didn't look a gift horse in the mouth. So he lugged his suitcase over to the door and stepped off. He glanced back and most empathetically did not see the bus-driver giving his companion a wink with his glowing eyes.

People didn't have glowing eyes, so it was probably his mind playing tricks on him.

Then he actually looked around.


…. That was actually a good question. He didn't know of any place where the water was red. Not even in Japan.

But then again, he was just accosted by a thing that intimated him. Him. He had eaten a fraction of New York, dammit. He wasn't something that was scared. Ever.

He glanced back at the bus, but it was already going back through the tunnel. Alex was pretty sure that the bus didn't turn around, so why was he looking at its rear as it drove away?

Fuck it. Wasn't the weirdest thing that had happened today.

Even if countless memories in his head were screaming that a shadowed tunnel did not look like that.

Even after all his musing, the kid was still freaking out. It was strange sure, but there were worse things in life.

He finally clicked that he wasn't in New York anymore, so he couldn't expect a random passerby to realize that hunters or hives or just plain infected were a sight much worse than a little coloured water.

So he did the only thing he could do.

He flicked him in the forehead.

"Simmer down. Look, the place does look weird, I'll give you that, but I can literally see the school from here, so why don't we get a move on?"

He looked at the kid again. He was staring at the strangely smooth entrance to the tunnel. Alex shivered. He really didn't want to go through there again. And he wasn't the only one, judging by the shiver he could see running down the boys spine.

"Come on. Lets walk and talk. I'm Alex Mercer by the way."

And with those words, he set off in the direction of the school at a rather leisurely pace.

Even after Mercer-san had taken his other bag, Tsukune still had to strain to keep up.

He blamed the boy's longer legs. Mercer-san really scared him. He didn't actually know why. He hadn't done anything threatening. In fact, he barely did anything at all. He just walked and answered questions in a rather blunt manner. He wasn't rude, per say, but he still wasn't polite.

So why was he so scared of the other boy?

… It was probably the hood. He didn't know why he wore that hoodie, when the application form said that the uniform was required in most cases. Maybe he even was one of those special cases. But he really wished Mercer-san could have found something that was just a bit less intimidating.

He actually walked into Mercer-san when he unexpectedly stopped.

Tsukune could have sworn his hoodie writhed when he touched it, but that had to be his imagination… right?

There was something coming this way. Moka had staked out (oh, the irony) the small graveyard that was on the main path to the Academy. Her thrall-to-be was supposed to come this way. It was still early, but she was already a bit anxious.

She hadn't been able to give any input in the selection process. Each time, she was met with a bemused "It has been taken care of.". It frustrated her to no end.

But what's done is done, so she just had to hunker down and accept whoever they chose. Besides, if she really hated her (or him. Even though first thralls were traditionally female), she could just drain her dry just before the year ended. Then she could request a new one. Maybe she'd even get a say this time around!

The footsteps grew louder. Finally, after an hour's wait, she could see her thrall for the first time.

He was tall, that was what she noticed first. He had a lean build, more suited for speed than brute power, but he carried what looked like two bulky suitcases without trouble. That meant he was strong and probably also fast. He moved silently, his footsteps not making a sound. And, from what she could make out of his face, he was a foreigner. Then she saw his eyes. They were glowing slightly and that instantly made her spirits sink. He couldn't be her thrall. No human's eyes glowed like that.

But she had heard footsteps? Which meant there was someone else following him.

Her heart jumped into her throat. Would her thrall (if that was the other pair of footsteps) be similar? Moka bit her lip as she waited in delightfully cruel anticipation.

And she was promptly disappointed. Oh, he was acceptable (much better than she expected, to be honest), but the other person had raised her standards a bit too high.

He was, as previously noted, a 'he'. Which really was quite unusual. But that didn't matter. She was quite prepared to have the first stranger as her thrall, so she really wasn't that bothered by his sex.

He was quite a bit shorter than the foreigner, more in line with her own length. He was also lean, but he didn't possess any of the implied bulk of the other. But, he was at least handsome. Physical attributes like strength and speed could always be increased, but looks were permanent.

It was the sign of a rather powerful vampire to have a beautiful or handsome thrall.

But she'd make due. She had eternity at her disposal after all. Her first didn't have to be her last as well.

Things had just got interesting. A pink haired girl had suddenly lunged at them from where she was sitting on a gravestone, of all things. The following avalanche of words were finally compressed to a few facts.

Her name was Moka.

She wanted to be their friend.

She was a (the) vampire.

She was hungry.

So, in an attempt to thwart any possible future attacks or bites or meals or whatever, he had graciously, if a tad mockingly, lowered his hood and offered her his throat. He could see she was mulling it over. Hell, he could even give a guess as to what she was thinking.

It was probably something to do with the fact that the kid (Tsukune) was her designated thrall. But she wasn't about to turn down a free meal.

Alex grinned. It was not a nice expression.

Moka gagged. What the hell was this man?

That wasn't blood. It was some kind of goo that squirmed in her mouth. She had swallowed a mouthful before that fact registered and it had crawled out of her throat.

That wasn't normal, not even for youkai.

And the thing was grinning at her, as if it were funny.

It wasn't. It really wasn't.

You didn't mess with a vampire's food.

Tsukune was understandably, in his humble opinion, freaked out.

The really pretty girl had suddenly grown fangs and lunged for Mercer-san's neck.

Which probably meant she was a vampire, and not crazy or playing a prank.

The fact that something came back out of her mouth as she recoiled after her first gulp was still a mystery, though. But he didn't think he wanted to know.

But then the girl had turned to him, said something about washing the bad taste out of her mouth and jumped at him. He barely had time to react before her body was against his, her breath on his neck and her teeth on his skin.

It didn't hurt. At all. Which was surprising. It actually felt kind of good. More than a little bit. All in all, he would probably have enjoyed the sensation of the bite and an exquisite girl moaning softly and writhing on his body a lot more if Mercer-san would just stop smiling like that in the background.

It was just wrong.

Oh boy. He was going to half all sorts of fun with these two.

AN: I love Prototype. I absolutely adore body-horror shapeshifting. So much potential.

And I recently starting watching Rosario+Vampire.

So naturally, I combined the two.

It must be said, however, that I'm not following canon in either case.

Alex, in this world, ended up renouncing Dana after he found out about his true nature. Blackwatch is also way more powerful than in canon, but they were too preoccupied with the Redlight-outbreak to concentrate on Alex. Which is the only reason he's still alive (in a manner of speaking).

Furthermore, Alex isn't 'form-locked' like in canon. I refer, of course, to the rather meagre selection of weapons for a creature that can basically shapeshift at will. Expect new weapons, more tentacles, more body horror, a lot more difficulty in harming Alex and a fair bit more mind-fucking (metaphorically, of course).

Also-Prototype 2 does not exist. Except, perhaps, some powers.

Rosario, on the other hand, is set in a more cynical world. Humans are generally considered an exploitable resource at best. Survival of the fittest is also actively practiced in this world. Weaker students are occasionally maimed or killed, as they 'pose a risk to mess up and expose us to the human world'. The Bus-Driver is one scary mother.

I'm also reworking some of the monster's abilities and characteristics. For example, Vampires feed mainly on thralls (Humans enhanced by vampire-blood, who are also completely subservient to their 'sire') and they are only hurt by naturally running water (I hate the water angle in canon. One of the strongest monsters can be defeated by the timely intervention of a water-balloon? HAHAHAHAno.).

I may also play around with character personalities, as evidenced by Moka. She's a lot more vicious in regards to humans and less naïve. I may change the naivety-part though. Also, Inner!Moka and Outer!Moka are a fair bit closer than in canon.

Alex is essentially in a slightly smaller 'default' body. Try to imagine a less bulky, but still tall Alex. With his hoodie. Cause it is awesome.

Also, fair warning. Tsukune does not get the girl(s). If he's lucky, he might get more than the average amount of respect or love a thrall gets. He might even get Yukari's attention. In that case, it will be totally platonic or non physical.

I have… plans for Kurumu and Mizore (she's my favourite girl in the series, for the record).

Also, as this is both horror and humor, silly events may happen. Conversely horrible things might also happen. Or I could mix the two. Should be interesting.

How Bus-Driver's superiors know about Alex will be revealed in the course of the story.

Anyway, this will most likely be updated sporadically. As in, weeks long gaps between updates are a very real possibility. In fact, I'm almost completely sure this is the longest chapter I have written for .

Read, enjoy, give me some feedback and enjoy once more.


PS – Go look at Wikipedia's entry for Futakuchi-onna. It's a delightfully disturbing creature.

Written: 13/12/2013

Posted: 13/12/2013