I've come back and updated this chapter (April 5, 2016) to bring some more news.

The Victory Tour Chapters will not be happening.

After almost a year of not updating, I figured this was the appropriate measure. I'm sorry, but this is the final chapter for the 77th Games. I consider it an adequate conclusion, and I hope that you will enjoy as well.

However, I am considering writing a story about the 78th Hunger Games, so we will be seeing the Victor again! But for now, here is the final chapter of the 77th Games. I have also added in some 'fun facts' at the end of the story about the writing process and potential alternative routes this story could have taken!

And yes, this chapter is long. And yes, this is the version that has been significantly cut down. My bad.


Chapter 43 A Victor's Faux Jubilee

The Capitol

"I understand why the Victor has to be ready as soon as possible, but I'm telling you that it's not possible!"

Dr. Lucretia Novella's day was only getting worse as she stood before two of President Snow's goons outside the operating room. Having just finished the procedures, which had taken seven hours of operating, she was still dressed in scrubs with Victor Aileen Whittaker's blood splattered across them. Her colleagues remained in the corner of the room, intimidated by the imposing figures of said goons. Dr. Novella feared the men as well, but was far better at hiding it. Knowing their names wasn't important either, every time the President sent his agents out they were always different people. There were rumors claiming they were the same people who received different faces for each assignment. Dr. Novella, never one to indulge in gossip unless it benefited her, ignored such claims. The technology that allowed for such a thing didn't exist either.

At least, she hoped.

"Clearly, Dr. Novella, you do not comprehend how delicate the situation is." Goon One said, his heavy brow furrowing in his first display of emotion. His tone remained even though, causing the hairs to spike on the back of her neck. However, indignation powered her through as she quickly retorted that claim.

"I am not another simpleton citizen of the Capitol!" she shook angrily. "I understandexactlyhow bad the situation is. Even if I didn't, one only has to look outside to figure that out!"

It was true. The Capitol was in a frenzy following the ending of the 77th Games. There were so many raw emotions flying around that - if it were a group less complacent and naive - they might outright riot! Ansel's words had stung many, especially his many loyal supporters who felt they were just betrayed by a best friend.

That and the fact that Aileen Whittaker was not particularly popular. She had supporters but nowhere near as many as Ansel had. She was a far better Victor than Watt, but not by much. Her story was interesting and she had been entertaining and racked up enough kills, but she was still nothing against Ansel. District 4's PR team was excellent, casting the now dead Career as a mix of Finnick Odair and Peeta Mallark.

Aileen... well... no one was sure what to make of her. Some had tried to link her to Katniss, but the District 12 escort had been quick to shut that down. As had the President's agents. Any reminders of the late Katniss - and the upsetting 74th Games conclusion - were best forgotten or destroyed.

"How is it in the Districts?" Dr. Novella asked, before she could stop herself.

"The Districts are not your concern." Goon Two replied, confirming that conditions were not good. "Right now, you need to focus solely on prepping Victor Whittaker for the Coronation."

"Again, she won't be ready. Physically, or mentally."

"We've already spoken to the psychologists, doctor. They say that Aileen will be perfectly fine as soon is she is physically fit. So, that burden falls onto you, doctor."

Dr. Novella snorted. The psychologists were all quacks, commissioned on a whim by President Snow's predecessor to try and measure the 'sanity' of tributes throughout the Games. Why Snow kept them on was beyond her, as they did not serve any discernible purpose. All they did was attend parties and tell gullible people that they always knew 'such and such' was destined to be the Victor due to their early assessments during the interviews.

'It's all in the eyes! You can always tel just by looking in the eyes, I promise!'one of them had told her while drunk and trying to take her home. Dr. Novella had promptly laughed in his face and left him with her bar tab.

"Well those idiots don't know what they're talking about." she continued, proceeding to wash herself down in the post-operation room. She looked back up at the Goons, who had gotten far closer to her. Dr. Novella knew she was fighting a losing battle and sighed in reluctant surrender. "If I rush it she can be out in six days."

"That's too long." Goon One hissed.

Exasperated, Dr. Novella threw up her hands in utter defeat. "Fine, four! Is that acceptable?" she shouted.

The goons looked at each other and nodded. "Four days, doctor. We will see you then." Goon One said before both of them turned and left the room. As soon as they did, the other doctors returned to their normal retinue, trying act as though nothing occured. Dr. Novella finished cleaning up and exited the room, where her assistant, Viola, was waiting for her.

"Call the physical therapists and get them prepped to begin work on Victor Whittaker ASAP." Dr. Novella commanded, as Viola began writing down instructions. "Begin the Victor on regiment three and post extra nurses for her room. Tell them to call me as soon as she wakes up."

"Yes, ma'am." Viola muttered, running off to accomplish her boss's wishes. As she left, Dr. Novella felt a migraine taking over. The Victor Medical Recover Unit had down what they could, but it had not been enough to curb the damage Ansel had done to Aileen.

'He screwed things up for just about everyone.'Dr. Novella considered, thinking of her friend Plutarch. She hadn't heard anything from him since the Games ended, nor had she received any messages. Either Snow had gotten him or he had wisely retreated underground.

'Another victim in Game Politics.'she thought. She would mourn her friend at a later time. For now, she had a Victor to mend and a deadline to meet.

She awoke with a loud gasp, her back arching and throat clogged.

She was choking.

Fear took over. She started struggling. There was something jammed down her throat, making it unbearable to breath or function. A swish was heard in front of her and three figures entered, taking hold of her as they did.

"It's ok! It's ok! Remain calm, Victor Whittaker!"

Aileen tried, but her mind was still telling her that she was going to die. Slowly, the discomfort began to fade as a nurse began to remove the tube from her mouth. She gagged and breathed a sigh of relief once it was. A nurse gently wiped away the dribbles of saliva from her lips as Aileen looked around the room.

"Where am I?" she asked, her voice groggy from the tube.

"You're back in the Capitol, Victor Whittaker." a nurse responded. His body modifications were at a bare minimal for a Capitolite, but his pointed ears still gave Aileen some discomfort. "Congratulations on your win, by the way!"

Aileen barely nodded in response to the praise. She was focused on her room instead, trying to get her bearings. She was in a square room, with one wall in front of her made entirely of glass. Bright, fluorescent lights were above her and the cool air conditioning streaming in, feeling prickly against her bare skin. She was lying on a comfortable bed in the center of the room, completely naked and shaved of all hair except on her head. There were tubes and needles popping out of every part of her, various chemicals being pumped into her.

And, of course, there were the body modifications. Even knowing they were coming didn't help Aileen process how alien she felt now. She couldn't get a full sense of all the modifications lying down, but she could see that all her scars from the Games and before the Games had been removed. No one offered her a mirror either.

"Don't worry, ma'am." one of the nurses said, as if reading her mind. "You look stunning!"

"How long have I been here? How long since the Games?"

"The Recovery Unit got you out of the arena a day and a half ago. You've been in the Capitol for only a day though." The pointed ears one replied. "Do you remember what happened? You started have spasms on the hovercraft and attacked one of the medics. They had to inject you with a paralysis and put you under for a little."

"No, I don't remember that." Aileen said. Foggy memories of being lifted onto the hovercraft were present, but she couldn't recall anything else.

But she could remember the pain, which caused her to cringe and cry out.

"It's ok, Victor! You're safe her now!"

"The scar on my back! From the whip! Is it gone too?" Aileen asked, her voice weak. She didn't want it there. She didn't mind the other scars, so long as that one was gone.

The nurses suddenly became far more distant. One of them muttered that the scar was gone, but they said nothing else after that. They remained quiet as they examined Aileen, only speaking when someone else entered the room. Aileen instantly remembered her thanks to the purple hair. Dr. Novella, the woman who had given the tributes their medical exams before the Parade.

"How are you feeling, Victor Whittaker?" she asked, examining her charts for herself. Dr. Novella wasn't exactly hostile, but there was an edge to her voice.

'Ansel... oh Ansel what have you done?'Aileen thought.

"Not good. Lots of pain." Aileen responded. "I could use some more morphling."

Dr. Novella obliged, giving her control of her morphling supply as well. Once she was properly doped up, Dr. Novella began to explain Aileen's condition.

"You were worse for wear, Victor Whittaker, but you still made it back to us in mostly one piece." she began. "We've run the basic modifications for our female Victors, though we did limit ourselves in some areas, per the request of your escort and stylist. We've also removed the scarring tissue, including the ones you had on your face before entering the Games."

Aileen's hand instantly went to her cheek, feeling how smooth it was. "You didn't have to do that." she hissed.

"Afraid that we did." Dr. Novella continued, unfazed by Aileen's annoyance. "We also successfully treated the acid scars on your hands with little difficulty. You were very resourceful in the arena when treating them though. We were all very impressed here at the Medical Center."

"Thanks." Aileen muttered.

"Now, thanks to Tribute Dresner, you're left ear was cut in two. We were not able to save it, so we've given you an artificial left ear. It looks completely normal, however the cartilage will no longer be soft."

Aileen felt her new ear, cringing when she felt the hard exterior of it. The ear would take some getting used to, but she could still hear fine.

"And finally, your back."

Dr. Novella paused and put down the electronic pad, motioning for the nurses to leave. Once they were gone, Dr. Novella rounded the bed and stood by Aileen's side, offering her best attempt at a sympathetic look. Aileen rolled her eyes at it, though she could already feel panic gripping her.

"Just tell me. Rip off the band aid." she said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ansel's whip was designed for combat, making its effects far more damaging than a regular whip." Dr. Novella began, trying to pick the right words. "Unfortunately, your spine was damaged by the attack. Badly."

Aileen swallowed hard, trying to control her face. "Can I walk? Can I function normally?"

"There was severe damage to your thoracic vertebrae, Victor, but yes, you can still walk."

Aileen breathed a heavy sigh of relief, a nervous laughter building up in her throat.

"However, we did have to major reconstructive surgery." Dr. Novella continued. "Namely, we have to replace two of your vertebrae. It'll take some time for you to fully recover. Maybe a month or two before you're back to your full strength. The nerves have to adjust fully to your implants. We'll begin you on physical therapy tomorrow to expedite the process, but you shouldn't worry. You'll be in the lap of luxury every step of the way."

Aileen nodded along and allowed the doctor to continue with her examination. As soon as she left, and Aileen was sure no one else was around, she began to cry. Aileen knew she would be fine, yet that no longer seemed like enough.

The rest of her first day awake in the hospital involved a lot of pain and crying. From the spinal pain, from the horrifying memories that came flooding back to her, and even the loss of her identity. Her scars had a bigger impact on her than she had thought. Without them, she somehow felt even more naked then she did lying in the hospital.

That night had been horrible as well. She had been in such agony, the nurses had to call Dr. Novella back so she could order a spinal fluid drain. Aileen lay on her stomach that night as the doctors prodded and drained fluid from her back. She gripped the bed in excruciating pain, screaming for morphling and painkillers. The doctors refused though, leaving her to pass out from pain halfway through the procedure.

The second day was still filled with pain, but the doctors had been kind enough to leave her plenty of morphling and painkillers. She consumed both eagerly, perhaps far to easily. Aileen cared little for appropriate portions though, instead searching for an elusive bliss and end to the constant pain she felt. Most of the time it felt as though her back was going to explode from pain.

None of the doctors seemed to care either about regulating her pill intact. So long as she didn't overdose. In fact, the only thing they did regulate was what they said regarding the Games. Aileen knew some of it was because they preferred to keep the Victor in the dark for better 'reaction' during the Games recap, but there seemed to be another element to it. Aileen kept thinking back to Ansel's final words, the insults he hurled at the Capitol. How she had edged him on, knowing they would kill him.

Aileen downed more pills whenever she thought about that.

As Dr. Novella promised, the therapists arrived by midday to begin her recovery therapy. Dr. Novella was with them, keeping an eye on Aileen. Aileen also discovered that she had quite a few Peacekeepers guarding her, their eyes always scanning for unseen threats. After two hours of stretches, the therapists tried to get her onto support bars to test her walking strength.

That was a spectacular failure. Aileen collapsed between them, screaming in such pain that her Peacekeeper guards outside the room actually rushed in to make sure she wasn't being attacked. They were waved off and Aileen was forced to try it again. Once more she failed, tears streaming down her eyes now. Dr. Novella forced the therapists to back off, giving her more pills and another shot of morphling. The therapists tried to get Aileen back on the bars, but Dr. Novella was already moving her out of the room via wheelchair.

"Find another way for her to be on stage 'appropriately'!" Dr. Novella shouted at them. "But I can not allow you continue this! She isn't ready and you could damage the implants this early on!"

"The President will hear about this!" One of them shouted back, his red face contrasting sharply with his green skin to make it a sickly yellow.

Surprisingly, Dr. Novella didn't appear to be fazed by the threat and wheeled Aileen out of the room without another glance. Despite how much she hated Capitolites, Aileen couldn't help but see Dr. Novella as a saint at the moment. For that, and for the painkillers she provided. Aileen slept better that night too, thanks to an increased dosage of morphling. She lay back, trying to forget all her trauma and woos as she lost herself in the blissful feel of morphling and soft pillows on her bed.

The third day brought a friendly face to Aileen. Effie Trinket, dressed in a blue dress and wig, both of which had pink outlines and edges, rushed into the room. She was excited to Aileen, or perhaps more relieved, as tears rolled down her face. Gently, she embraced Aileen, mindful of her pain, and went on and on about her concern for her.

"Are you sure you're being fed enough? You're being treated right by everyone, correct? Oh, Aileen! I was just... I was so worried!"

Aileen could barely keep up with Effie, surprised when she also began tearing up with her. Aileen had never cried this much in her life before, but Effie - even in her ridiculous getup and melodramatic tone - also looked like a saint. Effie only earned that status more when she immediately ordered Dr. Novella to get Aileen a wheelchair so they could go on a stroll. Dr. Novella tried to protest, but Effie bogged her down enough in protest for the doctor to make an exception, so long as Peacekeepers and a nurse went with them.

"And you can't leave this floor!" Dr. Novella continued.

"Yes, yes, we know! No need to be so melodramatic!" Effie shot back, which caused Aileen to laugh. Dr. Novella huffed and left the room as Effie turned back to Aileen and offered her a smile. Aileen returned it and held out her hand to try and grasp Effie's perfectly manicured hand. Effie didn't hold back and took hold, squeezing softly in support.

"Thank you. For everything. I know it probably wasn't easy, but thank you so much for not giving up on me." Aileen said, tears once more flowing down her face.

"For you, dear? I wouldn't have given up for a second!" Effie replied, a glimmer of a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

It was painful getting into the wheelchair, but Aileen was determined enough to bear with it. Once she was in it, Effie placed a blanket over Aileen, giving her some modesty, before wheeling her away. Effie kept up a constant stream of conversation, talking about anything other than the Games. It was an extremely impressive feat, given it was the only thing everyone else could think of at that moment. Eventually, they wandered out near a balcony area, which the guards tried to prevent them from going out onto.

"Oh come now! She's just spent twelve days in the freezing arctic! She could use with a little warmth! It certainly isn't warm in that room. More like an icebox!"

Reluctantly, the Peacekeeper gave them space and allowed Effie and Aileen to be alone outside. Immediately, as soon as the hot air hit her, Aileen began laughing.

"It's not cold!" she said, joy erupting in her. She could remember thinking during the blizzard that she'd never feel this again. That'd she die surrounded by the cold, all alone. Her mood dampened when she realized that twenty-three children had.

Effie gave Aileen a minute to adjust, before pulling up a chair and sitting next to her. From the balcony, they had a good view of the Capitol, including the waterfront. The silver and grey buildings still looked imposing, and different colored lights lite up some of them from advertisements. Even from as high up as she was, Aileen could still make out the ant sized figures of some of the Capitolites. A throng of them, probably reporters, have converged just outside the hospital.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to get to you." Effie apologized. "They were restrictive and I only managed to get in thanks to a Gamemaker friend. Cinna wanted to come too, but they would only allow one of us to visit you."

"I'm glad that you did come." Aileen said, turning slightly towards Effie. She really did mean it. "It's been a hard few days."

"Your conditions been released to the public, all part of the ongoing coverage of your Victory, but I was still worried. I... I was really scared that we might lose you in the Games. When Ansel attacked you I screamed and began crying." Effie continued, barely able to look her in the eye. "Aileen, I am so sorry that I couldn't do more for you."

"Effie! You did plenty!"

"No! I could have worked harder! I could have gotten you superior equipment, supplies, medicines! I should have found some way to send you armor, to protect you from his whip!"

Aileen placed a hand on Effie's knee, forcing Effie to look her in the eye. "You did what you could, Effie. I'm here now. You succeeded."

Effie gave a sad smile and gripped Aileen's hand. "As long as you're alive." she replied, before trying to compose herself. She wiped at the edges of her eyes, forcing the tears away, and cleared her throat. "Now then, we need to discuss the Victors coronation tomorrow, but we also need to discuss something far more important first. That's why I brought you out here. We couldn't have people overhearing us."

Aileen instantly knew what it had to be about. "Ansel." Aileen stated.

"Yes, dear. Ansel." Effie said. " As you might imagine, Ansel's words were not received by the Capitol. President Snow if furious and is out for blood. He's looking for someone to blame."

"Ansel is dead, Effie. There's no one left to blame."

"That doesn't matter to the President. He wants to make an example."

"Ansel being torn in half by a monster isn't enough of a lesson?" Aileen asked, more sharply then she anticipated.

Effie paused for a moment. "I'm sorry, Aileen. I didn't mean to sound rude. I could tell you cared for him, in your own way. Certainly not romantically, but that's fine as well. No shame in it. But now you have to do something."

"Wait. Romantically?" Aileen asked. "So Ansel's Victor father did try to make us seem romantically linked, huh?"

Slowly, Effie nodded in response.

Aileen scoffed in annoyance and vindication. "I knew it. Those stupid strawberries." she muttered, before returning to the issue at hand. "OK, what is it that I have to do?"

"Ansel's words have sparked unrest in some Districts. Nothing major, but enough that it could lead to some problems. Obviously, the Capitol can't have this. To not act would make them look weak. Now, whether you like it or not, you as a Victor of the Hunger Games have a certain amount of influence on everything. You were close to Ansel, the closest of anyone in the arena, and thus you can have a hand in deciding his fate and how his words are interpreted.

"For this, you have three options. The first is to work with his words and incite rebellion. I don't need to tell you how dangerous this would be, but I can assure you that you will not be leaving the Capitol alive if you pursue that path. Your status as Victor is powerful, but will only protect you so much. The second is to take no stance. This is also difficult and would require a lot of maneuvering on your part, and even then your safety may not be guaranteed. The third option... the third option is to destroy Ansel."

"What do you mean?" Aileen asked, getting worked up over each choice. She really wished they brought her painkillers with them.

"Destroy his credibility, his image, his power. Tributes and Victors are important parts of Panem, and no matter what they're backgrounds or personal feelings, they act more as symbols than actual individuals to many people. If you were take out his credibility, you would calm the populace and make President Snow's job easier. I know it's not... not easy, but it would also assure your survival."

Neither spoke for a little, Effie's words sinking in. After a little, Aileen chuckled softly. The hot air no longer felt comfortable on her skin. "Forgive me, Effie, but I didn't realize you were this... thoughtful."

"A lot of things have changed." Effie replied. "It was hard, but I'm no longer... well it doesn't matter. All that matters is what you will decide."

"What would you do? Or, what do you think I should do?"

"I would lie, and I would want you to lie as well." Effie replied, without pause. "But, I'm a citizen of the Capitol. I was taught manners and to think of myself instead others."

Aileen chuckled softly at that comment. "As a citizen of District 12, I also know that lessen. Except the manners part. If you actually knew how people cursed and talked in District 12 you'd probably have a heart attack."

Now both of them were laughing. The hot air no longer felt so suffocating to Aileen, who brushed a few strands of hair from her eyes.

"I knew what was happening, even through all that pain." she confessed, unable to look Effie in the eye. "I manipulated Ansel to save myself. I knew that the Gamemakers didn't want me as a Victor, but I also knew they wouldn't allow Ansel to be Victor if he started spouting insults at the Capitol. So I tricked him. I acted weaker than I actually was, mentally that is, getting him to grow emotional and make it harder. I doomed him, to save myself."

Aileen had expected Effie to become disgusted with her, yet she kept a supportive look on her face. "No one is perfect, Aileen, and no one has a right to judge you for your actions in the arena, though everyone certainly will. After the 74th Hunger Games, after Katniss was gone, someone told me that the arena is a place that I, and no one besides the other Victors, could truly understand. So, I won't judge. You did what you had too, and you're alive. Now you have to decide your fate going forward, my dear. It won't be easy, but I'll support whatever you do."

The tears came again after that statement, and Effie hugged Aileen once more. They stayed like that for a couple minutes until Effie planted a light kiss on Aileen's forehead and pulled away slowly.

"But it won't just be my fate, will it?" Aileen asked, brushing away yet more tears. "It'll involve my family's fate, right? And my Districts?"

Effie nodded solemnly. "Yes, it will. They and everyone in Panem know your loved ones. The Family Interviews made sure of that. They even know about your friends that you mentioned in you interview with Caesar. Elaine and Silas, was it?"

"Yeah, that's them." Aileen said, surprised by that. She had forgotten how she had mockingly called out her former friends in an attempt to make them feel bad. Back when she didn't think she'd be escaping the arena.'That was a screw up.'

"Thank you, for telling me all of this, Effie."

"Of course, dear."

"I think I'm ready to go back inside."

Effie nodded and rose from her seat to begin pushing Aileen again. As she did, Aileen couldn't help but let slip a secret that she had told no one save Elaine, long ago when they were still friends.

"I really like the pink in your outfit." Aileen said sheepishly, feeling the color rising to her cheeks. "Pink is my favorite color, actually."

That admission managed to take Effie back, who smiled brightly. "Really?" she asked, a lighthearted tone returning to her voice.

"Yes, but please don't tell anyone. And please don't make Cinna dress me all in pink. It doesn't look good on me. At least I think. I've actually never worn the color."

"Oh don't worry about that, dear. Cinna already has an excellent outfit planned for you. But... perhaps I could do something with that information."

Finally, it was time for Panem to meet their Victor.

Aileen was escorted from the hospital back into the Tribute Quarters, her prep team already there and greeting her with open arms. They were oblivious to the tension that had taken the Capitol, or perhaps were being willfully ignorant. As they worked on her, they discussed the Games among themselves one another. Everything was spectacular to them and they couldn't help but gush about how amazing Aileen was in the arena.

"What about the other tributes? Like the ones I didn't see. What did you like about them?" Aileen asked.

None of her prep team responded to that, instead continuing to talk about her performance. The other tributes were dead and gone, why should they care about them? None of the dead tributes were going to make them famous like Aileen was about to. Eventually they finished dressing her, which brought on a torrent of compliments for her that sounded suspiciously like they were boasting about themselves the entire time.

Aileen looked at herself in the mirror, still disgusted with what appeared before her. She had been completely redone in the Capitol's image. She looked to be in her early twenties, thanks to the surgeries and makeup. She also had far lighter skin now, her skin no longer olive colored. She wasn't white, but it looked like she was just very tan. What really bothered her was the lack of scars. Once again, Aileen brought her fingers to her face, longing for her former scar that had come to define her. The Capitol had taken it, just like they had so much.

"I can take it from here. Thank you all for all your work. She looks marvelous."

Her prep team scurried out and Aileen turned her head to see Cinna standing beside her. He offered her a smile and she returned it. "Would you like me to remove some of that make up?" he asked.

Aileen nodded; glad to see a familiar face. Cinna had always been kind to her and never treated her like a plaything. She also appreciated how he didn't congratulate her on her victory. It was the small things that he did or didn't do that mattered the most.

"I like the dress." Aileen commented as Cinna gently wiped off some of the make up.

"I thought simplicity would work best for you. Unless you'd rather I get my back up design. It has ruffles and feathers in it."

"No, thank you." Aileen replied, a small laugh accompanying it. Cinna laughed as well and retrieved the dress. Very carefully, he helped Aileen into it, allowing her to use his body as support as he did so. Once it was on, Cinna gently put her back in her wheelchair and fixed her hair, allowing Aileen to look at herself in the mirror.

"I like it. I really do." Aileen said, smiling softly. Her dress was a halter neck with an open back, to show that Ansel's whip had left no lasting damage. It was two toned, with the majority of it being black save for a stripe of white that cut straight down the middle of the dress. There was pleating around her waist, underneath a decorative belt that held the insignia of District 12 on it, inlaid in silver. It was an interesting color choice for a Victor, but Aileen trusted that Cinna knew what he was doing. She didn't particularly feel like celebrating with bright colors anyways. In fact, she'd probably stand out a lot that evening. Black and white weren't colors the Capitol traditional favored, as they were too 'tame'. Those colors were left to Peacekeepers and poor District citizens.

There was a knock on the door and a Peacekeeper stuck his head in. "It's time." he announced. Cinna finished up the last minute preparations and wheeled her outside her dressing room. An Avox then appeared to take her from Cinna, leading them all underneath the stage where Aileen would be sitting with Caesar. Effie was already waiting, along with the prep team. And something else was there, which made Aileen gasp when she saw it.

"They expect me to ride up in that?" Aileen asked, shocked.

Effie and Cinna could only give her supportive glances as they got her ready before returning to their places. Above them, Caesar was whipping the crowd into a frenzy. They sounded absolutely crazed, hopefully out of support for her and not for blood. As she waited, Aileen thought back on the words delivered to her by some of Snow's agents. They had told her exactly what Effie had, though in less friendly terms. She had to play along or she'd die. Aileen still had no idea what she would do though. Anxiously, she began to crack her fingers, wishing she had some of her painkillers. Dr. Novella had filled her up with plenty before the recap and had promised more afterwards.

'Just comply. Just get through this. Don't make a scene!'

It began with Effie, Cinna, and the Prep team being risen up onto the stage. The Capitol cheered for them respectfully, but their focus was on Aileen. They wanted her, and they wanted her now. For a moment, Aileen was thankful her legs didn't work, as they probably would have given out under her now. She felt incredibly dizzy and nauseous.

'I don't want to do this. Please don't make me!'

Before she could vocalize though, Aileen was rising through the air and up onto the stage. The ceiling rescinding above her, light streaming through a momentarily blinding her. Once her eyes cleared, she could see the Capitol in front of her. The audience was screaming for her, begging for her to notice them. Music was playing in the background and Aileen was vaguely aware that her face, looking triumphant, was being projected onto screens across the stage.

'Do these people realize how dangerous this is right now? How close people are ready to revolt for me?'

'Not for me. They don't care for me. They'll revolt for Ansel.'

Caesar, for his part, didn't seem phased by the tension she felt. Remembering that she too was on stage, Aileen quickly began to smile and wave appreciatively towards the audience, who responded back with another roar of applause. Suddenly, Aileen felt herself rising once more and a shock of panic was sent through her. She then realize it was only her litter 'throne', carried by four very muscular Avoxs, all four men stripped down to their underwear and soaked in oil. Their muscle rippled and shined under the heavy stage lights, just another exploitive part of the show as they carried Aileen up to Caesar.

"My word!" Caesar cried, looking in bemused shocked as Aileen was carried. He clapped and cheered with the audience as the Avoxs set her down and removed the poles used to support the litter. Three of them left the stage while the fourth was stopped by Caesar, who poked and groped the Avox's chest for the audience's amusement. His final act was to wink at the audience and adopt a scandalized face as his hand drifted slowly towards the Avox's pelvic region.

Aileen could no longer muster a smile.

Caesar eventually allowed the Avox to leave the stage, though not before slapping him playfully on the butt. He then sat down next to Aileen, allowing the audience's cheers to die down before speaking.

"What a beautiful escort team, Victor Whittaker! I see that men are already fawning over you!"

The audience laughed and Aileen managed a small chuckle. "Yes, it's nice, I guess. It was very kind of them."

"Well of course! It was excellent foresight by our good Capitol doctors and producers! Wasn't that an entrance, folks!"

As the audience cheered once more as Aileen mentally remind herself that Avoxs could never be praised or credited for anything. With that starting point, Caesar and Aileen quickly discussed her condition. Aileen assured the audience that she was fine and in capable hands. She also happily announced she'd be walking soon enough and made sure to properly credit Dr. Novella and her team for her improving condition. Dr. Novella - who was in the audience - took a moment to be recognized by the camera and some applauding citizens. Aileen went along with the clapping, actually appreciative of her.

"Now, we have a lot to discuss, but first, wehaveto get to the main event. The re-cap of the 77th Games!"

On cue, the lights dimmed and several screens lit up with the footage. Aileen tried to hide her discomfort with a 'heartfelt' agreement with Caesar before turning her full attention to one of the screens. Aileen was interested in seeing what the other tributes in the arena had been up too, but she dreaded seeing herself up on screen.

The first forty-five minutes or so were devoted to the Pre-Games. It was very dramatic; all of it accompanied by a soundtrack to indicate to the audience the emotions they should be feeling. All of the Reapings were covered, though the time spent on each was different depending on the tributes' importance in the Games. District 3 received a full minute of coverage - complete with Watt's outburst, which the Capitol found hilarious now - while District 9 barely got ten seconds. The coverage District 4 received surprised Aileen, especially how the editors had shown Ansel. His theme song - as every tribute had one - was soft and kind of sad. Aileen hated it.

If District 4 was odd, than District 12 was stranger. Aileen had a hard time believing that the girl in the recap could have been her. She certainly didn't look like a Hunger Games Victor, or even a person who would make it past the Bloodbath. Seeing Rufus follow her up on stage, the only tribute without a theme song, only hurt her more. Caesar made a joke about the Reaping but Aileen didn't manage to hear it, instead just laughing along with the audience. She had never had an out of body experience before, but it certainly felt as though she were experiencing one now.

The Tribute Parade followed, which included commentary about the Capitol's early impressions of the tributes. Aileen watched herself on the chariot, her face showing clear annoyance at the coal dress that turned into diamonds, and couldn't help but laugh.

"That was truly a beautiful moment, wasn't it?" Caesar asked.

"Truly." Aileen replied, hoping her sarcasm wasn't too apparent.

Training followed, which was filled with a few shots of the tributes looking productive and determined. Aileen did her best not to roll her eyes, remembering how no one, except the Careers, really knew what they were doing. For the most part, the tributes had just wandered aimlessly, floating between stations, until a trainer attempted to guide them. Overlapping the training montage was more commentary from Hunger Games 'experts', ex-Gamemakers, and past Victors. Given the lack of talk about her, Aileen guessed none of them assumed she'd make it past the Bloodbath.

Following the score reveal - something Aileen had completely forgotten about - it was time for the Tribute Interviews. While the editors tried to give all twenty-four tributes their moment, it was becoming clear that they had selected tributes that would be driving this year's narrative. Those lucky few were Chance, Griffin, Watt, Ansel, Tassel, Clair, Luna, and Aileen herself. Extra time was allotted to those tributes, forcing Aileen to sit through all of them discussing how they hoped to return home as Victor. Aileen visible cringed when she appeared, the old her trying to act bubbly and likable. Only her interview was full length, though still heavily edited.

'I know plenty of people here who are disappointed with infection related deaths! Myself included!'she had said when trying to sell the importance of her medic skills. Everyone cheered for that and Caesar gave her a playful slap on the arm. Aileen couldn't smile though, remembering what came next.

'Any friend's rooting for you?'Caesar had asked her.

The Aileen in the recap had her eyes downcast. Aileen would have done the same if a camera wasn't pinned on her constantly, recording and projecting her into a 'reaction' box in the corner of the screen. Finally, the recap Aileen looked up and replied in a small voice.

'No. But I hope they will. I also wanted to let them know... I'm sorry. What I did was wrong and... I wish I could make it up to you.'

The audience in front of her began cheering again, along with Caesar. "Well it certainly looks like you'll have a chance now! Elaine and Silas! Those aretheir name's, right?"

"Y-yes." Aileen said. Caesar looked at her expectantly, but Aileen allowed it to trail off awkwardly there.'I can think about you two later.'Aileen thought.

It was time for the Games.

The Bloodbath was horrifically well done, each moment and death expertly paced and followed with dramatic music, the bass blasting louder and louder as it continued on. The camera panned over all twenty-four tributes on their plates, a range of absolute joy and utter fear spaced out among them. The gong followed shortly and all of them were off.

Fuze was the first down, sacrificing himself for Jory, Chance's swords tearing through him easily. Then Trent, whom Twill tricked to save himself. Sky's axe was buried into the little boy's chest, abject horror painted on his face while his District 8 allies dragged Flux away from the Bloodbath. Dagan was impaled by Ansel while Aylin, helpless, was cut to ribbons by Griffin. All of their screams were seared into Aileen's memory but the Capitol viewed them as things to joke about.

'N-No! Please no!'Amélie pleaded through tears before Griffin sliced through her neck. Ayla and Watt, her allies, tried to flee but Sky cut them off and split open Ayla's head with her axe. Watt fled, barely escaping onto the glacier island as the bridge collapsed behind him. He was wounded, but alive.

The view shifted back to the carnage, as Luna managed to escape Bruce and Sterling saved Clair with a punch to Griffin's face. They fled the scene, along with Brielle, and the remaining Careers regrouped. Bruce made fun of Griffin's scars, only to be stabbed through the heart by the angry Career. The editors had removed Aileen's scream of horror as well, to make her seem less weak no doubt.

Then it was her big moment. Rufus was waiting. With the urging of the Careers, Aileen ended his life.

"This was arguably your hardest kill of the Games." Caesar commented. "What were you thinking then."

Aileen, feeling sick, forced herself to respond. "I had to prove myself to them, and this was the way to do it." Aileen replied. "But... I also knew that is what he wanted. Death, I mean. He wanted to die, even before being Reaped."

Caesar and the audience looked at her in puzzlement as Aileen was lost in her own train of thought. The memory of their discussion the night before the Games, back on Floor 12 of the Tribute Quarters, came flooding back.

'Do you really want to die?'she had asked. Rufus had nodded his head in reply.'Don't give me the silent act, now! Why do you want to die?'

'Why do you want to live?'Rufus had replied.

Aileen was distracted from the memory when Caesar redirected her attention back to the Games. Haspen's death was up next, another moment for Aileen to shine. Krystal's part, even though it was small to start, was downplayed more. Everyone was cheering as Aileen drove the mace into Haspen's back again and again. Aileen could remember that moment well. The power she felt she had.

"This certainly creates an interesting dynamic for later, hmm? With Luna?"

'No shit, Caesar.'Aileen thought, nodding in agreement instead of speaking.

The rest of Day One was quick after that. Clair and Brielle verbally clashed as Sterling looked befuddled. Tassel and Twill clashed as well, with Tassel calling him out on his actions at the Bloodbath with Flux out of earshot. Luna's capture was tragic as she was so confident she had managed to outsmart District 2, only to be knocked out by an eager Sky.

Jory's death was given its due time as well.

'I-I bet Sue's happy!'she mocked, before Ansel plunged the fire poker into her heart. The audience didn't seem to look favorably on that comment, but Aileen couldn't help but smile. She had never spoken to Jory, but she admired her resolve in the face of the death. Afterwards, there was sometime spent with Ansel and Chance as they explore theCaïna, alluding to what was the come.

Days Two and Three were mashed together to make up for the lack of action. Watt escaping District 1 was every bit as impressive as Aileen thought it would be and was the highlight of Day Two, as most of the remaining alliances struggled to adapt to the arena. Day 3 the action picked up with Sky and Aileen bonding while exploring thePtolomea, discovering its secret message. In the forest, Tassel and her group were attacked by territorial birds, and by the hot springs, Watt met up with Clair's alliance thanks to the polar bear mutt.

On the other side of the arena, Chance and Krystal entered theCaïna, which was accompanied by ominous music. The audience's looks of concern gave Aileen the chills. They only confirmed by Ansel had suspected. Chance was going to kill Krystal.

Which occurred in short order. During the Day 4 blizzard, Chance turned on Krystal and attacked her, letting her bleed out slowly instead of giving her a quick death. There was a morbid romance vibe to the whole affair that made Aileen angry, as she knew Krystal had no affection for Chance. Just another way for the Gamemakers to trivialize everything. As that played out, Clair and Watt bonded in the hot springs while Brielle and Sterling were given little screen time. Clair seemed a sweet, intelligent girl. Aileen shuddering, not wanting to see her death on screen.

Then it was Tassel… or Saint Tassel as Caesar liked to joke. She truly was Saint like, as she single handily saved Twill and Flux from the blizzard.'As if I needed another reason to feel bad about killing her.'Aileen reminisced. There was a flash of pain from her back and Aileen once more longed for some pills. Perhaps morphling too.

Aileen had expected Caesar to make a bigger deal of the moment when Aileen and Ansel saved Luna, but he made no comment.

The next day began with Twill's hand being severed, unsalvageable from the frostbite. The Capitol took a sick glee in seeing the maiming, and Aileen could have sworn she saw Caesar lick his lips at the sight. He did bring up the medicine they received, mentioning how she could have used the 'Tears of Ptolemy' during her final fight. Aileen smiled through the comment, wanting to lob back a nasty comment at Caesar.

As Twill recovered and District 2 went hunting, events slowed down to show Luna escaping from Aileen and Ansel. Aileen's internal turmoil was on full display, with a sad musical number to accompany it, mixed with video of Ansel trying to comfort her.

The mood quickly changed though as the scene turned to night and claimed two more lives. Sterling and Flux met their ends at the hands of Careers while their allies could only watch in horror. The next morning, despite her admirable attempts to fight back, Clair was dead as well, though not before being tortured and mocked by Griffin.

True to his word though, Watt did kill Griffin, though Aileen could find no joy in watching Griffin come to turns with his own mortality. As Griffin lay bleeding out, Watt held the dying Clair in his arms, who forced him to promise he'd win before she died. Across the arena, Twill and Tassel fought and nearly killed Chance. They would have succeeded, if Chance weren't wearing the Armor of Cain as Caesar called it. It was at that point that Tassel also acquired her spear gun.

The rest of Day six and later seven was a cool off period. Watt explore the lighthouse and reviewed the diary, Sky explored the arena on her own, Aileen and Ansel ran into Chance who refused their alliance, District 8 tried to come to terms with one another, and Luna began to process of recovering from her abuse. It hadn't escaped Aileen's notice that the editors spent most of the time with her and Ansel, adding unnecessary thematic music and longing glances between the two of them. Day seven ended with the two of them talking about their homes while District 8 scaled theJudeccaunder the cover of night.

And then the Leviathan appeared, in all its terrifying glory.

The audience was ecstatic at the sight of it, like children receiving a gift on their birthday. On screen, Brielle, who had largely vanished after Sterling's death, was torn to shreds by the creature. She was only a prop to the editors, something to show the true strength of the Leviathan and thus their 'genius'. Aileen nervously scratched her hands when the acid burned her hands on screen, memories the pain and shock flooding back.

She couldn't watch Luna's death, and how she wished she could cover her ears so she couldn't hear her screams. Caesar took notice and offered her a supportive pat on her shoulder before going into detail about Luna's 'bravery' and honor while the audience nodded along. Aileen flashed him a dirty look, not caring what anyone thought of it.

'She was twelve! She shouldn't have to be fucking brave!'she wanted to scream. Aileen then noticed in the front row a young girl, younger than Luna, dressed in a sickening orange dress and smiling brightly at Luna's death.'I'm going to be sick.' Aileen thought, struggling to control her free falling emotions.

Aileen felt like she would kill for a few drops of morphling.

Day 8 ended with the great fire, brought on by Twill. Saint Tassel tried to stop him, but failed and lost her friend. The last image of the day was Ansel tending to Aileen's burns, while those stupid strawberries lay in the foreground.

With less than an hour left in the recap, things sped up fast. Aileen and Ansel split apart at the start of Day Nine, an even that seemed to upset many in the audience. Caesar took a moment to ask Aileen some questions, oblivious trying to get her to react emotionally to it.

"It had to happen." Aileen replied, keeping her emotions on lockdown. Her fingers were twiddling quickly though, forcing her to grab her dress to calm them. "There's only one Victor, right?"

"But it was hard on you though?" Caesar continued, trying to put Aileen in a corner.

"I would say it was harder on him than on me! I mean, look at that face! He looks devastated."

Caesar was satisfied with that answer and allowed the matter to drop. Day 10 was starting and it was back to back killings, starting with Tassel. Utter awe had come over the audience as they watched Aileen pound Saint Tassel's face in with the spear gun. Aileen shifted in her seat though refused to look away. She couldn't believe how crazed she looked on screen. The small smile that was on it when she killed Haspen had only grown bigger with Tassel's death.

But in retrospect, Aileen could only feel guilt. Tassel had been a genuinely good person, and Aileen had taken her from this world. Caesar complimented her on her third kill while Aileen tried not to scream.

The fight between Sky and Chance was intense, despite its short length. Whatever relief Aileen had felt upon seeing Sky's face among the Fallen was gone now. She sat in silence as she watched her quasi-friend die at Chance's hand, who was wounded badly and bleeding out. The mood of the audience turned sour at that moment and Aileen could instantly guess his fate.

It wasn't long then until Chance died, with Ansel's company, on Day Eleven. He muttered something about 'deserving' his death before expelling his last breathe. Ansel stayed with Chance out of respect, but it didn't extend after his death as Ansel began pillaging his supplies. The scene shifted than to Watt and Aileen, their brief chase, and then their frank conversation. Most of it was edited and their tones were deepened to make it sound less friendly.

'The arena changes people, right?'Watt asked her, a question that onscreen Aileen looked taken aback by. Aileen could remember what she thought but didn't reply to that remark.

'No. No, I don't think I've really changed.' She had thought.

'And now?'

Aileen had no answer to that.

"Do you wish you had killed him there, instead of letting Ansel have his moment?" Caesar asked.

A pause, before Aileen answered. "Yes." She replied, so softly that Caesar had to ask again. The audience loved the response. Aileen wasn't sure if she meant it though.

Day eleven ended with Watt exploring theAntenora, taking its treasure trove of bombs, oil, and gunpowder. He then began setting up his traps; finishing as the sun came up and the final day of the Games began.

It all happened fast after that.

The fight between Ansel, Watt, and herself was perfectly cut together. The tension was high and Aileen had to grip the litter's edges as she remembered the event vividly. The explosions, the bloodshed, the terror, it was apparent across every second of the final battle. Watt's death was quick, a mercy killing really compared to what was coming. Ansel then came after her and she barely managed to get away.

Then the crack of the whip. It made her flinch and struggle to keep her eyes open. And then her scream. It was the worst sound that Aileen had ever heard in her life, but it was only a prelude to what came next.

'This is it.' Aileen thought. How would they portray Ansel's break down? Would they even show it?

It was masterfully edited. It was perhaps the best editing Aileen had ever seen from a Hunger Games. They captured her cries for mercy and played them along with Ansel trying to rationalize killing her. He did curse, but the way the camera was focused and the shots framed it looked like he was cursing at her. Cursing the idea of killing her, a girl he had developed feelings for. Because of course he had… the recap had shown so many images of the two of them 'bonding' and added in a sappy soundtrack to make it romantic. Even after they had split up, they continued to show clips of the two of them sitting in silence, as if contemplating each other.

"It's the culmination of a doomed love. How tragic." Caesar commented gravely.

'Love. That's what they're going with?' Aileen thought in disgust.'How fucking cliché.'

But what else could the Capitol do? They were so predictable most of the time.

The Leviathan then emerged and took Ansel as he screamed helplessly. The camera gave Aileen an excellent view of the carnage, ever muscle of Ansel's torso being shredded in high definition as the Leviathan torn him in two.

And then it was over. Claudius Templesmith's voice rang out, announcing her as Victor, and the last image was of her being lifted up from the arena onto the hovercraft. As she flew away from the arena, the reaction box enlarged, eventually taking over the screen as the audience turned their attention back to Aileen and began cheering for her. Caesar joined them, even standing to congratulate her. The onstage Aileen forced out a smile, trying her best not to cry.

'They're all dead.'She thought, over and over again.'I'm the only one that survived. Shitty old me. Who can't stop crying. Pull it the fuck together, Aileen!'

Caesar gave her a moment to compose herself before following up. "An emotional Hunger Games, wouldn't you say, folks?"

The audience cheered their agreement as Aileen nodded along. "That last part was especially hard."

"Yes, I would imagine so. Victor Whittaker… I hate to force you to discuss things in your delicate state, but I'm afraid I must press on." Caesar said, sounding as sorrowful as possible.

Aileen nodded again. "Of course, Caesar. I understand. You have to do your job."

Caesar smiled appreciatively before continuing on. "You and Ansel became close during the Games. That much was apparent, even without the excellent editing of our good Gamemakers."

Aileen chuckled lightly, trying to lighten the mood. "Was it that obvious?"

Caesar laughed and a small ripple went through the audience, laughing as well. Perhaps theydidunderstand how important this conversation was for the wellbeing of Panem. Caesar looked at ease and Aileen hoped she did as well. Effie voice kept coming popping up in her mind, instructing her to do what she had too.

'Just get it over with.' A voice told her.

'The truth.'

'A lie.'

'You want to live, don't you?'

'At what cost though?'

"I did. I mean, yes I did have a special relationship with Ansel." Aileen continued, the entire Capitol hanging on her every word. She briefly wondered if President Snow had a sniper on her at that moment, ready to blow her brains out if it looked like she wouldn't play along.

"Yes, I did pick up on that. He seemed like a troubled boy, did he not?" Caesar replied.

"He was hung up on Sue. That much was clear."

"Ah yes! Very, very astute! I sensed there was something off about him during our interview. He seemed to be looking for something, or someone, to fill the hole left by his late wife."

"We are teenagers after all. Being overemotional is kind of our thing."

Again more laughter from the audience, and Caesar flashed his pearly white smile as well before continuing. "Well I didn't want to be the one to say it, but if you've opened that door we might as well go with it!" he laughed, as the audience calmed down. "I would hate to assume anything, but would it be safe to say that you two could have, if it were any other situation, formed a romantic connection? That could explain Ansel's unfortunate breakdown upon having to kill you?"

Her heart was going to burst. It was beating so fast and so loudly, Aileen wondered if Caesar could hear it.'Do the right thing. Don't give in. Stand up to them. Let all of Panem know how wrong this is!'

It was poetic. It was noble. It was right.

But there was one thought, speaking louder than those moral thoughts. It was familiar. It had been beaten into Aileen her entire life. It had gotten her through the worst winters, the hottest summers, and the heartbreak of losing friends and family.

That thought had also gotten her through the Hunger Games.


"No." Aileen replied. "I felt nothing for him, but he felt something for me. You see, Caesar, I can't feel anything romantic for him."

"You… 'can't'? How so?"

"Well, to be blunt, I'm a lesbian."

Caesar's jaw actually dropped and the entire audience went silent. Aileen smiled sheepishly as the truth was revealed. "Sorry if that's disappointing to some of you. No one bothered to ask though."

The silence didn't break though as Caesar remained paralyzed. The Capitol's - thePresident's - entire narrative had just been shot to hell. Caesar wanted to ask if others – meaning friends and family – knew, but realized it'd only make the supposedly all knowing Capitol look even more foolish.

Aileen, realizing she had to pick up the ball she dropped, pressed forward. "Look, my feelings on Ansel are complicated. Mainly… mainly because I felt threatened by him."

"Y-you…" Caesar began, stopping to clear his throat and try to return to his showman like demeanor. "You felt threatened? By Ansel?"

"Yes." Aileen said, going all in now with the lie. "He always seemed nice. Actually, he probably was the nicest of the alliance. So naturally, as the outside member of the pack, it was easier to talk to him. Unfortunately, he might have thought I wanted more, which is just crazy! It's the Hunger Games after all, and, like I said earlier, there can only be one Victor. But because of those feelings, that's probably why he felt the need to go with Luna and me when we left the Pack."

"So you felt nothing for him?"

"Well at first I thought he was friendly. But once we were away from the Pack, and Luna had fled, I began to realize there was something off. He kept going on and on about Sue, how much he missed her and how kind she was. As you all know, I'm a medic back in District 12, and one of Sue's favorite activities was playing doctor and taking care of those sick in District 4! It was an easy connection for him to make, between Sue and I. Before long, around Day Eight I think, I began to realize that Ansel was becoming perhaps a bit too… attached to me."

Caesar had recovered now. He nodded along with Aileen's words, trying to appear calm as he indicted for Aileen to continue. Perhaps the situation wasn't doomed after all?

"I think that at some point, Ansel started to look at me like a replacement for Sue! Like you said, Caesar, Ansel had a hole in his heart that needed to be filled, and I guess he thought I could do it. I was scared to bring it up though, thinking that he might kill me out of spite if I didn't play along. It seems stupid, I know, but I was terrified of him! What if I told him the truth, that I was a lesbian, and he turned on me! I just… I know plenty of people in District 12 who don't condone that kind of behavior, and I didn't know how District 4 viewed it. I know we in the Districts are nowhere near as enlightened as everyone in the Capitol!"

Members of the audience mumbled along in agreement. Everyone had heard of grisly stories coming out of the Districts, mainly the outliers, regarding their treatment of homosexuals. The degrading attitudes, the assaults, sometimes rapes to 'fix' them. Aileen's fear suddenly became very understandable for the sexually liberated Capitol.

"But what hurt the most, and perhaps ended our friendship, was that Ansel viewed me as a damsel in distress." Aileen continued, her confession turning into a rant. "He viewed me like a flower, something to be protected. Just like he had to protect Sue. But I didn't need protection, now did I?"

A cheer went up from the audience. They were back on her side again, smiles and laughter returning to them. Caesar's face lit up as well, happy that his hide was saved from a lashing from the President.

"I realized he was losing it, that is if he ever 'had' it, so I split us up on Day Nine. And when we came face to face again, three days later, it was to fight to the death. I was ready to do so! You saw me there! I was running to the firebombs, ready to end his life! But before I could he-"

For a moment, Aileen was sent reeling from the memory.'Focus! Focus!'

"His whip hit me and I was at his mercy. But I wasn't going to go down so easily! I knew he cared for me, so I tried to prolong things. Why, you may ask? So that the Leviathan could get him!"

The audience gasped, as did Caesar. Aileen couldn't help but smile, she had the Capitol right in the palm of her hand. Her face was red from excitement and her voice had risen to her highest. She was shouting at them all, riling them up with every word.

"I knew the Leviathan would attack again! The Gamemakers could not make such an imposing creature and not have it wreck havoc! So I led him on, told him I was his 'friend' and pretended to be afraid. I gave him pause and let him rant and rant! And before long, the Leviathan took him! So now I sit before you, your Victor! YourproudVictor! Is it me you want as your Victor, or the deranged, stalker, weepy Ansel?!"

The audience was standing up now screaming her name. They wanted her as their Victor! Aileen Whittaker! Caesar stood up as well and bowed to her, singing praises of her deeds. As they cheered for her, fire works went off as lights flashed around her.

Aileen sighed in relief, keeping the smile on her face. It was a mix of truth and falsehood, but Aileen believed she had done it. Caesar announced her as Victor again and the audience went crazy yet again. The Capitol anthem began and the four Avoxs who brought her onto stage reappeared, holding the same metal bars.

Reattaching them to the litter, the Avoxs lifted Aileen up once more and proceeded to carry her up higher on the stage, where a figure was emerging from red curtains.

A flight above them, President Snow had appeared, dressed in a white suit and red rose lapel on his tux. Next to him was a young Avox boy, dressed in white as well, and carrying a fluffy cushion that held the golden Victor crown on. Aileen was brought up to the President, though placed a step below him, as she could not kneel.

"Victor Whittaker." President Snow said, giving her a small nod. Aileen returned it and bowed her head respectfully. Out of the corner of her eye, Aileen saw the President take hold of the crown and lifted it above her head. Since it was a crown for District 12, the golden band had pickaxes engraved in it, along with shining diamonds that reflected light in every direction.

"For you success in the Hunger Games, I present to you this crown of gold and glory!" President Snow announced, slowly lowering it onto Aileen's head. "Wear it well, and know that now, and forever, your nation is grateful to you and will revere you!"

The crown fit snuggly onto her head, if a bit heavy. Aileen looked up at the President and nodded her thanks. He offered her a smile in return, which just sent shivers down Aileen's spine, causing a twang of pain. He then looked back up, his smile widening slightly as he raised his arms and spoke once more in a booming voice.

"I present to you, Aileen Whittaker of District 12, the Victor of the 77th Hunger Games!"

More cheering, which by now hardly registered with Aileen. It was just a constant buzzing in her ear. Through it though, and while the cameras were panning over the audience, Aileen felt the President lean in closer and whisper into her ear.

"Excellent performance, Ms. Whittaker."

Before she could respond, the Capitol anthem was playing again and another light show had commenced. The Avoxs returned and hoisted up Aileen's litter to carry her off stage to the adoration of the crowd. They would see her seen at the Victor Banquet, an event that Aileen did not look forward too.

Once off stage, away from the cameras and lights, Aileen was finally allowed a moment to decompress. Her limbs were shaking and nerves weak; the crown on her head now feeling like it weighed a thousand pounds. Angrily, she tore it from her head and let it fall into the pillows beneath her.

"STOP!" Aileen roared at her Avoxs, who complied instantly. "Put me down, now!"

Gently, the Avoxs placed her on the ground and awaited further orders. Aileen remained still though, looking off into space as various emotions – mostly negative – overwhelmed her. Her muscles were clenched all over her body and her throat felt like it was on fire.

Without warning, Aileen keeled over and let loose a torrent of vomit. The Avoxs and Peacekeepers accompanying her looked on in shock, more so when Aileen vomited again, staining the middle part of her dress and the pillows around her. She sat in a puddle of her own vomit, the stench equal to her own feelings.

"Aileen!" a voice cried, the sound of high heels clinking against the floor following it. Effie appeared along with Cinna, worry on both of their faces. Aileen looked back at them helpless, residual bile and snot dripping from her lips and nose. Of course, tears accompanied them.

"I-I-I d-did it! T-they bought it!" she said, laughing and crying in a horrified manner.

Effie didn't respond, instead wrapping her arms around Aileen in comfort. Cinna circled the litter and placed an arm around Aileen's shoulders, brushing the hair out of her face and wiping away from the vomit on her face.

Aileen just cried. It was all she could do. She cried for the lost tributes, for her lost self, for ruining Ansel, for embracing the Capitol as a friend. She was broken and ruined beyond repair.

'And I have done most of it to myself.'she thought.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I-I'm sorry..." she mumbled, gripping Effie and Cinna for support.

There was no hope for her. She had turned her backs on the Districts, on her family and friends. Panem would never know the truth about her, only the image the Capitol sold. Aileen would be hated for the rest of her days, damned in the minds of all who did not live in the Capitol. She had a chance to challenge the Capitol on their own turf, and she spat on the opportunity. She chose her own life over the welfare of a nation, inspiring the Capitol to continue the Hunger Games in the process.

For more children to be thrown into the Games, for more Victors to go on being broken.

For the cycle of violence of violence to continue.

The End

Tribute Rankings for the 77th Hunger Games:

1. Aileen Whittaker (D12) - Victor of the 77th Hunger Games [Tributes Killed: 3]

2. Ansel Gephardt (D4), Killed by Leviathan, Ripped in Half [Day 12, Tributes Killed: 3]

3. Watt Dresner (D3), Killed by Ansel Gephardt, Knife through Skull [Day 12, Tributes Killed: 1]

4. Chancellor Mallerion (D1), Succumbed to Infection [Day 11, Tributes Killed: 4]

5. Sky Carroll (D2), Killed by Chancellor Mallerion (D1), Axe to Neck [Day 10, Tributes Killed: 3]

6. Tassel La'Bowe (D8), Killed by Aileen Whittaker (D12), Skull Bashed In [Day 10, Tributes Killed: 0]

7. Twill Zephyr (D8), Fell to his Death [Day 8, Tributes Killed: 0]

8. Luna Shade (D11), Killed by the Leviathan, Throat Torn Out [Day 8, Tributes Killed: 0]

9. Brielle Purslane (D4), Killed by the Leviathan, Acid Burns/Suffocation on Blood [Day 8, Tributes Killed: 0]

10. Clairmonde Amberson (D10), Killed by Griffin Waring (D2), Sword through Abdomen/Bled Out [Day 6, Tributes Killed: 0]

11. Griffin Waring (D2), Killed by Watt Dresner (D3), Icicle through Throat/Bled Out [Day 6, Tributes Killed: 4]

12. Flux Arello (D6), Killed by Chancellor Mallerion (D1), Evisceration via Swords [Day 6, Tributes Killed: 0]

13. Sterling Taylor (D10), Killed by Sky Carroll (D2), Decapitation [Day 6, Tributes Killed: 0]

14. Krystal Avery (D1), Killed by Chancellor Mallerion (D1), Blood loss/Shock [Day 4, Tributes Killed: 0]

15. Jory Edmonds (D5), Killed by Ansel Gephardt (D4), Fire poker through heart [Day 1, Tributes Killed: 0]

16. Haspen Latron (D11), Killed by Aileen Whittaker (D12), Mace attack, collapsed rib cage [Day 1, Tributes Killed: 0]

17. Rufus Ventra (D12), Killed by Aileen Whittaker (D12), Sword through chest [Day 1, Tributes killed: 0]

18. Bruce Spruce (D7), Killed by Griffin Warring (D2), Sabre through heart [Day 1, Tributes killed: 0]

19. Ayla Thorne (D7), Killed by Sky Carroll (D2), Axe to back of the head [Day 1, Tributes Killed:0]

20. Amélie Jeanne Sinclair (D3), Killed by Griffin Waring (D2), Sabre through heart [Day 1, Tributes killed: 0]

21. Aylin Henrickson (D9), Killed by Griffin Waring (D2), Throat slashed [Day 1, Tributes killed: 0]

22. Dagan Hollis (D9), Killed by Ansel Gephardt (D4), Sword through the heart [Day 1, Tributes Killed: 0]

23. Trent Bell (D6), Killed by Sky Carroll (D2), Axe through the chest [Day 1, Tributes Killed: 0]

24. Fuze DeLumiere (D5), Killed by Chance Mallerion (D1), Throat slashed [Day 1, Tributes Killed:0]


Watt: I really liked Watt and I think he turned out nicely. I was very concerned about the rape narrative as I didn't want to be exploitive and I absolutely hate when stories do that with something so horrible as rape. Hopefully, it didn't come off like that. I feel as though Watt is the character who had the most development as he grew into someone confident in himself and his capabilities. I know some of you found him to be 'full of himself' but I'd say he's kind of deserve it. Watt, I'm sorry that you couldn't be Victor, but you were a great tribute and you won't be forgotten.

Ansel: Ah Ansel... you know he used to be my first pick for Victor? I really liked him and I felt like he was perhaps the best Career this year, even coming with his own tragic backstory (that has hints of tFiOS anyone?). His friendship with Aileen was special, which he didn't view as romantic, and I had a lot of fun playing the two of them off one another. And yes, Ansel does deserved the title of 'Yearly Rebel Tribute'... and boy did he get it in a big way. He certainly wasn't a 'rebel', but the morality that Sue instilled in him finally caught up to him. Aileen's done a good job burying him, but his words won't be forgotten soon. Rest in peace, buddy.

Congratulations to Victor Aileen Whittaker! I don't remember exactly when I decided I wanted her to be Victor as I think it was more of a slow realization. Aileen perfectly embodies the gray morality that is so present in Panem, as she's capable of doing awful things yet realize morality. I'm really excited about her Victory, and even more excited about what comes next for her. Congrats again!

Aileen's dress is losely based around a similar design that Olivia Pope wore during an episode of Scandal. Sorry, I'm not fashion minded and I thought the black and white would fit Aileen's character very nicely.

Yes, Effie is a rebel, but she won't make that known to Aileen for safety reasons (her own and Aileen's).

That's it ladies and gentlemen! Hope that you enjoyed the 77th Games! For now, review! What do you think of Aileen? Did she make the right call? What do you think is coming next? Who's loved ones are you most excited to see on the Victory Tour?

As promised, here are some fun facts:

Fun Facts of the Games that I probably shouldn't tell:

(All of this is complied from the many, many,manyhand written notes and outlines I have scattered around. My roommates think I'm crazy no doubt, scribbling stuff about death, violence, and teenage angst.)

1. The arena idea came to me while playingAssassins Creed 3. There's a side quest where you have to explore a wrecked ship in the Arctic and I thought 'this would make a good Hunger Games Arena.

2. Like many of you guessed, some aspects of the arena are based of the 9th Circle of Hell fromDante's Inferno. Specifically, the four ships, which are named after the four 'rounds' of traitors.Caïnais named after the Biblical Cain, who killed his brother Abel and committed the first murder (i.e. killing a District partner, a 'sibling' in arms). TheAntenorais named after Antenor of Troy, who betrayed his city to the Greeks who burned it down (i.e. a tribute giving up something supposedly precious for a higher reward). ThePtolomaeais based off of Ptolomy, who betrayed his dinner guests and maimed and slaughtered them (i.e. a tribute giving up a part of their flesh for a reward). And finally, theJudeccawhich is obviously named after the traitor Judas Iscariot who later commits suicide (i.e. a tribute thinks they gain an advantage of burning their opponents alive. In the end, the 'flames' end up consuming and killing them in return). Also, in keeping with that, the theme of betrayal is rampant throughout the story. Brownie points if you can remember them all.

3. Originally, Watt was supposed to die in the Bloodbath. Ayla was in his place and would make it to the Final There, giving up her silver necklace on theAntenora for the bombs. It would have also given last year's Victor, Willow, more screen time as an actual mentor. The idea was scrapped literally the chapter before the Bloodbath as I had come to care more about Watt and thought his character development would be better than Ayla's (whoops).

4. Ansel was the original Victor. Aileen grew on me as the story went on and I quickly imagined a whole new post-Games story for her. I made it official when she helped Luna escape from the Careers. Besides, nobodyeverwrites about a tribute from District 12 winning! EVER! If you can find an example of one (besides canon) where that happens I'd love to read it! As for Ansel's post-Games life... well it was going to spiral downwards fast. He's quickly sold off as a sex slave to women who enjoy roleplaying as 'Sue', demanding that Ansel call them his 'wife' and force him to do degrading acts. Ansel comes to resent his father - and to an extent his mother - for not telling him about the Victor Sex Trade and falls into the typical drinking and isolation pattern of Victors. He eventually reconnects with his ex, Arianne Palmero, who tries to rehabilitate him to no success. In the end, Ansel is left alone - haunted by memories of Sue taunting his 'gained glory' and how he failed to break the cycle of violence like she asked.

5. Bruce was suppose to make it far in the Games, roughly the final ten. However as I was writing the Bloodbath scene I realized he wouldn'tnotcomment on Griffin's scars. Thus, bye bye Bruce. Weirdly enough, I wrote down thatBriellekills him in an effort to prove her 'insanity' to the Capitol post-Sterling's death.

6. Originally, there were going to be elk mutts. I thought that'd be a bit much though and scraped it, instead writing a little blurb about carnivores deer in a previous Games.

7. In early drafts, Luna was never captured by the Careers. Instead she wandered into the forest and was set upon by wolves while searching for her former alliance. She died on Day 2. I thought Luna deserved more than that though. Also, wolves are cool and shouldn't be hated on. Weshouldwe worried about giant sea monsters though!

8. In another early draft of the story, District 8 was suppose to hold up in theJudecca. Eventually, the three remaining Careers would come for them, scaling the sides of the ship with their own spear guns. Somehow, District 8 would escape and blow up the ship, killing two Careers, while Twill would be fatally wounded by shrapnel from the ship. He'd die right outside the ship in Tassel's arms, trying to tell Tassel he considered her his best friend - though being unable to as blood had pooled up in his lung, preventing him from speaking. The last Career (Ansel) would then emerge from the rubble and proceed chase Tassel down. Tassel is able to make it a fair distance until she is cornered. Without a weapon on her, Ansel is able to kill Tassel in seconds. This was scrapped as it was far to crazy and 'out there', even for me (least we forget my penchant for undead, mutilated tribute corpses).

9. Twill was suppose to die in the blizzard. His chemistry with Tassel was too good though and thus he lived. If he had died, then it would have been Tassel who cut off a part of herself on thePtolomaea for the 'Tears'.

10. For a while, I toyed with the idea of building up a Amelie/Aileen romance. However, I could find no way to justify the two tributes talking to one another and forming any actual bond. Both would have looked at the other as a Bloodbath tribute and thus not worthy of their time. Besides, Amelie already had a girlfriend and Aileen was too level headed to get bogged down in trying to get in someone's pants. She'd save that for a more reasonable time... like anytime when she wasn't fighting for her life on live TV.


"I'm not a bad person"

'Just trust him. He's in this with you! He's got your back!'

"Wait! JUST WAI-!"

'Don't think like that! You're not dead yet!'

"No, no, NO!"

'Seventy-two hours! I need to survive that! I need to live!'

"What the hell is wrong with your face? It looks like shit!"

"Don't be."

"Come on, Aileen, you're not a Career! You're better than tha-"

"I-I bet… I bet Sue's proud."

"B-bastard!… Rot in hell!"

'I'm not going to die!'

"There'll be blood everywhere inside of you, and I'll be here to cut you open and bleed you out like a pig!"

'I… I don't want this…'

"It wasn't supposed to be like this!"

"Please! Please not like this!"

'Tassel… I'm sorry…'

"I guess I'll just have to run fast, huh?"

'This doesn't feel right.'

"I deserve this."

'You were never strong. It was all just an act. I'm still just pathetic.'

Now, the 78th Games may be coming in the future! So stay tune for that possible occurrence. But for now, thank you all for reading and reviewing and enjoying the story! Thank you to all the authors who submitted tributes and allowed me a chance to bring them to life! You're all wonderful!

Thank you all,

- Dante Alighieri1308


- Ryan