I've been playing Skyrim lately when I thought about the logic in the game, so this story was born.

Skyrim logic #1; Mountain climbing.

The Dragonborn didn't know what to do, either he could climb the mountain or walk through the path that goes around it. He looked up at the mountain and then decided; he was going to climb it. A couple of hours later he had already climbed over it and was in the middle of his next objective.


"Dammit!" He shouted as another rocky ledge broke off, why in oblivion did he chose to climb a mountain?! Seeing that he had already climb half way he decided to continue climbing. A couple of hours later, he had finally made it to the top, but then he felt warm wind against his neck, he slowly turned around and was greeted by the sight of something he didn't want to see.

A frost troll.

He ran as fast as he could, dodging a pack of wolves and ridged rocks. When he finally got home, he wouldn't leave the house for days.

Skyrim logic #2; Fresh food in crypts

After defeating several draugr, the Dragonborn decided to look into the urns around the place. When he found gold and some fresh food he decided to bite into the delicious apple and continue forward.


After defeating several draugr, the Dragonborn limped over to an urn that contained a tomato and 5 gold coins, he grabbed the tomato and took a bite out of it. Serana had to drag him all the way back to the Temple of Kynareth to get him something to help with his food poison.

Skyrim logic #3; testing things for Alchemy

The Dragonborn ate one of every ingredient he had, which include Deathbells, Nirnroot, and Nightshade. After making his poisons and potions from the remaining ingredients, he packed it all up and left with Serana.


"Are your sure this is safe?" Serana asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I think so."

"You think so?" Serana cocked an eyebrow, "Remember the tomato?"

"Yes, I remember the tomato, but I handpicked these ingredients fresh from my garden." He stated.

Serana sighed, "Whatever you say, Rowan."

Rowan then decided to eat one of each item. Later on he was dragged all the way back to the Temple of Kynareth.

When they got there one of the priests sighed.

"Again?" He asked Serana.

"Again," She replied.

Skyrim logic #4; Sleeping

The Dragonborn was skipping ahead of his companion, Serana, for the next Dragon that they were hunting down. He hadn't sleep for days but wasn't worried about anything bad happening.


"Can I go to bed?" Rowan complained to Serana.

"Why didn't you go to bed when we were at that tavern the other day?" She asked him.

"I did, Hircine keeps annoying me about joining him in his hunting though, that man needs a hobby instead of annoying me every time I'm trying to sleep!" He complained.

"Then why didn't you accept my father's offer? I mean, it would have cured you of the beast blood." She stopped and turned around to look at him better.

He just looked at her blank, "Would you prefer the Father of man beast annoying you or the King of rape?" He asked her folding his arms.

"Good point." She then turned back around and continued walking, but before she knew it, Rowan had falling asleep and landed on her. She tried pushing him off but he was so dam heavy.

"The things I have to deal with." She groaned and tried to get him off again.

"Dovahkiin! Hon zey ahrk ath! Hear me and despair!" A voice called out.

"I hate my life" Serana stated before finally pushing Rowan off and dragged him to the closest village without becoming a Dragon's snack.

Skyrim logic #5; Time

The Dragonborn had to defeat Alduin before anything bad would happen and everyone would die but he had some other things to do first.

So after becoming the Leader of the thieves' guild, became the Listener, Harbinger, Arch mage, and a bard, he went back to destroying Alduin.


"Rowan!" A person shouted.

"Huh?" He whipped around to the sight of a woman in leather armour, "Who are you?" He asked.

The woman glared daggers at him, "I'm Delphine and I know who you are, you're the Dragonborn, you know, the guy that should have defeated Alduin a YEAR AGO!" She shouted at him.

"Gosh! You don't have to yell, and besides, I've been busy lately trying to stop a crazy man in fancy armour from destroying the sun." He told her.

Her expression didn't change, "While an ancient Dragon destroys the world? Aren't you the clever one?" She said the last bit in a sarcastic tone and she then left.

"Really?" Rowan heard Serana asked, "Is that how you describe my father?"

He turned his head to face her, "Yes, that's also how I describe politics as well."

Skyrim logic #7; Sneaking

The Dragonborn shot an arrow at the bandit.

"Who's there?" The bandit said with the arrow in his head, "Must have been my imagination." The bandit then went back to counting his money.


"You can't get the bandit at this angle" Serana whispered to Rowan.

"Not with that attitude" He stated as he sent the arrow flying at the bandit.

Unfortunately he missed.

"Who's there?" The bandit asked pulling out his steel sword and walked closer to the barrel in front of him.

Rowan sprinted out of there with Serana and the group of bandit on his tail.

He was not going to hear the end of this one.

Skyrim logic #8; Horses

The Dragonborn was riding his trusty horse when all of a sudden a Dragon came out of nowhere. After he destroyed the Dragon, with the aid of his horse, he went back on his merry way to his next quest.


Rowan was on his way to Whiterun to seal something's he got from his travel.

"Dovahkiin! Nahlok wah dir! Prepare to die!" A deep voice said from behind.

He whipped his head around and was greeted by the sight of a dragon. His horse got startled and started to panic, so when it got on its hide legs, Rowan fell off, and the horse then sprinted away.

"Traitor!" Rowan yelled at the horse.

"Hin tiid has meyz wah oblaan, Dovahkiin! Your time has come to an end." The dragon bellowed.

Rowan gulped, "WAIT FOR ME!" He shouted and then sprinted towards the direction the horse went.

Skyrim logic #9: Inventory

The Dragonborn took stuff from his latest kill and continued on his journey.


"Really? You're stealing a cup?" Serana asked him.

"I'm not leaving a single thing here." He stated, "And besides, I got you to help." He said.

Serana groaned, "I hate you."

"I love you too, now help me take this bandit's clothes." Rowan stated.

Should I do more? I don't really know, so review if you want more Skyrim logic and I love it when people give me ideas for stuff.