"Are you sure about his?" Allison asked Andrew, the ever present tone of craziness in her voice, yet still insecure.
"Yeah." He answered. His voice wasn't as steady as he wished it had come out. To reassure her he threw his varsity jacket over her shoulders.
"Okay then, sport." She smiled. It was genuine happiness, not crazed like it usually was.
So they walked out of tue car, thru the parking lot and into the school holding hands. Never had so many pairs of eyes stopped to stare at something. Maybe except to stare at Bender and Claire making out against the lockers.
"Get a room the two of you!" Andrew shouted laughing. The school had stopped to stare at these four teenagers who had broken every social rule there was.
And it felt amazing. Andrew felt an actual physical weight get lifted off his shoulders, he didn 't care anymore what his friends would think about him and Allison.
For once, Claire could actually breath, the only thing that mattered was John's hand trying to slip from her waist to her ass.
Nobody never knew what to expect from the criminal but definably they never thought he'd be snogging the princess, and let someone walk away alive from interrupting it.
"Hey Brian! This is what happens on Monday!" Claire shouted grabbing his arm as passed by. The only reason anybody reacted was because it was impossible to have been more in shock. So, in union the Breakfast Club walked to their first period class. And that was actually the first time the teacher had seen John the whole year so far.