Hey, this is Lizzy. Here's a new story. I hope you like it :)

Full Summary

"Excuse me?" Piper hissed, staring at the arrogant blonde boy standing in front of her.

"I said," he repeated, in a patronising tone, "that girls should stick to being models and piano-players and that boys can do the singing and rocking."

"You sexist jerk," Piper exclaimed. "Girls can sing just as well, if not better, than boys. And we will prove it to you."

Jason raised an eyebrow. "How?"

"Enter the Competition. Then we'll see who's better," Piper challenged.

Jason didn't even hesitate, "You're on."


After being kicked out of her 8th school in 10 years, Piper McLean enters Goode Private School, a prestigious co-ed school. Music as her elective, Piper meets Annabeth, Thalia, Katie and Juniper, other music students. Thinking of forming a band, the girls enter an aspiring band competition, where their main rivals, Midnight Mayhem - a group of arrogant, cocky, badass boys are also entering. The competition brings out the best in some and the worst in others. Rivalries start and Cupid interferes. Who will come out on top?

Battle of the Bands

Chapter 1:

Beautiful and brunette, Piper McLean, 17, looked up at the tall, arched, wrought iron gates of Goode Private School. Being her 8th school in 10 years, Piper wasn't fazed at the idea of being the new girl. Quietly, Piper was wondering what she was going to be expelled for this time.

Her long brown hair was tied up in a high ponytail to keep it out of her sparkling kaleidoscope eyes and she was wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a white hoodie for the cool autumn weather. On her feet were a pair of well worn maroon Converses. Her figure was thin and athletic and Piper was easily one of the most beautiful person that people had seen. Of the limited few that knew Piper, they said she took after her mother, who was ranked the #1 most beautiful woman of 2012.

Goode Private Schoolwas a (obviously) private, co-ed, boarding school in the countryside of North Carolina, United States. It had five main buildings - the girls dormitories, the boys dormitories, the teachers dormitories and the other two buildings were full of classrooms. The school was built from red bricks and had obviously just been re-built. The building was modern, but not too modern that it marred the flow of the countryside. It had a distinct Edwardian style. In fact, the school looked almost like a huge farmhouse. An extra huge farmhouse, Piper thought.

As Piper walked in, she breathed in the fresh air and felt a welcoming sense coming into her. She felt her shoulders relax and her hands unclench, as she continued taking deep breaths. She looked around at the lush grass on either side of the gravel path. In the far right corner, close to the building, Piper saw five girls joking and laughing under a large oak tree.

"Well, Pipes, what do you think?" asked her dad, the 'King of Sparta' star, Tristan McLean. "Nice, huh?"

"Yeah," Piper nodded. Piper was the daughter of the world famous actor, Tristan McLean. He had an affair with the model, Aphrodite Amor, some years ago. However, most people didn't know about Piper, as Tristan McLean and his fiance of three years (Aphrodite Amor) had succeeded in hiding her from the terrors of publicity and fame.

Walking up to the office with her dad, Piper saw pictures of past students and house and school captains.

"Hello, dear, you must be Piper?" asked the kindly, old office lady, after Tristan had finished speaking to her.

Piper smiled, "Yep, that's me."

"Nice to meet you," replied the office lady, who's name tag said 'Mrs. Wallace'. Suddenly, Tristan's phone rang. After a quick "excuse me", he answered the phone. Piper's heart sank. She could guess by his face what the call was about - he was going to have to leave and go film his next movie.

As soon as he was off the phone, Tristan said, "Sorry, Pipes, but I have to run. Aphrodite just got a call from the auditioning agency and they said they needed me to be there for the auditions. I'm really sorry." Piper tried to smile, but only managed a small one.

"That's okay, dad, really. I can manage."

"Thanks for understanding," said Tristan, "but I gotta run now. See you. I'll call you tonight!" And with those words, Tristan McLean left the office of Goode Private School.

"Here's your timetable, dear," said Mrs Wallace, handing Piper a sheet of paper. "It also has your homeroom, house, locker number and dorm and there's a map on the other side." She also handed Piper a plastic bag. "Here is the school uniform. There are two sets in here - just in case. You're welcome to come back down if you need anything. Your bags will be in your dorm when you arrive there."

Piper looked down at the sheet. It said, 'House: Fortis, Homeroom: Mr Simpson (236), Locker Number: 2-3-16 (58230), Dorm: 132' and the timetable was on the other side.

"Thanks," Piper said, feeling grateful. "Um, where do I go now?"

"Oh, someone will be in soon to take you around. I'm not sure where they are, though. He should be here by now," Mrs Wallace frowned. "It's not like Jason to be late."

Suddenly the office door flew open and a handsome teenage boy around Piper's age bounded in. He had windblown black hair that didn't seem to lie flat and mischievous emerald green eyes. He was dressed in the Goode Private School boys uniform - white shirt, blue tie (the colour changed depending on which house they were in), grey jumper, dark grey pants and black shoes.

"Perseus!" exclaimed Mrs Wallace, "Where's Jason?"

Perseus pulled a face at her and said, "I told you, my name is Percy...Oh and by the way, Jason needed to do something, so he asked me to come instead." Piper stared at him. Surely Mrs Wallace would tell him off or something, but she just smiled slightly and ignored his comment.

"Oh? Well, here is Piper," Mrs Wallace introduced them, "Piper, Perseus. Perseus, Piper. Perseus is in your homeroom, Piper."

"Hey," Perseus said, grinning at her. "Call me Percy."

"Hi," Piper smiled shyly.

Percy loosened his tie. "Ready to go?"

"Um, sure," Piper shrugged.

"Enjoy, Piper," Mrs Wallace said as they were leaving, "Oh and Perseus?"


"Put on your blazer." Percy groaned at this comment and left without another word.

"So, you like it here so far?" he asked Piper.

"Um, I just got here, but I definitely love the grounds. They're so big and I love the countryside!" she said, grinning.

"Oh yeah, I love that too, but have you heard about the activities that Goode offers?" Percy asked, excitedly. Piper shook her head. "It has swimming, football (soccer), tennis, track, netball, rugby and horse riding! There are so many. Last year we had such a good time."

Piper could tell that Percy was obviously a sportsman. It was obvious the way he spoke with such enthusiasm about sports and one look at his body confirmed her suspicions.

"So, um...are you the captain for anything?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah," Percy answered, "I'm captain of the junior football team, swimming team and co-captain of the track team. I really wanted to do more, but I couldn't because I already had too much..." Percy trailed off, sadly. Piper smiled at the sorrowful look he had on his face. She could tell that he wasn't an arrogant jerk like the other sportsman in her old schools. He was just a happy, sporty person who was trying to make her feel welcome.

They walked around in silence for a while, before stopping in a corridor. "Here's your locker and the combination should be on your sheet. Oh yeah, here -" Percy jabbed a finger at the number next to Piper's locker number. "I'll tell you an easy way to remember where your locker is," he said, "The first number is the building. So, this building is Building 2. There are four buildings, but only Buildings 2 and 3 are the classrooms. The rest are the dormitories. The second number is the floor. Each building has four floors, so that number won't go above 4. The last number is the number of your locker. It means that yours is the 16th one. The same goes for the room numbers, like your dorm and homeroom. You're pretty lucky actually, your locker is near your homeroom." Percy snorted, "Mine is all the way in Building 3."

"Thanks," Piper said, smiling. "Um, could you just show me my dorm and them I won't bother you anymore?"

"Sure, if you want," Percy said easily slipping his hands in his pockets and walking in a relaxed manner. "What dorm are you in?"

"Uh," Piper looked at her sheet, "132."

"Oh," Percy frowned, "That's Annabeth's dorm. She's also in our homeroom. Just ask her if you get lost. Or you could ask Thalia. She's my cousin."

Percy also explained to Piper how the rooms were placed. "The rooms are positioned like houses. So all the even numbers are on one side and all the odd numbers are one the other. It's pretty simple." Then they walked in silence.

- Battle of the Bands -

After walking in a comfortable silence with Percy, who had left Piper as they reached her dorm, Piper walked into a dorm full of noise.

"THALIA GRACE! Give me back my pillow!" a pretty blonde haired girl shouted.

"Nuh uh. Not until you say I'm the best friend you'll ever have," a black haired girl teased.

"Um, did I walk in at a bad time?" asked Piper hesitantly. Both heads whipped to look at Piper who was standing in the doorway. The blonde used the momentary distraction to pull the pillow from her friend's grasp.

"Oh no, not at all," the blonde said, smiling now and clutching her pillow tightly. "I'm Annabeth, Annabeth Chase and this is Thalia Grace."

"Hey, I'm Piper McLean," Piper grinned at them.

"S'up," Thalia said, holding out a hand to Piper.

Piper grinned, "The ceiling." Thalia laughed and Annabeth grinned.

"I like you," Thalia decided. "Welcome to the best dorm in the entire school!" That was when Piper decided to look around at her dorm. It had cream walls, four beds and a few sofas and armchairs. A colourful rug was on the floor, brightening up the room. The beds were king singles, but each had a white duvet, sheets and one pillow, waiting for bedcovers. There was a bedside table next to each bed, which had a lamp and a digital alarm clock. On the wall on the far side, there were four dressers, for the girls' clothes. On the wall where the dressers were, there were two doors. Probably the bathroom, Piper thought.
"So, do we only have three or is there one more person?" asked Piper, looking around for a fourth person.

"We're waiting for her. She's always late," Thalia informed her. "The last girl is called Drew and she is literally a she-devil."

Upon hearing the sounds of heels clicking, Annabeth added, "Speak of the devil. Here she comes."

A pretty Asian girl walked in, face covered in just the right amount of make-up, a black miniskirt on and a white singlet with a red blazer over.

"Who are you?" asked Drew. "And what the hell are you wearing?" Piper looked down at her simple outfit of jeans, a hoodie and Converses.

"What I like to wear," she answered. But Drew wasn't listening,

"What have you done with your hair? And that jumper is so last century. Your eyes are - well, contacts might be good and mascara emergency! Hmm, jeans are ok, but I think that a skirt - "

"Drew, stop it," Thalia sighed, like she was tired of this. Piper didn't think that she looked that bad. Sure, she didn't take much care of her hair, just washing, cutting, brushing - all the normal stuff, but her hair wasn't terrible. While she cut it choppy for a reason, she just didn't put it up in a glamourous hairdo because she didn't want people to notice her. She already had enough trouble trying to stay outof trouble.

"Do you want me to get started on you?" asked Drew, menacingly as she turned to look at Thalia. "Your goth girl look is awful. You should at least wear -"

"So Piper," Annabeth interrupted, loudly. "What electives did you choose?"

"Music," Piper answered, "but I haven't chosen my second one, so I've got a few more free periods."

"Really?" Annabeth asked smiling as she started pulling a blue and green duvet cover, with a row of shells near the bottom onto the duvet. "That's one of my electives too. My other one is Architecture."

"Me too. I also chose Music as an elective. It's one of the most popular electives actually. There are three classes, but the school is thinking of making four this year. We'll find out at dinner," Thalia said.

"Please," Drew said, "Music is my best subject. I am way better than all of you."

"You keep thinking that, Drew, you keep thinking that," Annabeth said, trying - and failing - to hide a grin. Drew glared at Annabeth and then 'hmphed' and walked out of the room.

"Thank god!" Thalia exclaimed. "I hate her!"

"Is she really that bad?" asked Piper.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Trust me, she is." Piper groaned, already seeing someone in the school that she wouldn't get along with, then her eyes fell on the clock - 4:58pm.

"So what time do we have to be down for dinner?" she asked.

"5 to 6 exactly," Annabeth answered. "And we have to be in full school uniform, so we better get changed soon."

"Did you bring a duvet cover, Piper?" asked Thalia, getting out her own black and purple 'I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP' one, and starting to put it on.

"I'm pretty sure I did," Piper responded, opening her bags and starting to look. She saw it almost immediately as she opened her suitcase. Mellie, her dad's assistant, had obviously packed it in last minute because it was hurriedly stuffed in, along with her pillow covers. She took it out and started putting it on.

"Nice," Thalia said, looking at her cover. It was white with pink writing that said 'Keep calm and sleep on'. "It is too true."

"Thanks," Thalia grinned back. Thalia then turned to Annabeth.

"Hey, Annie, that cover looks new. Who gave it to you?" she asked, slyly.

"You know who gave it to me, so don't ask," Annabeth responded, her cheeks a bit red.

"Was it a boy?" Thalia continued like she hadn't heard Annabeth. "Was it my brother? Or was it one of my cousins, who has windswept black hair and dreamy emerald eyes?" Thalia said the last part is a fake dreamy sort of voice, like she was in a day-dream.

"Shut up," Annabeth was definitely blushing now. Suddenly, something clicked in Piper's mind. Black hair, green eyes.

"Percy?" she asked. Thalia's grin widened and Annabeth blushed deeper, confirming her suspicions.

"How do you know him?" Annabeth asked, trying to shift Thalia's attention elsewhere.

"He was my tour guide today."

"Was he good at it?" asked Thalia. "Did he actually talk about something other than sport?"

Piper frowned, "Of course, why wouldn't he?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" came a voice from the door. Piper spun around to find herself looking at Percy and another black haired boy. "Oh, hey, Robyn, Lillie."

"Percy, Nico," Thalia greeted.

"Hey to you too, cousin," answered the unknown guy. He was wearing the Goode Private School uniform, except that he had a green tie on, unlike Percy who had a blue one on.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" asked Annabeth, indignantly. "What if we were changing?"

Percy smirked, "Well, you weren't, so there's no harm done. Although, if you were changing, Nico and I wouldn't regret walking in at that moment." Piper felt herself blushing and saw that Annabeth definitely was. Strangely, Piper noticed that Thalia wasn't blushing.

"Jerks," Annabeth replied.

"Now go away, cousins," Thalia commanded, "We actually do need to change now." And then she pushed them out the door and locked it for good measure. "Sorry about them," she said to Piper.

Piper grinned, "Don't worry. They weren't that bad." Annabeth and Thalia rolled their eyes and started changing into their school uniforms.

The Goode Private School girl's school uniform consisted of a white button-up shirt, a tie (the colour depending on the house they were in), a dark grey pleated skirt, dark grey knee high socks or dark grey stockings and a dark grey blazer. A grey jumper with the school crest on it was optional, but it was too hot for Piper to wear it with the blazer on top.

"Do we have to wear the blazer?" asked Piper, looking at it with distaste.

"Yep, to meals, assembly and formal occasions," Thalia answered, putting her blazer on. "But we don't have to wear it at any other time.
"I hate blazers," Piper muttered, shrugging her one on. "So uncomfortable." Annabeth laughed in agreement and the three girls left their dorm together.

Thanks for reading! Please review and tell me what you think of this story so far. For people who also read my other stories, I will try to update Children of the Big Three soon, but no promises. I just wanted to let you know that I wrote this story a while ago, so it was written before Nico was found out to be gay, so he is not gay in my story because then it ruins the whole storyline. Sorry.

- Lizzy :)