DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter Universe is owned by J. K. Rowling and her associates.

Chapter I- Prologue

31st December, 1981

It had been exactly two months since that night when she had almost lost both of her babies to that monster. And yet here she was, still on the verge of losing one of her sons because of him. Although this time it was not all his fault.

James and Sirius and pretty much everyone had all but forgotten that there was more than just one child in the house. It was as if her other son had been put under some kind of Notice-Me-Not charm that only she, and now Sev, could penetrate. Although she had her suspicion that Dumbledore was also aware of her firstborn, very much.

For two months, James had inquired about anything but Charlus only twice and even that was about what else to get Charlus for Christmas. She had hoped that, at least in the festivities of Christmas, James would pull his head out of his arse and take care or at least inquire about his other son. But it had been in vain. Although she still hoped that James will come around. But she couldn't wait till then. She could already see the wear and tear on his face. His always glittering emerald eyes had lost their shine as he was almost always alone in his crib with his picture book she had given him on his first birthday as she was trapped in that God-forsaken cottage. She was always busy with the constant flow of guests wanting to give their well wishes to the Boy-Who-Lived in person, as if he could remember them. But she had to keep up with appearances as she was the Lady Potter and hence can't give as much time as she wanted to her firstborn. And even though James and Sirius, Remus was out of the question as he was still out of the country, had forgiven him, Sev was still not welcome in the Potter household. He would still come anyway to spend some time with the kids but as he was the new Potions Professor at Hogwarts he was more than busy as it was.

So it was because of all of this that she had come to a decision that she knew would haunt and torment her until the day of her death. But she had to do it for the baby who was sleeping in her arms right now. Her cheeks were stained with tears as she sat at Sev's house at Spinner's End. She knew that people will call her horrible names for what she was about to do.

Hell, even James would be angry at her for what she was doing even though it would take as much as a few weeks for him to notice that there was only one child in the house. But she had made up her mind. She would rather never see her baby again than for him to grow up neglected. And that was where the most painful part was. Her baby will never remember her or anything else related to his family. That was why she was there. Sev had brewed a potion that was not dangerous or harmful in any way but he would forget everything about her or James or his brother. Sev was still talking her into not doing this but she wasn't even looking at him. All her attention was on the sleeping angel in her arms who she was never going to see ever again. She wished he was awake right now so she could see his eyes, her eyes. But it was important for him to be asleep for the potion's effect to be full proof. But she still liked to think that if he were not in the potion induced sleep he would have woken up for her.

"Are you sure you could ever let him go, Lily?"

"Never, Sev, never ever," that was all she could say but he got the hint that there was nothing he could say that would change her mind. So he pulled out a small vile of crystal clear potion but she could see a small tint of pink in it but didn't give it much thought and all of sudden she started shaking with sobs so much so that Sev had to put the vial back into his robes and put an arm around her shoulders.

It took almost half an hour for her to stop sobbing but more than an hour to stop crying. Severus then suggested for her to leave him there with Severus as it was clear that she couldn't possibly let go of him in her right mind. Severus knew very well that the boy was Lily's favourite among the twins. He was his favourite as well but he had different reasons which he couldn't let Lily know if he knew what was best for him as he had already told her that he was well over his school time grudge.

That was why even his eyes were a bit misted as he realised that it would be years before he would ever see him again. That was the second secret he was keeping from her. He had created the potion she had asked alright but he had altered the potion for what he knew was best for everyone.

After kissing her baby all she was worth she reluctantly gave him to Sev and walked out of the house without a single glance back and feeling as though she had just tore a part of her heart and left it with Sev which was not far from the truth. But she knew Sev would do everything in his power and some to make sure that her baby will be well taken care of. Now all that was left in her was a big hole in her heart and a hope that somehow she would see her baby again.

After Lily had left, Severus took the vial of potion and fed it to the small boy in the blanket. He then woke him up. He deliberately woke the boy after he had fed him the potion as he knew that no matter how stupid Lily was acting this is what she really wanted.

He looked into those eyes and spoke clearly because he knew these words will be etched into the boy's memory for a long time.

"Always remember that your mother loves you more than her own life. Always"

He then willed the person he had chosen for this deed to come in the living room. When that person was standing in front of him he started talking.

"You will take this boy to the place I had shown you last night safely, do you understand?"

A glassy eyed Mundugus Flether answered him with a positive nod. That was enough for Severus as he knew Flether will protect the boy more than his own life and deliver him where Severus knew he would be safe, well taken care of and will be educated properly. So he handed Dung the boy with instructions to come back there after he had done the job so that he could be obliviated.

After a final glance in those eyes, Snape willed Dung to leave the house and to lock the door behind him which he did.

After a couple of moments, a watery eyed Severus Snape said with some emotion in his voice.

"Goodbye, Harry James Potter. We shall meet again. Soon"