Sisterly Talks

Ketti: Oh look! It's my version of JuJu's version of my Nekette! *whistles innocently* Updates will be whenever JuJu convinces me to write more.

Seras Victoria woke slowly, still groggy from her late night – spent battling FREAKS and then another hour at least washing the gore out of her hair – when her nose twitched and she blew irritably at the piece of hair tickling the sensitive skin there. The irritating sensation remained and she reached a hand up to swat the infuriating strand away only to jerk awake as a hand caught her own. Blue eyes met mismatched ruby and sapphire and she shrieked as she leapt backwards, cracking her head on the wall of her coffin. "KETTE!"

"SERAS!" The high pitched squeal made her cringe as the mad woman answered her shriek and wrapped her slender, but strong, arms around the blonde's neck and squeezed.

Seras went red in the face as her blood flow was cut off, thankful that vampires didn't need to breathe or her 'sister' would have killed her ten times over by now. Patting the elder girl's shoulders awkwardly, she pushed at the frail form until the smaller vampire released her and Seras palmed the button to raise her coffin bed up to room level with a wheeze. "Is it the first already?"

"Little pretty Sister slept so long!" Kette whined as she sat back and studied the pyjama clad blonde on the bed, "It's been night for an hour already!"

Seras grunted and nodded, sliding out of bed and stumbling over to her dresser against the far wall. She had to get dressed or Kette would take her out to town in her pjs! Standing as close to the wood as she could, she wiggled out of her comfy flannel tank-top and pants and pulled her casual clothes on; a short sleeved blue shirt and a pair of comfortable jeans, and (Master teased her endlessly about it) her combat boots, because, hey, she felt naked without them.

Before she could even run a comb through her mussy blonde locks a petite hand fisted itself into the back of her collar and pulled her backwards. Seras fell with a curse and landed awkwardly in the middle of the street, staring up at the madly grinning female with her oddly washed out looking hair and mismatched stare. Kette's white and black streaked hair was pulled up into pigtails today, with a pillarbox cap nestled between the poofy hairbands, wearing her usual white pinafore and matching trenchcoat that covered her from head to toe. A white boot nudged her playfully as the younger vampire lay stunned in the road. "Cars are coming, Little Sister."

Seras groaned as she rolled to her feet and scampered towards the little café that they frequented for their 'dates'. "I thought Master told you not to do that anymore, Kette."

The other vampire fluttered her lashes coquettishly at her blonde companion and cooed, "Do what, Little Sister?"

Seras grimaced and shook her head, refusing to argue with the mad woman. Their first meeting had nearly given her a heart attack! Meeting her Sire's first fledgling was enough of a shock, let alone discovering her… less than stable nature. She had her moments, though she spent the majority of the time in an in between state of sanity and madness, nearly impossible to predict what she would do next. Plopping down into her usual seat, she leaned back gratefully into the support of the wrought iron chair and finger combed her unruly locks into a semblance of a hairstyle. Looking like a ruffled hedgehog was not her idea of a good hair day.

Their waiter, an old acquaintance of her 'elder sister', popped up not a moment later, a genuine smile on his face, "Nekette! And here I was worried your plans had changed today."

Kette laughed, reminiscent of chiming bells, and placed her doll Tsuri on the table to complete their little tea party, "Never! Little Sister was a very late sleeper is all, Froggy." She patted the blond man's cheek affectionately as he chuckled at the nickname. "Your usual, then, ladies?"

Seras nodded, and grinned sheepishly as her tummy rumbled, "Surprised she let me get dressed, to tell you the truth Fred."

The two blondes shared a knowing look before he vanished back into the little diner to retrieve their blood-and-coffee and blood filled (that looked like jelly) cookies. Seras was amazed that the food looked so normal! But a very few places in London catered discreetly to night walkers and their ilk with the understanding that they were neutral zones. No predating, please.

Seras spared a glance at Kette's belt to see none of her other 'children' were present, "Girl's night out?"

"Oh Grin was very naughty!" Kette agreed, looking to the faceless Tsuri with fondness edged with mania, "Spying on his sister getting dressed. So he was put into time out."

Seras kept her face carefully blank as she nodded and tsk'd her disapproval, turning her head to watch for Fred to break the sudden silence between them.

"So," Seras started, "how're Issak and Katya doing? I haven't seen them in a few months."

Kette chittered, and raised her white gloved hands to cover her mouth, manic glee lighting her eyes like gems. "Big Brother is very mad at me."

Seras's brows arched, and she leaned forward slightly, "Oh? What did you do, Kette?"

The pale girl bared her teeth in a feral grin as she picked Tsuri up from the table and nuzzled her cheek into the porcelain doll's smooth pseudo skin. "He always wants me to sit still and be quiet. I just gave him a taste of his own medicine."

Seras winced sympathetically, "For how long?"

"Until Kitty found out." Kette's lower lip jutted out sullenly, "She threatened to take Tsuri away if I didn't let Izzy go."

Seras could all too clearly picture Katya's face as she threatened their sister with punishment, and shuddered minutely. Just then, as if sensing the young blonde's unease, Fred appeared and set their platter of cookies in the center of the table. "Ladies."

Seras flashed him a relieved smile as their cups were set down with gentle clinks on the table, her elder sister distracted as she pulled Tsuri's small cup out of the small bag she had on her belt and poured a small portion of her blood-coffee out for the doll, breaking off a crumb of the cookie to place on a matching plate.

"Little Sister…" Kette cooed, watching the blonde over her cup, and Seras hastily swallowed her bite of cookie. "Yes?"

"How is your reflex training going with Master?" Unholy glee shone in those mismatched eyes, and Seras' face twisted in disgust. "He thinks it's hilarious to sneak up on me when we're on the roof and throw me at the ground. He even tripped me up last night when we were flushing out a nest of ghouls! I got goo in my hair."

Kette gasped accordingly, and Seras stuck her tongue out childishly at the silent laughter she could sense from the elder Draculina.

"Not only that but he tossed me right into the middle of the road!" Seras exclaimed, and the passerbys on the sidewalk gave the pair an odd look, the blonde flushed and lowered her voice, "I was only asking him what'd he like for Christmas..."

"Master likes silence for Christmas."

"What?" Seras stared at her, baffled.

Kette shrugged, and placed the cookie against Tsuri's lipless face, nodding after a moment and putting the fragment down on the plate. "Izzy and Kitty always used to argue about it. Master likes silence. Kette gives him silence."

There was something unnerving about Kette's response, and Seras shivered, rubbing at the backs of her arms as she shifted in her seat.

"Well," she muttered after a moment, "I got him a-"

"Hello ladies!" A chipper voice interrupted and they looked up simultaneously to observe a rather mousey man stopping mid stride on the side walk to lean on the little fence separating the café's tables from the foot traffic. "Mind if I join you?"

"Renny!" Seras exclaimed, positively beaming at the bespectacled man. "I was just telling Kette about Master being mean."

"A notable occurrence indeed." Renfield deadpanned, stepping nimbly over the barrier with his long legs to settle himself in the chair opposite Tsuri. "Is it the reflex training still, Kitten?"

"Yes." Seras huffed, blowing at her golden bangs to keep the strands out of her eyes, "It's worse than the speed training! At least then he'd only leave me behind and tell me to catch up." Her face twisted, "Though I still remember him tossing me off the train… Amazed no one noticed."

Kette laughed, the chiming bells sound sharpening slightly to a pitch that bordered on painful, "Master does so love trains." Her tone became wistful as she stared out into space and Seras shuddered. "Kitty hates them." Kette chittered, expression sly.

"Do I want to…"

Renny shook his head, bringing a shushing finger to his lips. Seras stopped, brows raising even higher.

"Has Little Sister ever seen those old western movies?" Seras could already see where this was going. "Kitty makes such a pretty damsel in distress!"

"And how did Master like that?"

Kette waved her hand negligently, "Oh, Kitty was fine! Some man in a hat rescued her."

Seras was about to say something, when her cell phone rang. "Oh, damn, a mission. I've got to go, I'll see you later!" She gave Renfield a quick shoulder hug and granted Kette a peck on the cheek before darting off down the street towards the looming dark alleyway where the two at the table could already see a man in red forming from the gloom.