
Seven year old Daniel Fenton was playing with his best friend Tucker Foley down in the lab where Danny's parents could keep an eye on them. His parents, Jackson and Madeline Fenton, however, didn't really seem to be paying a lot of attention to their son and his friend at the moment. They never really did when they started working on their hobby, so that's why 9 year old Jasmine Fenton was down there as well, sitting on the couch, reading, keeping a closer eye on Tucker and Danny.

The two boys were playing with Danny's toy rocket ships when his mother and father stopped welding the final piece of the contraption they were working on.

"It's finally done Jack!" Maddie exclaimed to her husband, and pulling at her teal jumpsuit hood, with attached goggles, so it once again lie flat against her back. "Her husband also removed the hood on his bright orange jumpsuit. "Oh, Jack plug it in!" she then commanded her husband excitedly.

"On it baby!" he yelled back with just as much enthusiasm. Jasmine looked up from her book and stared curiously at her parents, even Danny and Tucker stopped playing for a while to see what all the commotion was about. Jack grabbed the plug in and bounded over to the outlet in the wall. The two adults held their breath as Jack plugged it in, while the three kids just stared on curiously.

They watched as the plug found its home in the socket, and electricity started flowing through the portal. The sparks didn't last long, however, soon the electrical currents sputtered and died. The metal hole in the wall remained.

Jasmine scoffed and went back to reading. The two boys looked at each other then shrugged, going back to their game. Jack's shoulder's slumped and Maddie looked on curiously.

"Aw, I thought we finally had it, Mads," Jack mumbled dejectedly looking over at his wife.

"I don't know what happened, all the calculations were correct." Maddie replied to her husband. She turned away from the portal and walked over to the mainframe, and looked over the blueprints again. Jack followed her, and also started searching for the solution.

Meanwhile, Tucker and Danny had paused their game, and were looking over at the metal contraption.

"What is it?" Tucker asked his friend.

"I don't know," Danny answered.

"Maybe you could fix it for 'em" Tucker replied. Jazz put her book down and went over to the two boys.

"Danny, you know what Mom and Dad say about messing around down here. You could get hurt!" she reprimanded.

"But Jazzy," Danny replied, using his nickname for her. "I wont do anything bad, I just wanna look around. Besides, I have this thingy on to protect me. I wont get hurt! Promise!" he exclaimed. Jazz sighed, when it came to her little brother no one could say no. Besides, he was right, he had a hazmat suit on, just like everyone else in the lab. Their parents required it whenever they were down there.

Jasmine was wearing a teal suit like her mother, Tucker had on a dark green suit, and Danny was wearing a white and black suit.

"Fine, but if you get hurt it not my fault." Jazz huffed, grabbing her book and heading back up the stairs. Danny broke into a grin and looked over at Tucker, who was also grinning.

"Stay here," he told his friend, who nodded enthusiastically in response. Danny then started heading toward the metal hole in the wall. His parents, still looking at the blueprints, didn't know what trouble their son was getting himself into.

Danny stepped into the hole and started walking toward the back looking around in awe. He looked back at Tucker who smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He smile back and took another step forward, almost tripping over an electrical cord. Luckily, Danny managed to balance himself against a wall. He sighed in relief than looked up.

He saw a little box with a green and red button. The seven year old cocked his head to the side. Maybe that was what the problem was? The boy reached up on his tip toes and hit the green button.

"I just don't see where we went wrong Jack!" Maddie exclaimed frustrated. She just couldn't figure out why they didn't break through the barrier that was separating this world from the ghostly one.

"Hmm," Jack sighed in concentration, looking over her shoulder at the blueprints. "I don't know sweet cheeks!"

Maddie's eyes narrowed, "Maybe it's time to give up Jack. Focus on our kids and business from now on."

"But we're so close! Besides, it's just our hobby, its not like this is our job!" Jack reminded his wife.

"I know, but maybe its time to accept the fact that there are no such things as ghosts. Besides one of these days one of our kids is going to be hurt by on of our inventions. I don't want that." she reasoned.

"Okay, how about this. We'll take one more look at it and if we still can't figure it out, we'll seal the lab shut, and forget about ghosts." Jack compromised. Maddie smiled and nodded, then looked back the blueprints.

Her eyes then narrowed as she saw something that she didn't remember putting there.

"Jack?" she asked, "What's that?"

"Oh that?! Well, I figured we needed something that turned on the energy impulses inside the portal, not just on the outside. Because, as you know, it takes an extreme amount of electricity to brake through the barrier between the two worlds." Jack explained.

"So did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Turn it on? Did you turn on the energy currents inside the portal before you plugged it in to the outlet?" Maddie asked.

"Well, uh, no. Hehe, but-" The rest of the man's sentence was cut off by a ding emanating from the portal.

The couple looked over to the place the kids should be, but when the looked back the only kid they say was Tucker, who was looking at the portal with frightened eyes. Maddie's eyes widened as well. Where were Jazz and Danny?! The worried parents ran over the lit up portal.

When they got there they saw their terrified son looking back at them. He tried running out of the portal, but didn't get there in time. Energy coursed up and down the side of the portal, then it suddenly exploded from the walls.

Two screams sounded throughout the house. One was from the little boy trapped inside the portal. The other was from the distressed mother, who needed to save her blue-eyed baby boy. Maddie would have run in there too, if her husbands arms wouldn't have held her back.

Jasmine had run back downstairs to what all the commotion was about. She didn't expect to see her brother being electrocuted by a portal her parents deemed as safe.

After was felt like an eternity, which in reality was only a couple minutes, the screaming stopped and the only sounds that could be heard was the sparking of the portal and sobs coming from Maddie. Jazz and Tucker had there heads bowed and eyes closed, both feeling like it was their fault for what happened. Jack held his wife, his eyes also closed, and the woman in his arms was sobbing into his chest.

Soon everyone looked back up to the portal, only to see their best friend, brother, and son, lying on the floor in front of it. Only it wasn't they same boy they remember seeing a few minutes ago. This boy had snow white hair, where as Danny had raven. Danny had on a white hazmat suit with black belt, boots and gloves. This boys suit was the same, except there was black where Danny's white was, and white where the black was.

This boy looked like Danny, yet he didn't.

The strange boy shifted from the spot on the floor, and everyone in the room rushed over to him. His eyes opened and everyone gasped, another difference between this ghostly boy and Danny: Danny had icy blue eyes, this ghostly boy had glowing green!

This boy groaned and looked and the four people standing around him, however, there seemed to be eight. He groaned and held his head. He tried to sit up, but a gentle hand held him down.

"Maddie," Jack hesitated. "I think this is Danny."

Maddie hesitated, and looked closer at this strange boy that came out of the portal. After and moment the woman gasped, swept down, and grabbed him in a hug.

"Oh Danny," she sobbed. "My beautiful blue-eyed baby boy! I'm so sorry," the last statement came out in a whisper.

Meanwhile, the boy in her arms was enjoying the comfort his mother was trying to give him, but nothing could get rid of this terrible pain, so he closed his eyes, wondering if going to sleep might help.

Jack had knelt down to his wife's and son's level, and soon saw his son's eyes closing. Maddie noticed this too, and they tried to get him to stop, but the boy was already unconscious.

Deciding it was best to let him rest in his bed, Jack made a move too pick him up and carry him upstairs. But, before he could wrap his arms around him, a bright blue light blinded all four of them.

Seconds later the light was gone, and they were looking and the Danny they all knew and loved, except he wasn't wearing his hazmat suit anymore. The suit was replaced with the normal attire he wore everyday; blue jeans, sneakers, and a white and red striped shirt.

Everyone's mouth hung agape. And everyone was wondering what had just happened, well, everyone except Jack and Maddie.

"Jack, get Danny upstairs," Maddie instructed her husband, then turned to Tucker and Jazz. "Jasmine, make sure Tucker gets home safely, I need to make a phone call."

They all went they're separate ways, Jack to take Danny to his room. Jasmine to walk Tucker down the block to his house, and Maddie went to make a phone call to an old college friend.

As everyone left the lab nobody seemed to notice the Ghost Portal spark, and slowly flicker to life.

Vlad Masters sat in his study, finishing up some paperwork for is company Dalv. The wealthy business man, despite being in his mid 30's, had all white hair and had an an air of wisdom about him. He wore a business suit and his dark blue eyes seemed to stare into your very soul. Despite his no nonsense appearance, he was really a good-natured, and humorous sort of guy.

Striking his signature one last time, the wealthy man stuck the papers into his briefcase and walked out of the room, making a mental note not to forget it for his important meeting tomorrow.

Masters casually walked down the stairs of his Wisconsin mansion and felt his cell phone ring in his suit pocket. He pulled the device out of his pocket, (a device that Dalv made possible) and answered. On the other end of the line was his old college friend and once crush, Madeline Fenton. She sounded worried, and as the one-sided conversation went on, Vlad got extremely worried.

"Don't worry Maddie, I'll be there in an hour," he told the concerned mother.

The billionaire looked around, to make sure none of his many servants weren't lurking about, and quickly turned into his ghostly alter ego, Vlad Plasmius.

Plasmius flew through the sky, leaving his home in Madison, to go the Fenton's home in Amity Park.

During his flight, the ghost was worried for his nephew, yet he was ecstatic of the prospect that he might not be the only one anymore. He wouldn't be alone, he would no longer be the only halfa. There would be another being on this earth that was a human-ghost hybrid. Oh, the things he could teach young Daniel!

About an hour later, flying at his top speed, Vlad arrived at the Fenton household. The neon sign reading "Fenton Works" lit up the darkening sky.

He turned intangible and invisible then sank into the living room where Jack and Maddie were sitting on the couch waiting for him.

Plasmius silently turned human and appeared to the couple. The two Fenton's jumped in surprise, but quickly recovered when they saw who it was. Jack was the first to respond,

"Vladdy!" He exclaimed and picked up the significantly smaller man in a bear hug. Vlad stiffened, not because he hated this oaf of a man, in fact he loved him like a brother. It was just Vladimir wasn't very fond of hugs, and Jack was. Once Jack put him down and gave if a sheepish smile, he turned his attention to Maddie. She looked like she had been crying, but nevertheless, stuck her hand out for him to shake, remembering his hatred of people touching him.

"Thanks for coming Vlad," she stated almost inaudibly.

Vlad smiled reassuringly and told her, "I would do anything for family."

Jack came over and slapped the man on the back, "We know V-man! It's just, Danny hasn't woken up yet, and we don't know if he's going to be okay."

"Well, I'll see if I can help. I'll be right back," he told the two and dashed up the stairs.

He reached his nephew's bedroom and slowly opened the door. The ceiling was sporting different rocket ships, and NASA posters lined the walls.

Vlad's eyes soon roamed over the bed, and he smile at what was there, or rather, what wasn't there.

It was only a couple minutes later when he came back downstairs with a look of indifference on his face. The parents stood side by side holding hands, waiting for the man's verdict.

"Well I have bad news and good news," he started. "The bad news is Daniel is a halfa. The good news is," he paused, and a smile suddenly overcame his features. "Daniel's a halfa."

AN: Publishing a new story is probably bad idea, but I've had this idea in my head, and I needed to get it out. Updates for this story will more than likely be random, and pretty far between because my other story, Confining Chaos, is priority right now. Anyway, I hope you liked the first chapter, and I may change the title depending on if I think of something better. Constructive criticism is welcomed, but no flames please. Happy reviewing!