A Vase in Manhattan

In the ruins of a New York house, the Doctor bent down and picked up a vase. Early Chin Dynasty by the looks of it, covered in birds and flowers. The neck of the vase had broken, leaving a jagged edge, but the words on the body were still decipherable: Rapture of Summer. Nice name. He turned it over and saw the word Yowzah on the other side. He wrinkled his forehead and handed it to Donna.
"What does that mean?" she asked with a laugh. "Do the Chinese even have a word for ... for that?"
"Well, usually it would be translated something like, 'Ye gods!' but someone wrote it in such a way that it would have to be translated as ... as that." He tried out the word on his tongue. "Yowzah. Yow-zuh. Yowzer. Yow-zuh. Nope, I don't like that word. I'll never say that word again."
He tossed the vase onto the pile of rubble.