Wally POV

8:00 pm. Saturday.

We were all in the training room training with Black Canary. We were all paired up to fight. Superboy was to fight Miss. Martian, Robin was to fight Zatanna, Aqualad was to fight Rocket, and I was to fight Artemis. This was supposed to teach us that even if they are of the opposite sex, you should never under estimate your opponent. The age thing was just to even it out a little more.

"Wally, Artemis, your up," came from Black Canary.

We both walked up to the mat and took our fighting stance.


Artemis was the first to attack. She aimed for my legs, but I was able to dodge. I then went to punch her in the jaw, but she was to quick. After she dodged, she was able to use the time it took me to follow her, she kicked my legs causing me to fall to the ground and for a big holographic "Fail" to appear above my head.

That was unfair, she attacked me when I wasn't paying attention. I had to get back at her. Before I could even think about it, "Learn that from your dad. Because that was underhanded," blurted out of my mouth.

She then turned around and gave me an angry look. Before she could say anything, Black Canary said, "Wally, enough! Everyone hit the showers, were done for the day."

She walked off and headed to the girls showers.

Why would I say that? Even I had to admit that that was a little far. I need to apologize to her... later.

After I got out of the shower, I decided that I should just head to head to bed, since everyone will be angry at me for what I told Artemis earlier.

Just as I got close to my door for the bedroom, I noticed Artemis standing in front of my door. I knew that this is probably the best time to apologize. I walked up to her and said, "Look, I know your here to yell at me so... I'm sorry. I apologize for what I said. That was wrong of me, I went too far."

I could tell she was still angry, so I knew what was coming next. She said, "You should be sorry. What you did was..."

After that I zoned out. I noticed her beautiful red lips, her hair move every time her head moved, and I could smell the scent of her shampoo. Before I knew it, my lips were touching hers. She tried to push me away at first, but she stopped and wrapped her arms around my neck. The next thing I knew we were in my room headed for my bed.

Artemis POV

5:07 am. Sunday.

I awoke to my head against Wally's chest, while laying naked in his bed in his room.

I remember all what we did last night. Oh my gosh. I can't believe I had sex with Wally West.

I looked over to the nightstand looked at the clock which read 5:08 am. I took Wally's arm from around my neck and gently put it on the pillow next to me. I found my clothes on the floor and put on the pants and shirt and carried the rest back to my room.

When I walked back into my room I plopped into my bed and thanked god that no one was up to see me walk out of Wally's room carrying my panties and bra.

Wally POV

10:15 am. Sunday.

I walked along with Robin through the hallway from the hanger to the briefing room.

He was talking about something involving him and Zatanna on a date.

As we walked, I saw Artemis walking along with Raquel and Zatanna. I couldn't face her after last night, especially with almost everyone around. Before she noticed me, I looked in the opposite in the direction. Once I did, Zatanna, Raquel, and Robin all got quiet. I quickened my pace and finally got to the briefing room, far enough away Artemis can't hear me, Robin asked me, "What was that all about?"

"What was what about?"

"You and Artemis avoiding eye contact from one another. I understand why you probably did, but why did she?"

That means Artemis didn't talk right now as well. "Oh... nothing. We just... talked last night. It got a little weird."

"What, did you guys kiss?"

He's on to me. Think of something. "No! For one of the smartest people on the team, that as kinda stupid. Me and Artemis. Yeah right." He won't buy it, I was hyperventilating the entire time.

I walked to the kitchen trying to avoid the obvious.

I could feel his eyes drill into my back as we walked. When we arrived, he looked at me and said, "I know something's up. You are never that weird around Artemis, especially after a fight. You know I am the worlds greatest detective, you might as well tell me now." He then went to the fridge and got out a bottle of water and opened it to drink.

I then said, knowing that it is best to just get it over with, "Fine you won't to know. Me and Artemis had sex last night."

Robin then started coughing wildly trying to get the water he probably got in his lungs when I told him. Once he regained his composure, he looked at and said, "You... and Artemis. Let me get this straight, Artemis willingly got in bed with you?"


"Did you drug her?"


"Walk me through what happened to that led up to it. Not what happened in the bedroom."

"I just got out of the shower and was headed to bed. I thought about going to the living room along with everyone, but I knew that everyone will probably be mad at me for what I said to Artemis. When I got to my room, Artemis was standing outside my room waiting for me. When I got there she started to go off on me for what I said to her during the training exercise. Before I knew it, I lunged for her and we kissed, she tried to stop it at first, then she got into it. The next thing I knew we were in my room."

"What happened the next morning."

"Well I remember after... everything last night, we fell asleep holding each other. When I woke up, she was gone."

"Have you guys talked about it."


"Does anyone else know?"

"You, and maybe, but very doubtful, Zatanna, Raquel, and M'gann."

"Do you think it meant anything?"

"I have no idea."

"What do you think it meant?"

"Well, I like her. Not just physically, but I think we could have a regular relationship."

"You need to talk to her."

"I know."

Artemis POV

10:15 am. Sunday.

I was walking toward the hallway that lead to the hanger from the briefing room with Zatanna and Raquel as they talked about shopping. We were going to take our motorcycles into town and go shopping.

I tuned out the entire thing as I thought about me and Wally. We had done it last night and I snuck out before we could even tal-

Oh god there's Wally. I quickly turned my head in the opposite direction avoiding eye contact with him. I then noticed how quiet it got when I turned my head.

Once I reached the end of the hallway, Zatanna and Raquel stood in my path and started staring at me. I looked at them and asked, "What?"

Zatanna said, "What was that in the hallway? Both you and Wally refused to make eye contact with one another."

Okay, good. That means he probably was nervous as well. Or he thought I was the girl who had a one night stand with him and snuck out before he woke up. "It was nothing."

Raquel then looked at me and said, "Oh really. I saw you go to his room last night. I thought it was weird how I saw you go to his room, and not come back."

"Are you insinuating that I slept with him?"

They just stared at me, meaning, 'You said it. But we do want to know.'

I quietly as possible said, "Yes."

Both of their jaws dropped to the floor and they stared at me.

I looked them and said, "Well say something."

Raquel picked her jaw up and said, "What happened?"

"Well, I went to his room to tell him off for what he said yesterday. When he got to his room, before I could say anything, he apologized. Once he was finished I said something like 'You had no right to say that.' Before I could finish my sentence he kissed me. I tried to push him away at first, but it felt so good. Then we were in his bedroom removing different articles of clothing from one another."

After Zatanna finally regained her composure, she asked, "Did you talk?"

"No. I thought about it when I woke up, but I just grabbed my clothes and got out of there."

"You guys need to talk."

"I know."

Wally POV

12:00 pm. Saturday.

I stood outside of Artemis' bedroom, waiting for her to return from her shopping trip. We needed to talk about what had happened last night.

I watched as she finally rounded the corner towards her room. She had the most beautiful smile on her face, the she saw me and it withered away.

We both said in unison, "We need to talk."

I said, "You go first."

"Okay. That was a one time thing. We fight too much to have a relationship that will last."

That killed me. I was going to say that we should give this a try and see where it went. But, if she didn't want that, fine. "I agree."

She stuck out her hand, and I gladly shook it. We both made eye contact and stared at each other. I them pulled her towards me and our lips met. We then stumbled into her room and started to undress each other.