Disclaimer : I own nothing, Orange is the New Black and all its characters are the property of their authors, Piper Kerman, Jenji Kohan and all her crew.

Thank you so much for following, the favs, and the reviews! I hope you'll like this chapter. Do not hesitate to tell me, I like to know how people read what I write, it helps me. ;)

Have a good reading!

Chapter 10:

Piper is now back in her bunk. She plays distractedly with the little piece of paper Alex seems to have brought earlier. She does not understand. Why? For the tenth time she shakes her head as she lets her mind ramble. Like most nights since the Christmas events, she cannot sleep. It seems like this day will never end, but stretch and stretch and let Piper die before it comes to its end. Maybe this is this whole year which is not supposed to end. This fucking year... Litchfield, Alex, Doggett and then Larry... Yea, fucking year.

An hour before, Piper was still in the rec-room. Once she noticed that Alex had joined the inmates and their party, she tried to avoid looking at her. Turning her head toward the brunette had not been necessary to know that she was accompanied by Nicky. Who would she be laughing with? She had fought the urge to look up at the brunette for some minutes, knowing that the vision of Alex would not make her feel better, and would only remind her what she saw earlier that day in the laundry room. She had started to feel sick again at the simple thought of the moans she heard there... After hearing Alex's laughter, a bitter feeling of jealousy filed her veins and did not leave her.

It has been a while since she felt such a feeling for real. When she encountered Alex and Nicky in the brunette's bunk, the latter looking guilty as fuck while Nicky's smirk had done nothing but confirm what Piper could only assume from the scene, a loud alarm bell had started to ring in her head. It had been like a warning signal that an old barrier she had built years ago had started to crack.

There was never a real contest between the two girls, but both knew that, while they were shaking their bodies on the dance floor, more than a dozen people, of either sex, would come and try their luck with one of them during the endless nights they spent there. They made a game out of it. None of the pretenders would notice the playful and teasing peeps the girls would take at each other. They would be simple and insignificant toys in the game; flies thrown away after they went too close to those blindingly shiny girls.

Some other nights, they would stay stuck to each other, ignoring the rest of the crowd that was pressing them against each other. They would never feel close enough, only just fused enough to be content with their dance. Hours of skillful finger games would be necessary, yet still not enough. The dance, of their bodies, of their tongues, of their hips, backs and shoulders, extended from the dance floor to the soft mattress of their bed, would only end once the first beam of sun would pass through the light curtains of their asleep in each other's arms, they would finally find a relief from their quest for completion; their hair muddling in strange light and dark strands, their sweat mixed indistinctly with their own wetness, breathing and exhaling the same air, sleeping in a sweet and warm atmosphere made of their screamed and moaned desire of each other.

This night is not really different from the others. It has been two hours since Alex dragged Piper's hand to get her to the floor, where a crowd of sweating, feverishly drunk young people moves to the beating rhythms played by a visionary DJ. They have been playing with each other's patience. Piper is in a teasing mood. Her arms locked behind the tall and muscled man dancing behind her, she has been looking at Alex while suggestively moving her back against the other's hips, to his utter pleasure. He lets his hands wander near her waistband while breathing loudly in Piper's ear. She grins as she feels the man's excitement straining through his body. She knows Alex will have to make a move soon, or the man will try to pull her to a quieter corner of the club... Enjoying Alex's look on her, she waits for her reaction. How long will the brunette hold herself? Piper's mischievous grin takes a wider shape on her face: she sticks her body stronger against her dance partner, knowing this will be too much for the brunette, whose attention she wants. To her surprise, a loud, husky moan escapes the man's mouth. Amused, she bites her lower lip before looking back at Alex. Did she hear that? But the gorgeous brunette is now closer. Much closer. Barely two inches from Piper's face.

Something is dancing in her eyes. A bestial gleam of retained anger and hunger that twists Piper's stomach. This look... Without caring a second for the male toy in their game, Alex grabs Piper's neck and pulls her closer, claiming by any means her property right on Piper and her body. Her hands are everywhere, her tongue forces its entrance through her girlfriend's lips, invading Piper's mouth, her thigh placed between Piper's legs, pressing against her crotch as they continue to dance. Piper got what she was looking for. She surrenders, enjoying the warm contact of her lover against her. Behind them, the man is too shocked to react, he hardly saw Piper leaving his arms. As if an imaginary nymph, created out of nowhere by his mind, had suddenly blown up and disappeared.

There are unspoken rules in their game. It is just a playful, lustful game made only to lead to unhampered reconciliations in their hotel room; or elsewhere if the need does not allow them time to reach their hotel. It is a simple game with the other's jealousy. An innocent game with each other's feelings. Yet, Piper has gone further than usual. Seeing what she was trying to do, Alex fought and resisted the urge the take away the blonde woman the moment the tall man landed his hands on her lover's body. And despite her clear re-appropriation of Piper, she can't help feeling hurt. Or so will she tell Piper later in the night. She has quickly pulled Piper to the little rest room at the back of the club and roughly makes love to her. Biting Piper's neck and lips, her fingers pump bluntly in her lover's folds. Piper knew she had been driving the brunette crazy, and she cannot help but encourage Alex's savage retaliation as her arms and legs are strongly immobilized against the dirty wall. She is punished, roughly but still lovingly.

"You're mine," groans the brunette against her neck, blowing a warm breath against her skin, thrusting her fingers deeper as if to emphasize her words.

Yes... and she is mine, Piper thinks in a new moan.

The blonde woman is drawn out of her thoughts by a loud snore escaping Taystee's mouth as she moves on her side. Piper still has not completely got used to these noises at night. She lets her head roll against the wall again.

Listening to Taystee and Poussey's conniving jokes had helped her not to think of the tall woman at the other side of the room. When they started the countdown to 10 pm, Piper had tried to keep her eyes closed. Maybe, maybe this would have made her disappear away from Alex... Yet, she could not resist the suddenly stronger urge to look straight into Alex's direction. And she had instantaneously frozen: green eyes insistingly landed on her. They had locked eyes without Piper's consent; she had lost control over everything. She had lost consciousness of everything but those green piercing eyes fixed on her. Alex was looking at her...

She would have remained standing there, hypnotized by her former lover's strangely caring gaze if Taystee had not suddenly kissed her on her cheek, giving her a loud, "Say hello to a new year in prison, Taylor Swift!" She then had pushed the blonde to force her to move toward the dorms; not realizing she was awakening a needling pain in her cube-mate's trunk. Both the shock and the pain had been sudden enough to wake Piper up. She had abruptly dropped her gaze, realizing what she had been doing with Alex, remembering all the past events that had been temporarily washed away by the look on the brunette's face. The uncontrolled returning wave of hard feelings and pain that had left her for some relieving seconds brought tears to her eyes; she hurried to leave the room with her cube-mate, fighting against the urge to curl in one of the corners of the room in a reminiscence of her childish defensive attitude. If only she could do that again... And in a way this is what she is doing currently: protecting herself from the rest of the world, curling and shaking from the top of her bed. But this is not enough; as prison taught her a while ago, she does not need protection against the world but against herself. Her own thoughts are her main enemy in here.

Yet, tonight she has lost control on them. She cannot prevent her mind from rambling here and there in painfully happy memories. About Alex. And about Larry. She wonders what kind of night the sweet dark-haired man is having. She would have set up something with him. He was not good with that. There first New Year's Eve together had been a disaster...

Once again, she lets her mind wander without control.

She opens her eyes in the morning. So she finally fell asleep... What now? Is she going to head alone to the bathroom? She felt secure this night for she was not alone and Taystee would have woken up at any alert given by Piper. But in the morning, naked under the shower, she is completely vulnerable, as Doggett let her know once. And the idea of being alone with either Leanne or Alex is far from being attractive. For a second, the green soft orbs she met yesterday float in her mind. No, she is not ready to see them again.

She could avoid the shower, but she needs it. She feels dirty, for the hits she received, for the time she spent in this hamper, for anything that happened the day before and that she could not wash away from her. Smooth, even coldish water running down her skin is calling her in her head. So appealing... So necessary... She rubs her eyes with the palm of her hands, as if this could chase the brunette and the oily blonde away from her head, away from her path to the shower...

"Hey Chapman!" Calls an unexpected Morello from the entrance of the cube, "I'm heading to the shower. D'you wanna come with me?"

Is this some holy gift from God? Piper quickly stops staring at Morello and nods enthusiastically before she gets up and gathers her stuff. Shower it is, she thinks with relief. Thinking of anything else will come later.

Here it is for now! I hope you enjoyed, tell me what you think!

Next update might take quite a while, I am, in advance, sorry for this.