The Sword and the Wand
Chapter 1: Hello New World.
The darkness was far too inky for the young boy's liking. He watched the many gardens from the slightly open window from the overly stuffed family room. The dark misty night hid nothing from his vibrant viridescent eyes. The slight breeze fluffed his already messy black hair.
The alarm clock that he had managed to sneak down from Dudley's bedroom blazed 11:50pm at him in red numbers, and the boy could not help but to let out a soft sigh. In ten more minutes, he knew his family would only give him a long and daunting chore list. A birthday tradition they had done since he could properly move about.
As he mentally began to sort through the chores he knew would be on that list, he did not notice the clock strike midnight. His eighth birthday had rolled around, but his mind still lingered on the negative. Happiness was a dwindling light in his heart.
'Wow… You are really depressing for an eight year old you know…' a firm feminine voice sounded, echoing off around the room.
Harry jumped up and started wildly looking around the room. "Who are you? Where are you?" he asked when he found no one shared the room with him.
'I am not where you are looking.' Her voice echoed again, this time a bit gentler than the last.
Harry was freaking out. Where was this voice coming from?! He couldn't see anyone!
'If you would calm down, I can explain.' Harry began to notice that the feminine voice had a strange accent.
'I am a Potter, like you.' This made Harry's eyes go wide. He had been told that he had no more family.
'Well, I am already dead.' Harry's heart dropped. Now he was even more of a freak if he could talk to dead people.
'I am your guardian, actually. So no, it is just me you can hear for now.' He looked around once again, trying to decide if this were some sick joke.
'No! Now will you pay attention, Little Heir?' the voice started to sound stern again. Harry decided that this couldn't be a trick.
'Since the start of the Potter line, there has been a magical spell placed on the family to ensure that some ancestors could speak to the heirs, in case there was no one to guide them. Since you are left without a Potter as a guardian, it falls to me to guide you through the world of magic, Little Heir. I am guessing that you do not even know what you are, as your mind is blank from all things magic. This is troubling.'
During the long winded explanation, Harry only had one question. "Magic… Actually exists?" he wondered softly. All of those "accidents" slowly making sense to him now.
'Of course it does. Why do you think your so called guardians are so afraid of you? You have a power they do not understand. You could tear them apart, without a single blink, if you so choose to.'
"I don't want to kill anyone." Harry whispered, afraid of this new power. The voice sighed.
'Little Heir, you are required to kill no one. I simply meant, that you are so much more than they are. You can hear a song they have long since closed their hearts and minds to.'
Harry nodded, slightly less afraid, but still in awe of what he could potentially do. He heard a soft chuckle.
'Little Heir, whatever it is you set out to learn, I have no doubts that you can accomplish it. However, there is the time honored tradition of the Potter family that you are expected to learn. It is called sword magic.'
Harry blinked. "Sword magic?" he wondered, remembering to keep his voice soft. He really did not want his uncle to find out that he could pop the lock to the cupboard. It was his only bid at freedom, for now.
'Most magic is channeled through a wand. Stronger wizards do not need this channel. As a Potter, you can still use a wand, but when your magical core stabilizes, you will probably want to take up your family's time honored tradition. Swords.'
"What good would it be to wield a sword? People have guns." Harry pointed out.
'You could block their bullets with your sword. A sword never runs out of ammunition. It is also handy to pry open doors that magic cannot unlock for you.'
Harry thought about the prospects for a moment or two. "It would be rather inconvenient to carry around. I don't think you can legally carry a sword anymore." Jade merely laughed at it.
'And who says that their simple eyes could see it? Not even magical eyes see everything, and I do believe that, as Heir to the Potter line, it is still within your rights to carry your family's legacy. As you are the only Heir, it is your job to protect your family's lineage. There will be families looking to end the Potter line.'
"Why?" Harry wondered.
'After you get a taste of the magical world I will explain it all. It will not fully make sense until then.'
"So you are hiding things from me?"
'No. Just avoiding a very long explanation that would, at this point in time, go right over your head. I will go into full detail when you experience the magical world for yourself.'
"Can you teach me about the magical world?"
'I can. I will teach you about your family history, and pureblood manners. I will teach you some magic spell theory. Once you get a wand and are safely in Hogwarts, I will teach you some actual spells. I will begin your training on how to fight after you rest a bit. Stances are just as important as the weapon you wield.'
"But… Who are you in relation to me?"
'I am your many times great grandmother.'
"Hello grand mum!"
'Hello Little Heir.'
"When do we begin?"
'After you've rested a bit. Your mind is overworked just from this. Happy Birthday, Hadrian.'
Harry smiled as he wandered back to his cupboard. His smile stayed with him until the darkness lead him to dream world. His last thought was that he was no longer alone.
The next morning, Harry was up bright and early. His excitement and eagerness was coming off him in waves.
'Your pathetic excuse for guardians will believe that you have lost your mind, if you do not wipe the smile from your face.'
"We are still going to go over everything, right?"
'As if I would let you lapse in your training when we have yet to even begin. We have much to cover in the five years before you delve deep into the magical world. I will have you trained up before you go to Hogwarts.'
"Hogwarts?" Harry wondered.
'Ah. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will get a letter inviting you to attend the school once you turn eleven. There will be some supplies you will have to obtain, but that shouldn't be a problem. Our biggest obstacle, for now, is going to be your training. So for now, let us worry about that.'
"Ok. How am I going to do this while I do my chores? It's going to be a big list."
'You will be occupied in both body and mind. Your guard will be low, but supposedly there are wards of sorts protecting you… They are pathetic at best, but they will do until you turn eleven. Once you turn eleven, you can claim rights to family lands, and even independence. Wards on the Potter properties should be enough to protect you.'
"Wait… I can leave here?"
'Yes. There are laws that pertain to your situation. These people are your temporary guardians, but you should have a magical guardian. When you turn eleven, and visit the wizarding bank, we can figure all of that out.'
Harry nodded. Freedom could be his! Family was with him. These were all his birthday wishes, coming true!
'Not all is certain. While you were sleeping, I went through your mind. I found another presence in your mind, and a severe block on your magical abilities. I do not like these factors, Little Heir. Someone deliberately placed a piece of themselves into your mind and another placed a block on your magic. This is an outrage!'
Jade seemed angry and far more insulted than Harry felt.
'Someone touched my family. Of course I'm angry. The fact that this was done before your magic called out to me is irrelevant! You are mine to watch after and care for.'
He didn't truly know what to make of what she had told him. What was he supposed to make of this? Was someone spying on him? Why? Surely they would get bored watching him on a daily basis. Was someone blocking his magic because he wasn't supposed to have it?
'Whomever decided to block your magic must have been afraid of what you would become. The block is set to last until your late 100s. By that time, you would be far too feeble to raise a wand to anyone.'
Harry shrugged. It didn't seem like his problem right now. He was sure they would figure it out together.
'I can remove the block. The presence in your mind however, has a soul attached to it. Thus it means that someone has turned you into a living horcrux… Bad idea, if you ask me."
"Horcrux?" Harry wondered.
'It is a piece of someone else's soul. It is considered dark magic, the splitting of a soul. Powerful, yes, but also dangerous. If someone were to kill you that piece of the soul would die along with you. Normally, someone would put the piece of their soul into an item. They would then store the item away. Some place difficult to find. Why someone attempted to make you a horcrux, I've no idea. But I believe it must have been done when your parents were killed by that wizard.'
"Killed by a wizard? I was told they died in a car crash…" Jade snorted.
'Wizards… Killed in a car crash? Ridiculous. What unimaginative lies. Who told you this Hadrian?'
"My aunt and uncle told me this."
'Muggles… Of course. They probably have no real clue to how your mum and dad died. They probably made it up on the fly as well. I find it disrespectful, but I expect nothing more from muggles who are far too stupid to pull their heads from their arses.'
Harry couldn't help but to giggle. The way his many times great grandmother was describing his current situation was as if they were animals in a farm.
'Now Hadrian… It is time for your first lesson.'
"But what if someone is spying on me?"
'Then I suspect they will be utterly entertained as you finish your physical chores.'
Harry was about to say something, but was interrupted by his uncle stomped down the stairs. "Boy! You had best be awake! You have chores to do!" Vernon yelled as he rounded the railings to unlatch the cupboard.
Harry nodded obediently as his uncle gave him the list of chores. "Do all of these before I get home. We will stamp out this freakishness yet!"
'He looks like he swallowed several small house elves. Those poor creatures.'
Harry had to stifle his giggles until his uncle left for work.
He allowed himself a smile when his aunt and cousin were not looking.
'You should read the chore list. Whatever chores that are to be done outside, leave for last. That will be where I start teaching you stances.'
Harry didn't know this, but this would be the beginning of his long destiny.