

Lysander hugged me from behind and rubbed my stomach- which was about six months pregnant. My lovely husband kissed my cheek,
"Three more months…"
"Yeah," I smiled, "she'll be a January baby."
He smiled,

"And think about, Victoria will have a little brother."
Victoria was our seven-month-old daughter. She was born in March. She was so adorable- she had my natural black hair and she had Lysander's mismatched eyes. Castiel said that it was stupid to have two kids so close together- but…it wasn't exactly planned…

It was still cute though because well, it was Halloween night. Lysander was a vampire and little Victoria was so cute dressed as a cute little bumblebee with an antennae headband. I was going to be a vampire but my idiotic brother wouldn't have it. He forced me to wear a shirt that said 'Pumpkin Smuggler' where my pregnant belly was. I'm not that big for six months, I pouted.


For Christmas, I was stoked. I was so thankful to have such a wonderful life. I had a wonderful husband; I had a wonderful best friend, great brother-in-laws (Alexy and Armin), an idiotic twin, and a beautiful little daughter that was celebrating her first Christmas- and Victoria wasn't the only one celebrating her first Christmas. Alexy and Mason adopted a cute little one-year-old girl named Abby that just turned one earlier that month. She was adorable. She has blue eyes and dark brown hair. She was cute as a button.

Currently, we were having our Christmas feast- which included all the family. I'm so glad that it's Mason and Alexy's turn to host because this is such a crowd. You had Alexy's parents, Armin, his two aunts, two uncles, and three cousins. Then you had Auntie from Mason's side and mine. Then there was Lysander's family- Leigh, Rosayla, his nephew (Leigh and Rosayla's son), his mother, his three aunts, uncle, and two cousins. I was sure that family reunions were the reason that we all had such large houses.

I wasn't even sure about everyone's name either. I knew Alexy and Armin had Aunt Elizabeth, Aunt Sarah, Jennie (their mom), Mike (their dad), Uncle Tom, Uncle Kyle, Mary (sixteen year old cousin), Kayli (fifteen year old cousin), and Ash (twenty year old cousin). I knew there was Irene (Lysander's mother), Aunt Katherine, Aunt Jane, Aunt Melissa, the uncle's name I wasn't sure, Dylan (sixteen year old cousin), Michael (Rosayla's son), and Brian (sixteen year old cousin). I was thankful that we didn't have everyone over. By everyone, I meant Rosayla's side of the family because I knew she had about five aunts (and therefore four uncles by marriage).

"Let me guess," Rosayla asked amused, "Mason put you in that shirt."

She laughed. My shirt said This Christmas I'm eating for two.

"Aw," the aunts cued, "you're pregnant?"

I smiled,
"Is it a boy or girl?"
"How far along?"
"It's Lysander's, right?"
I sighed, aunts always ask the most questions.

"Yes, it's Lysander's. I'm eight months and it's a boy."

"Oh, sissy," Mason said as he came over, "I got you something for when the baby comes!"
He held out a little one-piece that said All Mommy Wanted Was A Backrub. I sighed, sadly, it's a bit true…


I looked at my fifteen-year-old daughter and fourteen-year-old son. Both of them were giving me and Lysander puppy-dog eyes.
"But Mom," Victoria pointed out, "it's only fair!"

"Besides there's a cute girl in my class I want to ask out," Mathew whispered.

I looked at Lysander,
"They do have a point."
He looked at me firmly. I switched sides and stood beside the kids and all three of us looked at Lysander with puppy-dog eyes,

He sighed,
"Very well…only if we meet whoever it is you are dating."

They cheered. I smiled. I'm so glad that they don't have to deal with the love watch like I did….I'm so glad that I talked Auntie out of giving them watches. I was also glad that Lysander wasn't around when we were talking about it because that's hard to explain.


I sighed as I sat down. I was home alone and I was a bit thankful. I was getting a bit stressed lately- mostly from my job as the owner of the bookshop/café. It was pretty popular but it was a lot of work. I looked to my box of chocolate chip cookies that were on the other side of the room. I wonder if I still have some magic left. I flicked my wrist and the box flew into my arms. I ate the cookies and that cheered me up.

I never used my minimal magic- ever. But…come on- it's chocolate chip cookies! At least, I never had to tell Lysander about my powers. I was also thankful that my kids weren't magical- well they were, but in their own way because they are my kids. They weren't magical though in the sense like…Auntie. They weren't magical like Auntie was magical.


At Victoria's and Abby's prom, I was a chaperone. Both girls looked beautiful in their dresses- which weren't as good as the ones on seniors but still looked nice on them. Victoria had on a nice red dress that was nice. It was very elegant in its own way as the collar had black lace and the bottom had black ruffles. There was no sleeves so she on elbow-length black gloves. Abby had on a blue dress that went mid-thigh, had a small v-neck, small straps, and had a black ribbon around the waist. Leigh had designed both dresses and both were one-of-a-kind. That made them special dresses since Leigh was a pretty famous designer and I was pretty sure I saw about ten or more other girls wearing some of his designs.

I didn't embarrass Victoria and neither did Lysander. We both stuck to the sidelines dressed in nice clothing. My brother and his husband, however, were a different story. They made it quite clear that they were both Abby's parents. They also made a point by staying close to her while wearing their shirts that said 'D.A.D.D.- Dads Against Daughters Dating.' They took protective parenthood to a new level.

Lysander and I, on the other hand, were a bit more reserved. We just chaperones normally while watching everyone and Victoria. Mathew wasn't at the prom- he was a freshman. So Auntie was watching over him. The other chaperones were a few other parents and a few teachers.

"Hi," one mother said as she stood beside Lysander and I, "My name's Jennifer Masters, this is my husband, Rick."

Rick shook our hands.
"Lysander Noir," Lysander said smoothly, "and my wife, Annabelle."

I nodded.

"Which one is yours," Jennifer asked politely. I nodded towards our daughter,


They both smiled,
"That's your daughter? She's dancing with our son," Jennifer explained, "Martin."

I smiled politely and Lysander nodded. I kept an eye on Victoria and 'Martin' while at the same time I kept an eye on my idiotic twin brother, Alexy, and poor Abby. I saw that my brother was threatening every singly guy that asked her to dance. Alexy was dancing…I felt so bad for her that by the end of the night I walked up to her.

"Hey Aunt Annie," she greeted softly and I could see that her face was red.

"Don't worry," I winked, "For your senior prom next year, I'll make sure they don't chaperone."

"How," she asked,
"It's called blackmail," I chuckled, "and if that doesn't work I'll just lock them in the closet."

She laughed. She really was my favorite niece. Man, I have a wonderful husband, a wonderful daughter, a wonderful son, a great niece, my brother and his husband…Life really is sweet even if it all started with that stupid watch and that damn tick-tock.