A/N: Okay, another story I know but I felt like writing something a little angsty and fun. The main pairings will be InoxKiba, SakuraxSai and a bit of Tenten/Lee. There is also a mention of some HinataxNaruto. As for their ages, the majority are 18, add in the extra years for those needed. Like Tenten and Lee would be 19.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the characters. I don't make any money from this either. (I'm just hoping for reviews)

Warnings: Language and Sexual Content

"That is kind of sad, Ino-pig." Sakura almost felt sorry for her longtime rival. And she thought her love life sucked. To have a crush on someone that didn't like you? It would be juicer if the blonde would give them a name. They all knew it wasn't Shikamaru. Those two had split over a year ago. The shadow-nin hadn't wanted to end things but Ino had insisted that he try a long-distance relationship with Temari. The only one that had a decent guy was her roommate. The four of them had decided on moving out on their own. At first, she had thought of rooming with Ino but had decided Hinata was the better choice. She and Ino living together would be a disaster. "Shame, we can't all luck out like Hinata-chan."

"I don't know." It was embarrassing to have all three girls staring at her. All the attention had Hinata fidgeting in the seat. Her own romances hadn't been the best to brag about, not until recently. She had dated Kiba for two years and they had split apart six months ago. "Things are going okay, I guess."

"Okay?! A guy doesn't buy you an engagement ring unless he is serious!" Tenten waved the bottle around, knowing the glass filled with whiskey would get the point across better than a finger. "What I wouldn't give for my crush to get over the bitch there with the huge forehead."

"Ugh, don't blame me." Sakura swallowed more of the strong liquid. Damn, it burned on the way down. What she wouldn't give for her own crush to want her as much as Tenten's crush did. "You can hab Luk-kun. I do want him."

"I think she means, she doesn't want him. It's the double amount of sake she is putting away. Forehead, try some of the brandy." The blonde rolled her eyes. The pink head bobbed in agreement before slamming forehead first into the table. "Ouch! I guess I win that bet, Ten."

"No, wait. Her eyes are slightly open, she's still semi-conscious. Ah, I see some green, hang in there, SAKURA-CHAN!" Tenten reached over to turn the pale face to the side. "Oops, you win. Someone had me a napkin, she has a drool-thing going on."

"Here, should we put her to bed?" Hinata felt bad seeing the med-nin passed out from the booze. The entire girl night was for her and she wasn't drinking much. Naruto had proposed earlier that day, she was very happy. The only bad thing was, she wasn't sure how her ex wasn't going to react once he learned about it. Kiba was constantly in her boyfriend's face these days because of the split. Hinata had meant to be faithful because of how much she had adored Kiba. The night she had been unfaithful hadn't been planned. As soon as it happened, she knew that her heart still belonged to Naruto. They had come clean to their friend the next morning. Being accused of using a longtime friend had stung. She had never meant for her teammate to feel used.

Bed? Ino leaned over the bubbling face, "Wow, she really is ugly when she's drunk. Is it me or is her nose crooked? It turns more to the right. See, Ten? Hey! You know what would be fun?"

"Let's draw on her face! I'll grab the markers!" Tenten jumped up so fast the chair fell against the floor with a loud clatter. "Oops. I didn't do that. Can I try it again or is it too late?"

"She's snoring like a man. Get the markers, I'm going to draw something good." Ino carefully moved the pink hair aside. After all the booze Sakura had downed, they would be free to be as artistic as Sai. "I'm going to do a penis, aimed for her mouth."

"Ooohhh, if you are doing Sasuke's, remember it's only about three inches. A true artist draws things from their experiences from life. Which is why I'm going to draw your boobs on her forehead. It's the only canvas with enough room for those puppies." Tenten rushed over with three different colors in hand. "I have black, blue and red. Which do you want?"

"I'll take the blue, so I can make sure to give him blue balls. What color do you want, Hin-chan?" The blonde giggled and snatched the appointed pen. "You can't wuss out on us. You got to draw something too."

What could she draw? It really wasn't that nice to draw on the drunk girl. Well, if they were going to do it. "I'll take the red. I'm not good with body parts but I got an idea."

"That's the spirit." Tenten was okay with taking the black marker. It was odd for all of them to circle around the sleeping face. Hinata was forced to take the jawline. The kanji for loose was delicately done out in red. "How big are your nipples?"

"Guess, or design Hin-chan's. As long as the boobs are perky, it doesn't matter. Do you think his pecker has a lot of veins? What about the wrinkles in his balls? Should I have it squirting?" Ino concentrated on making the head small and odd shaped. It fit the description they had been given. There was a good chance Sakura had been cruel in her tale, the ass had used the kunoichi for a quick fuck.

"Small and very wrinkled." Hinata chimed in and recapped her marker. Seeing the penis made her blush. It made her think of last night. Just last night she had been doing the same thing to her boyfriend. Naruto was a bit more than three inches and he was very attentive in bed. Having sex with him was a lot better than being with Kiba. The only thing Kiba had on her current man was his size. There physical romance had never been what she wanted. Being born as a Hyuuga, she just couldn't bring herself to fornicate in public. Naruto respected her sensibilities and didn't get offended when she pulled away. It was just one of the things Kiba had thrown back in her face. Claiming that she would always pull away from him but she didn't do it with Naruto.

"He has a mole near the base." Tenten hoped she wasn't making the nipples too big. Drawing wasn't her forte. The female body wasn't something she looked at all the time to draw a perfect sketch. "Sakura told me last week when she was smashed, it had a few hairs coming out of it. Don't ask, I'm just repeating what I was told."

"That's kind of gross, seriously. I'll need the red marker if we are adding a mole. Black too, for the hairs." Ino reached over to take the offered shot from Hinata and added another squiggly line inside the left ball sac.

"Why is the left bigger than the right?" Hinata poured herself some more of the brandy. It was only her third shot of the night. She would need it to kill the artistic guilt. The scrotums looked deformed. Is that how Ino saw the Uchiha? As much as the two friends bickered, they loved each other. Sakura's betrayal had also effected Ino, in an odd way. No one wanted their best friend to be used and tossed aside like trash. Ino being the friend she was, was putting her own life on hold to be there for their friend. Hinata did want to know who the blonde liked. The crush had been mentioned over a year ago, still no name.

"CAuuuuSSe, all men are deformed. Their hearts are as messed up as their little pricks. One bally is always bigger, it's nature's way of laughing at them. Trust me, give me the red." How big should the mole be? Was it a flat one or one of those icky big ones? Dammit, she couldn't wake Forehead up in order to ask. Ino had personally never seen a penis up close. Accidently seeing Choji or Shikamaru changing didn't count. They had both been soft and eww, ewww. "One or two hairs?"

"Two!" Tenten stood straight to examine her work. "Wow, she really does have a big forehead. I got both boobs on it and there is room for something else. How about the kanji for stupid? Or sucker? Oh, I got it. We will go with Huge in blue."

"As in, she wishes Sasuke had a huge one or her forehead is as huge as her ass? Does Naruto have a big one?" Ino had to know. From what Sai had slipped up and blurted out at the bar, Naruto didn't have much to be impressed with. She didn't want it but, it was always nice to know what her friends were getting. Tenten was busy holding out for Lee and she had her own unreturned emotions.

It wouldn't hurt to say it. Hinata trusted them with her life and with the knowledge of her fiance's penis size. They would never try to steal her boyfriend. "Well, I'd say he is about six. Temari-san once said that was average, since she said Shika-kun was about seven."

"That is average. Lee isn't average." Tenten looked up from her latest project and blushed at what she just said. "What? I was on watch and I guess he needed some sexual relief. It is not my fault he didn't cover it up. I'm talking big, like around nine or so."

"Hmm, sounds like Kiba-kun." Hinata would estimate him to be almost twice the size of her current lover. The actual sex hadn't been their problem, it was everything else. There hadn't been any real spark or affection. Just two friends that had come together in their loneliness. She had been lucky enough to end up with the real person she was in love with. Poor Kiba, he was still having a problem letting go. "He's close to a foot I think."

"And you gave that up for Naruto?!" Ino shrieked at the insane idiot. First, it was KIBA! Kiba! The hot, delicious, feisty and oh-so-doable Kiba. He was perfect and Hinata had given him up for Naruto. Ino had never cared for the two being together but she thought the shy girl was out of her mind to swap the two. If he had been hers, never mind. The mutt could barely stand to be around her, there was no chance of her getting a chance. It was why she wouldn't tell them who she liked. Hinata would be all for trying to hook them up, all so the couple need no longer feel guilty about their own relationship.

"That wasn't nice, pig. Hin-chan loves her lil fox. We can't help who we love. If we could, I would find someone that wasn't so fucking dedicated to the skank here." Yeah, skank would go good on the nose area. Tenten giggled hearing the soft snoring. She adored the med-nin despite them being somewhat rivals in love. She had hope that one day Lee would come around. "How much of that sake is left? I'm done drawing."

"Here," Hinata glanced at the time. Naruto was already expecting her to come over. "Um, I'm going to head out now. I promised him I'd be there before midnight. The mission is tomorrow."

"That's right. What are you still doing here? Go, go, be with your man while you can." Tenten waved her off. If Lee were waiting on her, she wouldn't be hanging around in this place.

"Okay, are you two staying? So she doesn't drown?" Hinata didn't feel right about leaving Sakura so wasted. She did want to go see Naruto before he left in the morning. It was a simple delivery mission but it could be a week before he returned.

"We got this, we will keep an eye on Forehead. If you aren't coming back tonight, I'm going to crash in your room. I promise not to wet the sheets." Ino reached for the bottle of sake. She'd have to thank Kakashi-sensei later for getting it for them. The brandy and whiskey were gifts from Choji, 'I'm sorry your friend got used' presents. All of their friends knew about the terrible event. Sasuke had convinced Sakura to go home with him one night and they had did the nasty. The next morning he had informed their friend that it didn't change anything. He wasn't in love with her. Ino doubted that the Uchiha knew what real love was.

Ugh, Tenten was glad that all Hinata did was giggle before rushing out of the door. The thought of Ino doing anything, best not to think about it. They did live together, three flats down. "I'll probably take the couch. Think we should move her to the bed or leave her there? If she pukes in that position, she should still be able to breath."

"Hmm, leave her. I don't feel like carting her fat ass to bed. That will teach her for getting smashed. Bitch, she can't hold her drink. I'm going to climb in bed." All of them would have hellish hangovers in the morning. The look on Sakura's face when she woke would be worth it. "Night, Ten-chan!"

"Night. Have fun dreaming of dog-boy."












That felt so good. The wet heat was trailing a path down her navel. Ino groaned into the pillow as the sensation set in. The fog rolled around her brain, mixed with the feeling of being touched. Focusing was difficult with the amount of alcohol she had indulged in before going to sleep. She knew she had climbed into bed to crash. The last thing she had done was strip down into her underwear because she had been hot. The normal tightness that came with her brazier wasn't present. And that was definitely her panties she felt being dragged down her hips.

Was she dreaming? It wouldn't be the first time her mind had conjured up a man to ease the lonely nights. The only light in the room came from the slit underneath the door. Not enough to see more than an inch in front of her face. The Hyuuga had dark curtains that were pulled shut. The moan was more pleasure than confusion. The skilled hands were massaging the insides of her thighs.

"Ahhh," Wet lips kissed between her parted legs. The attention felt almost loving on her sex. A rumbling noise vibrated the wet folds. For a moment she was concerned that a dog had managed to sneak into the room. The growling sound was almost feral. Her hand reached out to find the light. Fingers found the edge of the nightstand, only to latch on.

The quick, teasing strokes centered right on the small nerve. The pleasure was so good she forgot all about wanting to switch on the lamp. Her hands went into the thick hair, pulling as her clit was being sucked and licked. The furthest she had ever proceeded with her ex had been a bit of foreplay. Having the mouth working her, so much different than being rubbed by inexperienced fingers. The orgasm came hard and fast.

Her hands fell from the head that was moving away. The pleasure left her shocked and unable to move. That had been different and too good. The figure crawled up, hovering above her panting form. The intense pain that suddenly split through her core was unexpected. It fucking hurt, and it wasn't stopping. Her mind registered what was happening. The pain cleared the fog from her mind. The situation sank in, as the rock hard length pushed deeper. The slow thrusting burnt and didn't stop until something deep inside was struck. That pain was sharp but felt nice. Almost as nice as the soft mouth that was placing tender kisses all over her chest.

Teeth latched onto her nipple, suckling the taut peak. The pain centered round the erection was lessening. The stretching was becoming pleasant. A few more thrusts and it was all she could focus on. She hadn't known that sex could make her feel so full there. The rough hands were all over her, breasts, hips and then her face. She opened her eyes feeling the hot breath caressing her earlobe. The only thing her eyes could make out was the outline of short hair. Blue eyes clenched tight and her voice cried out. This orgasm broke around the moving shaft, growing in intensity with each stroke. She could feel herself clenching and tightening around the thickness.

"I love you."

The voice was low, a mere whisper into her ear. Her breathing mixed with the panting of the deep timber. The tender kisses lulled her back into sleep.









Please review. Even if it is to say it didn't suck. Hell, I'll take constructive comments as well.