Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Annabeth used to hate Christmas. When it came around every year it was just another excuse for her father and step-mother to ignore her, under appreciate her and dote on her little brothers. It had been one of the holidays Annabeth had felt like an outside her in her own family.
When she ran away and found Camp Half-Blood, Christmas was different. The campers were happy and there was decorations, but there was no presents unless you bought them yourselves and arranged to exchange with other people. For a while Christmas was just another day of the year with the added bonus of no chores and you could do pretty much anything you wanted for the day.
When Percy had come to Camp it had gradually started to change. Annabeth had spent the day with him and his family 2 years ago (as a friend, of course, they weren't dating then) and they had gotten each other presents. Sally had made a great meal of turkey, potatoes and vegetables and the decorations had been simple yet perfect.
It had been the best Christmas of her life.
Last Christmas... last Christmas had been the worst. Percy had disappeared right before Christmas and to be honest all Annabeth remembered of that day was her secluding herself and avoiding other people.
Yup, that had been a rough one.
Now this year Camp Half-Blood was having a dance. It was random and took everyone off guard but Annabeth kind of liked it that way. It made it more special. And this time she wasn't going to let Percy out of her sights for the entire day. He would be here for when the clock struck 12 and it turned from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day. He would be there for Annabeth to find in the breakfast pavilion in the morning and he wouldn't let go of her hand the entire day. He would be there to open her present and laugh at her and blush when he saw what it was.
He would be there. She wouldn't be able to stand it if he wasn't.
Right now she was in his cabin with him, getting ready for the dance.
Her makeup was good, her hair was as perfect as it was ever going to be and her jewlery was simple and yet elegant. And her dress... well it was the only one in the Aphrodite Cabin she had actually liked. The rest were either too revealing, the wrong color, wrong size, itchy fabric or just plain ugly. When she had pulled it off the rack to show Piper the daughter of Aphrodite had frowned, saying she didn't remember seeing that particular dress before. But it was absolutely perfect for Annabeth and the girl had insisted that after she wore it tonight to just keep it. Nobody would notice a missing dress from here and it really was amazing on her.
Annabeth had smiled and thanked her. Piper was one of her closest friends at Camp and Annabeth couldn't help but feel overwhelming gratitude towards the girl for helping her. Jewlery, shoes, hair and even makeup she could handle by herself. But when it came to fashion the only thing Annabeth knew was that she liked simple. A camp tank top and shorts with her sneakers. That was her general outfit.
Somehow she didn't think that would be appropriate for tonight.
So she had gone to Piper and found this amazing green shimmery neck halter dress. It was fitted at the top with some shining fake diamonds woven throughout the cloth and at her waist it became silky wisps that ended just below her knees. It wasn't poofy, or big, it was fitted and shape hugging. Her shoes were silver heels that were strappy but had diamond studs on them in occasional places so they would sparkle. On her ears were emerald drop earrings and her hair was loose and curled. Not her natural wild curls, but actual curls from a curling iron.
She heard a knock on the door. "Annabeth? Are you planning on living in my bathroom or are you coming out soon?" Percy asked her sarcastically.
"Hold on," she called back. "Just a minute!"
She studied her reflection in the mirror one last time. Everything actually looked good and for once Annabeth felt like she was beautiful.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, full smile on her face, Percy's expression confirmed it.
His jaw dropped and he tried to immediately stand up from his position on sitting on his bunk. He jerked up so fast that he hit his head on the bunk above his and for the next minute the cabin was filled with Annabeth's laughter and his embarassed cursing.
When she moved to sit down beside him she took in his appearance and couldn't help the flutter of nervousness in her stomach.
He looked good. Really good.
He had on a light green shirt and black tie on, along with jeans and new sneakers. His hair was still unruly but now it looked deliberate and it matched the rest of his appearance perfectly. The tie brought out his black hair and his shirt brought out his eyes.
"Seaweed Brain," she said while taking him in, "you look good."
He shook his head, refocusing, and Annabeth smiled to herself because she knew it was because of her. But of course, she would never say that.
"Annabeth, you look..." He trailed off and met her eyes, speaking seriously. "You look amazing."
Warmth filled her and Annabeth was suddenly embarassed. "It's nothing, Seaweed Brain, just a dress and some makeup..." She trailed off, taking in the wonderstruck look in his eyes. "Percy," she said, getting to to snap back from whatever daydream he was in. "It's just a dress."
He shook his head, even as he was speaking. "No," he said softly, "it's you." He took a breath. "You're beautiful."
A shiver went up her spine at that because his words were so raw and so honest she felt them right in her core. Suddenly she couldn't meet his eyes. "Percy..."
He reached up, almost shyly, to brush back a stray strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face. He pushed it behind her ear and cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. "I love you, Annabeth. So much. I couldn't live without you."
It was abrupt and the implications behind the words were huge but Annabeth couldn't help but smile back at him. "I love you too. You're everything I could ever need."
He leaned forward hesitantly to kiss her and Annabeth felt tingles shoot through her. His lips were warm and soft and the fireworks between them were consuming. She felt herself responding, leaning forwards to wrap her arms around his neck, him looping his arond her waist and they drew themselves closer until their chests were pressing against one another.
It started off slow and steady but gradually the kisses became more and more frantic. Want welled up in Annabeth's chest and she forgot her name and where she was. She forgot that two kids weren't allowed to be alone in the same cabin for exactly this reason, because they could get carried away. She forgot everything except Percy and how good his lips felt against hers, how much she liked having him pressed right against her and how she yearned for more.
He pulled away with a groan, and Annabeth was left panting for breath alone on the bed. When she finally remembered where she was she looked up to see Percy a few feet away and he looked almost...nervous.
"Percy?" She asked carefully in an almost hoarse voice. "Are- are you okay?"
He shook his head and wouldn't look at her, almost as if he couldn't look at her.
"Did- was it me?" She asked him.
He met her eyes and Annabeth saw they were a shade darker than usual.
Ah, she realized distantly. That was the problem.
"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I- we shouldn't have gotten so carried away."
She looked down, fiddling with her dress and now it was her who couldn't look at him. She heard a sigh and felt a weight dip the bed slightly beside her. Felt his warmth slowly reach her. When he took her face in his she saw he was back to normal, breathing normally and his eyes were light again.
He shook his head at her. "It's not your fault. I should know-well. I should have stopped sooner."
She smiled ruefully. "We need to get ourselves under control, don't we?"
He nodded. "I though, after we...ya know, it would be easier. But I-"
"Still want more." Annabeth finished for him. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Me too."
He looked up to meet her eyes and sighed. "It's already 7:30. We should get going."
"Yeah," she replied absently.
They looked at each other again and this time they rushed at each other, smashing their lips together. It was desperate, almost feral, and suddenly Annabeth knew she and Percy were going to be much later than half an hour to the dance tonight.
"Percy?" Annabeth asked as she picked up his jeans from the cabin floor and felt the box in his pocket. "What's this?"
Surprise filled his face and he reached around her to snatch the box from her hand. "What? Nothing."
She crossed her arms, and stared him down in her dress. And he stared right back at her, clad in only his shirt and boxers.
He relented after serveral seconds. "Fine," he blew out a breath. "It's your Christmas present. I was going to give it to you at the dance. Way to ruin the surprise."
Now it was her who was surprised. "Oh really?"
He nodded. "Yeah."
She held a hand out. "Alright, hand it over."
"No!" He exclaimed. "You can't have it yet. It's only Christmas Eve."
She sighed patiently. "Percy it's right in front of me. And you know one way or another I'll steal it from you. It would save us both a lot of trouble if you just handed it over now."
She saw his willpower waver and put on a fake pout. "Please?" She asked, making her grey eyes wide. "I really, really want it."
She heard him curse and smiled as he begrudgingly handed the box over.
It was black with a pink ribbon on the lid. When she shook it the object inside jingled and Annabeth nodded, ascertaining her suspicion that it was jewlery.
"Well?" Percy asked impatiently. "Are you going to open it?"
She shook her head at him but lifted the lid off the box nonetheless.
She gasped when she saw what was inside. "Percy... it's beautiful."
He smiled shyly and lifted up the charm bracelet. It was a silver chain and dangling from it was an a trident, an owl and an anchor. He spoke as he fastened it around her left wrist.
"I saw it in this trinket shop my mom likes to shop at and... well it reminded me of you. Of us. I figured the trident could symbolize me, and the owl and anchor could symbolize you."
"Me?" She asked in surprise. "Why am I the anchor."
He looked away, focusing a bit too hard on hooking the bracelet around her wrist. "Cause you're my anchor," he said and oh gods, it sounded so cheesy but Annabeth looked at him seriously, waiting for him to continue. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. "I mean during all of this," he gestured around him, "ever since I learned I was a demigod, my life has been chaos, ya know? There's always things trying to kill me, a prophecy I have to complete, a place in the Underworld I have to make it through. And you've been there, every step of the way." He looked up and met her eyes. "You've been there, Annabeth, and that means the world to me. Because when I was 12 the other campers would pick on me and you did too, but you didn't mean it like they did. You've been with me from the start, and so has Grover, but we've been through so much together... I needed something to ground me. To give me hope, and keep me going and just make sure it didn't all go to my head. And that's you, for me. You've always been there to come back to, to save me or yell at me, whatever I need. I couldn't have made it this far without you and I- I don't know how I could go on without you, either." He shrugged and breathed out deeply. "So yeah, you're my anchor."
Tears had filled her eyes and she gave him a watery smile. "Seaweed Brain-"
"And I know I don't say I love you as much as you say it to me, or as much as I should, but I do, Annabeth. I really, really do."
"Percy," she whispered, "stop."
He seemed to finally realize she was crying and immediately he was alarmed. "Oh gods, no- did I say too much? Are you okay."
She nodded and gave him another shaky smile and he paused, just looking at her, before wrapping his arms around her and holding her to him. She wasn't crying, not really, but one tear slipped out before she could blink it back.
"I love you," she whispered. "You're everything in the world to me."
He nodded his head above her. "I know."
"And when you were gone... I could hardly bear it."
"I know," he whispered again. "I'm so sorry for that."
She nodded. "And this year, I think I've been scared you would disappear again, ya know? Because last year you did on the break. And I've barely been able to let you out of my sight without panicking. And I know it's stupid, I know we talked to Chiron and made sure there was no more wars to fight after the giants, but I can't help it. Because if I ever had to go through that again, I don't know how I'd be able to survive. It physically hurt, Percy. It was worse than Tartarus because at least in there I had you."
He stayed quiet, just holding her, and that was the best thing he could have done. Because there was no solace for Annabeth when it came to that time in her life. She was too late to be comforted and nothing would make the past change. But as long as Percy held her, he was here. That was all Annabeth needed right now.
"Stay with me tonight. Don't leave me again."
His reply was one word. "Always."
And that was all she needed.
"Stop fidgeting Seaweed Brain, you look fine!" Annabeth scolded him.
They were all remade for the dance after their little... delay, and now, when they were walking towards the dining pavilion, Percy was still fidgeting with his shirt.
"If anything it should be me who's worried," Annabeth exclaimed. "I mean, you just have a shirt, tie and jeans. I have my hair and makeup and dress and shoes..." She trailed off and tugged her dress down subconsciously. "Do you think they'll be able to tell?"
Percy stopped and stood in front of her, taking her in. "No. Wait," he went to push that same strand of hair back behind her ear before leaning in to kiss her. "Now you're good."
She frowned at him but there was no annoyance behind it. Really the kiss had sent tingles to her toes and shivers up her spine but she couldn't show him that. Wouldn't want the boy getting cocky.
It was nearing 9 now and there was snow falling around them, creating a thin layer on the ground. Flakes were sticking in Percy's hair and Annabeth tried not to laugh at the sight.
She knew some must be getting in her hair too and she could feel some on her eyelashes, but she didn't care. She still felt beautiful and as long as Percy kept looking at her that way, like she was the only thing on earth, then she would be fine.
"Are you excited?" He asked her.
She nodded, and actually she was excited. This would be fun, there'd never been a dance at Camp before and it would be all the more enjoyable with Percy by her side. Much better than her school dances. "Are you?" She asked back.
He shrugged but took her hand. "I think it'll be fun. Definitely something if that music is anything to go by."
She smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "C'mon Seaweed Brain, time to go and party."
He laughed as she dragged him behind her and when they reached the pavilion they stopped just outside.
"Ready?" He asked her and squeezed her hand.
She squeezed back."Ready."
And in they went.
They stopped and stared for a couple of seconds when they entered, just taking it all in. The music, the lights, the decorations, the tree, the food and the people... it was all absolutely perfect. It took Annabeth's breath away.
She heard Percy laugh beside her and turned to look at him. "What?" She asked him over the music.
He smiled before leaning in to kiss her softly. "You."
She pulled away and smiled back at him before a certain huntress caught her eye. "Look! It's Thalia! And she's with Nico."
Percy looked where she was looking and started making his way towards the pair, not letting go of Annabeth's hand as he did so. She hurriedly caught up to him before passing him.
"Thals!" She called out and saw the huntress turn in surprise just before she enveloped her in a hug.
"What are you doing here?" Annabeth asked her. "I figured you'd be in the Artemis Cabin tonight with the rest of the hunters."
But it appeared Thalia didn't hear her because a few seconds later she moved away from Annabeth to stand beside Nico who looked sort of uncomfortable.
It must have been the dance, Annabeth reasoned. Nico didn't like things like this.
"Hey Nico," she said to him while Percy greeted Thalia.
He glanced at her and seemed to force a smile. "Annabeth."
She smiled past her confusion but noticed him glance at Percy before taking a step back. She was about to say something, ask him what was wrong, but thenThalia and Percy hugged in front of them, cutting her off.
Thalia caught her eye and Annabeth finally took in what the 2 were wearing. Nico, dressed in all black formal atire, looked good. Really good, actually. Lot's of girls would be looking at him tonight, Annabeth was sure.
And Thalia... wait. What the Hades was Thalia wearing?
Thankfully she had a jacket to cover her upper body because that tank top... well it wasn't doing it. Was it intentionally meant to be that short and show her stomach? And that skirt and those boots along with the heavy makeup... this couldn't be the same girl who had taken care of her while she was on the run. The same girl who had joined the Hunters.
But it was. And if Thalia saw Annabeth and Percy's confusion she didn't show it.
She met Annabeth's eyes and jerked her head towards the tie Percy was wearing and Annabeth smiled and nodded, pointing to herself. Yes she had forced Percy to wear it tonight. With the promises of cookies, kissing and a present he would love.
Thalia smiled back at her and shook her head but said nothing and Annabeth could tell she was amused. It was funny, when you thought about it, but what really surprised Annabeth was the fact that it had worked.
"So," Percy said and took Annabeth's hand. "Where's the candy?"
Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Really, Seaweed Brain, the last thing you need is candy."
Percy gave her a fake look of wounded shock. "But I love candy."
Annabeth laughed and met his eyes, wondering if she could tell how amusing he was. By the look in his eyes as he stared back at her, she leaned towards no, no he couldn't.
She saw out of the corner of her eye as Thalia mimed puking, before standing straight to knock them out of whatever silent conversation they were having. "Excuse me while I go throw up some more," Thalia said. "But if you guys wanna keep acting like newlyweds then go ahead, Nico and I can leave."
Percy laughed, but Annabeth frowned at Thalia slightly. What was up with her? She was acting... weird. Before she could say anything about it though, Percy beat her to it. "It's not our fault you swore off boys, Thals, look at what you're missing," Percy said, gesturing to every guy in the room.
Thalia feigned interest, scanning the crowd quickly, before raising an eyebrow. "You just proved my point." She said bluntly.
Percy smiled at her and Annabeth laughed, brushing off her suspicions as reading too deep into things. Thalia was just same old Thalia.
Nico stood quietly though, not saying a word. Annabeth noticed it and apparently so did Percy because his next words were aimed at the son of Hades.
"So Nico, are you staying here for a while?" He asked, suddenly serious.
Confusion filled Annabeth again when Nico flinched at Percy's words, but nobody else seemed to notice. Had she imagined it?
What was going on?
"Actually-," Nico started but he didn't get to finish before Piper's voice interrupted.
"Hey guys!" She said. "Are you having fun?"
Jason came into their circle slightly behind his girlfriend and Annabeth noticed he looked at Nico with something like worry in his eyes.
Something was going on, Annabeth deduced when she saw Thalia meet her brother's eyes. Something to do with Nico.
"Well Annabeth and I just got here," Percy said. completely oblivious. "But it seems really cool. Definitely better than my school dances."
Annabeth turned to him in surprise, past moments forgotten, and raised an eyebrow at him. "You never told me you had school dances." She accused him.
Percy nodded, not catching her tone. "Yeah usually about three a year."
"Oh really," Annabeth said and forced a note of obvious calm in her voice. "Were there girls there?"
Percy met her eyes. "Wise Girl, it's a school dance." He said slowly, as if she were the one not catching on. "Of course there were girls there."
"Hmm..." Annabeth said, quiet for a moment. Finally though, she continued. "So did you dance with any of them?"
Percy looked at Jason but Jason just smirked and held up his hands as if in surrender. "I can't help you, Perce."
Annabeth metThalia's eyes and quickly winked before Percy looked back to her. "I don't dance." He said stupidly.
Annabeth crossed her arms, fighting off a smile. "You sure? Cause you're sounding pretty guilty."
Now Percy's eyes widened and she saw him panic. Gods, she was such a terrible girlfriend. Poor Percy thought she was being serious. "Seriously Annabeth, me and a bunch of guys would always just hang out in a corner shooting hoops or something."
After a few seconds silence everyone burst out laughing.
"Your face," Jason gasped out, "you should have seen your face!"
"Good one Anabeth," Piper said breathily, "oh gods, I'm crying!"
Annabeth smiled at the girl. "Thanks Piper."
Thalia placed a hand on Nico's shoulder suddenly. "Hey, guys, Nico and I are gonna go get some hot chocolate," she said. "We'll find you later and little brother, you are not escaping here tonight without giving me a dance."
Jason's eyes shot to Nico before he covered it up by smiling and nodding. But Annabeth still saw.
He answered her calmly. Too serious. "Sure."
Why were they all acting so guilty? Annabeth glanced at Piper but she seemed just like she usually was, albeit she was looking at her boyfriend a bit confused.
So Piper wasn't in on...whatever it was that was going on. That meant Thalia, Jason and Nico. Now why would those three be teaming up for anything?
Percy looked to Thalia long enough to shout, "I get a dance too, Pinecone Face," before turning back to their little circle.
Thalia kept backing away, dragging Nico with her. "Whatever you say, Kelp Head!" She shouted back, and then she was gone, leaving Annabeth, Percy, Jason and Piper.
Percy started talking but Annabeth tuned him out, focusing on the look on Jason's face. Poorly concealed worry was still worry and that was exactly what Jason was trying to hide. He kept glancing in the direction that Thalia and Nico had gone and Annabeth found herself more curious than ever.
"Hey Jason, how about a dance, hmm?" She asked him.
He looked at her in surprise before glancing to Percy and Piper who seemed confused. "Well-"
"C'mon," she held out a hand to him. "It'll be fun."
Percy looked over at her but she tried to send him a silent message. Later, I'll explain later.
He seemed to understand because he nodded. "Yeah, that's a great idea. Piper and I can dance too." He looked over at the daughter of Aphrodite. "If that's alright with you of course."
Jason seemed frozen and Piper looked a bit confused but went for it. "You're sure you guys don't want to dance with each other first? We know you just got here."
Annabeth shrugged. "I'm sure we'll be dancing together for the rest of the night. What's the big deal?"
Piper glanced at Jason before nodding slowly. "Alright then."
"Great!" Annabeth exclaimed, quickly grabbing Jason's hand. "C'mon Jason."
They made their way to the center of the dance floor and Annabeth forcefully put her hands on his shoulders and he hesitantly held her waist. He looked like he was about to say something but she beat him to it.
"So," she asked directly. "What's going on?"
He froze, looking at her in surprise. "What?" He asked. "Nothing, why would you think something's going on?"
She raised her eyebrows at him. "Dumb doesn't suit you, Jason. Is it serious? Should I be worried?"
He looked down at her. "Annabeth..." He said biting his lower lip. "It's not for me to tell."
She met his eyes and she saw honesty looking back at her. "Alright," she said finally. "I can handle that. But is it about me? Or Percy?"
He hesitated, not meeting her eyes.
"That's all I want to know Jason," she pressed on. "If it's not I can handle not knowing. But if it is I have to."
He met her eyes and sighed, nodding a bit. "It's not about you."
A sinking feeling appeared in her stomach. "Percy then."
"Annabeth, I really shouldn't be saying anything-"
"Is it bad? Something he did? Something he's going to do?" Annabeth worried out loud.
"It- it's not bad, per say, but... look I really shouldn't be the one telling you this."
"Well then who should?" She asked. "Thalia? Nico?"
This time Jason really did freeze and look at her, searching. "Why would Nico have anything to do with this?"
She studied him and nodded to herself. "Nico. That's who this is about then. Nico and Percy."
Something almost like fear came into Jason's eyes. "Annabeth-"
"What is it?" She asked him. "Does Percy know about... whatever's going on?"
Jason tensed. "No, Annabeth and you can't tell him. Please." He looked into her eyes, gripping her waist tighter. "I'm begging you."
She saw how serious he was and chewed her bottom lip nervously. She hated lying to Percy, she rarely did unless it was to protect him in some way. "Jason... you're asking me to lie to my boyfriend."
"Please," he pleaded. "He'll know soon, and it's nothing to worry about, I promise. He just needs to hear about it from someone else. And it's not really lying, it's just... not mentioning."
She met his blue eyes, so like Thalia's and felt her resistance crumble. "Fine," she said. "Alright. But I still want to know what it is."
"Ask Thalia, tomorrow. Not tonight, don't let it ruin the night. It can wait, I promise."
She met his eyes. "I'm trusting you Jason."
"I know," he replied seriously. "And I would never betray that trust."
She let out a breath and felt the feeling in her stomach ease off. "Alright. Okay. I'll forget about it until tomorrow." The song was ending and Annabeth pulled away. "Thanks for the dance Jason."
He nodded distractedly before moving to go find Piper. When Annabeth turned she saw Percy make his way towards her.
"My turn?" He asked hopefully, holding out a hand.
She smiled at him, pushing away the guilt that had suddenly risen inside her. "Of course. Lead the way Seaweed Brain."
They danced close together, with her head resting in the crook of his neck, her arms gripping his back and his pressing her against him from behind her back.
"So," he spoke directly beside her ear, causing shivers. "Care to explain what that was about?"
The guilt rose inside of her again but she forced it down. "Nothing important really. I'll tell you tomorrow if it turns into anything big. You wouldn't be interested otherwise."
She wondered if he heard the lie in her voice or the tone of guilt. But he just held her tighter and stayed quiet.
"Let's just forget everything else. All the problems and drama. Let's make tonight just about us. Okay?" He asked her suddenly.
She nodded, suddenly more grateful than ever he was her boyfriend. "Okay."
He leaned down again. "I love you."
She smiled against his neck. "And I love you."
They danced to a couple of more songs, just holding each other, being together, before they went to get hot chocolate. Percy ate one too many cookies and Annabeth had a candy cane or two. But they held hands most of the night, and that was really all Annabeth needed.
Percy had his dance with Thalia and Annabeth and Nico danced together eventually. Annabeth was about to ask him about whatever was going on but the look in his eyes stopped her. He seemed so... lost. And sad.
"So," she said with forced happiness, trying to forget about the big mystery of the night. "How long are you staying? I hope it's a while, Percy and I have really missed you."
Nico took a deep breath and Annabeth noticed his grip on her tightened. "I'm not really sure," he replied. "I guess I'll just see what happens."
He was being honest Annabeth could tell, but there was a bitter note in his voice that made her pause. "Nico?" She asked. "Is everything okay."
He looked at her and his eyes were so sad and he looked so alone that Annabeth resisted the urge to hug him. "I'm sorry," he said quietly.
"Sorry?" She asked him in surprise. "Nico, why on earth would you be-"
"Hey guys!" Rachel called to them, pushing her way through the dancing couples and effectively cutting Annabeth off. "How's your night been so far?" She asked eagerly.
Nico dropped his hands from Annabeth's waist and stepped back, making her arms fall to her sides. "Look I should go find Thalia." He hesitated, glancing at both of them. "Merry Christmas you guys."
"Merry Christmas!" Rachel replied, confused, but Annabeth caught his hand and looked into his eyes before he could get away.
"Hey, Nico. Whatever it is... we'll get through it okay? Everything will be fine."
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before gently pulling away. "Yeah. I know. Thanks for the dance Annabeth." He looked over to the red head. "See you around Rachel."
"Bye Death Breath!" The Oracle called back to him.
She jerked her head towards his retreating figure afterwards. "What's up with him?"
"Who? Nico? Nothing," Annabeth replied, maybe a bit too defensively. Protectiveness welled up inside her and she forced a smile. "He's just being Nico. Plus I think Thalia needed to talk to him about something anyways."
Rachel was quiet for a few seconds before shrugging, obviously forgetting about it. "Okay. Cool. So where's the Fish Boy? Technically I shouldn't be dancing with anyone but Percy's a pretty safe bet."
Old jealously threatened to come up but Annabeth forced it down, thinking there would be a reasonable explanation behind Rachel's train of thought. "Oh? Why's that?"
The oracle rolled her green eyes. "Duh. He's totally head over heels for you. Now have you seen him?"
Annabeth smiled, nodding slightly to herself. Of course Rachel had an explanation, fighting over Percy was in the past for both of them. "Last I saw he was with Thalia."
"Alright cool! Thanks Annabeth, I'll catch up with you later."
Annabeth nodded. "See you later."
She walked through the couples and almost missed Percy's raven black hair in front of her. "Seaweed Brain," she said. "Rachel's looking for you."
He turned in surprise and smiled at her. "Alright cool. I just spotted Travis and Katie, wanna come say hi?"
She smiled at him and nodded, taking his hand as he led her over to the couple.
"Hey guys!" Katie said. "How's your night going?"
"Great," Percy said and Annabeth tried not to blush when he looked over at her. "Really great."
"How about you guys?" Annabeth asked them.
Travis shrugged. "Oh you know us. Doing totally innocent things that don't have anything to do with kissing."
Annabeth raised an eyebrow at him while Katie elbowed him with an exclamation of "Travis!" and Percy just smiled.
"So you guys think this was a good idea then?" Travis asked suddenly. "The dance I mean."
Percy nodded. "Yeah, it's been pretty fun. And everyone else looks like they're having the time of their lives so..."
"So yes." Annabeth finished for him. "We think it's great. Yourselves?"
"Well I love it of course, but Katie over here isn't so enthusiastic." Travis said, draping an arm around her shoulders affectionately.
His girlfriend rolled her eyes. "Obviously he's lying. I think it's great too, it's actually been a lot of fun." She lifted a foot. "My feet are killing me though."
"Oh I know what you mean!" Annabeth exclaimed. "These heels are worse than hellhounds. Seriously, if it wasn't for sanitary reasons I would just take them off and go barefoot."
Katie nodded sympathetically while Percy and Travis struck up a conversation. "I feel your pain."
"10 SECONDS 'TILL CHRISTMAS PEOPLE, 10 SECONDS!" Connor yelled out to everyone.
Travis rolled his eyes. "I think Connor had too much hot chocolate."
Annabeth turned to Percy. "Will you be my Christmas kiss Seaweed Brain?
He grinned at her. "I wouldn't want it to be anybody else."
They looked at each other, never breaking eye contact, before Percy spoke.
"To Hades with it, I can't wait." He practically growled, before taking a step forward and smashing his lips to hers.
Annabeth didn't hear the rest of the countdown, or the shouts of Merry Christmas that were screamed throughout the room. She didn't take in anything except Percy's lips pressed against hers and him.
They pulled away and stared at each other. "Merry Christmas, Seaweed Brain."
"Merry Christmas, Wise Girl."
They linked hands and turned back to Travis and Katie, who had also just pulled away from one another.
Annabeth barely had time to smile before Katie squeeled and hugged her, and Annabeth hugged her back with one hand while Percy and Travis did... whatever guys did instead of hugging.
That was when the presents appeared.
Travis rushed off immediately with an elated cry of "presents!", pulling Katie behind him and she yelled out a quick apology before disappearing in the crowd. Percy looked over at her with raised eyebrows before holding out a hand.
"Shall we?"
She smiled and nodded. "We shall."
And so they went.
Percy handed out a few gifts to others before finally finding his own. It was wrapped in green paper, rectangular and small, it was about the size of his hand. It was clothing, Annabeth could tell that much from the feel, but what it actually was eluded her.
Her present was near his and wrapped in a shimmering gray paper. The moment Annabeth picked it up she knew what it was.
"A book."
"Mine's...socks?" Percy guessed.
She laughed at him. "You open yours first."
That was all the encouragement he needed before ripping open the paper. Of course he ripped it to shreds, no order at all, and just threw it behind him without a care in the world to where it landed.
Annabeth laughed at it.
It must have been a joke, she reasoned to herself. There was no way Poseidon was being serious.
Percy's gift was Finding Nemo boxers. And when Annabeth looked at them more closely she saw a note attached to them.
'I thought we could match. I also have a pair and they're the comfiest ones I've come across in a while. - Poseidon, Ruler of the Seas, Brother of Zeus and Hades, One of the Big Three, Husband to Amphitrite, God 3 of the Olympian Council, Father to Perseus Jackson'
When Percy looked up at her she was gasping for breath and there were tears in her eyes. They met each other's eyes for a moment before both of them burst out into renewed laughter.
"Okay, okay," Percy said when he had regained his breath. "My father is officially the worst at giving presents. But I think I'm gonna keep them."
Annabeth giggled. "I know how much you love Finding Nemo."
Percy grinned at her. "You open yours."
She looked down at the present in her hands before carefully unwrapping it. When she opened it she couldn't help but feel dissapointed.
It looked like a journal.
She looked over at Percy's new boxers with something like jealously. At least Poseidon had a sense of humor. At least he acted like he and his son had a comfortable enough relationship for a gift like that. Athena sent Annabeth nothing more than an empty book full of blank pages.
Great. Annabeth had always wanted a diary.
"Hey," Percy said softly, obviously seeing something of her emotions present on her face. "Open it."
The cover was a burgundy red and had a pattern of imprinted leaves, birds (owls included) and symbols on it that Annabeth didn't take the time to decipher. There was a ribbon bookmark of the same color attached to the top binding.
She looked up at him. "So I can look through empty pages?" She asked wryly, trying to hide her disappointment.
He raised his eyebrows at her, not fooled. "Open it." He repeated.
She sighed and lfted the cover and when she glanced back down at the pages she bit back a gasp. There were words on the page, and when Annabeth flipped through the rest of the book she saw about half of it was filled with diagrams, calculations, writing, ideas and more. When she flipped back to the first page she saw that it was in fact, a note.
You may have wanted something different, but I thought if anybody could make use of this gift it would be you. In this book you'll find ideas that I've had and have either lost the enthusiam or time to pursure. I'm hoping you would perhaps like to take a look at them. What you do with them after that is up to yourself, of course. I've left half of this blank so that you could write in it yourself, maybe some of your own thoughts and ideas. Who knows, we may even have a chance to discuss them when it is filled. I'd love to see what your mind could create and design.
I am so proud of you, my daughter. I wish I could have told you before, and more often. You've accomplished things that I don't think even I could handle (ahem, Arachne...) and I admire you for it. I am happy and filled with pride to tell anybody that Annabeth Chase is in fact my daughter. You and your siblings were the greatest achievements I've ever had.
Merry Christmas, my daughter. I hope this year and the ones to follow are easier than this one past.
(And as Annabeth read the next line she could practically hear the grudging note in her mother's voice.)
Say hello to Poseidon's son for me. I... wish the two of you every happiness.
Your mother, Athena Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy, God 6 of the Olympian Council
Annabeth looked up at Percy with wonder and a smile on her face. "I love it," she marveled in surprise.
Percy smiled at her and took her in his arms. "Somehow I thought you would."
Annabeth smiled into his neck. "How did you know?" She asked him.
He shrugged. "She loves you," he said simply. "I know what it looks like, to love you, and I can see it every time she glances at you. And despite what you might suspect she knows you better than you think."
She pulled back to look at him. "When did you become so observant? It could have come in handy a few years back."
He smiled ruefully. "When it comes to other people around you I'm always observant."
She smiled a little before hugging him again. "Gods, I'm in love with you."
She felt him smile back at her. "I know you are." He leaned down to put his lips right beside her ear. "I'm in love with you too."
They stayed like that for a few moments before the people around them came up and started showing off their presents, asking what they got. Annabeth was asked multiple times about her new bracelet and Percy was cracking jokes about his father's gift for the rest of the night. Grover and Juniper came and stayed with them for the rest of the night. Artemis had sent gifts to the nature spirits and Grover and some of the other saytrs had recieved them from Dionysus.
"New reed pipes!" The saytr had exclaimed when he came up to them. "Dionysus got me reed pipes!"
"That was uncharacteristically nice," Percy mumbled under his breath but Annabeth elbowed him.
"Hush, Seaweed Brain. You like him deep down. And don't ruin this for Grover."
He sent her a mock hurt glance. "You hurt me, Wise Girl." He said quickly before turning to Grover. "That's great, G-man! No less than a member of the Council of Cloven Elders deserves though, Dionysus probably knew that."
Grover blushed and Annabeth spoke up from beside her boyfriend. "We're happy for you Grover."
He smiled at her. "Thanks guys. Hey, guess what Juniper got?"
She blushed slightly but smiled nonetheless. "It's nothing really," she said, "just some silly acorns."
"They're not silly," Grover said indignantly. "They're..."
Percy turned to Annabeth while Juniper and Grover were distracted. "Acorns?" He muttered with raised eyebrows. "Why would anybody-"
Annabeth gave him a quick glare. "Be nice," she warned.
He sighed but nodded before turning back to the couple in front of them, watching Grover continue his rant.
"That's so great!" Percy interrupted with extra enthusiam and Annabeth resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Acorns! Love it."
Juniper smiled and the knowing look in her eyes made Annabeth suspect Percy's acting skills weren't as great as he thought. "Thanks, Percy," the dryad said rather sincerely.
Annabeth just smiled at her. "Merry Christmas."
Juniper laughed. "Merry Christmas." She glanced behind Annabeth for a moment before speaking again. "Oh! I'm sorry, usually I would stay longer, but it's almost one and I really should be getting back..."
Grover looked surprised. "Is it really that late already?"
Percy nodded. "I guess it is."
Dissapointment flooded the saytr's face before he smiled. "Well we'll see you guys tomorrow! Have a good night, and Merry Christmas."
Annabeth hugged him quickly. "Merry Christmas, Grover. Make sure you treat that girl of yours right."
He blushed and pulled back, muttering about mama goats as he hugged Percy.
Juniper and Annabeth hugged. "Tell me all about tonight," Juniper said. "We'll have to have a huge discussion with the other girls."
Annabeth nodded. The group of boys who were close friends (a.k.a Percy, Grover, Jason, Leo, Travis, Connor and Nico when he was around) would hang out constantly, usually bringing their girlfriends along. Eventually it ended up that the girls (Annabeth, Juniper, Piper, Katie and Connor's girlfriend, Claire) would just go and hang out by themselves while the boys did whatever they did.
"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow." Annabeth replied happily.
The couples said one more goodbye to one another before going their seperate ways. Annabeth checked the time and noted that it really was getting late. "There's ten more minutes until 1," she murmured to Percy. "And I really don't want to get caught in the crowds of people..." She trailed off, hoping he would get the hint.
Thankfully he did and held out his hand to her. "C'mon, I'll walk you to your cabin."
It was nice and quiet at they walked and Annabeth reveled in the feel of Percy's hand sending warmth to her. She carried her present in her left arm, held Percy's hand with her right, and couldn't remember feeling more content, more happy, than she did in that moment as it snowed around them both.
It was like a scene out of a book. Perfect and romantic. And just perfect.
They stopped on the step leading to the Athena Cabin's door and suddenly Annabeth was hit with deja vu.
"So I'll see you tomorrow then?" Percy had asked her in front of her cabin amidst falling snow that only they were still outside to see and smelling like campfire.
She had grinned at him. "Aww, look who's becoming the possesive boyfriend."
He had frowned at her. "No I'm not." He had defended.
She'd laughed. "You are!"
He seemed stumped for a moment, but Annabeth rescued him by standing straighter so that they were eye to eye. "But it's okay," she whispered. "I like it."
His goofy grin had only stayed on his lips for a second before Annabeth kissed it off. She put her hands on his cheeks, he pulled her against him and they kissed, chaste and sweet.
Percy had grinned when she pulled away. "So I will see you tomorrow then?" He had teased her.
She pushed him playfully. "Course you will, dummy."
He hadn't stopped there though. "Promise?"
She had laughed. "Shut up and go to your cabin Seaweed Brain."
Percy grinned. But then Annabeth saw the teasing glint in his eye be replaced by something much more serious and suddenly he was kissing her again, lips opening under hers and capturing them posessively.
He pulled away and the look on his face was almost sheepish. "I just felt like I had to do that."
She had looked at him curiously but he hadn't explained further so she shook her head. "Good night Seaweed Brain."
He kissed her quickly, so fast she hardly knew he was there before he was gone, walking backwards towards his cabin. "See you tomorrow, Wise Girl! Promise me!"
She laughed and watched as he turned and walked away towards Cabin Three. Away from her.
And as she had watched his retreating figure a feeling had entered her stomach. Something like anxiety but... not quite.
When she had woken up and discovered he was gone she had run that memory through her head over and over, constantly and obsessively. And all she had been able to think was that she should have given him that promise. That she should never have let him leave, never should have been so eager to be apart.
Now here they were, in the exact same position they had been in almost a year ago.
Percy must have sensed a change in her because he looke down (he had grown taller than her while he was gone) and met her eyes, concerned. "Annabeth?" He asked. "What is it?"
She shook her head. "Promise you'll see me tomorrow?"
Recognition flickered in his eyes and then he was scooping her up in his arms. "Annabeth," he murmured. "It won't happen again."
She clutched at him, hating how weak she must seem. But she couldn't help it, she needed him to be there when she woke up tomorrow. "You don't know that, can't know that. What if there's another quest, another problem... it will always be you the gods come to for help, Percy. You know that, I know that. I just- I couldn't stand it if you left without a word again."
He put a hand under her chin, forcing her to look at him through the moisture suddenly in her eyes again. "I won't be leaving again. Not without you. I promise."
She sighed. "I guess I'll never really stop worrying about it. A part of me will always have to make sure you're still here. With me."
He nodded his head above her. "I swear."
There was silence before he spoke again. "I swear on the River Styx," he said seriously. "That I will never, ever, leave you without warning again."
She gasped and pulled away to meet his eyes. Did he realize just how big of a statement that was? The gravity of what he just said?
But he was dead serious.
"Percy..." She trailed off.
He smiled weakly. "Sorry, Wise Girl, that's the best I can do for you right now."
She threw her arms around him again and felt centered, home. This was where she should always be found. With Percy.
And suddenly she knew what she had to say to make sure. "That's all I'll ever need. And I swear too. I swear on the River Styx to never leave you without you knowing where I'm going."
Thunder boomed above them and Annabeth smiled. There. Let the gods deal with that.
Percy's arms tightened around her. "Annabeth, you didn't have to..."
She kissed the side of his neck. "I wanted to."
He pulled back. "So you'll be okay if I go to my cabin now? Won't cause a riot?"
She glared at him mockingly. "Don't push it, Seaweed Brain."
"You sure? Cause you were starting to sound like a possesive girlfirend for a bit there." Percy replied with a teasing tone.
She stared at him in disbelief. "Are you serious right now?"
He nodded, comepletely straight faced. "So serious."
"Ugh!" She exclaimed. "You're hopeless."
He grinned. "But you love me anyways."
She rolled her eyes. "I'm seriously beginning to reconsider."
He nudged her. "Loosen up, Wise Girl. One day I'll think you're being serious."
She put her nose up pointedly and gave off an arrogant air. "Maybe I am."
Percy put a hand over his heart. "You hurt me," he teased. "I'm going to go cry myself to sleep at your cruel words."
She waved a hand. "I'm sure you'll survive."
He shook his head. "Your lack of concern astounds me."
"Ohhh, big words," she teased. "I'm so proud of you."
He grinned, "I learn from the best."
She shook her head and kissed his cheek, spotting people heading towards them from the dining pavilion. "The dance must be done, and I should really be getting to sleep."
He sighed. "Are you really so eager to have me go?"
She rolled her eyes. "Good night Seaweed Brain."
"Wait," he reached out and held her wrist. "Just a second," he murmured to her before kissing her again.
When he pulled away she was breathing heavily and looked at him in surprise. "Something for you to hold on to until tomorrow."
She smiled at him. "Night Percy."
He stepped away, still holding her hand until they were too far apart and he let it fall from his grip. "Night Annabeth."
He walked away backwards again and she didn't let him out of her sight. She saw people around them watching, heard them talking to themselves and laughing about the dance, but she didn't care. She didn't look away from those sea green eyes.
"I love you!" He called out to her in front of everyone when he was just 10 feet away from his own cabin.
She blushed but couldn't stop the grin from forming on her face. "Love you back!"
They went into their cabins at the same time and Annabeth brushed her teeth, put her hair up, cleaned her face of makeup and changed into her pj's in a daze.
She went to sleep with her mothers present beside her, not even bothering to scold her siblings for giggling and whispering to each other. When she rolled over she felt Percy's present under her pillow.
She smiled. She would give it to him tomorrow, when they saw each other.
She was sure of it.
Now this is either the last chapter or I can write it from Percy's POV and then that will be the last chapter. Review and tell me what you guys would want.
Love you all!