Please read and review! Thanks! Also, I do not own Harry Potter or the Marauders. Duh. Enjoy!

On the dreaded third week of October, usually on a Tuesday afternoon, the teachers at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were filled with a silent dread. They all knew, that on that evening, utter chaos would follow a certain group of maraudering boys.

It had started nearly five years ago, at a pleasant lunch in the great hall. Little Mr. Lupin was telling his group of fellow second year friends about the muggle game of truth or dare. Of course, the fun loving twelve year olds were desperate to play the classic game of embarrassment and laughter, but these were the Marauders, and nothing ever stayed normal when the Marauders were involved.

Within a matter of twenty four hours, the four boys had turned the Hogwarts castle into a mad house of pranks and embarrassment. In the following years, on the same week each year, the game was played more vigorously and more dangerously than before. Along the way, the Marauders had picked up several more players, Frank, Alice and Lily.

And today, the third Tuesday in October, the professors of this magical institution sulked into the Great Hall for breakfast, hardly able to muster the courage needed to face the Sixth Annual Game of Marauders Truth or Dare. And quite honestly, the players of the game were barley brave enough to start either.

James Potter walked into the hall, closely followed by his best friend, Sirius Black, the two boys were unusually subdued; a clear sign of impending danger. Just behind them, Remus Lupin was slowly walking, half of his face hidden by a book entitled A History of Humorous Hexes. Shuffling after him came Peter Pettigrew, who was trying to tie his tie. The four partners in crime sat down at their usual spots at the Gryffindor table. The professors all watched them warily, waiting for the first explosion, scream or shout of laughter.

"Well, my dear friends." Sirius said solemnly. "Today is an important day in the history of the Marauders. Today marks the beginning of the Sixth Annual Game of Marauders Truth or Dare!"

James pretended to applaud wildly. "Once our other designated players decide to show up, we will rehearse the rules and commence play." Sirius informed.

"I suppose that none of you will let me drop out, right?" Remus asked hopelessly as he turned the page of his book.

"Not a chance Moony." James laughed, thumping his grumpy friend on the back.

"Wait! Wait!" The rushed voice of Lily Evans called as she raced into the Great Hall. "Don't start without me!" She yelled as she sat down between Remus and James.

"We wouldn't dream of such a thing Lily-flower." James said, wiggling his eye-brows.

"Don't call me that." Lily snarled. Despite her hate for most of the Marauders, she couldn't deny that this upcoming game was usually quite enjoyable.

"We won't start until- well, here they come now!" Peter said as he ate his breakfast. Alice and Frank came running over to the group of five.

"Oh no, were not late, are we?" Alice asked nervously.

"Ha! No, we haven't even gone over the rules yet." Sirius said, moving over so Alice and her boyfriend, Frank, could sit down.

"Now that we are all present and accounted for, I, Mr. James "Prongs" Potter will begin the reading of our unbreakable rule list." James said importantly. He straightened his tie, cleared his throat, and began reading from a much wrinkled, dirty scrap or parchment.

"By participating in this game of Marauders Truth or Dare, you are required to conform to all of the following rules.

Rule 1: No Dare, no matter how funny or amusing it could be, can be accepted if endangering the victim's actual life, sanity, or future. If a dare (or truth, for that matter) can physically hurt or scare the victim, they are not, under any circumstance, required to answer.

Rule 2: No physical interaction amongst players and/or others beyond the matters of kissing, hand holding, hugging or other mild interactions.

Rule 3: No Dare can last longer than two days, simply because it would begin to get extremely boring and tiring.

Rule 4: If a Truth is deemed to personal, the victim has the opportunity to switch to a Dare."

James passed the rules to Sirius, who flipped his hair out of his eyes and continued to read.

"Rule 5: If you, the victim, fail to complete your Truth or Dare, you will suffer the consequences of Losers Loss, an extremely embarrassing Dare that is to be decided for you, the victim, by the other players.

Rule 6: You may plead for a Losers Loss on other occasions, beside failure, but only one time. In that case, It is called the Extreme Losers Loss and you are to suffer TWO terrible Dares decided upon by your fellow players.

Rule 7: If all the players pick Dare in a row, the group is subjected to a Group Dare, in which one person is selected by the spinning of a wand to give a Dare to the entire group.

Rule 8: The rules are subject to change at any moment during the game. New rules can be passed and old ones abolished by a 3/4ths majority vote."

Sirius handed the parchment to Remus, who grudgingly set down his enchanting book and finished reading the parchment.

" Please sign you full name bellow, promising that you will, in fact, tell nothing but the complete and entire truth, follow the current and/or upcoming rules, and suffer the consequences of your choices bravely. Those who are break this sacred trust will severely regret it."

And that concluded the Sixth Annual reading of the rules. The seven participants signed their names without hesitation.

"That settles it." Remus said, rolling up the parchment and shoving it into his robes. "The game will officially begin tonight, after dinner."

The professors all stifled groans, because they knew what fates awaited them.