All Jaune could think was about how painful his death would be.

Professor Goodwitch had called on him and Yang to fight. Jaune. And YANG! How was it even fair? He was a nooby, even with all of Pyrrha's training. Yang was at the other end of the arena floor, with a grin. "I'll try not to be too hard on you Jaune-y boy." She told him. Even with Jaune's high aura, he still didn't think he had a chance. He knew he didn't have a chance. As he unsheathed his sword and switched his shield to full size, he was still shaking. Not enough for the crowd to notice. But for Blake being a Faunus and Yang being only 30 yards away. They could tell. 'Remember what Pyrrha taught you.' He thought, trying to calm himself. 'Deep breaths.' He breathed slower, and calmed himself. 'Stay on defense until you know your opponents fighting strategy.' He thought secondly. 'Never let your guard down.' Was the last thing he reminded himself before Glynda started the round.

Yang stood with an impressive smirk. Her gauntlets in fighting form and her arms raised. Jaune observed her stance and how she eyed him. She as eyeing his entire being, his chest, his face, his whole body. Wait... was she... 'Don't get distracted!' He yelled internally to himself. 'Alright. She's trying to make me lose focus by making me think that she's hitting on me with her eyes.' He took a note. 'She's waiting for me to make a move.' He thought back to what Pyrrha said. "Most people in this school still think you don't know anything. If you really feel confident, you could pretend that you're charging blindly, thinking that they have the upper hand. They will take advantage of this. You need to be quick for when the counter attack comes, and you need to be ready." 'Charging blindly. Crap.' He raised his sword slightly and charged at the beautiful busty blonde girl, making sure to keep an eye on her arms. At about 5 yards away Yang jumped into the air. It was as if time stopped. Her fist was pulled back, ready to smash into the ground. 'GUARD!' Jaune crouched down and raised his shield above his head, protecting himself from the attack. As Yang came down, she smashed his shield, sending a shock wave thought his body. Jaune's ears were ringing and he couldn't think for a moment. Until the fist hit his face. With a small explosion of fire, Jaune was thrown back 20 yards. 'Gotta dodge that, can't block it.' He made a mental note as soon as he could think again.

Regaining his stance, he planned his next move. 'Arms, gotta hit her arms.' He ran forward. A few people thought he was running blindly again, but his eyes were observing everything they saw, and he was aware of what Yang was dong. Nothing. She stood still and waited. 'She wants me to swing.' Jaune raised his sword arm up, but put his shield over his chest. Yang's fish hit the shield. She was planning on hitting him before he managed to get a swing down. With her attack blocked, Jaune followed thought and managed to get a hit on Yang, who quickly backed off. "You've learned haven't you lady-killer?" Yang teased. Jaune remained unfazed. 'You're not distracting me.' He said inside of himself. "Who's your trainer? Pyrrha-bear over there?" Yang teased again, motioning her head to the crowd, where Pyrrha had stood proud, but now blushing.

Yang was the one on the attack now. 'I'm not losing my reputation because of HIM!' She told herself. Rushing to the attack, Yang gave Jaune a quick observation moment. Her fist held back and raised, he blocked the oncoming attack, counter attacking with his sword to her side. Although it didn't cut, it still hurt. 'Left arm.' He noticed. Moving his shield across his body, he blocked Yang's left fist. 'Uh oh.' He realized that his arms were across his body. Before he could fix the mistake, he had taken a swift upper cut, followed by more unblocked shots to the chest, stomach, and one that happened to 'slip' to his privates. Jaune groaned on the ground. 'Get up! You're dead if you stay down!' He yelled at himself. As he got up, he checked his aura meter. Surprisingly, he was still at 60%, whilst Yang, was at 40%. 'Come on Arc, you got this.'

Remembering back to the move Pyrrha had taught him, Jaune ran forward towards Yang, and jumped. He sailed thought the air for at least 3 meters before his knee connected and hit Yang in the forehead, getting her to the ground. Even though he didn't notice, everyone else caught that Jaune was glowing from when he left the ground, to when he landed again. Even Yang hadn't expected it. SHE, had let her guard down. He summer-salted after he kneed Yang and landed with surprisingly good form. Something he didn't intend to do however... As Jaune rolled through the air, his sword had caught a single strand of Yang's hair, cutting it from the rest of her hair. As Yang and Jaune both turned and faced each other, they both noticed the long strand of blonde hair. It obviously wasn't Jaune's. As the boy looked back up, he cowered in fear as he saw Yang's rage. Her eyes were red, her hair was glowing, and she looked ANGRY!

"Vvvvvooooomit boooy!" She cried as she charged at Jaune, landing blow after blow on Jaune. When it was over, Jaune's aura was nearly completely gone. His sword and shield had been knocked from his grasp, where they now lay several meters away. And Jaune himself, was rushed to the infirmary. Yang got a serious talking to by Goodwitch, who told Yang to keep her rage outside on the creatures of Grimm, and not her classmates. After Yang was released from Goodwitch's wrath, she went to the infirmary to see how Jaune was doing.

Jaune laid in his bed, staring out the window of the school. His left eye swollen shut, several ribs fractured, and his pride... let's just say it was hurt worse than he was. Beside his bed was Pyrrha, who held his hand, tenderly, making sure not to hurt him. As Yang walked in Jaune didn't move at all, he looked as if he was sleeping. Pyrrha thought he was actually, since she was on his left side.

Pyrrha turned and looked up at Yang, anger glowing in her eyes. "That was a bit much? Don't you think?" Pyrrha said angrily, letting go of his hand.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I just... lost control of myself. I guess I forgot to warn him about not touching my hair." Yang said. She felt horrible about what she did. As annoying as Jaune was when they first met, he still didn't deserve this.

"Well you shouldn't be saying that to me." Pyrrha replied. "And it doesn't do any good either. Doctors say he'll be in here for at least 10 days. And that's IF he makes a quick recovery."

Jaune listened in on all of this, not saying a word.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do... this." Yang said sadly, motioning to Jaune. "When he wakes up, I'll do whatever I can to make it up to him."

Jaune couldn't hold back the small grin. "Anything... you say?" He asked in a hoarse voice, managing to turn his head he looked at Yang.

Yang could already picture the crazy things he would have her doing. 'Well shit.'

*Author's Note*
This was meant to be a short one shot, but I left it with an ending to have additions on it. I want YOUR opinion. Should I continue this story, or should I leave it as is? Your feedback is well appreciated.