The next day Harry didn't have classes, thank goodness it was a Saturday! But he didn't want to deal with listening to everyone talk about how much fun they had at Hogsmeade. Although he did want to hear everything thats there, he didn't think that he would be able to stand hearing about something he was left out on, again. Now he was getting into something more personal just didn't like how everyone he cared about didn't tell him what was going on. It was like they didn't think he could handle it. Come to think of it, that must be exactly what Ron and Hermione think! " No, no they wouldn't think that, they always want to tell me but just cant. Albus is the real problem, he's the one who doesn't think i cant handle my life!" Harry cursed himself for thinking that his friends didn't care for him, or Albus. Harry was laying in his bed with the curtains closed so no one would know he was awake. But, listening know, it didn't sound like any one was still asleep." What time is it," he whispered to himself." Harry, are you awake?" He heard Ron say. Sadly, when he heard that he really wasn't expecting it, and jumped at the sound. There wasn't any way of getting out now, if he pretended he was asleep it wouldn't work because Ron already saw the bed move when he startled Harry." Yeah, i'm awake," Harry said back to Ron. The curtain drew back to revel Ron and James. James jumped up and licked Harry on the cheek. " Hi James." Harry said tiredly. " Whats up?" Harry asked, more awake now. " Oh nothing really, i was just wondering if you were okay or not." Ron saying that reminded Harry of his earlier question." What time is it?" He asked. "I think its around 10." Ron said. Harry and Ron then just sat there in silence lost in thought." We can go down stairs and see if Dobby can make us some brunch." Ron said. Harry should have known that Ron was thinking about food, he was always thinking about food. " Sure, and maybe we can pick up some..." Harry glanced at James and whispered," B-A-C-O-N, for James." Ron agreed and they both went down to the kitchen with James following close behind. Before they could even open the doors Dobby was at their side opening it for them." Harry Potter sir, what a pleasant surprise, Dobby was hoping Harry Potter sir would come down to see Dobby." " Thank you Dobby, can you get us some brunch and James favorite food please?" Harry said. " Yes Harry Potter sir, Dobby will get right on it sir." Dobby was Harry's favorite house elf.

Dobby was in the kitchen making food for Harry Potter and his friend Ron Weasley. Dobby decided to make all of Harry Potters favorite foods. For Harry Potter was Dobby's favorite master yet, Harry Potter helped free him from his other masters the Malfoy's. Dobby started silently humming to himself a toon he had just made up and saw something very peculiar, in the corner that looked as if night was there during the day, he was almost sure he had seen a black scruffy dog, but wasn't very sure, for it was gone when Dobby had done a double take.


HEY EVERYBODY! this is the first story i have

ever written... well at least posted online, so with that said i really would like everyone to leave a review to help me improve my writing and keep you with the story


- harry and Ron hear about the dangerous Sirius Black escaping

- Dobby ignores the signs

- possible fight between Ron and Harry