The other day, I decided to re-watch Fairy Tail. When they were explaining the groups of friends within the guild, it made me think of a school. Then I made the connection between requests and assignments. A few more connections were made, and ta-da! A new idea for a fanfiction was born! I really hope you all like this idea. I will take reviews of any kind.

So, enjoy!

"Father?" Lucy asked as she entered her father's office.

"What is it, Lucy?" Jude Heartfilia grumbled into his paperwork. He looked up when his daughter didn't answer, scoffing at the commoner's clothing she insisted on wearing once again.

"I would like to attend a public school!" Lucy gathered all her courage at once and yelled out.

"That's preposterous! You have perfectly fine tutors here at the estate!" Jude slammed his hand on his desk, his papers lifting into the air slightly.

"I know that, Father, but I want to meet new people; make friends my own age."

"Are you not grateful?"

"I am. I am very grateful. It's just-" Lucy stopped.

"Just what?"

"I would like to have friends my own age. Everyone here is at least twenty years older than me."

"Fine. You may proceed with your frivolous plans. Have Ms. Jones make the preparations," Jude said with a sigh. Lucy's face lit up. She started walking towards her father, having the intentions of hugging him, showing her gratitude. She stopped when she remembered the black line he drew on the floor. When she was young, he didn't want her coming into his office, messing things up, so he put a line down. She could never cross the line.

"Thank you," Lucy mumbled as she left the room. When she was a few feet away from the closed door, Lucy ran as fast as she could to her private classroom, where Ms. Jones would be, her smile returning to her face.

"Ms. Jones?" Lucy asked as she stepped into the room.

"Lucy? What brings you here? Your classes ended a few hours ago," Ms. Jones asked, lifting her head from her desk.

"I don't mean any offence, but I requested Father to attend a public school. He said I could, if you do the transfer papers. So I was wondering if-"

"I would be more than happy to!" Ms. Jones exclaimed, interupting the rambling Lucy.

"Really!" Lucy's smile grew even more, if that was possible.

"I will file the papers now. Did you have one in mind?"

"I would actually like to go to one in a big city. I kinda want to keep my family a secret. If I go to a school too close, people may recognize me."

"Why do you want to be a secret?"

"I don't want people treating me special, or being friends with me for my money."

Ms. Jones nodded in understanding. She walked over to the bookshelf across the room and pulled out a rather thin book, only a mere once inch in width. "How about this one? It is in the town of Fairy Tail. It is about ten hours away, if my memory serves me, so you shouldn't have anyone recognize you by face. I was actually there getting new materials a few weeks ago, and it is quite nice. There is a large river through the center, many shops, and a couple apartments for rent. The school has a great educational system, too." Ms. Jones closed the book and handed it to Lucy. "This book has all the information on the city and school. Take a look at it and let me know."

"I already know that I want to go there! It sounds great!" Lucy said excitedly.

"Good choice, my dear. I will make the arrangements. Have a nice rest, now, you hear?"

"Thanks, you too!" Lucy called as she left the room.


The curtains in Lucy's room opened, allowing light to shine on the sleeping princess's face. Her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning, Miss Lucy," a few servants said in unison.

"Good morning!" Lucy replied cheerfully. She watched the servants in her room. A man was preparing a tray with tea and assorted cookies and cakes. Another was quickly fixing her room up, putting away anything that was out of place. Over at her closet, two servants were picking her clothes out for the day, even though Lucy wouldn't wear the ridiculous dress they would pick out for her. Lucy felt bad about having so many servants. She passed by so many in the halls throughout the day, not knowing one of their names. The princess sighed as her tea and pastries were handed to her. After a quick 'thank you', all the servants left the room.

Lucy set her morning refreshments aside and stretched. She cheerfully walked over to her dresser that contained her usual "commoner's clothing", as her father called it. She threw on a pair of jeans and a lace red shirt. After her hair was put up in it's usual style, Lucy headed to the dining room, where she would eat her breakfast.

Waiting for her at the table was Leo Celestial. Leo was twenty-one, five years older than Lucy. His mother was friends with Lucy's. When his mother died, Leo came to live with her, since his dad ran-out on the family before Leo was born. Leo was Lucy's only true friends. Like she explained to her father before, no one her age lived at the estate, but Leo was the exception.

"Hey Lucy," Leo sleeping said.

"Someone's tired. Didn't you sleep well?" Lucy asked as she sat beside him.

"Ms. Jones had me up all night."

"Ms. Jones? I thought she stopped teaching you three years ago?"

"She did, but some spoiled rich kid wants to go to a public school, and someone has to watch over her. In the end, Ms. Jones thought it best to let an amazing, dashing, handsome, smart, talented, wonder-"

"I get it!" Lucy laughed. "So they already have the arrangements?"

"We leave as soon as you are ready. They have a two-bedroom apartments being decorated as we speak."

"Yay! I have to go pack!" Lucy jumped up. Leo grabbed her shirt and put her back in her chair. Lucy shot him a confused look.

"Breakfast?" Leo questioned her. Right on cue, their food was set in front of them. Lucy grinned as she started eating, not realizing how hungry she was.