Alrighty! Here's a new song story. This one is Gallows Bells by Hatsune Miku (though I really like the Kagamine Len cover better...)

I usually don't ship LenxMiku but think this works out best for this story so here it goes!


(This is in Len's point of view)

Disclaimer: I don't own Vocaloid or the song Gallows Bells in any way, shape of form.


"Please don't…."

In this freezing room where the light doesn't reach, all I can hear are the gallows bells. Strong, clear, vibrant – the sound of life leading to death. They taunt me, mock me. Every toll, every ring serves as a reminder for the sin I've done and the price I must pay. It was such an important day for the both of us…and yet I ended her with my own hands. Despicable.

…Or at least, that's what everyone else says.

"Unforgivable!" they cried.

"Despicable!" they shouted.





Curses that stabbed the heart. Rotten food that exploded upon contact. Rocks that bruised the body and spit that injured pride.

The butcher.

The baker.

The neighbors.

The kind old man that would give me free oranges.

The lady that would slip me treats.

The teacher that taught me to read.

The kids I went to school with.

Her friends.

My friends.

Her brothers.

My sisters.

Her parents.

…My parents.

All of them scorned me, looked at me as if I were lower than dirt. Am I lower than dirt? Their eyes certainly seemed to say so.

But…but…I don't remember.

I…I…I remember that the sky was blue that day. But as usual, her eyes were prettier, blue with specks of green.

…I remember it was an important day for the both of us. But I don't remember why.

I remember reaching over to her. I wanted to tell her something, I think. I don't remember what it was though.


Absolutely nothing.


The world went black. Or blank. Or something! But I don't remember….really, I don't. I don't remember….surely, it was an accident, maybe? Maybe, it wasn't even me! But I didn't mean it! Really! I didn't…I didn't…didn't I?

No one believes me. Miku would have. But she's dead.


Reviews are always loved!^^