Sandy returned a few minutes later and saw Dean casually leaning against the still broken front door frame. She grinned as she thought about how 'cool' he was attempting to be when she could see he was biting his lip nervously. Not for lack of trying though, he was an attractive man.

'Oh Dean, how sweet of you to wait. Aren't you a gentleman?' She said smiling and linking to his arm in a friendly fashion.

'I've been called much worse.' He replied, accepting her arm link and guiding them both outside to her car.

They reached the car in a few short steps, no doubt dragged out on purpose to delay the goodbye.

'So I guess this is it. Now, before you go Dean, I wanna tell you somethin' 'bout you an' Sam.' She said, cocking her head.

'Alright, I'm all ears.' Dean replied, curious.

'Just…keep it. Keep what you got 'cause you never know when it's gonna' be torn away from you in a heartbeart, y'no? You and Sam…you're just so committed to each other, like a married couple I swear.' Sandy said with a small giggle.

Her nose wrinkled when she smiled like Jo's used to. Damn those Harvelle genes.

'Yea, I will. And I am sorry y'no? About what happened. If I could bring back her back I would. I mean, I've got Sam at least. I guess it's no fun when you're alone. I can visit time to time anyway? Check up on you.'

'That's sweet Dean, but I've been alone for longer than Bobby's been in that damn chair of his.'

'Yea, well you know there's always company when you need it most. And I dare say, it doesn't hurt to have someone. You have to help yourself sometimes.' Dean said, cringing inwardly at the amount of chick-flickiness going on, and it wasn't coming from a woman.

'Anyway' She said, trying to change the subject 'I'm on my way now but there's just something we haven't quite sorted out yet?' She said with another smirk.

'Oh yeah?' Dean asked 'And what's that?'

Sandy's smirked slowly faltered as her eyes met Dean's.

'I think you know.' She said, much more seriously this time.

She leaned in towards Dean until she could smell his leather jacket and the slight tinge of salty bacon on his breath. Dean didn't draw back. Her soft lips grazed against Dean's as he curled his arms around her waist. She indulgently smiled as she interlaced her hands around his neck as their lips met. They kissed slowly and cautiously, as if their lips would spark if rubbed too roughly. He moved his hands down her waist subconsciously, and she grabbed them from her waist and interlocked them with hers. There was no way he was going that far with her. Hot warm breath exchanged between mouths as their hands tightened together. It was frustrating Dean madly that he couldn't feel her body, and she knew it. Her lips were incredibly soft and luxuriously smooth for someone who hunts for a living, thought Dean, as he stopped thinking and sunk his mind into the kisses. The kisses sped up and became deep breathless exchanges between two caressing mouths. It was like he had waited for these lips for so long without knowing. Like breathing fresh air after being trapped underwater for hours. He was ready to pull their hands apart and glide his hands down her waist again when she roughly pulled away from him, leaving him breathless and speechless. He took a deep, much needed, breath in and opened his eyes, begging like a puppy dog.

'Goodbye Dean.' She said softly, her slight Southern accent sounding ever more pronounced.

'Wha-I-What about your number?' He said desperately, craving those lips again already as she pulled her hands away from his, breaking their interlocking hands.

'I'm sorry Dean. You know as well as I do, there's just not enough room in all of existence for two Jo's to be in love with you.' She replied with a sad smile.

'Jo wasn't…She didn't love me.' He said, stressing that word of commitment he hated so much.

'I wouldn't be so sure of that Dean Winchester.'

And off she walked, opening the door of her truck and jumping inside, like nothing had happened.

So this is what it feels like, thought Dean as he watched her drive away, this is what it truly feels like to all the girls he walked away from.

He walked back to Bobby's house and licked his lips, savoring her taste. She had tasted like tequila and coffee. He began to strut, his jeans feeling uncomfortably tight.

Author's Note: OK, so I was thinking this was actually going to be the last chapter. I wanted to thank everyone who commented, favoured and followed the story. Now, because I'm happy with the feedback I've received I'm considering doing either a sequel or at least another long FanFic. They always say practice is the best teacher, so I'm sure my next will be better than this one. I know there are mistakes and flaws but I think people realise that there will be because this is my first Fanfic. So, if anyone has any requests either PM me or comment. I'd love to do another Sick-type fic. Maybe this time Dean's not too well? In this Fanfic, I was trying to highlight the importance of how emotional pain can break a person just as physical pain can. And as a final disclaimer, I don't own Supernatural or any of the characters in the fictional drama. Sandy, Julie, Pepper (from Chapter Two) and the Anima Vegats (An-im-ma Vay-gats) are my OC's and are not canon. And a special thanks to a good friend, Holly, who helped beta a couple of chapters and provide the support I needed.