Thank You Guys SO MUCH! I wasn't planning on writing a part 2, but after 23 favourited and 7 reviews, i thought i should get something up. Thank you to EVERYONE who reviewed, you guys make my day!

Love you all

Special Agent Marissa Hudson was confused. She had been on the plane for a whole two days, and still, she couldn't figure out her temporary co-workers.

There was Agent Coulson, who was renowned for his amazingness.

Agent May, who was scary beyond belief but one of the best agents in the company.

Agent Fitz and Agent Simmons who were brilliant.

And the problem pair, Agent Ward and…Agent Ward.

One was Agent Skye Ward and the other was Agent Grant Ward. Everyone called Agent Ward, Skye and the other Agent Ward, Ward. Marissa thought they were siblings at first. They worked well together and were often squabbling or arguing, but the looks they sent each other weren't of the sibling type, plus they didn't look like each other at all. Another guess was married couple, but they separated at night to go into different bunks and they never showed any affection towards each other.

It was one day however that Marissa finally would get a lead on the Ward story.

"Agent Ward?" Coulson had asked one day, but of course Both Skye and Ward turned their heads,

"No, not you Ward. Skye" Coulson clarified like he'd been doing it his whole life.

"You can just call her Skye!" Ward protested, crossing his arms across his well built chest,

"Suck it Ward!" Skye stuck her tongue out and smiled childishly.

"I don't see why you chose my name?" That one statement had Marissa leaning forward in her chair, trying to listen to what was going to happen next.

"What, cause Skye Simmons was any better" Sky bumped her shoulder into his and he gave her a frown, which she then used to her advantage. Skye cupped his face with her hands and started playing with his cheeks, making them mush together to form a pout.

"I'm Frowning right now. Your name change has caused me to frown" He stated simply trying to pry her hands off his face,

"You always frown. Anyway, I like my new name" Her hands finally released his face and she was immediately met with a jab to the ribs.

"Well, Agent Ward Junior. Time for Training" Skye crossed her arms and frowned, this action reminding Marissa that Skye was a 24 year old, not a 6 year old.

"Piggyback?" She asked with a small smile, Ward glared for a minute before turning around and bending over.

"YAY!" And with that, the problem pair were off.

"Hey Ward? Because you're fighting Agent Ward, are you technically fighting yourself?" Sky asked loudly,

"Skye. Shut up"

Agent Marissa Hudson knew that Ward and Skye weren't Married, or siblings but they seemed to have something going on.

"Theres a $350 dollar bet that they'll get married" Coulsons voice sounded next to Marissa's ear,

"Well at least she won't have to change her last name"