"Ace! Luffy! Watch out!"
"I'm sorry… but it looks like… we couldn't meet again… for awhile…"
"What the hell are you saying!?"
"Don't say that as if you're going to die!"
"Thank you everyone… for being my Nakama…!"
"Huh?" I turned my head to look at my new best friend, Eda. She was kind of scary when annoyed but she was kind of reminiscent of my best friend in my third grade in junior high, Nindi. Man, I missed her. . .
"You spaced out again! I told you to help me do this assignment, didn't I?!" she scolded me. I could only laugh nervously and start focusing at the assignment.
I stretched myself and stood up. I needed to grab some fresh air. Thank God the teacher didn't present, so there was some free time until the next subject.
"I'm going to the restroom, you continue it for a moment by yourself, alright Eda?" I asked as I left. I wasn't really going to the restroom, but I'm not a bad liar, ne?
I started to walk around the school, to the first floor. I found a weird looking door right next to the stairs. I arched my right eyebrow and start walking closer. Curiosity kills the cat, they say. I walked into the door.
Suddenly I smelled salt water. And just like before, I had an feeling that I was falling. But before I could fully process that feeling, I blacked out. Awesome.
I woke up with salt in my mouth and a body soaked with water. I coughed and breathed heavily. Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw. . . guess what? Sand. And then, further in front of me, a jungle. I closed my eyes to adjust to the light and the insane setting, then opened my eyes again to see an approaching pair of boots.
Hands wrapped around me and gathered me in his arms bridal-style. I started focusing my eyesight at the person who rescued me. A straw hat with red band around it on top of bright red hair. I couldn't see more than that because of the blinding sunlight. 'Damn sun, and it's hot too!'
"Don't worry little one, you'll be fine. . ." the person said and smiled at me. I just nodded and lost consciousness again.
Why did that person look so familiar?
I woke up (again) with an uncomfortable throbbing in my head, especially at my old scar that I had gained when I was younger. I tried to sit up, but the throbbing gained intensity, so I'll just lay on the bed for a while. Wait, a bed?
"Ah! You finally woke up!" I turned and saw an old man with kind tone.
I groaned and slowly tried to sit up. The old man grabbed a glass of water and gave it to me. My throat burned, reminding me that, ahem, salt water maybe wasn't good for your throat. As I held out my hand to grab the glass of water, I almost screamed. My hands were freakin' small! Also, the, erm, weights on my chest were gone. I panicked silently. What the hell was going on?!
"Eto, ojou-chan. . . Are you okay?" asked the old man beside me as I panicked. I quickly regained my sanity and laughed nervously. I grabbed the water and drained it. I cleaned the water across my mouth with the back of my hand and gave the glass back to the old man.
"Ojiisan..? May I ask who you are and who my savior is?" I asked politely. Hey, first impressions are important you know!
The old man laughed and replied, "I'm Pete, the town's doctor. The man who saved you is the Akagami Pirates' captain, Akagami no Shanks. You understand what I'm saying, ojou-chan?" I nodded and blinked for a few times.
Shanks. . ? Akagami pirates. . ?
Like a ton bricks falling onto me, I all at once realized who they were. The infamous Shanks from One Piece! Dammit, why didn't I realize sooner that he saved me?!
Wait. . .
If Shanks is here, then. . . I'm in One Piece world now?!
My head started to spin and I finally blacked out. Again.
Third person POV:
"O-ojou-chan?! H-hey, hang in there!" Pete exclaimed as his patient suddenly fell unconscious. The doctor panicked for a moment, but was distracted by a certain red-haired pirate entering the room.
"Good evening, doctor," Shanks greeted with wide smile.
"A-ah, Shanks! I didn't see you there!"
"Yep. Now, is there any news from the ojou-chan?" Shanks asked, averting his eyes to look at the girl on the bed. The girl, Erica, was unconscious with bandage around her head. She looked about five, but she was wearing strange clothes, which was, unbeknownst to Shanks, her school uniform.
"A-ah, she woke up, but she's unconscious again," Pete explained. Shanks sweatdropped and laughed. "I'll watch over her. You go check the other patients," Shanks sat down beside the bed, pulling a chair to do so. Pete nodded and walked out from the room.
The pirate decided to observe the girl, who was now sleeping softly, her small mouth open a bit. He chuckled and started to poke the girl's chubby left cheek. He kept poking and poking until he was slapped in the nose by a small hand. And even then the child didn't wake.
Shanks laughed nervously, rubbing his nose and sweatdropping. The girl stirred and turned her back to the soon-to-be Yonko. Shanks smiled and ruffled the girl's hair, but not too hard to be considerate of her wounds.
I hope you wake up soon, ojou-chan. Shanks thought, continuing to poke the girl's cheek. because I want to introduce you to a seven-year-old boy in this town.
A/N: this is my first self-insert story so I'm sorry if there is some incorrect word or something. Plus English is not my first language so maybe there is some words that is incorrect. I don't have any BETA so I'm doing this alone. Please review and tell me your thoughts to me~
EDIT: yo! I decided to edit it because it looks really bad, and thanks to SugoiAuthorToBe for editing this~