Title: Cruel Intentions

Author: Kanjooteki Mikomi - to find me, search only under 'Mikomi' and then find Kanjooteki Mikomi. Arigato!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha, it's characters, they are all Rumiko Takahashi-sama's characters, except for Nayoko.. She is all mine! :: huggles her Nayoko charrie :: n.n . .;

Warnings: None at this point in time.o.o; If there are any I'll let you know. Also! Right now the story rating is PG-13, for blood, violence and language. If I need to I will raise the rating.. Enjoy!

Authors notes: Alright! Starting off thanks for the reviews, YueMichiruNaragisawaMiko, heh, we'll see what happens, right? Mandie Yuy, ... Amanda.. Your gay. I hate you. go away. xD I uhh, have a present for you. My ass in your face. Tkawaii, n.n tehehe... Well, here it is! Also, thanks that one person.. o.o; . I'm glad you liked it! n.n And Deja vu*, I'm greatful you liked it..I finally decided to update, here you all go...


-Chapter 2

"Eh, Kagome. I'm going to investigate, I heard rumors about the shikon shards located in a village near here." the half demon told her.

". Can I come with you?" she asked, rather timidly.

".. Ano." he blinked a little before he began,"It's too dangerous, you could get hurt Kago." but he was cut off by Kagome, who had lent forward locking lips with him. He quickly broke the kiss though, and simply glared down at her,"My answer is still no, and a kiss won't change that. I don't want you to get hurt."

". I always go with you, you can't just leave me here until you return." she said rather desperately, and then a thought popped into her head, and with a small smirk she pointed something out,"And plus.. You wont know for sure if there is a shard there.. unless I go with you."

She was right, he really couldn't argue with that. He sighed a little,"Fne. But. Please be careful if we get into a battle, alright?"

She nodded.


Nayoko placed a few of her claws to her own chest and tightly closed her eyes before she began to push her claws into the flesh with a small grunt, she pushed more until the skin tore and her fingers found their way in, deeply into her chest, and in her body, she pushed until her hand was in her chest, almost as far as her wrist before pulling her hand out. Her eyes slowly opened and she stared at her bloody hand, the blood dripped to the ground, her hand was stained with her own red liquid, a small laugh escaped her lips, and let her eyes drift to her chest, blood dripping.. No. Pouring from her wound. She was injured once again, but this time, she had brought pain on herself. With another small laugh she murmured,"InuYasha. Come save me."


InuYasha ran through the fores in his usual fast pace, Kagome place on his back as always."Do you sense any shards?"

She shook her head,"Gomen ne... I don't.."

"Feh! Useless!" he snorted.


He continued to run through the forest toward a village, until he came to a sudden halt, stopping dead in his tracks.

Kagome lost her grip and fell to the ground with a loud thump and a small yelp. "Itai! ...." She looked up at him and blinked,"What's the matter? ... Why did you stop?"

He sniffed the air before he murmured,"Blood..."

"Blood...." she repeated trying to catch what he said.

"But... It doesn't smell normal..." he murmured again taking in a big gulp of the blood filled air.

"Eh? How could blood not be... Normal?" she questioned.

"The blood smells metallic like a humans and...Thick and sweet like... Like a demons..." he explained, seeming to be a bit dazed and confused by the scent.

"A-another.. Hanyou?" she asked.

"Impossible..." he muttered, he grabbed Kagome's hand yanking her to her feet a little roughly,"I'm going to check it out..."

"Alright! Let's go!" Kagome said and gripped his shoulders.

"Eh, maybe you should stay here kagome..." he said glancing back at her.

"No, I want to come, I want to see this other hanyou..." she said.

"But it could be dangerous..." he stated.

"I have my bow and arrows to protect me... Don't worry..."

"Feh, suit yourself..." he said and bent down for her to get on his back.

She got on to his back,"Alright!"

"Feh.... Baka"


Nayoko examined her chest, the wound wasn't as bad as the one she had earlier, but, she had hurt herself pretty bad. She smirked, that was good, her plan was to get close to InuYasha and the others, make them trust her, and then, turn against them, it would be perfect, right now she was playing the damsel in distress.

She hurt herself enough her senses were very weak, it wouldn't be good if a youkai found her before InuYasha got there, but that was fine, she wasn't going to abandon her mission, not just yet.

As InuYasha got closer, she managed to pick up his scent, it was much like her own, metallic, sweet, she was sure it was him.


InuYasha gained on the smell, it seemed to get thicker and thicker to him, filled with the scent of the blood, he could tell,whoever it was, was hurt pretty bad, it was near! His speed gained a little as he came closer and closer, until with one final leap past a tree, he saw the girl and stopped in a skid.

Once Kagome was sure he was stopped and wouldn't move, she hopped of his back, and keeping behind him, she saw the girl.

InuYasha stared at the female, seeming dazed as he looked at her.

Nayoko had fallen asleep as she had waited for them though, apparently they had been farther then she thought, plus the lose of blood had made her sleepy. She was sitting under a tree, hiding from the burning sun, she looked almost peacful, yet, pained.

"I-is she still alive...?" Kagome asked, breaking the silence.

"..Yes you baka..." he muttered, before daring to approach her,"Stay there Kagome..."

Kagome nodded.

He slowly and cautiously walked over to her, his eyes making sure not to leave her face, his ears flickering at every sound, small or big. He reached her and knelt down by her, examining her wound without touching her. "Baka onna, giving us hanyou a bad name..."

At the sound, she slowly opened her eyes, but they were attacked by some light and she quickly closed them, before daring to open them again, only to meet a pair of orbs staring down at her. Startled, she screamed.

As an instant reaction he covered his sensitive dog ears wincing.

She quickly stopped though when he covered his ears and stared at him blinking a little,"W-who are you!?"

That's when Kagome decided to jump in, afraid InuYasha was going to hurt the girl more due to her hurting his ears. "Ano, gomen ne for him scaring you.... That's InuYasha, and I'm Kagome.. " she introduced as she slowly walked over to them.

InuYasha growled removing his hands from his ears, staring at the girl in a glare.

She looked at him,"InuYasha..? .... Ah, gomen ne InuYasha, I didn't mean to scream."


She winced a little and looked down at the wound, it hadn't gotten any better, nor worse, it still bled.

"Let us help you..." Kagome said with a warm smile.

"You want to.. Help me?" she asked, a little surprised.

Kagome nodded.

"B-but I'm a hanyou, aren't you... Scared of me?"

Kagome shook her head and pointed to InuYasha,"He, too, is a hanyou...."

She blinked and looked at him, she leaned forward taking in his scent,".... A-another hanyou? .... I guess from all the blood I've lost.. I have lost some senses..."

"Feh," he replied and stood up, picking the girl up he held her in his arms,"...Get on my back Kagome, your going to have to keep yourself from falling because I have her to hold on to..."

Kagome nodded and got on his back wrapping her arms around his neck.

With that, he was off, leaping through the forest, heading off to the camp again.


Ending notes: Heh, I finally updated! Woo! n.n well, i hope you enjoyed it, it's four full pages.. x.x; Heh, erm... Anywho, I hope to make the next chapter some time soon.... I've been working on this chapter for a few weeks, I really havn't had any time to post it or anything, since I was failing a few classes in school, and right now I'm only allowed on weekends so it's.. Kinda hard.. Anywho, I'll update soon, REVIEW! Please! I love you! Ja mata..