A snort of disbelief from Q before they head downstairs, leaving their bags by the door while a car is brought around for them. They finally head back into the study, Q taking a deep breath as he approaches Mummy and Mycroft. "We'll be leaving now, Mummy." He says, then adds, "Merry Christmas, thank you for inviting us." In a stiff, formal tone.

Victoria Holmes looks up and she smiles sadly. "I wish you would stay longer, Sherrinford.. You know, it's far too dangerous out there.." She say as she steps over, putting her hand on Ford's cheek.

Jerking his head away from his mother, Q frowns a little. "Goodbye, Mummy." he says simply, then he looks at Mycroft. "Mycroft. Do try and keep your nose where it belongs. Remember what I said." he says before he turns, grabbing James' hand and pulling him out.

"Your mother just won't give up. I'm glad you work in a highly classified job in which it was necessary to erase you from public records. I'd be afraid of her kidnapping you." James admits honestly as he looks at Q, putting his arm around the younger man and holding him close against his side as they go to the door. "Don't worry.. you'll be back in your flat in no time, in your horrible sweaters surrounded by your technology." he says with a little smirk, helping the younger man into his jacket after slipping on his own. When the car is pulled around, their bags are packed into it before they get into the back seat. James turns in the seat, dragging Q over until the younger man's back is against the agent's chest, and he slides his arms around him comfortably. "There. Better?" he offers as he watches him.

Q relaxes a little when they're in the car, willingly letting himself be manhandled so that he's resting back against James, closing his eyes and putting his hands over the agents' arms around him, one leg staying on the floor of the car, the other extending over the seat as he gets comfortable, closing his eyes for a few moments. It's a balm, after being around the caustic atmosphere of his childhood home, to be held by someone that apparently cares for him, and truly wants to make him happy. "Thank you, James. I don't think I could have done this without you. At least, if I did, I wouldn't have gone back to London as stable as I feel now.." he says quietly, turning his head a little, his forehead and nose brushing James' neck for a moment before he turns his head back straight so that his glasses aren't jabbing into the other man.

Lowering his head a little, James kisses the side of Q's head, then the top softly, giving him a little squeeze. "You've saved me many times over by now, Q.. it's the least I can do. Besides, it worked out rather well for me, I think." he says with a little smile as he nuzzles against his hair for a moment, then lightly kisses his ear. "Rest now, my Quartermaster." he says quietly with a small smile. "It's over, and you won't have to go back for a whole year. Maybe I can arrange a mission with M that means you just can't leave Q-branch for the holidays.. or maybe something that requires you to come with me." He says thoughtfully as he watches Q's profile for a few moments. "Anything to keep you away from that wretched house.

Q chuckles a little and then he sighs softly and nods. "That sounds nice, James... thank you." He says quietly, closing his eyes slowly before he lets out a slow breath and relaxes, releasing the tension in his shoulders and back, head limply back against James's shoulder now.

"Merry Christmas, 007."

"Merry Christmas, Quartermaster."

That's it, folks. I FINISHED A STORY! For like, the first time ever. Sorry if this feels kind of rushed and not up to the same quality as my other chapters, but I was seriously running out of ideas of what to do with this story, so I had to get it to the end. I am going to try and figure out something to do with this one for a sequel if anyone is interested. If you have any ideas for that that would be fantastic. I really do adore this pairing, I'm just not so good at the special agent stuff.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this, and thank you so much for all the lovely reviews, and the favs/follows. I am shocked and flattered that this story did so well. I only thought it was some silly idea I had one night when I was half-awake. Please look into my other stories if you enjoyed this one.

As always, I welcome any reviews/comments. Thank you!