Our Bike

The words to the song go, "Do you want to build a snowman? Or ride our bike around the hall? Our bike. OUR bike. Elsa and Ana are not even allowed to be together, I imagine Ana only has seen Elsa like a dozen or so times since the frozen head incident. So why on earth would the girl's parents buy them a bike that they could share? Unless they are extremely cruel and just wanted to torment Ana even more by shoving in her face that her sister doesn't want to be with her, I didn't see why they would buy a double bike. So I thought about it and thought about it, this is what I came up with!

Please review, reviews are what help me want to keep writing :):):) I also accept any and all story suggestions and ideas, and even criticism! -Note, I am calling Santa Claus St. Nicholas because since they are like, Norwegian, it seems more fitting :)-

"Elsa? Do you want to come out and play? We could make a puzzle! Or do each others hair? Won't you please come out? It's almost Christmas! We can write letters to St. Nicholas!" Ana held her breathe, hoping against hope this would be one of the rare times that Elsa would come out to play with her. She missed her sister so much, they used to play together all the time. Then Elsa got her own room and everything changed. Ana pressed her ear against the cool wood of the door to hear her sister answer- "No Ana, please just go away!"

Ana should be used to disappointment by now, but it still clenched around her heart like an icy fist. Tears smarted at her eyes for a split second before she blinked them away. "Ok." The pit pat of Ana's bare feet was the only sound in the empty hall. She was headed to her sad room, so full of luxury and every toy she could want, but so deprived of happiness or companionship. At the last minute Ana changed her mind and changed direction as she ran to her mothers parlor.

Ana loved this room of the palace, probably because her mother spent most of her time in it. She could be found there almost any hour of the day. The door to the room was closed, like it always was. Ana stood on her tip toes, and lightly tapped on the door. "Mama? May I please come in?" She knew the answer, but always asked anyway. Just in case. She heard her mother say, "Of course Ana sweetie!" Relieved, Ana pushed open the door.

The parlor was beautiful, with giant windows allowing sunshine to flood in. Warmly painted bookshelves lined the walls, and plush furniture perfect for relaxing on. Or jumping on, whenever Ana could sneak in here without being seen. She and Elsa used to do that all the time, it wasn't as fun jumping alone.

The queen was working on a piece of embroidery, she did beautiful work. Almost all of the girls dresses had her carefully stitched flowers and other ornaments on them, and she had made the girl's doll's a beautiful wardrobe of clothing a few Christmases ago. Now Ana ran up to see what Mother was making.

"Hello Mama! What are you doing? What are you making?" As Ana leaned into the queens lap to examine the swath of fabric being worked over, her mother smiled and ran her hand over her youngest daughters hair. Her fingers lingered over the blonde streak, almost the same color as Elsa's hair.

"I'm making Papa a Christmas gift, I'll show you but you can't show anyone. Ok Ana?" The little girl nodded eagerly, thrilled to be in on a secret. "Oh, oh, I won't tell Mama! Please show me!"

Smiling, the queen lowered the fabric so Ana could see it. It was a small embroidered tapestry of the family, and the resemblance was uncanny. The King and Queen stood side by side, for once looking happy and normal. Not regal and controlling. They were close by, only separated by two children. Elsa and Ana looked the same, except for a few small details. The girls had there arms around each other as if they were the best of friends, and Elsa didn't have her gloves on.

As Ana looked at it, her tiny face grew sad. "It's beautiful Mama, but maybe you should have put Elsa farther away from me." The queens brow creased in concern. "What? Ana, why would you say that?"

Ana took a moment to find the right words, her ever changing eyes were now a stormy gray. "Well, Elsa doesn't like me. She never plays with me anymore, and even when I ask she won't leave her room. Even when I want to do stuff she likes to so, like build a snowman or ice skate, she won't come out. And one time, when I got into her room when she was in the library, she got mad at me. She told me to stay out of her room." Ana looked up to her mother, knowing she could fix everything, have anything make sense. "Does Elsa not like me anymore?"

At these words the queen let out a little gasp of pain, she closed her eyes as sorrow stabbed her heart. She had never had a sister, but had always dreamed of one. When she had two daughters she was ecstatic, certain that they would have the friendship she never got. And they WERE close. So very very close. How many times had she stood outside their room, just to listen to them laugh and play? How many mornings had she woken up to find Elsa in Ana's bed when they were both so little, claiming her baby sister was lonely? They had finally decided it was wiser to let the girls share a room. And they both stayed up later because of it, playing, giggling with suppressed mirth, talking. Just talking. They were so little then, just eight and five, but they had so much to say to one another.

It wasn't fair, her children loved each other so much. Why did she have to keep them apart? Why? Ana was staring up at her, chin quivering eyes misty with tears. She reached down, and gently wiped them away with the corner of her dress.

"Ana, your sister loves you very much. You should know that. She's just... Growing up. And that does weird things to people, she will get over it and then you will both be close again." Like so many young children, Ana took her mothers word as solid truth, without a doubt. She sniffed a little, and continued looking at the small tapestry. The embroidered Ana held a doll, just like the one she really had. The queen had a sewing needle in her hand, and the King a paintbrush. Few new that he was fond of creating art, he wasn't very good but he loved it. And Elsa had- she had...

"Mama, what's that around Elsa? It looks like... Like snow!" The queen didn't skip a beat. But her voice wavered somewhat. "Yes, it's snow. Remember how much you and Elsa loved playing in it? I thought it would be a nice idea. Now- why don't you write a letter to St. Nicholas? So you can tell him what you want him to bring you for Christmas?"

This distracted Ana, and she ran to her mothers desk to get a piece of parchment, a quill, and a catalogue. It did not have photos, just descriptions of anything and everything a person could want- especially what a little girl could want for Christmas! She threw herself on the ground and kicked up her heels as she slowly flipped through the pages, occasionally adding something to her list.

Her mother sighed, and grabbing a small pair of scissors began picking out the blue stitches around Elsa. She knew why it was dangerous for Elsa to use her powers around Ana, but she couldn't convince her it was safe to do normal things with her little sister. Maybe they just needed activities they could do together- ones that didn't involve snow. "Ana sweetie, maybe you should look for a gift that you and Elsa could share. One you could play with together! Would you like that?"

Ana sat bolt upright, her eyes shining with excitement. "Oh Mama, would that work? If I asked St. Nicholas to bring me a gift for the two of us would Elsa play with me? If she did that would make me so happy, it would be the only thing I want for Christmas!" The queen smiled at this. "It would be worth a try dear, you could certainly try."

Ana threw herself back down on the ground, eagerly pursuing the magazine with renewed gusto.

I adore this movie so much, I could see it all day! The first week it came out I saw it three times! I adore Idina Menzel, I love the plot of the movie, I LOVE the singing. I have plans for more chapters and like five other Frozen stories! Please review, and thanks for reading!