Little authors note here. This is my first try at a fanfiction. This is my very wrong OTP and a story i'll continue if I get any reviews interested. Feel free to make suggestions or anything as well. I'd love to hear if I should continue the story, there will be eventual smut and all that good stuff.

An audible sigh escaped Draco's lips as he stepped towards his manors door, returning for holiday vacation. He didn't quite comprehend exactly why he always ended up returning home for the holidays; his mother was never present, and his father always locked himself away, only to reveal himself to make some excuse for a meal. An exaggerated roll of his eyes, and he stepped into the houses' main corridor, turning his head to look around, half expecting the warm embrace of his mother, but he knew better.


Draco turned to the sound of the voice, spotting his father striding towards him, ever supported by his prized cane. He stood still, waiting as Lucius came closer to him, his face a stone wall, never quite comfortable greeting him. His mind was a different story however. Draco wondered over the divine presence of grace his father commanded. Long, platinum blonde hair surrounding his face like a pristine lion in his prime. His regal and distinct features making up a beautifully designed face. Lucius Malfoy was the perfect image of someone with power, and he knew it.

Draco let out an unexpected gasp as his father took his son into his arms; he never hugged him. A second later and the touch was gone however, Lucius was too much of a "man" to engage in such formalities with his son. Draco felt the reluctance seep into him at the discontinued hug, wondering why his father never seemed to show affection or love to him. Lucius demanded him to strive to be better than every one else, prepped him to take on the family name, and that was it. He let out another sigh.

"Hello, father. I've come home." His voice was laced with a silent plea, one for Lucius to recognize his son, not as a tool, but as a real son.

Lucius responded with a stiff nod. "I expect I noticed, boy. I'll be in my study, refrain from interrupting your father, wont you?" He finished, turning heel and strutting back towards seclusion.

Draco didn't know what he expected his father to say. Maybe praise for his outstanding work at that pitiful excuse Hogwarts? His efforts on the Quidditch team? He watched his father go with an intense gaze, one that surprised him when he realized what he was doing. He felt a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach, and it flooded his mind with memories. Memories of sitting upon his bed in the Slytherin bedrooms, lusting for his fathers attention, in anyway possible. He recounted nights sitting alone, thinking things unimaginable between father and son.

A small smile marked Draco's face for a moment, but it vanished just as quickly. He retreated up the corridor and up the magnificent staircase to his chambers, remembering it was right besides Lucius' study. Perhaps he could pretend his father was a loving and kind person a little longer.