Thank you all for your wonderful reviews! Don't kill me for the new cliffy and I really hope you enjoy this chapter. It's a very emotional one so beware! As always remember that to love I read your comments and they're war motivate to continue! Review please!
One more thing, I know many or you are probably wondering if I'm following the lotr movies or books. For the most part it is the movies because I am better acquainted with them and am currently reading RotK so my book knowledge isn't that vast. So I'll just be adding a few things from the books like Elronds sons but mostly following the movie. I hope that's all cleared up! Sorry for being confusing.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything that you may recognize.
Chapter 13: Memories and Future
Luna stepped before her father, with tears streaming down her own face. She touched his trembling cheek, wiped away the tear and whispered sadly in english, "Will you not welcome your children home, Ada?
Haldir removed his daughters hand from his cheek and held onto it with both hands. He was speechless, something that was very rare for him.
"Of course I will" he said hoarsely. He pulled his daughter into an embrace and beckoned his son to join them, which he did after a moments surprise. He had not hugged anyone in almost 2000 years.
"I will never let you leave my sight again" Haldir whispered into their ears. "I love you both so much"
Dramien felt numb, no one had ever hugged him in his life. No one had ever told him something so loving, like they actually cared. The tears were flowing freely from his eyes now.
While the family was reunited the rest of the fellowship was smiling happily at them. Hermione, Neville and Ginny were crying in happiness for their friends, even Gimli was discreetly wiping a tear, hoping no one saw him. The rest of them were all grinning madly, even Boromir seemed pleased.
Even the Lorien soldiers looked moved. None of them wanted to break the three up, but it was going to be dark soon, so they had to move.
"Captain?" One of them said hesitantly, feeling bad for disrupting his leader who hadn't looked so happy in a long time. "It is almost dark, we need to move should the orcs decide to come"
Haldir tore his eyes away from his children and cleared his throat "You are right Valor, thank you for reminding me" he looked back at the rest of the fellowship, his gaze settling on Frodo who shifted uncomfortably. "As I was saying before, you carry great evil with you, you can go no further" his eyes fell back on his children, "Come" he said softly before turning around.
Dramien inhaled sharply, this wasn't good. He needed to do something or they'd be very unsafe and father or not, he wasn't abandoning the fellowship. It seemed that Luna felt the same because she hadn't moved an inch.
Noticing that his children weren't following him Haldir turned to look at them confusedly "are you not coming?" "We made an oath, Ada" Dramien said softly "to the fellowship, we will not abandon them. No matter how much we wish to come with you. Our loyalties, ever since we came to middle earth, are primarily to them"
Luna nodded "We're sorry, but if you don't allow them to go further Lorien we will not come with you"
Aragorn looked gratefully at the two siblings. He was worried for a second that the temptation to follow their newfound father would make them leave.
Haldir thought hard about this. In the end he agreed to take them before the lady Galadriel so that she could decide their fate. Pride for his daughter and son, and their loyalty, filled him as he led them into the elven city. And the euphoria of hearing someone call him 'Ada' again couldn't be compared to.
As the fellowship entered the city gasps were emitted from all those who had never come before. Dramien felt a giant smile spread over his face as he saw the city where he grew up and before he knew it he saw a flash of memories before his eyes.
A large tree house with roses decorating the windows and a beautiful blonde elf, her stormy grey eyes filled with laughter as she watched a little male elfing was being tickled mercilessly by his father, one one of the landings of the tree. She had a very round pregnant belly that she was holding onto as she scolded her husband laughingly.
"Stop it Haldir!" She said in a light melodious voice.
"Yes! Stop it Ada!" the boy giggled
Haldir turned around and looked at his wife "Why ever should I stop, my lovely Cetial?" he asked innocently, a boyish grin painted on his face
"So I can tickle him myself!" Cetial laughed running to her two boys and she joined her husband in playing with their son.
Dramien realized that he was watching his parents before Luna was born, before he was striped of his family. The woman was obviously his mother, a woman who looked exactly like Luna, so full of happiness and laughter. They were playing with him, something that his earth parents had never done. He looked at his father, Haldir, the man looked so happy in the memory, and a few moments ago he looked as if the whole world was against him. How something so simple as childbirth could destroy such happiness he did not know. Dramien looked over at Luna and at once knew from the way she was looking at him and the way she had tears in her eyes that his mind had opened up to hers, and that she had seen the memory as well. Sometimes it was best not to say anything so he held onto her hand as they followed their father."It's beautiful" Hermione whispered after sometime, speaking for the first time in hours. She along with the other wizards, witches and hobbits were looking around in blatant awe. They were stunned by the glowing trees, the colourful flowers, the golden leaves on the floor, the giant tree-houses and Hermione could have sworn she saw a few fairies. "Ron would have loved this" she added sorrowfully. Harry put an arm around her and Ginny held her friends hands as they continued on.
Before he knew it, Dramien found himself before the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn along with the rest of the fellowship. Haldir had told him that he would wait in the hallway so that they could all discuss in private and he told his children he would see them later.
Celeborn remarked that there were only fourteen of the fellowship left out of the sixteen that left Rivendell. As Celeborn explained his grief at the loss of Gandalf and Ron (of whom he had seen may brave things from his past) and began to ask Harry questions about exactly who all the newcomers were and how and where they came from, Galadriel swept her eyes over each and every member of the fellowship. It seemed as if she were communicating mentally with each of them and given what Dramien knew about her, she probably was. He noticed that he was the last person in line right after Luna and he gulped in anticipation.
When Galadriels gaze was on Luna, Dramien felt his mental bond with his sister open. Obviously she wanted to share whatever Galadriel had to say with him. The Lady of the Woods smiled at the both of them.
"I am very happy for you and your father, Lumiel and Dramien. It will be good to see Haldir happy again." She said as her eyes locked with Luna's as if she were reading the girls soul. "Neither things are your fault my child" Galadriel said to her
Dramien was confused, 'neither?' the dream thing he already knew about but what else did Luna feel guilty about?
"And you Dramien," Galadriel continued, looking at him now "you must know that you will have to face a choice soon, something that could very well destroy this quest"
Dramien gulped, this wasn't good, and sensing Luna's troubled emotions she didn't think so either. He wasn't the one supposed to make choices here, that was the job of the good leader person, like Potter or Granger or someone. Not having time to ponder over anything that Galadriel had just said, Dramien heard her speaking aloud again. She told them not to worry ('as if' Dramien scoffed mentally) and to rest. That the peace of Lorien would allow them a pleasant sleep.
Understanding the clear dismissal the tired and grief stricken fellowship poured out of the chambers and into the hallway, with Dramien, Luna and Legolas bringing up the rear. As the three elves were out of the room Haldir stopped his two children and Legolas stopped in his tracks with them.
"I would like to speak with you, my children" Haldir said. Luna and Dramien looked at each other and nodded, they would like to speak with him as well.
"I will see you later then, Luna, Dramien" Legolas told his friends, bowing to them slightly before turning and following the rest of the fellowship down to their resting area.
When the prince was out of sight Haldir spoke up and looked at his daughter "Why does he call you Luna. He knows your birthname, Lumiel"
"Because I asked him and the rest of the fellowship to. I ask you to do the same. It was the name my adoptive parents gave me" Luna looked defiantly at her father, as if daring him to contradict her. Which he did.
"So? I am your real parent, and you should be called with what your mother and I named you. What did they ever do?" He said his voice getting impatient.
It seemed that after the whole day's ordeal Luna had also lost her patience "They only raised me for the past eighteen hundred years! Look, you may have given me my physical being but Xenophelius and Amanda Lovegood were the ones who made my spiritual being! So don't stand there and act like I should just forget them. The only way I can hold onto my past and all the memories I have from it is with my name: Luna. And I would like you to respect my wishes for that" She said with such ferocity that Dramien took a step back. Her blue eyes had grown doctor and a very rare glare had entered them.
But Haldir remained stubborn "Alright, so say that I do agree to call you 'Luna'. Why can you not be like your brother, why does he stick to his given name?"
Dramiens mouth fell open. How dare he?! But before he could say anything though, Luna screamed in outrage. Never had he seen Luna Lovegood show so much anger, she was so carefree, so peaceful. But what their newfound father had just said was a low blow.
"How DARE you?!" Luna screeched. Okay now Dramien was really scared. "How dare you say that, standing there, not knowing what happened him. You have no idea what your son went through. That the only reason Dramien doesn't want to be known as Draco Malfoy anymore is because he wants to forget his past full of abuse, violence, murder and hatred. Did you know that?" She asked tears now falling for his face. Haldir was looking at Dramien with intense sadness now "Did you know what you put your son through, father? Why did you abandon him?" Her breaths had become pants now as he began to sob "I understand that you were mad at me, that you blamed me, but why take your anger out on him as well? Why did you leave him to such a life?"
Dramien was utterly confused now? Blame her? What had Luna done before they were sent to earth? She was a baby.
At hearing what his daughter had to say about what had happened to Dramien he had started to shed tears in grief and guilt. He should have never agreed to let them leave him, to suffer as they had. But the one thing the elf was able to choke out was "What would I blame you for?"
"For our mothers death. She died while giving birth to me, it's only natural that you felt anger towards me, that you wanted to get rid of the reason your wife died" Luna cried sinking to her knees and shaking from her sobs. Dramien sank next to her and pulled her into a hug, glaring at his father.
"Is it true? Is that why you gave us away?" Dramien hissed, feeling betrayed "We were told it was for our safety, because you're a high ranking soldier who felt it was too dangerous to keep his two children in such harms way after having such a large target on your back. Was that all a lie?" he spat the last part in elvish
Haldir looked astonished as he fell to the floor as well. He put his hands on Luna's knees "No" he said softly. "That was not a lie, but the part about your mother that was. it was the story we circulated. She died a few weeks after your birth… Luna" he said looking at her, his eyes filled with shame. "I am sorry for everything that I have said, but you must know the truth."
He took a deep breath and his eyes were glossed over as he began to recount the real turn of events in a sorrowful tone "Lorien was under attack from a group of Wild-Men who were still loyal to Sauron. They are smarter than orcs, and knew exactly how to bring our defences down, by killing the families of the commanders of the Lorien army. Your mother, Cetial, was at home, taking care of you two, when the sirens gave off that there was an invasion. She saw the Wild-Men climbing up to our treehouse from the window and knew that our family was being targeted" his eyes were filling up with tears now and his voice was full of love and sadness as he spoke about his wife "Apart from being beautiful, Cetial was the most intelligent, powerful, and loving elf that I ever knew, which is why I married her" Luna smiled slightly at her father "You both were asleep in the room that you shared, or so I assumed because when I ran to our house to see if you were all alright, after seeing the men enter our home, your mother was alone and fighting the group of men in our living room. She was standing in front of a shield that was blocking them from your bedroom, as she slew anyone that got too near. She was excellent with a sword, and her drive to protect her children made her a force to be reckoned with. I joined her in battling the 3 remaining men in our home when I turned away from her to slay the man who was about to set the whole tree on fire, I heard a scream. Your mothers scream" by now Haldirs whole body was shaking, but he had to finish. Luna squeezed her fathers hand, and this seemed to give him strength to continue the story. "I quickly killed the man who had killed her and now there was no more of the enemy left in the house. She had been stabbed in the stomach an was losing a lot of blood and the strength she had use to make a shield had also drained her. I tried... I tried every elven healing spell I knew, but it was too late, she just didn't have any strength left in her. She died to save us all, and there is not one day that passes by that I don't love her for her sacrifice, for protecting our children. I love you both and her so much, and do not think for one second that I ever blamed you for this" he said this last part with his eyes looking intently into theirs, his tone begging to believe him. "Believe me it shattered my world having to send you away and if I knew the horrors you would face, I never would have. But I was scared that if something like this happened again and that I was no nearby, you both could have been killed. It is why I took up Emrys' offer" Haldir looked as if he had never regretted anything more in his entire life.
Dramien nodded, tears falling from his own eyes, but he had one more question "why did Legolas lie then? He was the one who told us that she died from birth"
Haldir smiled "Because that is what his father saw fit to tell him. The king had come to asses the damage and he did not have it in his heart to tell Legolas what really happened to Cetial. She was very much like a mother to him after his had died" he said "you should tell him the truth" he added with an afterthought "he deserves to know"
Luna nodded and stood up, wiping the tears from her face. Haldir and Dramien followed suit. She gave her father a warm hug
"Forgive me Ada, I should not have yelled at you" She whispered
"There is nothing to forgive, Luna" Haldir answered "I should have respected your wishes"
At this Dramien realized something very important, that all three of them were very happy to see each other again but he realized how little they really knew about each other.
He joined their hug and soon after Haldir pulled away. "You should get some rest, you have had a very long journey. But before you leave I have one request"
Luna nodded for him to continue wondering what the request could be "I know that there is no point of trying to convince you not to join the fellowship when they leave, and no matte how much I worry for your safety I will not stop you."
"Damn right he won't" Dramien said to Luna who found it very difficult not to giggle.
"But" their father continued "I would request that you spend some time with me before you do leave. I want to get to know you again, and learn about how your lives were. You can bring some of your friends with you, I would like to learn more about them as well."
"We would like to learn more about you as well" Dramien said with a smile. He linked his arm with Luna's "we'll see you later, then. Goodnight Ada"
"Goodnight my children"
Far away on the ledge of a snowy mountain, an old man opened his eyes. He felt someone holding into his hand and he turned around to see that a young man was holding to it with dear life while in a deep sleep. The old man tried to pry his hand away but the other was holding onto it so tight that it they seemed to be glued my magic. Sleepiness overcame the old man who gave up and lay back down again wondering why there was a golden dome surrounding the two. He turned over and looked at the young man next to him and furrowed his eyebrows. He knew this man, but could not remember his name. He knew that the young man had done something for him and the old man owed him his life but he could not remember what for. Growing frustrated at the whole situation the man turned onto his back and shut his eyes. Before sleep overcame him he wondered what was wrong with the two of them and why such a young man had white hair with flecks of orange in it.
The fellowship had set up camp at a clearing in the Lorien forest where they were all provided with bedding and food. Not that any one of them cared for it, they were all to busy grieving. And the lament the elves were singing just ended up deepening their sorrow but granting them comfort as well.
Ginny Weasley wasn't a woman who cried a lot, but the loss of a second brother, the one she had been the closest to hit her. Hard. But she knew she had to strong for Harry and Hermione, the ones who were closer to Ron than anyone of his siblings were.
Everyone around her was asleep, well everyone except for Harry whom she noticed was walking away from where the two of them slept next to Hermione and away from the rest of the group. She got up slowly and followed him, not wanting him to be alone. Because one thing she knew about Harry was that he always secluded himself when he lost something or someone dear to him.
She walked quietly behind him, trying to make sure he didn't hear her, but as they began to follow a bricked path she hear his soft voice say "you can stop trying to sneak up on me"
Ginny chuckled quietly not wanting to disturb the silence. He held his hand out to her and they walked in a comfortable silence together. They didn't say anything because they were both gathering strength from just being next to each other.
After a few minutes they saw someone walking towards them, down the path, with his head bowed. On getting closet they noticed it was Frodo. The hobbit just walked past them not even noticing their presence and Ginny noticed a tear falling from his nose. She stopped and was about to go after him before Harry held her back.
"Let him go, he needs to be alone right now"
Ginny didn't like it, but she guessed Harry was right. Frodo probably had stuff to think about right now.
But wanting to do something that could help him Ginny suggested that maybe they should go investigate the place that had caused Frodo such sorrow. Harry agreed and they went to the place where Frodo had come from. Upon entering it Ginny noticed that it was a beautiful circular court with stone floors and in the middle there was a marble dias with a stone bowl on top of it. As they edged near the bowl she saw these they were covered in intricate runes and inside the bowl there was crystal clear water.
"It looks like a pensive" Harry muttered
She and Harry were so busy examining the bowl that they had failed to notice that someone had crept up behind them.
"Would you like to see the future that may come to pass?" A voice said quietly.
Harry and Ginny dropped their intertwined hands and whipped their wands out pointing them at the woman who stood behind them.
Galadriel laughed as she gazed at the wands "I apologized for startling you" she said. Harry and Ginny hastily put their wands away their cheeks turning red. But Galadriel ignored this as she went behind he bowl and faced the two.
"This is the mirror of Galadriel" she explained. "It shows the possible future and the past for those who look inside it"
"Great a bloody pensive and mirror of erised" Harry said under his breath but the two woman heard. Galadriel chuckled softly and Ginny grinned while lightly smacking her boyfriends arm.
"In a way yes" Galadriel said with a smile and Ginny wondered if the elf knew what the two things Harry named were. Probably.
Galadriel looked up at them and they stared back apprehensively. All of them thinking the same thing
"Would you care to look inside?" she asked softly.