Hi Everybody! This is my first fanfic, so please let me know how you feel about it.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Sherlock. That right belongs to BBC and Steven Moffat, (lucky guys).
The first thing John was aware of was a constant beeping noise. The second thing was the voices.
"You need to eat."
"Sherlock I'm serious. You probably haven't eaten since before this case began."
"Not now, I'm thinking."
John heard a sigh and then, "Fine, I'm going back to the Yard to see if Donavan has anything new. I'll be back in two hours and if you haven't eaten by then I will drag you down to the cafeteria and shove food down your throat."
"I'm sure you will"
Another sigh, footsteps and a door closing were the only sounds after that. John listened for any other noise, but there wasn't any. Slowly, John opened his eyes.
The room was completely white with no splash of color except for the many machines that were all hooked up to John in some way. The doctor tried to remember what he had done this time to end up in a hospital.
"You absolute idiot."
Startled, John turned his head to see Sherlock sitting next to bed, eyes closed and hands in his traditional "thinking" position. Confused, John asked "I'm sorry, what?"
Sherlock's eyes snapped open, his blue-grey irises as cold as ice. "You are an idiot. You didn't think, as usual."
Slightly unnerved by this verbal attack, John demanded "What the hell are you talking about?"
"You didn't realize that the bullet was going to miss me. The suspect was a terrible shot and the gun obviously felt awkward in his hand. But you didn't observe this. Instead, you felt the need to shove me out of the way and nearly get yourself killed."
"I-I'm sorry?" The apology came out as a question, since John wasn't quite sure why he was apologizing for getting shot."
"You should be! Because of you, the suspect got away. I've been trying to track down your would-be killer from this hospital room, and it's so boring! The doctors are all idiots, Lestrade won't let me perform experiments on the other patients, I can't play my violin and-"
"Sherlock!" John yelled. The detective quieted and stared at John, something flickering in his eyes before disappearing. The doctor studied his friend for a minute, then smiled. "I'm sorry I worried you."
"Worried?" Sherlock scoffed. "I was not worried! I am simply listing the many ways you've inconvenienced me in the past 24 hours."
John rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say Sherlock. Wait, the past 24 hours? Have you eaten anything in that time?"
The detective's silence was enough to answer John's question. "Sherlock, that means that all you've had to eat in the past four days is a slice of bread!"
"So? Sherlock, you need to eat or else you'll end up in this hospital with me."
"But eating is so dull and pedestrian."
"I don't care! You probably need sleep as well. Go home Sherlock. Some rest will probably be good for both of us, and I definitely won't be able to rest while you're here."
"No buts. Go now or I'll call Mycroft and have him send people to make sure you leave."
Sherlock looked mutinous at this comment, but reluctantly complied and started towards the door, but then stopped.
The doctor tiredly opened his eyes. "Yeah Sherlock?"
"I am glad that you are okay. After all," he quirked a smile, "where would I be without my blogger?"
So that's it! Please let me know what you thought of this! Also thanks, to the Melanarchist who read this and told me that I should post it!