And here's outfit number three. I was going to hold off posting this until tomorrow evening (European time), but that just didn't seem very fair to those people who are actually craving for the next part of my story.

Still don't own anything, still don't make any money.

Leonard found himself staring at an empty spot on the wall once again. He couldn't get the images of Penny in the XBox outfit out of his mind, and in addition he was full of excitement for tonight. Penny had assured him she had saved the best of last, though he really had no idea how she could possibly top last night. And it wasn't just what she had been wearing, even though that was quite possibly the hottest thing he'd ever seen. No, it had been the fact that she had gone out of her way to provide sound effects, building on the imagery she had intended, giving him a complete experience.

He was proud of himself that he had managed to keep the fantasy going, and not break it as he usually did when they acted out fantasies. He had had grown to dislike them because of that. He just wasn't very good at improvising, always stumbling his way through it. Penny knew that, and she usually made sure he didn't have to do much more than simply enjoy the experience. But that wasn't really fair; she already brought the hotness into their relationship. He'd actually thought of going to an improvisational acting class once, but chickened out at the thought of making a fool of himself in front of a bunch of strangers.

He glanced at the clock and sighed. Still an hour before he could reasonably expect Sheldon to be willing to go home and even that was a stretch. He turned around at the knock on the door. "Amy? What brings you here?"

His friend entered the lab. "Penny asked me if I could drive Sheldon home today. She said she needed your assistance with something at her place."

"Oh," Leonard said, a grin forming. "I guess I better get going then." He began turning of the equipment in his lab.

"I bet it's something sexual, isn't it?"

Leonard chose not to respond to the slightly inappropriate question, also because he wouldn't be able to convincingly say that he had no idea.

"I hope you realize how lucky you are being able to call that blonde goddess your girlfriend."

At that Leonard grinned, "Oh, I do. Believe me, I do."

Penny sent a text to Leonard, asking him to go wait in her living room, instead of coming to the bedroom as he had done the previous two nights. She smiled when moments later he acknowledged her request and informed her he was just about to get into his car. Since everything was ready, she sat back on the bed, waiting for Leonard.

A smile formed as she thought back to last night. Her choice had definitely been appreciated, with Leonard even building on the fantasy by improvising on the spot. She knew he always felt terrible if he disrupted a fantasy, but his lack in improvising was made up in spades by the inventiveness of foreplay. She giggled as she remembered Sheldon lying to Kripke, going as far as to say his lovemaking was whimsically inventive. She had joked to Leonard she would write that on bathroom walls about him, but he really was. She wouldn't dream of writing or even telling that to any other women, ever.

She frowned slightly, suddenly realizing it wasn't the first, or the last, time she had made it look like Leonard wasn't much in the sack. She remembered complaining to Priya about the endless foreplay, even though that was exactly what she had craved at that point in time. Even to Amy she had made it seem like it wasn't all that good, both during the whole Alex thing, and again when Leonard had just returned, saying the sex had been fine.

But it was much more than fine, it was amazing. He ruined her in that respect as well. She had told him, in her mostly drunken state, that he had ruined her ability to date dumb men, but she hadn't mentioned he had also ruined her ability to enjoy sex with anyone but him.

Tonight she was hoping Leonard would once again be able to improvise, but she had most of it planned far enough ahead she could continue the fantasy should he get stuck and not come up with a good response.

She had placed his inhaler on the coffee table, once again worried he'd get an asthma attack just by seeing her in her current outfit, along with very brief instructions, to get the fantasy going, but he'd have to wing it pretty early on in the fantasy.

She checked her phone when she heard the familiar ding of another message. She giggled when reading Bernadette had ordered the XBox outfit in her size, thanking Penny for the suggestion. Looked like Howard was going to have a private game night as well.

Penny wasn't sure how long she had been texting with Bernadette, but she heard her apartment door close, signaling the arrival of her boyfriend. Knowing he'd need a little time to read the instructions, she had some time to inform Bernadette Leonard had arrived, before getting up and walk into the living room.

"Oh, Dr. Hofstadter."

Leonard turned around at Penny's voice, again swallowing hard at the sight that greeted him. She really was trying to kill him, he decided, groping blindly behind him in search of the inhaler she had put on the coffee table for him, not willing to look anywhere but at her.

He didn't know where to focus his eyes on: the sexy heels she was wearing, the impossibly short and tight lab coat, or the glasses that were partially slid down her nose. He used his inhaler, and his heart started to pound as she walked over to him, hips swaying and the bottom edge of the two sides of the lab coat separating ever so slightly each step she took.

"I believe you received a message earlier?"

"Huh?" He frowned slightly, before his mind remembered the instructions Penny had left. "Oh, yeah, right, message. The, uhm, the president of the university wants to meet with me tomorrow because, uh." He frowned, trying to remember what Penny had asked him to say, but finding it increasingly difficult to focus on anything but her, as she stood in front of him, hands on her hips. "Grant proposal! He said there was some problem with the grant proposal."

"Oh, Dr. Hofstadter, I completely forgot to submit it! I am so sorry for messing something up once again. I must be the worst assistant you ever had."

She could never be the worst anything, Leonard thought to himself, but stuck to the instructions, or rather the last instruction he'd been given. "This is not good, Penny. When president Siebert hears about this, he will undoubtedly fire you."

"Oh, please, Dr. Hofstadter, I can't afford to lose this job. I will do anything if you would take the blame on this. Anything, Dr. Hofstadter. I could do all your research, clean up the lab after you used it, anything." Leonard didn't fail to notice the emphasis she put on the last word. "I'd be your slave. Please, Dr. Hofstadter, don't tell president Siebert."

Leonard knew where she was trying to go with this, and he was more than willing to go there with her. "You do understand that if I take the blame, my funding will be cut back?"

"Yes, Dr. Hofstadter, I do understand. But please don't tell him it is all my fault. He won't fire you, now that you have tenure."

Leonard pretended to think things over. "This was not your first mistake, Penny. You need to learn to focus better."

"I understand Dr. Hofstadter."

He smiled. "So, you'll do anything to keep this job?"

"Oh, absolutely, Dr. Hofstadter. Anything."

"Good. I have a job for you already." He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.

"Dr. Hofstadter! That is very inappropriate!"

Leonard furrowed his brows, pretending to be confused. "You want me to take the blame don't you?" At her nod, he continued. "And you did say you would anything."

"But I assumed it would be jobs in the lab."

Leonard took note of the fact she had designated the bedroom the pretend lab. "Oh, I'm sure I'll have some jobs for you in there later, but right now, you have a job in my office."

Penny was surprised at Leonard's taking charge attitude, as he pulled her hand and placed it around his erection. She had something set up in the bedroom, not expecting Leonard to playfully demand a sexual favor in his make-believe office. Not that she was opposed to his demand, but she still pretended to reluctantly do as he asked, stroking him leisurely.

"If you expect me to take the blame, I expect you to put real effort into keeping me satisfied."

She looked at him and saw, despite the playful blackmail, a look of pure love on his face. "Yes, Dr. Hofstadter," she said, speeding up a little.

"Your mouth would be more satisfying."

Wow, he really was taking charge, telling her what to do. She sighed, pretending to once again follow his instructions with reluctance. She kneeled down, placing herself between his legs, her lips around the head, and her tongue licking the very tip. The taste and smell were turning her on, the need to feel him inside her and ride him, almost overwhelming. But the rareness of Leonard's assertiveness was so exciting that she pushed those urges to the back of her mind, intent on doing exactly what he wanted her to do.

Her right hand was pulled up toward his mouth, and he placed one of her fingers between his lips, curling his tongue around the tip of her finger. Penny copied his move, curling her tongue around the head and was rewarded by a satisfying groan. When his thumb began to rub the base of her hand gently, she brought her left hand to his groin, rubbing her thumb against the base of his erection in a similar fashion.

She continued to copy every move he made on her finger and hand, executing every command he send through this remote control. The combined sensation of what he was doing to her hand and the taste, smell and feel of his hard cock were giving her intense pleasure. She was sure she was dripping onto the floor already but she didn't care, all her focus on Leonard's remote control and making sure she kept her promise of keeping him satisfied.

His other hand was pushing against her back of her head and she realized he was getting close, his heavy breathing another clear indicator. Indeed, not long after she felt and tasted his delicious juices spilling out of him, into her welcoming mouth. Swallowing his juices down, she slowly kept sucking and licking, cleaning him off before finally releasing him. "I hope that was satisfactory, Dr. Hofstadter," she said.

He nodded. "You did a good job, Penny. I have a feeling our little arrangement will work out just fine."

Leonard had needed some time to come down from what he was sure was the best blowjob, ever. Penny had sat down beside him, still playing his assistant, informing him of several imaginary tasks on today's agenda.

"So that leaves your morning open to work on your experiment."

He noticed the twinkle in her eyes and realized she must have prepared something in the bedroom. "Yes, I better get working on that, or I will get into more trouble. I may require your," he placed his hand on her shapely, bare leg, "assistance in there, though."

Penny smiled back at him. "Of course, Dr. Hofstadter."

He stood up after her, following her to the bedroom. He noticed several sheets of paper strewn on the floor and bed.

"Oh, I was going to clean that up, Dr. Hofstadter."

Leonard stood at the door, an amused smile on his lips as she assured him she was going to clean it up. He gulped when she bent over forward, revealing she was not wearing panties under the lab coat. Her shapely ass was pushed out toward him as she moved in an exaggerated way to pick up the sheet on the floor. She repeated that for the few sheets on the floor, then moved to the far end of the room to place them on the little chair. She then turned around, bending over again to retrieve the sheets on the bed, confirming his suspicion she wasn't wearing anything under the lab coat at all. He would've noticed that earlier, but by the time she had kneeled down, he had his head thrown back in pleasure.

His eyes followed her every move, immensely enjoying the way she moved, and just the overall sexiness of her chosen attire. The glasses alone were enough to turn him on, but with the sexy heels and the impossibly short and skin tight lab coat, he had found himself hard again when she had gotten up from the couch.

"Will you be needing my assistance already, Dr. Hofstadter."

His eyes traveled over her body as she stood right in front of him. Because of her high heels, she was now several inches taller than him, but it only turned him on more. He nodded once and then, using the snap fasteners used, quickly tore the lab coat open, baring her front.

Frustratingly, the lab coat sections didn't part far enough to expose her breasts completely, but Leonard let his right hand travel across her abdomen, ignoring this little detail for the moment.

"Oh, Dr. Hofstadter!"

Leonard smirked at her pretend surprise, moving his hand down to find her already wet. He moved his hand back up and with his left hand, began to part the lab coat further, his hands moving upward. His thumbs flicked her hard nipples a couple of times and as his hands traveled further upwards, he slid the coat of form her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

With his hands on her hips, he guided her toward the bed, pushing her down to lay down. he then removed his own clothes, and climbed on the bed. With his finger he seeked her entrance, determining her wetness had only increased.

"Oh, Leonard."

The breathless whisper was an indication that she was ready for him, but Leonard wasn't ready to end the fantasy yet. He leaned over her, trapping her arms above her head. "That is Dr. Hofstadter to you."

Her eyes became almost entirely black, her desire for him evident.

He had never been domineering. Never. This was the most thrilling experience she had with him, ever! "Sorry, Dr. Hofstadter." Despite his entrapment of her arms, his hold on her wrists was light, barely able to withstand any attempt at her breaking free. But she didn't want to break his hold on her, not for a second.

"You keep making mistakes, Penny. That's why you're in this situation."

She nodded. "I will strive to not make any more mistakes." She wanted to see how far he would go. "Leonard." She smirked at the tiniest smile on his lips, before he attempted to look stern again. "I'm sorry, Dr. Hofstadter."

"It looks like I need to teach you a lesson."

Yes! "A lesson, Leonard? I mean, Dr. Hofstadter?"

He entered her suddenly, a swift powerful trust. "Yes, I believe I will have to show you who is the boss and who is the assistant."

Oh, yes, he definitely needed to show that. "Who is the boss?"

"I am," he whispered in her ear.

Penny closed her eyes in ecstasy as Leonard powerfully thrusted into her, immediately setting a quick pace. The weight on her wrists was increased, which he undoubtedly didn't notice doing, but it was still far from being painful. This domineering side of him, the forcefulness of his movements, that had never surfaced without her encouragement, and even then it wasn't as domineering and forceful as she'd liked. He was fucking her, fucking her hard, and she loved it!

"How do you address me," he asked, each syllable separated by a powerful stroke.



"Oh God," she moaned, her climax coming closer with each thrust.


Penny cracked her eyes open, seeing Leonard's smirk as he kept pounding her. She closed her eyes again, intent on riding the waves of pleasure he was evoking inside her. "Oh, fuck! Oh shit, yes."

"Address me," he asked once again, and Penny could tell he was close to his release.

"Ah, Dr., uhn, Dr. Hof - oh fuck - Dr. Hofstadter!" She screamed his last name as she came, then felt his release moments later. She felt him collapse half on top of her, then rolling off of her, panting heavily. "Wow," she said, then opened her eyes in alarm, turning toward him, her hand on his chest when he started to wheeze. "Leonard, Baby, where's your inhaler?"

He gestured toward the floor, gasping, "Pant pocket. Front right."

Penny jumped off the bed, snatching his pants up from the floor, frantically locating the inhaler. She found it exactly where he said it would be and she quickly pushed the item into his waiting hand, a worried frown on her face as he had to wait for the medicine to take effect.

She relaxed when his breathing started to sound normal again. She kicked off her heels, placed her glasses on the nightstand and placed Leonard's glasses next to them. She then climbed back on the bed and rested her head on his chest, hearing his heart still beating fast. "Well, except for your asthma attack, that was a whole lot of fun!"

Leonard chuckled. "Yeah. I wasn't too, you know? I didn't hurt you did I?"

She patted his chest. "No Baby. Not a bad hurt, anyway. This was a good hurt." She went quiet, enjoying the cuddling. "So, was I right two nights ago? Which outfit did you find the sexiest?"

"Hmm, I think I'd need to see the other two outfits again. You know, so I could give a more informed response."

Penny smiled, not seeing any problem with that. "I guess, as a scientist, you can not base a conclusion on the results from a single test, can you?"

"No, I can't."

Penny smiled, glad her boyfriend was a scientist, always needing to have repeatable results. "I love you," she said, planting a kiss on his chest.

"And I love you. So much."

Note: I did mark the story as complete, but obviously I've left an opening for either an extra chapter(s) or a follow up story.