There's a song in this story. The youtube video with the id watch?v=VTCQBuYhq_s is my favorite version of it. I'd recommend listening to it while reading this.

Emma Frost grabbed her hat and scarf off of the hook and joyfully started to bundle up. Her favorite season of the year was finally here and that meant that the little one would be arriving soon as well. A kicking against the swollen skin of her stomach made her smile. She had become used to her child's constant motion over the past few weeks and didn't it just figure that any child of theirs would be a little ball of energy?

"Going to choir practice already?" a familiar voice asked and Emma turned around to smile at her husband.

"Already? Did you get lost in your books again, Nat? It's a quarter to noon! I'll be late if I don't go now!"

The man looked startled and glanced down at his watch before laughing. "I guess I did! Do you want me to drive you there?"

Emma rolled her eyes and walked over to her husband's side. As she gently took his hands in hers she said, "The fact that I'm pregnant doesn't mean I've suddenly turned to glass, sweetie. I'm perfectly capable of driving myself."

Nathaniel just smiled at his wife and gently pressed his lips to her forehead before whispering, "I know, you're a strong, independent woman who doesn't need fussing over. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop worrying."

Emma smiled softly and buried her face in her husband's chest as he gently held her close, careful not to put too much pressure on her stomach.

The embrace was quickly broken by little feet pounding against Emma's stomach, making the expectant parents laugh.

"I guess someone wants to get going!" Nathaniel exclaimed in amusement while looking down at his wife's stomach.

Emma laughed and said, "Well, he does seem to love choir practice. It's the only time he sits still!"

Unsurprisingly, Emma was the last on to arrive at practice. After the usual round of greetings, he friend Martha asked, "How's the singing experiment going?"

Emma smiled and rubbed her stomach fondly before saying, "Well, I've sung my little one the same song every day, so we'll see."

Carol, who'd been busily setting up her sheet music on the piano, looked up from her task and said, "You know, I think most mothers choose a nursery rhyme."

"And I chose my wedding song, much more personal and much more fun to sing, too."

The others laughed and began to take their places for practice as Emma absentmindedly hummed the song she'd taken to singing every day. She just hoped that her little Jack liked her choice.

It was almost two in the morning when the baby woke up and began to cry, loud sobs that quickly roused his sleeping parents from their slumber.

Within seconds, both Frosts were wide awake and exchanging tired smiles.

As Emma quickly started to get out of bed, Nathaniel gently took her arm and said, "Do you want me to go? I know you're exhausted."

His wife shook her head. "No, you know he's happier when I sing."

It was true. Only Emma's voice seemed to calm their little one when he was upset. "Okay, well, how about I go make you some tea?"

Emma laughed softly and leaned down to kiss her husband before whispering, "Go back to sleep, Nat. You've got work tomorrow and I'm still on leave."

Nathaniel sighed, but didn't argue as his wife left their bed and quickly hurried out of the room.

Jack was still wailing loudly when Emma got to his room. A speedy check confirmed that he was fine, probably just cranky.

After letting out a tired yawn, Emma picked up her little boy and held him close to her chest as she began to hum. The familiar sound of his special song soothed the baby and his crying stopped within a matter of moments as his mother began to sing the words:

Some say love, it is a river

That drowns the tender reed.

Some say love, it is a razor

That leaves your soul to bleed.

Some say love, it is a hunger,

An endless aching need.

I say love, it is a flower,

And you its only seed.

It's the heart afraid of breaking

That never learns to dance.

It's the dream afraid of waking

That never takes the chance.

It's the one who won't be taken,

Who cannot seem to give,

And the soul afraid of dyin'

That never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely

And the road has been too long,

And you think that love is only

For the lucky and the strong,

Just remember in the winter

Far beneath the bitter snows

Lies the seed that with the sun's love

In the spring becomes the rose.

By the time she finished singing, Jack was fast asleep and happily curled up against her.

Emma knew she could put him down and go back to sleep, but instead she sat down in the room's rocking chair and began to rock her sleeping child. As tired as she was, she knew these moments were precious and short lived. A little exhaustion was worth the memory of holding her sleeping son in her arms.

As she rocked back and forth, she began to hum the song once more.

Some say love, it is a river

That drowns the tender reed….

"I am never singing that song again!" Emma decreed, startling her husband and almost making him cut himself.

"Can we please refrain from surprises while I'm trying to chop vegetables for dinner?" Nathaniel asked, looking up from his task and into the sheepishly grinning face of his wife.

"Sorry, sweetie. It's just I can't do it anymore! I've been singing him that song every night for almost four years now and I'm finally sick of it."

Nathaniel couldn't help but laugh. "I'm surprised it took you this long! What's Jack going to do without his special song to put him to sleep?"

Emma frowned and slumped down into one of the kitchen chair. "He'll just get a new song, that's all!"

Before her husband could reply, the sound of little feet came running down the hallway and an excited three-year-old burst into the room.

"Mommy! Mommy! I sawed snow!"

Emma glanced out of the window and saw that Jack was right. Little, white flurries were gently falling from the sky: the first snow of the season.

"Indeed you did, but that doesn't change that fact that you're supposed to be taking a nap!"

Jack pouted and shook his head. "No naps! Snow!"

Emma groaned, clearly drained from a long day of playtime with her child.

Seeing his wife's exhaustion, Nathaniel put down his knife and walked over to snatch his son off the floor. As he spun the giggling toddler around, Nathaniel cried, "I bet you summoned that snow here, didn't you Snowflake?"

"Snow!" Jack agreed happily as his father stopped spinning and held him close.

"Well, we have to give the snow time to settle down before we play in it, okay?"

Jack's smile faded to a pout, but he nodded. "Then play?"

"Yes, then play, but only if a certain little boy takes his nap," Nathaniel agreed before tickling the toddler in his arms.

Jack giggled and squirmed while crying, "No tickle! No tickle!"

The cry made Nathaniel stop and press a kiss to his son's forehead. Then he said, "Alright, Snowflake, we're giving mommy a break! Let's go put you back to sleep."

As her two boys left the kitchen and headed towards Jack's room, Emma leaned back and started to ponder what song she'd replace Jack's lullaby with. Truth be told, she could still tolerate the song, but she wanted to stop now before she really started to hate her own wedding tune. Maybe she'd sing it again once Jack was a little older and she'd gotten the chance to refresh her love for it. Maybe… Well, they had lots of time ahead of them. She'd probably be ready to sing it again by the time Jack was a teenager.

"Jack? Are you okay?" Pippa asked, stopping mid-verse and looking worriedly at her brother who was sitting across from her with tears in his eyes.

Jack blinked in surprise and brushed away the tears, looking confused. "Sorry, Pip. I don't know what that was about."

The young woman frowned and said, "Well, I guess that means you don't like my song choice, huh?"

Jack immediately shook his head and practically shouted, "No!"

As his sister stared at him in surprise, Jack took a deep breath and started again, "No, I actually really like it! There's just something about that song that, I don't know… I would've sworn that I've never heard it before, but it makes me feel safe?"

"Which is why it brought tears to your eyes?" his sister asked skeptically.

The comment made Jack grin. "Hey, I'm getting married! I'm supposed to be overly emotional, right?"

Pippa laughed and shook her head. "Are you sure you don't want me to pick something else?"

"No. No, I like it and I think I'd be a great choice! The Rose is the perfect song for you to sing at my wedding."