What's Dead Is Dead.

Chapter 1: Expected.

Since the beginning he could always see the darkness that engulfed the world. The filthy streets of London from Peru he had seen it all. The cruelty of the world all around us. He saw it all.

Mrs. Lovett sighed to herself as she watched the man who she was so desperately in love with just sit there. Despite all the cruelty he had seen, despite all the devious acts she had helped him with. All for the sake of revenge. To avenge the acts that was done to him. From all the murder his 'friends' had help him commit, to her using the bodies for her ever growing in popularity meat pies. Nothing could have prepared them for what the world was now.

Mrs. Lovett paced in the bake house as her gaze never left him. The child she had to come to love as her own was passed out on the floor near the oven. She knew if anyone took a second glance they wouldn't be able to stare for long.

Now things had change.

The world was different.

Still as the barber had sat there in the same spot he had been for the past three hours the look in his distant eyes told her the truth. The truth was something Eleanor Lovett has never acted religiously on.

She couldn't help but think on how all this has started. How the world was now turned upside down.

It had all started as usual three days ago. Sweeney Todd had just finished off another customer who had the misfortunes of entering his shop.

Oh how she missed the easiness of just worrying about cleaning up the blood that was inevitable in their most not usual work.

She had brought him up a bottle of gin. His usual routine was to have a cup of gin after handling a customer.

She felt her body shiver as she remembered what now seemed so long ago.

She had been blabbing on and on about the mess that he rarely took in account to clean himself. She knew he had been ignoring her. He always did. Still he would occasionally mutter a response or nod his head. She really couldn't complain. Telling herself that once he was done with the oh so 'Honorable' Judge Turpin then all of this would be over. Soon they would be living by the sea.

She knew now that dream would never come true.

The door opening had startled them both from their usual routine. That's when everything changed.

"Sorry sir we are closed." She had said to the man that stood there. What was that god awful smell? Could it have just been her being in the bake house for so long?

Still the man didn't move immediately. A gurgling sound was coming from his throat.

"Dearie we are closed, still I could offer you a delicious pie if you want? Whatcha say?" She had come closer to the strange man.

That's when the man finally moved, he had gotten the surprise on her. Next thing Eleanor knew was she was on the ground screaming at the disfigured face of her attacker. What was he doing? Oh god he's trying to bite me she had thought to herself.

Sweeney had taken action then. Opening his 'friend' and cutting the man's throat. What had taken them by shock in that moment was the fact the man didn't go down. He continued. To try his attack as the blood poured out of his now open throat onto Eleanor.

Her screams were loud enough that it cause Toby to run into the room.

"Mum!" He shouted.

It was too late to do anything.

Sweeney pulled the monster off of her and with all his force he could muster he had taken his foot down again and again on to the head of the attacker.

"Mum? Mum! Are you all right!?" Toby had rushed to her side to the now shaking Mrs. Lovett.

"Quite all right dear…" She did her best to assure him.

Sweeney didn't move, his glance was dark and fixated on the man who had just attacked his partner and accomplish in murder.

"Not today…" He had muttered.

It was a very important day for him. Anthony was going to be bringing his daughter to him. Soon he was going to be reunited with the only family he had left.

Screaming through the streets had caught their ears.

"Mr. T?" She had spoken trying to get his attention as she stood. Still he didn't respond.

Toby had run out the door, the moment gun shots were fired.

"Love can you hear me?" She spoke louder.

His dark eyes fixed on her.

The look in them was more terrifying than the monster that had attacked her moments earlier.

The blood that stained her dress no longer was in her mind. Those beautiful dark eyes of his that could make her feel like she was melting away had something she had never seen before.


"Mum, Mr. Todd!" Toby ran back inside panicked.

"What is going on outside dear…" Her voice was shaking as she kept her eyes glued to the man who had seen all the cruelty and took part in the cruelty of man of his own.

"The streets are running red mum.. There is so many of those things… There eating people mum…" His words had an ironic notion for her.

How many gents and ladies had been consuming their fellow neighbors for the past few weeks anyways?

"We need to get outta her mum!" He had run up to her and had placed his hands around her wrist to try and pull her away. She started to budge until the sudden voice of Sweeney stopped them in their tracks.

"The bake house." If they hadn't been close to him they would have missed what he said.

His eyes found his way onto them.

"We'll be safe in the Bake house." He quickly turned to grab the box of his friends.

"But? Mr. Todd it only locks on the outside…." Toby had spoken up not hiding to well the distrust in his voice.

"No dearie it isn't" She had spoken up then.
The Barber and the child looked at her for a moment as she pulled the key from her corset under her dress.

"Let's go. Stay down and silent." Was all he said.

That was three days ago. She knew all of them were lucky that there was enough water and food down here to hold them off for the past three days but that may not last long.

She walked over to her barber and sat next to him.

He didn't stir at all.

It was then she saw the look in his eyes and knew what it was. He had known all along the true horror of the world. She had known that. Now she knew how naïve she was. He had seen all of this horror now as a possibility. He expected the world to fall for mankind to finally reveal their cruel and darker nature to the world.

Still he wasn't afraid.

He just merely expected it.