Shit. Was the first thought Snape had once he realized that, yes the boy wonder was on his deathbed once again. And once again, Snape was the only one around to save the idiotic boy-in-tights. With a flick of his wand, Snape levitated the boy out of his cupboard and with a firm grip, apparated Potter directly into his private quarters.


Pain was Harry's defining word. It was the only thing he understood. Pain was his boundary and all he could bring himself to be. A dark shadow moved around him and he groaned. He wasn't sure he could take another beating. He didn't even thing his accidental magic could save him now. All he could hope is that the Dursleys would let him get help soon. Harry was just about to plead again for help when he felt a sudden grip on his arm. He had time for one small gasp before he felt the familiar squeeze of apparation. As the world faded from around him, he had time to notice a warm fire and the sneering face of his least favorite professor.


Snape none too gently laid Potter on his couch before turning to his potions cupboard and taking out the necessary potions to heal the worst of Potter's injuries. When he walked back over to Potter he noticed that the brat had fainted on him. What use is our only hope if he can't even stand a little pain?Our world is going to go down in flames if this is the limit of what Potter can endure.

"You are a sad joke of a hope Mr. Potter. I imagine you will meet much the same ending as your useless bully of a father." Snape growled at the unconscious boy.

He sighed and set to work on Potter, spelling the necessary potions into his stomach and setting aside the ones he would need for later. Snape settled back into his favorite leather wing-backed chair with a book on advanced potion theory and a bottle of red ink and quill to correct all the ill-conceived notions no doubt contained within. This will be one long night. Once again Potter encroaches on what would have been a productive night.

It took Potter three chapters of the worst potion theories Snape had ever read to wake up.

"Professor?" He croaked, "Where am I?"

"Obviously your powers of observation are as lacking as ever otherwise you would have realized you are in my personal rooms. Why else would you be ensconced on my couch?" Snape said with a raised eyebrow. Snape set down his book and walked over to the couch. "Drink these." He ordered.

Harry drank the potions down before letting his head fall back to the couch. His eyes started closing again almost immediately even as he fought to keep them open so he could find out more about why he was with Snape of all people. He last thought before he lost the battle with sleep was that he had left one Hell for another.

Snape couldn't help but growl at Potter's lack of will to stay conscious long enough to figure out his situation. I do not like it at all the the boy has no means to survive. If he is truly our last hope against the Dark Lord he will need the type of training Dumbledore refuses to give him.

Snape nodded to himself, I will have to make him strong and since no one else seems willing to use the necessary methods to do so the job falls down to me. With one last sneer, Snape settled back in his chair and started planning the 'lessons' Potter would have to go through. That last thought was enough to give Snape a smirk, Yes. I will train the boy, but that does not mean I can't give him a lesson in humility as well. After all, what use is a hero who only thinks of himself, who cares nothing for the plights of others and who cannot even follow some of the rules. What use indeed.

There you have it, chapter 2! Sorry about the delay in updating, I'm trying to find a good balance between work, school, and family obligations.

Thanks to everyone who left reviews as well as those who followed or favorited my story!