"Have you ever got that feeling that you were destined to do something great or be something great? That out there, there is the one reason that you existed. I did, and I found out what I was meant to be. It took many years and a lot of pain, but I did it, and I gained something wonderful out of it. I think back on how I got here, and remember the good and the bad times I went through. My name is Seth Volturi, and this... Is my story."
"Hurry up Seth! The plane will be leaving in two hours! Lets go!"
"I'm coming," shouted Seth. He sighed. Why did Bella always have to be so bossy towards him? Ever since their mother, Renee, remarried Phil, she had changed, and not in a good way.
Seth Swan was getting ready to catch a plane to Washington with his older sister Bella to go live with their biological father, Charlie. Charlie lived in a small town called Forks. It was always cloudy except during the rare days the sun comes out. Mom wanted to travel with Phil, which meant that they would never stay in one place for long. Seth didn't want that kind of life.
Seth finished packing his bags and took one last look at his room. While it was small, it was cozy and warm. He was going to miss this place. The warmth, the sun and the hot desert air. He turned towards the door and walked out, leaving his old life behind and starting a new one, one that holds many future possibilities.
He headed downstairs where his sister, Isabella Swan, or Bella, his mom and his stepfather were waiting. They got into the car and drove off to the airport. When they got there, they did last hugs and kisses before he and Bella jumped onto the plane, leaving Arizona behind.
What the future held for them is something only time could tell. A new adventure was about to start, and where it would lead them, they did not know.