
This is the LAST CHAPTER, i'm happy you all enjoyed the story :) By the way, don't forget to read my author note when you're done with the chapter, i asked you something.

"Mom…." Alice's heart stopped when she heard her daughter's voice, she turned around just like the rest of the people in the funeral and saw Jade standing by the door, she had some bruises and her hair was a mess but she looked real and alive.

"Jade…" Jade's parents couldn't even cope, they were shaking and in shock.

Jade looked around and realized it was her funeral, there were pictures of her with flowers, a casket and everyone was dressed in black, she tried to walk towards them but they stepped back at first, it was a normal reaction, how could Jade be at her own funeral?

"JADE'S GHOST" Cat screamed.

"I'm not dead" Jade said and half smiled, her mother walked towards her and stroked her face.

"Jade" Alice hugged her daughter when she realized it was actually her and started crying; soon Michael joined them while everyone else was still in shock.

"Jade, darling" Michael kissed the top of her head and hugged her like never before, his prayers had been responded, his girl was back.

"Jade…" Tori said and Jade nodded, Tori hugged her and started crying "I knew you couldn't be dead, I knew you wouldn't leave me"

"No, I wouldn't…." Jade exclaimed while stroking Tori's hair.

They finally broke the hug and Jade smiled at her parents with tears all over her pale and damaged face. "What happened? They said your car fell off a cliff and they found a body in it" Michael commented confused.

"It was Beck, he killed a girl and pushed my car off the cliff with her in it" Jade informed.

"What? Why and how did you end up with him?" Tori's dad questioned.

"He threatened me with a gun and drove me to some house in the middle of nowhere, there he….. he…." Jade was embarrassed but she had to say it "He raped me"

"No" Alice covered up her mouth as more tears came out of her eyes.

"That son of a bitch" Michael said, rage and pain dripping from his voice, he only wanted to strangle Beck with his own hands but he had to stay calm for Jade and for his wife.

"Then he made me get in the car again and started telling me how he was gonna kill me, he said he'd strangle me and throw my body into a lake or push my car down a cliff with me in it" Jade explained with tears coming out of her tired eyes and each word destroyed Tori and Jade's parents more, she must have been terrified "He was gonna do it but when we were near the cliff Beck saw a girl walking down the road alone, she was about our age and Beck strangled her in front of me" Jade cried "then he told me to switch outfits with her and pushed the car off the cliff with the girl in it, he threw my purse away and made me walk back to the house"

"Oh my god" Cat exclaimed shocked.

"He tied me to a chair and left, next day he came again and told me I was officially dead, he said we'd be together till he got tired of me….he raped me every day for the past week and i couldn't stop him" Jade informed frustrated and angrily "I knew I had to escape by myself because nobody was gonna look for me and I wasn't gonna live as his slave so I waited until he fell asleep after he….did it again today and I took the keys and his gun and I shot him" she informed.

"Did you kill him?" her dad questioned seriously.

"No, no but I should have….I shot him in his leg and locked the door so he must be still in there, I took his car so even if he got out he wouldn't be able to come back, he can't walk" Jade commented proudly.

"Oh my…., thank god you escaped, honey" Alice hugged her daughter, she couldn't stop kissing her and Jade didn't mind feeling loved by her mother.

"Jade, you have to take us to that place" Tori's dad demanded.

"Okay" Jade nodded, she only wanted to make Beck pay for what he did to her, everyone was surprised and amazed by Jade's braveness and yet after living such a hell with Beck for a week, she looked strong.

Jade, Tori, the gang, Jade's parents and Tori's parents drove until the house and saw the door was still locked "He must be in there…." Jade commented nervously.

Tori's dad used the key to open the door and walked into the house slowly, he didn't see Beck at first because he was sat in the corner pressing his leg "Beck" Tori's dad said and Beck looked up at him.

"That bitch shot me" Beck said angrily.

"He is in here" Tori's dad informed and everyone else got in the house, Jade was nervous but she knew Beck wouldn't be able to hurt her now and she wanted him to see her and to know she was the one putting him in jail.

"Oh there you are…" Beck smirked at Jade "Look what you did to me, whore"

"Don't even talk to her you son of a bitch, I swear to god you're gonna pay for what you did to my daughter" Michael said madly.

"Your daughter? Oh I forgot, Jade has parents, well you should know your daughter is nothing but a disgusting slut" Beck chuckled

"Shut up" Alice screamed.

"It's okay, mom" Jade exclaimed "He can't hurt me anymore"

"Beck Oliver, you're under arrest for violating your restriction order, kidnapping, rape, murder and attempt of murder, you have the right to remain in silence, everything you say can and will be used against you in court" Tori's dad handcuffed him "Let's see if your uncle can get you out this time, in fact I think you're both going to jail together"

Later at the police station The Oliver's arrived once again to see his son and saw Jade with her parents "You again?" Beck's mom, Martha exclaimed angrily.

"Yes, me again and this time it doesn't matter what you do, Beck will spend the rest of his life in jail, you won't be able to lie again and all those men who said they've hooked up with me are gonna be unmasked in court, this time no one will believe Beck is a good guy because he is not, he is a kidnapper, a rapist and killer" Jade exclaimed and as soon as she finished she felt Martha's hand across her face once again.

Alice didn't even think, she immediately slapped Martha ten times harder "DON'T EVER TOUCH MY DAUGHTER AGAIN YOU BITCH" She screamed upset, she wasn't gonna stay there and see how that woman harmed her daughter.

Jade smirled at Martha's shocked face and hugged her mom who hugged her back and kissed the top of her head "Go ahead, see your son and call Brad, we're gonna need him too" Michael exclaimed and the West's turned around, that family wasn't worth their time.

Brad arrived about an hour later and saw Beck's parents talking to Beck, who was in a cell "Beck, are you crazy? I'm not gonna be able to get you out this time, they've got proofs of rape and murder, you're staying in jail for at least fifty five years" Brad informed.

"And you for at least five" Tori's dad commented and handcuffed Brad.

"What are you doing?" Brad questioned confused.

"Well, we found all the men who testified against Jade and.." Tori's dad began.

"I offered them more money to say the truth and guess what, Brad, they accepted" Michael exclaimed and smiled. "You're going to jail and I'm gonna make sure you stay there for a long time, you thought Jade was alone? well, she is not"

"Wait, no.." Brad exclaimed but Tori's dad put him in the same cell as Beck.

Mr. West hired a really good lawyer even though it wasn't necessary since the proofs would send Beck and Brad to jail but he wanted to make sure they got as many years as possible, as expected Jade won the case, Beck would have to spend seventy years in prison, Brad got six and his license removed which meant he could never work as a lawyer again.

As a personal revenge Michael hired someone in jail to make Beck his bitch, he wanted him to feel what Jade felt and indeed Beck quickly became popular in prison, Mr. West's money was basically a gift because the criminals enjoyed making Beck feel like the lowest slut.

A few weeks later, Jade and Tori were in Jade's room talking "So? How are we gonna tell your parents?" Tori asked while playing with her hair, Jade's head was on her lap.

"We could invite your parents over tonight for dinner…." Jade suggested "I think that'd be good, maybe they could help us if things get difficult"

"Yeah, I like the idea" Tori kissed Jade's lips sweetly and smiled; they called Tori's parents and organized the special dinner before Jade's parents arrived.

"Wow what is all this?" Alice asked when she walked into her house and saw the decorated table, the dishes and Tori and Jade wearing classy cute dresses.

"Yeah, are we celebrating something?" Michael asked.

"You'll see, now please go change your clothes because we have guests tonight" Jade exclaimed, Michael and Alice looked at each other and chuckled.

"Alright" Michael answered.

"You girls look gorgeous" Alice commented before going upstairs.

About an hour later Tori's parents arrived and Jade's parents came downstairs "Hello" Alice said nicely.

"Hi" Holly answered and they kissed each other's cheek.

"Nice to see you again" Michael commented.

"Our pleasure" Tori's dad responded, they shook hands and hugged.

"Okay, you guys hungry? Jade and I personally helped Lydia make the dinner" Tori commented.

"Well, kinda…. We did what she told us to do" Jade said and their parents laughed.

"Can't wait to taste that" Michael commented and they all sat down in the fancy table.

"This is really good, you girls did a good job following Lydia's orders" Alice commented after eating dinner.

"Yeah" everyone else agreed, the food was actually good.

"Okay time for dessert" Jade informed and the maids brought two cakes and some other things followed by cups of coffee for everyone.

"This has been a wonderful night and these desserts look delicious but will you please tell us what we are celebrating?" Michael asked.

Jade and Tori looked at each other and stood up a little nervously "Mom, dad, Tori is not my just my friend, she is my girlfriend and I love her" Jade said and grabbed Tori's hand.

Michael and Alice starred at each other emotionless for a few seconds but it felt like hours, Jade was so nervous that her parents would reject her after knowing she was bisexual.

Suddenly Jade's parents started laughing and everyone else in the room got confused "So that's the big deal? Darling, we already knew you weren't just friends, it's pretty obvious" Alice commented and Jade raised an eyebrow.

"Wait so you're not mad?" Jade asked.

"Why would we be mad? You like girls, that's fine and Tori is a wonderful young lady" Michael said.

"Yes, you two make a beautiful couple" Alice exclaimed and smiled at them, Tori and Jade weren't expecting that but it made them both so happy.

"Thank you, oh my god….I thought you would kick me out or something" Jade said sincerely.

"Kick you out? God, never and it's not like you did something wrong" Alice commented "So, tell us, for how long have you been dating?" she asked happily.

"For over a month" Jade responded.

"Aw well, that's really cute" Alice exclaimed, she was truly happy and excited for Jade and so was Michael.

"Wow this was a hundred times easier than I thought it would be" Jade giggled and smiled at Tori who smiled back.

"Kiss" Alice demanded and they turned to her surprised, it was another embarrassing moment like the one they had had at school with their friends.

"What?" Tori asked.

"Kiss, please" Alice said, Tori turned to her parents not knowing if it was appropiate but they nodded and smiled.

"Okay…" Tori chuckled nervously but turned to Jade and kissed her lips sweetly.

"Aww" Alice started clapping happily and the other three adults joined her, they were all clapping gladly for the joy of their daughters.

After that, they had dessert and talked for hours, The West's and The Vega's were now a big and beautiful family, Jade and Tori were finally free to enjoy their love without anyone in their way, things were better than ever and they would continue to be that way for the rest of their lives.

Yay Happy Ending!

I hope you all liked the last chapter! :) Don't forget to review.

Also, i want to thank you guys for being so nice, you guys are awesome! :)

Okay so a lot of you have been telling me to write more stories and it's really cool to know you would read my stories only because they're mine, you support me as an author and i really appreciate that!

I told my readers in my last story that i would probably write another "Psychiatric clinic HA" kind of story, you know like dealing with issues but in a different way, not exactly like that story and they were very excited, actually some of you read my last story too so maybe you already saw that.

I really want to write that OR ANOTHER story which would be violent and sad and bitter and suspenseful and obviously Jade would be the main character, i wrote a story called "The forest" a few months ago and i want to do something like that again.

So, what do you think? Which story would you like me to write first? (I'm not saying i will do it soon, i mean if i get really bored i will but if not, it might take me some time but i want to know what you guys would like to read)