A/N-I was really surprised at how little of these crossovers there are. Pokémon and Hunger Games, I mean. To be honest, I felt that if I did post this under crossovers, it wouldn't be seen very easily, so I posted it under Pokémon, because the only part of the Hunger Games that are really crossing over are the themes. Anyway...

After reading some here and there, I thought it might be fun to try creating a story for that. The style I used to write this story is actually extremely different to my typical style, so it was slightly harder at first, but I liked the finished product. Keep in mind that for many of us authors, BEGINNINGS ARE HARD. I can't write a good start for my life (at least, in my standards). But I was very happy that I actually managed to force myself to get up and write this, so please, enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon


"Very few humans are left in our world. Pokémon rule the streets, the forests, the oceans, everywhere. The Pokémon world has divided into seventeen regions, one for each of the elements, with us Authorities residing in the Center, another region set directly in the center of our world. The humans left are to be tested. The children they bear are vital to us. Those of a certain age either become a special trainer, mate with another to bring a new life into our world, take a position as one of the workers along with our own Pokémon Work Force, or left to die.

"However, humans are not the only ones to be tested. Every year, thirty-four selected special trainers are given a single Pokémon to raise. Of these thirty-four Pokémon, there are two of each type, although some might be dual typed, or evolves into a dual type when raised correctly. One year later, these thirty-four Pokémon will be entered into the Trial Arena. Or, more specifically, the Pokémon Games. The Pokémon population has grown. We must teach the others that we are not to be trifled with. This is a necessary move we must maintain to create the perfect Pokémon utopia.

"Last year, in the ninety-eighth Pokémon Game, we sadly did not have a winner. Our two finalists, Haxorus and Drapion, were too busy fighting to realize our final trick that year, for Palkia, one of our officials, to twist the space where they were. When they finally did realize this, the distortions had already taken hold of their bodies and was cutting off blood circulation, and they were dead within minutes. Palkia was, of course… punished for not making his job more clean.

"This year, I hope for better results. I'm much looking forward to the ninety-ninth Pokémon Games.

"To our players, I wish you all the best of luck." The Pokémon smiled, and the screen went black.

Chapter 1

The Selected

Grovyle was watching the Pokémon Channel again. He heard the strange Pokémon talk, saw a barely hinted outline, then watched as the screen blacked out. This was different than a human television. Grovyle inwardly scoffed. The Pokémon Channel had an actual Pokémon speaking. Since worthless humans couldn't understand however, they were either forced to buy an expensive Translator (Nothing to the Power Regions), or leave it. It was strange really. Grovyle understood everything his trainer said to him, but his trainer couldn't tell this from that. But his trainer wasn't all that bad, Grovyle mused. He had successfully raised Grovyle to a level of perfection.

They were in the Grass region, one of the four Power Regions of the Pokémon world. The others were Fire, Water, and Dragon. The Power Regions had the most luxuries, best meals, nothing less than the most perfect homes, training grounds, and many others. When Grovyle had first heard this, he had laughed. He didn't pity the other thirteen Regions. Who cared about them?

There was a knock on the door. Grovyle perked at the sound and watched his trainer walk over and answer it.

"Hello?" his trainer asked. Grovyle peered over to see a girl, frozen at the age of twelve. He remembered seeing her before last year, when he had first been given to his trainer and doomed to the games.

The girl was straight to the point. "Your one-year time limit is up. Grovyle needs to come with us. Hand me his Pokéball."

His trainer had explained the Game to Grovyle before. When one year passed, he would be entered into the brutal Pokémon Game of that year. Needless to say, however, Grovyle was prepared. He glanced at his trainer, and tilted his head down slightly. His trainer did the same, then pulled out a golden Pokéball, marked with "PGC" in loopy red handwriting near the center line, to the right. He wordlessly handed it over.

A smile curled at the girl's mouth. "Thank you for your cooperation."



Simisage fired an intense bolt of power at the dummy, tearing a wide hole through the stomach. Focus Blast. Another powerhouse move learned.

The dummy was swiped off the table by a Jumpluff, and was replaced by another dummy.


Simisage growled in annoyance at his trainer's persistence. Sometimes, it was good, sometimes it was bad. Now, especially, Simisage knew that he could hit with the Focus Blast exactly where he wanted, even with the accuracy setback of the move. Regardless, Simisage fired the Focus Blast at the dummy, once again causing a gaping hole to appear in the dummy's stomach.

Simisage glanced at his trainer, and was relieved to see him nodding in approval. No more training for the day.

There was a slow clapping. "Bravo."

Simisage whirled towards it, hurling a Seed Bomb at the intruder. The Seed Bomb was hurled towards the person, but suddenly stopped in midair and was flung to the side, exploding.

"What?" Simisage muttered to himself. He hated it when his moves failed.

"Oh don't be upset," a high voice chided. A girl stepped forward into the light. "Remember me?"

Simisage knew this was for the Games.

His trainer said proudly, "He's ready," and pulled out Simisage's golden Pokéball, handing it to the girl. Simisage made no sign of protest, and accepted what was to come next.


Arcanine stretched her legs as she stepped out of her comfy bed. Yesterday was pampering and freedom. Today was running exercises, as well as another race registration.


Arcanine sighed and stepped out of her own personal room to her trainer. It wasn't that Arcanine didn't' like her trainer. She was actually alright, for a human, and the two of them were pretty close. It was just… Arcanine wasn't in the mood for training today.

As she walked around the corner, Arcanine saw her trainer waiting at the end of the hall. She smiled. In her hand was a timer, in her other, Arcanine's special Pokéball. Gold was such a pretty color. Of course, red was better, but… a golden Pokéball was prettier than a red and bland one.

Her trainer opened the door and Arcanine walked out, blinking as a slight breeze ruffled her fur. It was nice today. Maybe an exercise would be okay.

Then a girl lifted her head and stared at them. Arcanine growled, but the girl was suddenly beside her. "Is this one of the Fire candidates?"

Arcanine's trainer nodded, her face going pale.

"What's wrong?" Arcanine barked, knowing her trainer didn't have her Translator on her at the moment.

"Arcanine's coming with us."

Arcanine paused. The Games, she thought.

"… Yes," her trainer said, almost faintly.

The girl held out her hand and raised a perfect brow almost questioningly. Arcanine watched as her trainer passed her Pokéball to the girl.

Arcanine knew the Games meant death, and lots of it. She wasn't eager to enter, but she also was eager to leave the town. It didn't have anything to do with her trainer—she was actually one of the few good things about the Fire Region that Arcanine was happy about.

No, it was more the fact that her name had a bad reputation here. Arcanine didn't want to stay in a place where every two hours someone would shoot her a hateful glare.

The girl turned to look Arcanine over. "You did an excellent job of raising the Growlithe. But now it's time to test her."


Magmortar laughed as he watched a church burn down in flames. The old wood couldn't handle so much fire. In fact, burning school buildings, churches, and other important places, was fun. Others in the Fire Region sometimes joined in, but it was much more satisfying to know if he burned these places down himself.

"Dear Arceus, not another..." Magmortar's trainer said, sighing. He probably knew it was hopeless to try and reason.

"Anyway, there's someone you need to meet." Magmortar turned away from the burning church, slightly annoyed. He saw a girl standing next to his trainer.

"She's here to enter you into the Games."

Magmortar scowled and launched a Flamethrower at the girl, who merely blocked it with a wave of her hand.

"Do we have to do this the hard way?"

Magmortar gritted his teeth, but shook his head.

She smiled falsely. "Good."


A small Piplup was floating in the water of a lake. "Ah… this is the life…"

All of a sudden, a Gyarados rose out of the water.


The Piplup screamed and ran, splashing water all over the place in her haste to get out.

Gyarados cackled. "AHAHAHAHAHA!" He knew he had a major scare factor. His considerable size and strength made him a strong opponent in itself, especially because only one type had an advantage over him. Still, he was decked with a variety of power moves, and could probably snap a Pokémon in half with his jaws. It would be useful for the Games…

Speaking of the Games, he could see a small girl standing near the water. She had a golden Pokéball in her hand. She was the same girl from before. Gyarados laughed again. "TRYING TO GET RID OF ME?" he boomed, directing his words at his trainer even though he wasn't there. Gyarados knew he could hear him. Or at least, his roar.

"WELL GUESS WHAT? WHEN I WIN, I'LL BE THE ONE LAUGHING! AHAHAHAHAHA!" He didn't even notice the girl returning him to his Pokéball.


Samurott raced through the water, pushing past the lead Dewgong at the start of the race. A water race was common in the Water Region. And Samurott had risen to the top in the last year. She smirked as she noticed the Cloyster trying to pass her. Time to take out some of the competition. After all, it wasn't against the rules. She flipped herself over, pulling out one of her shell blades, and struck the Cloyster inside its shell, at the head. Samurott landed back in the water and zigzagged through the course to the finish line, ignoring the shouts of pain from the Cloyster.

"And our winner is Samurott, Reigning champion from last year!" an announcer called.

Samurott stretched her neck proudly, listening to the cheers… which suddenly stopped. A girl was walking forward.

"Your time is up," she said. Samurott growled when her trainer stepped up.

"Easy, girl," he said. Samurott stilled, instead looking cautiously at the girl.

"Remember when I told you about the games?"

I didn't believe you, Samurott thought.

"It's time for that," her trainer continued gently.

Samurott dipped her head, nodding and her trainer pulled out her signature golden Pokéball, handing it to the girl, who smiled.

"We're expecting great things of you, Samurott."


Eevee was running around the house with Skitty, the Pokémon her trainer had kept around as a friend and pet of sorts.

"So I was watching the Pokémon Channel from out the window of that rich lady's house just now," Skitty began.

"What about it?"

"Well, they were talking about the Games…"


"They also mentioned that the selected Pokémon had golden Pokéballs."

Eevee paused. "What do you mean?"

"You have one, don't you?"

"U-um…" Eevee stuttered. Then she turned and ran. She had to get answers. Finding her trainer, she lunged and grabbed the golden Pokéball that was hers. Eevee set it on the ground, staring accusingly at her trainer.

"Eevee? What is it?"

Eevee pointed at the ball, to the PGC that was written on it.

Her trainer's hand crept up to her face and the bag she was holding dropped to the ground. "Oh, Eevee… I'm so sorry…"

Eevee stared at her trainer, stung. "You lied to me?" she asked. Her trainer didn't understand.

"I tried to tell you, but I couldn't! It would've hurt too much!" She made a move to pick up Eevee, but Eevee jerked away, her body tense.

"C'mon, girl. Please."

"You lied to me," Eevee almost wailed. "I thought I was normal!"

As if on cue, there was a rapping on the door.

"Oh, now what is it?" Eevee's trainer said tiredly, moving to answer.

A girl was standing there. Immediately, her trainer froze up.

"Eevee is coming with us."

"Oh…" her trainer murmured weakly.

"Give us her Pokéball."

When she didn't, the girl sighed and reached out, plucking Eevee's Pokéball from her trainer's grasp.

"Let's go, Eevee. It's time for the Games."

No! Eevee wanted to the scream, but couldn't as the red light from the Pokéball engulfed and returned her back to her Pokéball.


Porygon-Z watched its trainer's fingers move rapidly on the computer keys. Having a computer nerd for a trainer wasn't that bad, seeing as Porygon-Z was like a computer program itself.

The girl was standing behind him.

She looked impatient.

Porygon-Z sighed and went over to its trainer, grabbing the golden Pokéball on the worktable, and handed it to the girl, whose glare lessened slightly.

"I'll be taking Porygon-Z for the Games," she said, directing her words to the trainer, who merely replied with, "Mmm… yes, yes, this formula could bypass time itself!"

Porygon-Z sighed and followed the girl out. The problem with its trainer was that he sometimes was too engrossed in his computer to notice things.

He probably wouldn't even realize Porygon-Z was actually gone until the next morning.

A/N-So here it is. The first chapter of my crossover. This is more of just an intro, but just to let all of you know, I am not including the Fairy type. This story is strictly Generation 5 and under. It isn't that I don't like Gen 6, but more like I am still not used to it and the many type changes. Okay, moving on. Personally, not my best work, but believe me, after about three chapters (I think), it'll get much more interesting. Review if you liked :)